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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Foreigners love Obama...because he's one of them. Mitt for President of AMERICA!

Foreigners love Obama because he's not a backwards idiot like Romney and they actually have the common sense to see that, and see past the detrimental far right BS of the GOP. May sound harsh, but it's the truth. It's a huge reason why the public opinion internationally of American people is not so great. Bush twice, Iraq and all sorts. If Romney won I guarantee you public opinion internationally of Americans yet again would take a huge nose dive.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

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Foreigners love Obama because he's not a backwards idiot like Romney and they actually have the common sense to see that, and see past the detrimental far right BS of the GOP. May sound harsh, but it's the truth. It's a huge reason why the public opinion internationally of American people is not so great. Bush twice, Iraq and all sorts. If Romney won I guarantee you public opinion internationally of Americans yet again would take a huge nose dive.
It's amazing seeing the difference in reaction from the rest of the world when Democrats win versus when Republicans win. The world breaths out a collective sigh of relief when Dem wins, but they express horror and disbelief at our stupidity when the Republican wins.

And it wasn't always this bad! Back in '88 when Papa Bush won, we saw little-to-none of the incredulity expressed at his victory. Similarly, the world didn't really sigh in relief when Clinton won in 1992. It shows just how much Bush and his folks have changed these things..


Looking more at that Virginia poll...it seems quite attack-proof. The dem sample isn't too big, in fact it's smaller than in 08.

I tend to think Virginia is virtually tied, but it's very possible Hispanics and black turnout will exceed LV model projections and give Obama a 2% win. Same in Colorado.

Plus, northern Virginia is still the fastest-growing region in the state, and the political scene there is relatively liberal.


It's amazing seeing the difference in reaction from the rest of the world when Democrats win versus when Republicans win. The world breaths out a collective sigh of relief when Dem wins, but they express horror and disbelief at our stupidity when the Republican wins.

And it wasn't always this bad! Back in '88 when Papa Bush won, we saw little-to-none of the incredulity expressed at his victory. Similarly, the world didn't really sigh in relief when Clinton won in 1992. It shows just how much Bush and his folks have changed these things..

Well, it was a very different world back then. Internet was restricted to emails and newsgroups, and Rush Limbaugh was spreading his filth on TV.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony

thread destroyed

If they want to play that game, here's the version for conservative argument playbook:

1. Ignore Randomly Capitalized Facts that Hurt your Position.

when that doesn't work

2. Say "It's Obama's fault!"

when that doesn't work

3. Call them a Socialist and then Act extremely Angry until they walk away!

Note: if Facts continue to Come your way, proceed to Fox Nation and participate in online Polls angrily.


If they want to play that game, here's the version for conservative argument playbook:

1. Ignore Randomly Capitalized Facts that Hurt your Position.

when that doesn't work

2. Say "It's Obama's fault!"

when that doesn't work

3. Call them a Socialist and then Act extremely Angry until they walk away!
Yes, that image most certainly needed a line by line takedown.
Are you going to tackle Ramirez cartoons next?



pulling the economy out of the doldrums, getting more Americans back in the workforce in meaningful jobs with promising futures, and getting the federal government on a track to balance the budget in a bipartisan manner that the country demands.

Which candidate could forge the compromises in Congress to achieve these goals? When the question is framed in those terms, Mitt Romney emerges the stronger candidate.

so the man with the bipartisan plan is the one that wants to repeal Obamacare, wall street reform, not raise a single dollar in tax revenue to reduce the deficit, and cut medicaid by a large amount? Democrats are lining up for that deal. Maybe they figure democrats will cave, prolly will too.


so the man with the bipartisan plan is the one that wants to repeal Obamacare, wall street reform, not raise a single dollar in tax revenue to reduce the deficit, and cut medicaid by a large amount? Democrats are lining up for that deal. Maybe they figure democrats will cave, prolly will too.
It's the biggest joke conservatives have been able to pull. They never compromise then accuse Obama of not being able to compromise.


Well, it was a very different world back then. Internet was restricted to emails and newsgroups, and Rush Limbaugh was spreading his filth on TV.
Yup. And I remember my godfather, love him to bits, but as soon as he found-out I liked following politics, he started to push Limbaugh on me like crazy.

"You should watch his TV show - it's smart and funny!"
"Did you hear him on the radio yesterday? Maaan, he really exposed Clinton!"

