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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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The PSA interview with Franken a couple days ago was fucking awful. He didn't sound that good and Lovett was just terrible. What a bizarre mismatch it turned out to be.

Yup, said the same thing a few days ago.

I thought Franken was fine, if dry. The PSA folks were slavishly fawning over him in a way they don't even do for Obama, though, which was genuinely cringeworthy to listen to.

If anything, it cemented that he's not interested in being President.

All of their interviews are cringe.

Dan and Favs are good interviewers. Favs/Vietor/Lovett are terrible.

Find Vietor insufferable, so rarely listen to PSTW.

Lovett or Leave It is terrible and his recent interview of Villaraigosa was like softball after softball, and he still managed to come across as a total sleazebag.

Deray's interview with McAulliffe was decent, though I generally have an incredibly low tolerance threshold for activist-speak


Corporate Apologist
I fully expect Trump to pardon his entire family and himself before this is all over.

Here is a thought. If one of the main justifications given in that legal opinion for why the President can't pardon himself is the common law precedent that one can not be their own judge, shouldn't that logic also extend to him being unable to pardon for crimes that he had participated in?

That one I expect to be challenged in court at some point.


Yup, said the same thing a few days ago.

I thought Franken was fine, if dry. The PSA folks were slavishly fawning over him in a way they don't even do for Obama, though, which was genuinely cringeworthy to listen to.

If anything, it cemented that he's not interested in being President.

They kind of fawn over every guest they bring on and don't really ask tough questions. Their podcast is more of a platform than an avenue for serious interviews.

I've been gradually losing interest in PSA as time goes on. They don't spend enough time on anything to go really in depth on stuff, fill the episodes with ads and promotions for other podcasts, and giggle their way through lame jokes all the time. With Friends Like These is dramatically better.


They kind of fawn over every guest they bring on and don't really ask tough questions. Their podcast is more of a platform than an avenue for serious interviews.

I've been gradually losing interest in PSA as time goes on. They don't spend enough time on anything to go really in depth on stuff, fill the episodes with ads and promotions for other podcasts, and giggle their way through lame jokes all the time. With Friends Like These is dramatically better.

PSA makes for easy listening. Nice way to catch up on any Sunday show shenanigans on Monday. I still think the Thursday shows are really good and a lot more interesting, probably because Dan's the only one who actually had any non-communications role in the Obama White House.

Lovett is the quintessential sidekick character who fails time and time again as a leading man. On PSA he actually manages to make me laugh.
I lost interest in PSA as I moved away from liberalism towards socialism because it just doesn't really offer anything interesting except for maybe interviews with powerful people. But like, if I want a podcast just for news there's NPR, if I want a more interesting liberal perspective I can listen to The Weeds, and if I want a leftist perspective I'll listen to Chapo or Jacobin's podcasts. Lovett is pretty good and smart but the rest of the hosts are just not all that interesting now that I've moved away from liberalism.


PSA makes for easy listening. Nice way to catch up on any Sunday show shenanigans on Monday. I still think the Thursday shows are really good and a lot more interesting, probably because Dan's the only one who actually had any non-communications role in the Obama White House.

Lovett is the quintessential sidekick character who fails time and time again as a leading man. On PSA he actually manages to make me laugh.

I agree that the Thursday shows are better. Lovett's pod is just embarrassing, I tried twice to listen to it and couldn't finish either time.

I lost interest in PSA as I moved away from liberalism towards socialism because it just doesn't really offer anything interesting except for maybe interviews with powerful people. But like, if I want a podcast just for news there's NPR, if I want a more interesting liberal perspective I can listen to The Weeds, and if I want a leftist perspective I'll listen to Chapo or Jacobin's podcasts. Lovett is pretty good and smart but the rest of the hosts are just not all that interesting now that I've moved away from liberalism.

I have a love/hate relationship with Chapo. Sometimes they come off like the biggest assholes and idiots in the world that hate liberals more than Republicans.
On the topic of Russia shenanigans, what is the deal with that Jared Yates Sexton character? He's the one who claimed that he was working on the Donald Jr. story for a year before Jr. tweeted out the emails. That tweet got a lot of attention, but he also posted a bunch of other tweets around the same time (one thread starts here) with claims of other nefarious details that will supposedly emerge eventually.

At first I thought he was a legit journalist, but apparently he was pursuing the Russia stories as an "independent journalist" or hobbyist, so he might just be yet another rando Twitter conspiracy theorist. I'm curious, though, is he claiming that a source told him about the Donald Jr. meeting and also told him these other things? That would be a pretty bold claim. Apologies if this has already been discussed and/or he's been dismissed as a crank.
I have a love/hate relationship with Chapo. Sometimes they come off like the biggest assholes and idiots in the world that hate liberals more than Republicans.

