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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Hawkian that's basically how all blue states that aren't tucked into the deep Northeast look like on election day.

Big urban areas for Democrats, with maybe one or two other counties in between doing the Dem thing, and everywhere else going for the Republicans.
By the way for people having a difficult time understanding why I'm getting so worked up and why my state is so overwhelmingly frustrating to live in:

This is what an overwhelming, clear victory for Obama in Florida looks like:


So jelly.

That's actually not that bad. Look at Nevada, or PA.



"red" counties tend to be the places where no one actually lives. looks worse on the map than it actually is.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Sounds like Florida is going Romney, given the vote breakdown (Obama up in one region)
Hawkian that's basically how all blue states that aren't tucked into the deep Northeast look like on election day.

Big urban areas for Democrats, with maybe one or two other counties in between doing the Dem thing, and everywhere else going for the Republicans.
I know you're just furthering the discussion and not trying to educate me- but of course I know that. How many electoral votes do those states you're referring to carry?
That's actually not that bad. Look at Nevada, or PA.

Ah yes, Nevada, with its half (er... less, goddamnit they lost one) as many electoral votes as Massachusetts


By the way for people having a difficult time understanding why I'm getting so worked up and why my state is so overwhelmingly frustrating to live in:

This is what an overwhelming, clear victory for Obama in Florida looks like:


So jelly.
Yeah, NE states notwithstanding, that's what many states look like though. PA in 08 and he won by 10 pts.

Edit: and beaten to the point.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah sorry guys, I'm not unaware of this county impact (urban centers go dem and every other area goes red); I'm just saying that it's incredibly frustrating that the map I posted is what the state looks like with a CLEAR, decisive victory, when it carries so many electoral votes in the first place. It's just a terrible thing to be a part of :-[


consider this Hawkian, I work at an Army Depot. it's something like 80% Republican

everyday I have to hear people sniping Obama hardcore


The Cryptarch's Bane
Well, yes, that sucks and I'm sorry. I live in a communist haven as it were

I just wish we couldn't do so much damage down here :(
It was Election Eve, 2016. President Barack Obama stood idle, wearing a pensive expression on his face that hid his anxiety. It was amazing to think of where he was just three years ago. Everyone in the media, a function of society he detested, had been excitedly chattering about the statesmen lining up to take his place in 2016. Of these, one name emerged - Hillary Clinton - but those hopes were dashed when she'd denied any interest in the presidency. Neither side could produce one half-decent candidate who Obama approved of... Well, except one.

Obama was waiting in the wings to stump for New York governor Andrew Cuomo, who bought his way to the Democratic nomination just like his rival, Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney won the Republican nomination four years prior. As far as the President was concerned, the differences between the two men could not be more miniscule. Sure, Mr. Cuomo was hardly bound to any religious ideology the way Mr. Romney was, but at their core they were businessmen, men who accumulated wealth through luck and family connections, and were now trying to win the hearts of the American people without any of the charisma or class to be expected from presidential candidates.

"It's all a part of the game, Barack," he told himself. As a Democrat, his name would be tarnished in liberal circles if he had denied to endorse Mr. Cuomo as his heart wanted him to do so much. While waiting, his blackberry began to buzz.

The Secret Service, figuring that President Obama was on his way out, restored his phone privileges. It was a feature that the President enjoyed having again in his life.

He looked down on the screen. It was the Republican nominee, New Jersey governor Chris Christie. His girth was so that only a quarter of his face could be contained on the screen.

Obama glanced out at the crowd. Joe Biden had just taken the stage. Crazy old Joe. Barack figured he had about seventeen minutes, but with Joe there was never a guarantee. This would certainly be a risk.

He answered the phone.

"Hey baby," Barack said.

Nice try, but the idea that Blackberries will still be around in four years kills the piece. ;)


Romney Camp Going Off The Fact Checking Rails In Ohio
After Romney continued to suggest otherwise in ads, Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne personally called him out for “inaccurate” claims.

“Jeep is one of our truly global brands with uniquely American roots. This will never change. So much so that we committed that the iconic Wrangler nameplate, currently produced in our Toledo, Ohio plant, will never see full production outside the United States,” Marchionne said on Tuesday. “Jeep assembly lines will remain in operation in the United States and will constitute the backbone of the brand.”

GM didn’t take well to the ad either, bristling at the notion that the auto rescue — which the Center for Automotive research estimated saved 1 million US jobs — encouraged outsourcing.