Probably broke his heart when he found out that I had gone over to the dark side. Funny thing about that.. our family is very Republican, but the three of us who were considered the "family brains" all became flaming liberals. When I found out about my other two cousins' leanings (one older, one same age as me), I saw it as no small coincidence, and it cemented the whole "liberals=smart" stereotype in my mind. (all three of us also went on to fulfill the "successful liberal professionals living in the city core" stereotype over the next two decades)

At the family Christmas gathering after Obama won, I walked into my grandma's house and looked for the other two in the crowd. Eye contact was made, along with knowing smiles and nods - but we played it very cool for the rest of the night, as we're always outnumbered by about a six-to-one ratio.

This year is going to be so goddamn sweet. They've been keeping me informed on our relatives' frantic Facebook postings, and I might not be able to be quiet. :)


According to one of my friends, one of our local early voting sites had the line stretching out to the back. This is South Fla here, so I'm assuming the majority of those peeps were voting for Bams. Hopium!


Wow. Their whole justification is that Romney has economic fairy dust that will cause the economy to go up as soon as he's elected, and that no, really, he was only pretending to be right-wing and once he's in office it'll all be cool.



The endorsement says:

That stimulus was necessary to bridge the nation from recession to recovery, but the time is past for more government stimulus.

They don't qualify that statement all. It's absolutely the time for more stimulus. The only reason it won't happen is the Republicans. Why reward them? Clearly these guys are hacks.


According to one of my friends, one of our local early voting sites had the line stretching out to the back. This is South Fla here, so I'm assuming the majority of those peeps were voting for Bams. Hopium!

The news was saying wait times were 5+ hours at some places in Miami-Dade.

I early voted for Bams in 08 and waited 5 hours in Broward. Just doing absentee this time :p.


Seriously, how can someone read that and come to a conclusion he's believable? Silver may be a democrat, but all his articles are based entirely on numbers

Many on the far left are hanging on to the slightest hope that the planets will be aligned on election day and magic will happen and somehow, although it's entirely unlikely, that their beloved messiah, President Barack Obama, will be reelected despite having proven to be the most economically destructive, most expensive to the taxpayer and overall worst president in the entire history of the United States

beginning of that article...did not have to read further.


The news was saying wait times were 5+ hours at some places in Miami-Dade.

I early voted for Bams in 08 and waited 5 hours in Broward. Just doing absentee this time :p.
Probably going to vote this Tuesday. I'm in Florida, so naturally Obama's got this. Ill be voting for Jill Stein!


brazen editing lynx

Let's start with looking at Ohio. Not a single recent, and credible, poll of Ohio shows Obama at or above 50 percent. An incumbent not polling at least 50 percent right now is highly unlikely of winning, because the undecided voters are undecided because they have decided not to vote for the incumbent, but haven't been fully sold on voting for the challenging. Between now and election day, they will either be sold on voting for Romney or they might otherwise decide to not vote. Yes some undecided voters will do that.

The latest Rasmussen poll of Ohio shows the race tied at 48 percent. That means Romney will get almost 52 percent in Ohio. The latest polls by Purple Strategies shows the race in Ohio Obama 46 percent, Romney 44 percent. That means Romney wins at least 52 percent when the undecided voters decide how to vote. The latest ARG poll in Ohio shows Obama leading 49 percent to 47 percent. Again, that would mean Romney wins by almost 51 percent with undecided voters. In reality, Romney is going to win Ohio.

I'm speechless. What the hell kind of logic is this?


Lol election day is going to be glorious.

seriously though I think Dean Chambers is intentionally trolling Republicans right, to make election day more hilarious?

Because how can he really be serious:

Dean Chambers said:
That is the only recent poll of Wisconsin reported by RCP that gives Obama a lead larger than the margin of error. That's all liberals have, one badly skewed poll to say Obama is going to win this state. And Nate Silver and his gerrymandered stats and fuzzy math. Ol' Nate says Obama has a 85.7 percent change of winning Wisconsin, despite how close those polls are. I don't know where he gets those numbers, I suspect he makes them up on the basis of wishful thinking. Or maybe he uses numerology. Who knows.

if he is unironically sayin' shit like this?


They don't qualify that statement all. It's absolutely the time for more stimulus. The only reason it won't happen is the Republicans. Why reward them? Clearly these guys are hacks.

I think they're saying that we don't need stimulus anymore, not that it is overdue.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
seriously though I think Dean Chambers is intentionally trolling Republicans right, to make election day more hilarious?

Because how can he really be serious:

if he is unironically sayin' shit like this?

What is "numerology"? Like...divination?
Every so often I do see a post or message about undecides breaking for the challenger 80% of the time, but of course I have no idea where that comes from, so I'm very sceptical about it being true...

EDIT: The fact I only see it on right-leaning sites also calls it into question.
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