Same. They can be funny as hell, though, and I relate to their interest in conservative fringe weirdo culture. I recommend Brian Beutler's Primary Concerns for a more serious, insightful, liberal take on the news than PSA. Any other political podcasts out there that anyone would recommend?


I couldn't stand Chapo. In general, I don't like listening to people who preach to the converted, which is the sense I got from the few eps I listened to. Maybe they're more generous than they let on, idk.

I should listen to Brian Buetler's pod. He's one of the best follows on Twitter (along with fellow TNRer JEET). Kinda impressive how they've turned the ship around at TNR after the Hughes debacle, though it'll probably never regain the cultural criticism cachet it once held.

I still religiously listen to the Axe Files, even though it's more apolitical than anything.

I enjoy the Crooked Media folks a lot still, but they have to expand their conversation beyond just "how do we message better". Yes, we get it, you're comms staffers. Great. Stop talking just about messaging.
Same. They can be funny as hell, though, and I relate to their interest in conservative fringe weirdo culture. I recommend Brian Beutler's Primary Concerns for a more serious, insightful, liberal take on the news than PSA. Any other political podcasts out there that anyone would recommend?
if you like socialism or socialist perspectives I'd recommend all of Jacobin's podcasts, though The Dig in particular is my favorite.


Since finishing White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America, I was wondering if PoliGaf had any suggestions for books that are an introduction to or considered must read books on class and/or socialism?

I read The Communist Manifesto back in high school, but that's about it.


Chapo sucks. It's an hour long purity test where everybody is yelling.

Pretty spot on. They don't really know anything outside of the white male socialist bubble and get extremely mad and dismissive at anyone who doesn't adhere to it. They can be funny but the negatives are outweighing the positives for me far more every time I listen.
Pretty spot on. They don't really know anything outside of the white male socialist bubble and get extremely mad and dismissive at anyone who doesn't adhere to it. They can be funny but the negatives are outweighing the positives for me far more every time I listen.

Which makes them Russian dupes. From the Russian playbook on geopolitics for the USA:

Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics.

All liberals have to work together and ditch this divisive shit. Bernie Bros contribute to our losses.


They're at the absolute height of lunacy conspiracy theories right now. They think, like, Hillary and the DNC tricked Trump Jr. into colluding with the Russians. And that the Russian contacts Trump Jr used are actually Obama plants.

To say it doesn't make any sense and is stupid as all hell is a huge understatement. Its also not even a defense, it's a pathetic attempt to deflect and say the Democrats are the real bad guys because they knew Trump people were stupid enough to fall into their trap.
Well, at least there's a consensus building across all sides of the political spectrum that the Trumps are stupid. We should take that as a minor victory.

Rough estimate? 1 in 5 posts contains some reference. The articles/posts about specific people--especially Liberal Men--contained substantially more. There was one about the impeachment filings and it was littered with people calling him a cuck.
What I think of people who use the word cuck all the time...

If the new long-term plan is to try to say that Obama set Trump up and deliberately set things up with Russia, do people realize how freaking stupid it would make Trump to have to admit he was outsmarted by and wholly humiliated by Obama? He'd never go down that route. He couldn't possibly speak ill of himself, ever. His most ardent supporters would have to admit it, too, because it's that or treason.


Since finishing White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America, I was wondering if PoliGaf had any suggestions for books that are an introduction to or considered must read books on class and/or socialism?

I read The Communist Manifesto back in high school, but that's about it.
Some sort of basic economics course for the latter if you haven't been exposed to it. Ujnder stranding why command economies crash and burn and why social democracies are perfectly ok w a capitalist framework is really important.


Corporate Apologist
If the new long-term plan is to try to say that Obama set Trump up and deliberately set things up with Russia, do people realize how freaking stupid it would make Trump to have to admit he was outsmarted by and wholly humiliated by Obama? He'd never go down that route. He couldn't possibly speak ill of himself, ever. His most ardent supporters would have to admit it, too, because it's that or treason.

You have to jump through so many hoops for that logic. Is the end goal to somehow say Trump was entrapped into colluding with foreign governments?


A British perspective on the current state of the Trump presidency:

The rot inside America’s first family

Last year the American people rejected political dynasty. Farewell Clintons. Goodbye Bushes. In their stead, we have the most dynastic first family in American history.

Donald Trump’s administration is little more than the Trump family plus some disposable retainers. It is unclear where the White House ends and the Trump business empire begins. One reason Mr Trump took against Qatar may have been that an influential Qatari denied Jared Kushner, his son-in-law, a $500m loan.

