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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Christie wants Obama to win so he can run in 2016. Because if Romney wins he is all but assured re-election due to the fact the economy is going to come roaring back no matter who wins thanks to the policies put in place the last 4 years. And Ryan will then be the in waiting nominee. Either Obama wins or Christie won't get a chance to run for President. His moves make sense.


He'll do exactly what Obama would do- except he'd also do it while being white.
I'm sure a lot of people are trying to use that angle secretly.

He being Romney? O god no, he would do nothing like Obama. All the regulations that protect consumers? Gone, free market will decide. Every agency that isn't defense? Gone or misused. All the extra money from higher taxes on the middle class? Sent to his friends through "accounting tricks." Romney has shown that his word means nothing, making our allies not trust the US again. Obama has worked so hard to get the US at a fair standing with ALL our allies!! Healthcare reform? Gone, Romney only gives a sharde to keeping parts of the laws(to get people to belive he won't get rid of it). It's thousands of pages long, most of which I doubt Romney read. (I just finished reading it this summer). Balanced budget? Ha, during his reign at Bain he had 247 small town businesses go bankrupt in one year, no recession caused it either as it was during Clinton's era. He then renamed them, hyped it up, and sold them before investors knew what was happening. You cannot do such practices in government, it's not possible at the federal level to raise your "stock price" by renaming yourself!


Just a funny thing I observed, the local news spent 15min interviewing people about how the Des Moines Reigster endorsement means nothing and that the editorial board does not reflect the people, then followed it up with the Gov telling us a record number of absentee ballots have been cast and most of them Democrat.

So yeah anyone still worried about Iowa for some stupid reason, there it is lol


Christie wants Obama to win so he can run in 2016. Because if Romney wins he is all but assured re-election due to the fact the economy is going to come roaring back no matter who wins thanks to the policies put in place the last 4 years. And Ryan will then be the in waiting nominee. Either Obama wins or Christie won't get a chance to run for President. His moves make sense.
He'd actually be pretending to reach across the aisle which could make him more palatable. Don't see how he doesn't become a slightly better Romney type candidate though. And he has no shot when Obama endorses Hillary.


He being Romney? O god no, he would do nothing like Obama. All the regulations that protect consumers? Gone, free market will decide. Every agency that isn't defense? Gone or misused. All the extra money from higher taxes on the middle class? Sent to his friends through "accounting tricks." Romney has shown that his word means nothing, making our allies not trust the US again. Obama has worked so hard to get the US at a fair standing with ALL our allies!! Healthcare reform? Gone, Romney only gives a sharde to keeping parts of the laws(to get people to belive he won't get rid of it). It's thousands of pages long, most of which I doubt Romney read. (I just finished reading it this summer). Balanced budget? Ha, during his reign at Bain he had 247 small town businesses go bankrupt in one year, no recession caused it either as it was during Clinton's era. He then renamed them, hyped it up, and sold them before investors knew what was happening. You cannot do such practices in government, it's not possible at the federal level to raise your "stock price" by renaming yourself!

Sorry, let me rephrase. He'll say he'd do exactly what the President would do.
Philly Power will be out for 7-10 days, ouch

PSE&G says customers who lost power should be prepared to be without for 7-10 days. Here's the latest outage numbers: bit.ly/VzvwzJ

Hopefully doesn't stop them from voting! Looks like 500k people
NPR National Poll:
48 - R
47 - O

Going to tap out any preemptive panicking by posting this again:



Going to tap out any preemptive panicking by posting this again:


Actually it's better to just post the RCP average of Ohio for the year, in which Romney has never, not even one day, been above Obama in the averages. The closest was O +0.7 in the immediate aftermath of the Republican convention.

I'm going to keep hammering this home because this combined with early voting combined with Obama's just incalculably superior ground game (like a trillion field offices to Romney's comparably few, Obama's infinitely better micro targeting game, etc) is what makes this race essentially over.

What is going to change now in seven days? And now this week has the added benefit of Obama looking presidential to aid Hurricane victims.

Seriously, it'd be the most mindboggling confusing turn around in electoral history if Romney managed to defy the rolling poll averages of every single day for a whole year.


As in...?

Said the President called him 3 times last night, gave him his direct number if he needed anything, he asked President Obama at midnight to get FEMA to skip all the mumbo-jumbo and get NJ declared a major disaster area and the FEMA director was on the phone with him by 2 AM and President Obama had signed the order by 5 AM. Basically President Obama and the federal government have been great and completely on top of it and deserve a lot of credit for their handling of this so far.