“We’ve clearly entered some parallel universe during these last few days,” GM spokesman Greg Martin told the Detroit Free Press. “No amount of campaign politics at its cynical worst will diminish our record of creating jobs in the U.S. and repatriating profits back to this country.”
If we're talking about counties, here's Gov. Pat Quinn's winning coalition in Illinois, 2010:

The suburbs of Chicago in DuPage county are madly pro-Republican. Every major street is lined with Joe Walsh signs. Couldn't see a single Duckworth sign. Thankfully, Cook county folks will make the right choice for the state and the country by electing Duckworth, and keep man children of DuPage county in check.


PFor some reason I was expecting Ada county, where Boise is, to be blue.

Something about the Canadian border's depiction there cracks me up.

My parents-in-law live up on the west side of the Washington-Idaho border. I asked her what it was like in the Idaho panhandle and the Washington border. Her succinct answer was "Racists." So that looks basically like what I was expecting.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I was using hyperbole since declaring any of those swing states as going for either obama or romney right now is ludicrous.
Oh, my bad. Totally misinterpreted (thought you were saying Florida going Romney would somehow cause the swing in the other three states).

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Something about the Canadian border's depiction there cracks me up.

My parents-in-law live up on the west side of the Washington-Idaho border. I asked her what it was like in the Idaho panhandle and the Washington border. Her succinct answer was "Racists." So that looks basically like what I was expecting.

It bums me out, because it isn't all bad up there. I lived in Coeur d'Alene, which is near Spokane, and it was a beautiful town with really nice people. Unfortunately a bunch of skinheads were/are(?) holed up in some compound near town. They really damage the reputation of northern Idaho. That isn't to say that you don't see a lot of ignorance from your average Joe living in the middle of nowhere, but I always felt like most people in town were disgusted by the skinheads and racists attitudes up there.
The suburbs of Chicago in DuPage county are madly pro-Republican. Every major street is lined with Joe Walsh signs. Couldn't see a single Duckworth sign. Thankfully, Cook county folks will make the right choice for the state and the country by electing Duckworth, and keep man children of DuPage county in check.

I live in DuPage & work in Lake County. My only source of hopium is lurking this thread :(


I live in DuPage & work in Lake County. My only source of hopium is lurking this thread :(
So.. are you going to be the one guy dancing around in the street after Obama crosses 270, sparklers in your hands, singing and laughing like a madman.. while your Republican neighbors peek through their windows and glare dirty looks at you?

Been there, done that. It was fun!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I was using hyperbole since declaring any of those swing states as going for either obama or romney right now is ludicrous.

Poe's Law. In other words, Mr. Burns can't see you winking over the [internet]
That's actually not that bad. Look at Nevada, or PA.

"red" counties tend to be the places where no one actually lives. looks worse on the map than it actually is.
Yeah, any such map is amazingly misleading.

Here is the reality: Dirt does not vote. People vote. The weird distorted population maps present a much more accurate figure. Maps like this:

That shows how the election is close in popular vote.


By the way for people having a difficult time understanding why I'm getting so worked up and why my state is so overwhelmingly frustrating to live in:

This is what an overwhelming, clear victory for Obama in Florida looks like:

Today, Obama leads by 19 points in Southeast FL, but Romney leads in every other region of the state.

If obama is ONLY leading in south east florida that means he is losing in Orlando, seminole county, pinellas, tampa, volusia, flagler, gadsden, leon, and alachua. Those are all counties Obama carried in 2008.
Drudge/Politico now calling Nate Silver a "one term celebrity". Such jerkbags.
Daniel Bimke
Dylan, have you taken probability courses in your lifetime? Obama having a 74% chance does not translate to us visually seeing it as such, due to the close race. That however does not change Obama's favorability. But like all probability, it never works out exactly as such. If you roll a 6-sided die ten times, you might roll a 5 half of the time. This does not increase the odds of the other numbers coming up, but it shows that each event is isolated.

So, if Romney wins, it doesn't make Nate Silver some idiot. All he is doing is reading the numbers in a reasonably accurate way, based on the data presented. That is his job, just like yours is to waste our time by writing articles about people who do that. The fact that you need to sit here and take issues with people who actually do math, something the country needs to learn to do a lot more of, seems like a massive waste of time.
Wow. That must sting.
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