The Gulf state has reportedly rejected Mr Trump’s requests in the past. What were we thinking — that Mr Trump suddenly developed strong views on Gulf Arab politics? As the saying goes: follow the money. It is a mistake to read too much into Mr Trump’s actions. They are usually hidden in plain sight.

Had any non-blood related campaign aide met the Russian lawyer, Mr Trump could simply fire them. But Donald Trump cannot distance himself from an underling called Donald Trump. Nor can he escape from the fact that the other two people in the meeting were his campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and Mr Kushner, his son-in-law. The Trump campaign was a family business.

The same is true for the Trump White House. If you want the king’s ear, make friends with his offspring. That is the channel through which China, Saudi Arabia and others are conducting diplomacy with the Trump administration. That is also how Robert Mueller, the special counsel heading the Russia investigation, can strike at Mr Trump.

What does this mean for America’s engagement with the world? While Mr Trump is president, Washington is Bourbon city. For Mr Trump, no less than Louis XIV, it is “L’Etat, c’est moi”. The deeper the probes, the more the Trump family interests will infect every decision.

But the family now shows up in every field of America’s global engagement. Mr Kushner is Mr Trump’s de facto chief diplomat. His wife who is also Mr Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, is the face of American soft power. During the G20 summit, Mr Trump left the room for another meeting. Ms Trump took his place at the summit table between Xi Jinping, China’s president, and Theresa May, the British prime minister.

The signal to others working for the Trumps is clear. No other western democracy operates like this. Until recently, the US did not either. It will only become more pronounced as the Russia investigations gather pace. As the crisis deepens, the family will circle the wagons.

Those who are not inside the circle are doing what it takes to protect themselves. The latest leaks, like those before them, came from multiple sources in the White House. Could Stephen Bannon, Mr Trump’s chief strategist, be involved? As the chief architect of Mr Trump’s “America first” campaign, Mr Bannon is also the closest aide to the president not in the Trump family. He and Mr Kushner are rivals. As a self-professed Leninist, Mr Bannon’s chief aim is to blow up the administrative state.

If your goal is to disable the US government, now is the time to strike. Whether you are president of Russia, emir of some oil-rich kingdom or a nihilist working from the inside, Mr Trump offers an unparalleled opportunity. Trump is America and America is Trump. While he is president, the US republic is highly vulnerable.


Yup, said the same thing a few days ago.

I thought Franken was fine, if dry. The PSA folks were slavishly fawning over him in a way they don't even do for Obama, though, which was genuinely cringeworthy to listen to.

If anything, it cemented that he's not interested in being President.

Vietor/Lovett are terrible.

Find Vietor insufferable, so rarely listen to PSTW.

Lovett or Leave It is terrible and his recent interview of Villaraigosa was like softball after softball, and he still managed to come across as a total sleazebag.

Deray's interview with McAulliffe was decent, though I generally have an incredibly low tolerance threshold for activist-speak

Vietor is terrible. Lovett is slightly less terrible. They're both different breeds of ball-washers.


Since finishing White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America, I was wondering if PoliGaf had any suggestions for books that are an introduction to or considered must read books on class and/or socialism?

I read The Communist Manifesto back in high school, but that's about it.

David Harvey and Richard D. Wolff are good starting points.


Pretty spot on. They don't really know anything outside of the white male socialist bubble and get extremely mad and dismissive at anyone who doesn't adhere to it. They can be funny but the negatives are outweighing the positives for me far more every time I listen.

Chapo sucks. It's an hour long purity test where everybody is yelling.

Chapo sucks, but in the same way Pod Save America does imo. They're both slight and surface level. Its kind of a cheap, bullshit critique to level the white, socialist male critique at chapo. I find the PSA guys far more insufferable than chapo (funny that Chapo gets hit with the white label - while this doesn't absolve them, they have a woman on regularly at least). Chapo is far less douchey and funnier than PSA too.

To me though, Chapo has far more interesting guests. PSA gets congresspersons, but they rarely say anything. Chapo gets lots of authors, usually from the New Republic, that have really challenging and interesting things to say.

And lets be real - they shit on liberals, but it isn't as if liberals aren't equally dismissive of the DSA.