Also, I hope they send the Army Corp of Engineers out to help get power back on in the cities. Like I said in the Sandy thread, there's not going to be the amount of crews available to help out that there would be with a normal storm since this one is so big.


Philly Power will be out for 7-10 days, ouch

Hopefully doesn't stop them from voting! Looks like 500k people

You must not have ever been to the East, week long power outages are normal even during a winter storm. Not sure how that is supposed to keep people from voting since you know they have these things called ballots you can fill out


Said the President called him 3 times last night, gave him his direct number if he needed anything, he asked President Obama at midnight to get FEMA to skip all the mumbo-jumbo and get NJ declared a major disaster area and the FEMA director was on the phone with him by 2 AM and President Obama had signed the order by 5 AM. Basically President Obama and the federal government have been great and completely on top of it and deserve a lot of credit for their handling of this so far.

Also, I hope they send the Army Corp of Engineers out to help get power back on in the cities. Like I said in the Sandy thread, there's not going to be the amount of crews available to help out that there would be with a normal storm since this one is so big.
Good shit, thanks for the recap.


You must not have ever been to the East, week long power outages are normal even during a winter storm. Not sure how that is supposed to keep people from voting since you know they have these things called ballots you can fill out

How will that affect voter enthusiasm though? I know if my power was out (or if it was raining outside), I'd be much less likely to vote. Well, if it wasn't this important, I would be. But I know a lot of people who don't care that much and would only go if it was convenient. And whatever anyone wants to say, we still need those voters to vote for Obama.


How will that affect voter enthusiasm though? I know if my power was out (or if it was raining outside), I'd be much less likely to vote. Well, if it wasn't this important, I would be. But I know a lot of people who don't care that much and would only go if it was convenient. And whatever anyone wants to say, we still need those voters to vote for Obama.
Who can say for sure? It's a week from now and this is unprecedented. No use worrying about that now.
Said the President called him 3 times last night, gave him his direct number if he needed anything, he asked President Obama at midnight to get FEMA to skip all the mumbo-jumbo and get NJ declared a major disaster area and the FEMA director was on the phone with him by 2 AM and President Obama had signed the order by 5 AM. Basically President Obama and the federal government have been great and completely on top of it and deserve a lot of credit for their handling of this so far.

Also, I hope they send the Army Corp of Engineers out to help get power back on in the cities. Like I said in the Sandy thread, there's not going to be the amount of crews available to help out that there would be with a normal storm since this one is so big.

But did he fly over it in air force one!


Christie ain't running for shit in 2016. Fat bastard can't speak two words without heaving. He could barely stand at the podium yesterday.
Unless he goes on a serious diet he won't live to see 2016.
Said the President called him 3 times last night, gave him his direct number if he needed anything, he asked President Obama at midnight to get FEMA to skip all the mumbo-jumbo and get NJ declared a major disaster area and the FEMA director was on the phone with him by 2 AM and President Obama had signed the order by 5 AM. Basically President Obama and the federal government have been great and completely on top of it and deserve a lot of credit for their handling of this so far.

Also, I hope they send the Army Corp of Engineers out to help get power back on in the cities. Like I said in the Sandy thread, there's not going to be the amount of crews available to help out that there would be with a normal storm since this one is so big.

Yea, Obama has been on top of it.

I am assuming nobody asked him as a follow up on what he thinks about his choice for President saying America can't afford disaster relief and that FEMA should be shut down and states should handle everything.

Oh well, maybe someone will ask these questions on this Sunday shows.


How will that affect voter enthusiasm though? I know if my power was out (or if it was raining outside), I'd be much less likely to vote. Well, if it wasn't this important, I would be. But I know a lot of people who don't care that much and would only go if it was convenient. And whatever anyone wants to say, we still need those voters to vote for Obama.

Those people most likely would not have voted anyway, the GOP should be more worried since their voters tend to skew older and have the most trouble during emergencies like this

But go ahead and think that ONLY Democrats will be the ones to opt out of voting and have been hurt by the weather
How will that affect voter enthusiasm though? I know if my power was out (or if it was raining outside), I'd be much less likely to vote. Well, if it wasn't this important, I would be. But I know a lot of people who don't care that much and would only go if it was convenient. And whatever anyone wants to say, we still need those voters to vote for Obama.

In Bergen County are polling places are usually very close to where we live. I vote in the building next door.
Those people most likely would not have voted anyway, the GOP should be more worried since their voters tend to skew older and have the most trouble during emergencies like this

But go ahead and think that ONLY Democrats will be the ones to opt out of voting and have been hurt by the weather

Well, the storm did hit an overwhelmingly Blue area.
Those people most likely would not have voted anyway, the GOP should be more worried since their voters tend to skew older and have the most trouble during emergencies like this

But go ahead and think that ONLY Democrats will be the ones to opt out of voting and have been hurt by the weather

Maybe I am wrong, but flooding till now seems to have affected the Urban areas that are Dem strongholds (like Philly) more than rural areas.


Those people most likely would not have voted anyway, the GOP should be more worried since their voters tend to skew older and have the most trouble during emergencies like this

But go ahead and think that ONLY Democrats will be the ones to opt out of voting and have been hurt by the weather

I hear this argument alot and I don't think it's very sound. Yeah it paints a prettier picture, but let's be real- who's more likely to skip voting because it's raining outside? The 20 year old college student who doesn't really understand how politics affects the country or the 80 year old grandpa who lived through more racist times? Hell, regardless of any other factors, turnout among the young is already pretty low and turnout from the older people is fairly high.



Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who Christie often represents on the trail and on morning shows, is considering a trip to New Jersey, the Associated Press is reporting. But Christie said on Tuesday he was unaware of any plans.

“I have a job in New Jersey that is much bigger than presidential politics," Christie said on Fox & Friends. "I couldn't care less about that.”

Not much. It's not like Red voters are gonna take their place.

What do you think will happen with the popular vote?


The Autumn Wind
Just got back from voting with a friend. Not too bad; less than an hour and a half altogether.

Obama +2 in Florida.
Chris Christie said:
(Obama) has been incredibly supportive and helpful to our state and not once did he bring up the election," Christie said on CNN. "If he's not bringing it up, you can be sure that people in New Jersey are not worried about that, primarily if one of the guys running isn't.

Seriously, Christie is on the Obama payroll now right? He's kissing his ass on every network.

If Romney is seriously thinking about going to New Jersey, he better be careful, that could turn against him very easily


Seriously, Obama has enough of a cushion in places like CT/NJ/NY and other states that it won't matter and I doubt it'll have a significant effect on the pop-vote margins.

The only place that ya might be worried about is PA and almost all of PA is getting hit (in fact, Sandy is hovering over the middle (conservative) portion of the state right now), so it's not like it'll be decisive either way. And as others have said, bigger cities like Philly are likely to get help first anyway.


Seriously, Christie is on the Obama payroll now right? He's kissing his ass on every network

he just sees the writing on the wall is all

plus jersey is going to go for Obama so he has to tread carefully

Y2Kev said:
I can't find this on Kos' website. Where is it?

This is the article he was talking about:


But this is what it says:

In 2008, 31.6 percent of the vote was cast early, or 481,179 votes. We're already close to matching that this year, with 470,801 ballots cast. So doing some quick math, that's a nearly 59,000-vote edge for Democrats. It's not as large as 2008, but that's not surprising. The Romney campaign is more organized than whatever broke thing John McCain had, and they've been pushing early voting as well.

So five days of early voting left and the state of play: The Democrats have a lead, but not one that guarantees victory for President Obama. Republicans, though, have to be worried about Washoe County, where the Democrats have been building a small lead -- it's about 1,600 votes or so now. Republicans will win Election Day there and elsewhere. But if the Democrats keep it close in Washoe, it's almost impossible to see a path to a Romney victory.

The latest numbers (no mail counted Sunday) in Clark:

Democrats -- 146,937, or 49 percent
Republicans -- 99,515, or 33 percent
Others -- 54,540, or 18 percent


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I see it, thank you. That's...not really a bad spin on things. Seems to be in fairly good shape. hut hut OFA, keep going


Actually it's better to just post the RCP average of Ohio for the year, in which Romney has never, not even one day, been above Obama in the averages. The closest was O +0.7 in the immediate aftermath of the Republican convention.

I'm going to keep hammering this home because this combined with early voting combined with Obama's just incalculably superior ground game (like a trillion field offices to Romney's comparably few, Obama's infinitely better micro targeting game, etc) is what makes this race essentially over.

What is going to change now in seven days? And now this week has the added benefit of Obama looking presidential to aid Hurricane victims.

Seriously, it'd be the most mindboggling confusing turn around in electoral history if Romney managed to defy the rolling poll averages of every single day for a whole year.

Basically it would have to be like the 1936 election where inaccurate polling practices caused polls to show that Landon would win in a landslide.
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