I find Slate's gabfest to be my favorite political podcast.- down the fairway liberalism, but very informed and very comforting.
Is Don Jr. just a complete moron or does he get off on thinking he can get away with this?
He and his entire family have never once been held accountable for a single thing in their entire lives. Of course he assumes he's getting away with it. Even when they're complete fuckups on something, they get bailed out (bankruptcy, foreign investments, russian political intel, etc) so they can go on and be even more reckless the next time.
Chapo is garbage. I have exactly no patience for the segment of the left that puts Democrats and Republicans in the same box and hates both equally. They can get fucked and I don't give a damm if it's not politic to say it so don't @me.

As for PSA, they're news but they're also at least as much entertainment. I think they straddle it fairly well. Objective is to keep people interested and activated more than to engage in serious discussions of policy, which is where something like The Weeds comes in. Pod Save The People is kind of a necessarily more serious take on the format. PSTW is more explanatory than entertaining or investigative, with a lot of inside baseball stuff going on. I think it works. Lovett or Leave it is super uneven but when he's got the right guests it sings.

Friends Like These is too nice for my blood. I listen but like, I had to cut my dad out of my life when I was 18 and I've barely seen him since so I don't get the "oh you shouldn't disassociate from people just because they hold monstrous views" thing doesn't land for me.


Chapo is garbage. I have exactly no patience for the segment of the left that puts Democrats and Republicans in the same box and hates both equally. They can get fucked and I don't give a damm if it's not politic to say it so don't @me.

As for PSA, they're news but they're also at least as much entertainment. I think they straddle it fairly well. Objective is to keep people interested and activated more than to engage in serious discussions of policy, which is where something like The Weeds comes in. Pod Save The People is kind of a necessarily more serious take on the format. PSTW is more explanatory than entertaining or investigative, with a lot of inside baseball stuff going on. I think it works. Lovett or Leave it is super uneven but when he's got the right guests it sings.

Friends Like These is too nice for my blood. I listen but like, I had to cut my dad out of my life when I was 18 and I've barely seen him since so I don't get the "oh you shouldn't disassociate from people just because they hold monstrous views" thing doesn't land for me.
Chapo doesn't do that so...

PARIS — President Trump was not expected to attend France’s Bastille Day, which this year will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the United States’ entry into World War I.

But then he learned there would be a military parade.

French President Emmanuel Macron told Trump in a June 27 phone call about the event, which this year will feature U.S. and French troops marching through the historic streets near the Arc de Triomphe, fighter jets cutting through the skies above, and flags, horses and military equipment on display — the sort of spectacle that Trump wanted to stage at his own inauguration in January.

Trump told Macron he would be there, according to a White House official, and French and U.S. officials rushed to schedule a last-minute trip that will last about 27 hours and include dinner at an opulent restaurant in the Eiffel Tower and a visit to Napoleon Bonaparte’s tomb.

The president and his large entourage arrived Thursday.



And now, for all my thoughts on political podcasts:

Yup, said the same thing a few days ago.

I thought Franken was fine, if dry. The PSA folks were slavishly fawning over him in a way they don't even do for Obama, though, which was genuinely cringeworthy to listen to.

If anything, it cemented that he's not interested in being President.

It was just really strange. Lovett was fawning hard over Franken, but Franken didn't seem to give a shit, and Lovett seemed to take that personally, which spiraled into bad questions with bad answers and a weird uncomfortable mood all around. It's like they were all on completely different wavelengths with each other.

Dan and Favs are good interviewers. Favs/Vietor/Lovett are terrible.

Find Vietor insufferable, so rarely listen to PSTW.

Lovett or Leave It is terrible and his recent interview of Villaraigosa was like softball after softball, and he still managed to come across as a total sleazebag.

Deray's interview with McAulliffe was decent, though I generally have an incredibly low tolerance threshold for activist-speak

I like Tommy, but most of his PSTW interviews are with people he worked with, so they're not terribly challenging exchanges. They're also really boring. His PTSW with Greenwald was tremendous, I thought, and it worked so well because they were coming at it from different sides. Dan, eh. I guess he's an ok interviewer, he's never really stood out to me on that front, but I don't think he's a good host (more Alyssa Mastromonaco plz).

I listened to the first episode of Lovett or Leave It and thought it was a total mess. Also only did just the first ep of Pod Save the People, and Deray came off like a complete amateur -- terrible follow-ups, actual pauses in the interview for Deray to take down notes like he was in a class (you could hear him writing during the dead air!). When he had Andy Slavitt had on and asked him to explain the difference between Medicare and Medicaid I knew this was a waste of time.

I used to listen to Axelrod a lot but haven't in the last several weeks. He's just a really dull interviewer, and constantly does this thing where he talks over the guest (and will keep talking over them until they shut up) to make a point that takes him 30 seconds to actually get out of his mouth. I don't know if that's a bad interviewer thing or just an old man thing, though.
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