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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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We'll be at that point on Tuesday at least

This was shortly after he mentioned a Gallup poll showing Romney doing well in early voting.

Now he's bashing early voting.

"why not just have voting on election day? Early voting lends itself to corruption."

He is flatlining here lol


I must say I've grown a new respect for Christie. He's putting his state above national politics or future ambitions.

I'm not sure he's putting them above the latter, so much as doing this conveniently aligns with them. However, he's definitely putting them above the former as it was clear from the convention that Christie was there for himself and couldn't give any less of a damn about Romney getting into office.
The other issue is that some GOPers are afraid that a narrative of "this is already over" will keep their voters at home, which could well affect down-ticket races. I'm not sure how much truth there is to this notion, but it's definitely out there. This is why GOP pundits keep pushing the idea that it's a tie.
I can vouch for it. The R candidate I'm volunteering for is hoping for the race to remain tight. At one point, he framed it as wanting high turnout, which surprised me given, well... how Rs do in high turnout elections, and he clarified that he wanted the race to remain tight to motivate Rs to turnout.

Finally there's the idea on the left that the GOP is setting up for a voter fraud / "Obummer stole the election" narrative. Which I think they'll probably use, but I don't think they've been setting it up this way on purpose. There's just a lot of demand for comforting bullshit, thanks to people who are used to getting patted on the head by Fox at all hours of the day.
The margin of victory will make any voter fraud narrative laughable.
What's the point of "unskewing" polls btw? The polls are either accurate or they're not, you don't magically change reality by adjusting some numbers from a survey.

They believe polls sample Dems too much and that reality is there are more repubs than dems.

Problem is a lot of GOP folk now consider themselves "independent" even though they toe GOP party line in voting (mostly).

This can be seen by Obama's poor independent performance right now. It's just GOPers becoming unaffiliated.

The unskewing assumes there are more repubs and adds them in (thus reducing percentage of Dems). But they don't adjust the indies and assume the indie vote is accurate. Then they also project late deciders 2:1 for Romney for some reason.

It's all about the "liberal media bias" for them. So they have to un-liberal it.
I'm not sure he's putting them above the latter, so much as doing this conveniently aligns with them. However, he's definitely putting them above the former as it was clear from the convention that Christie was there for himself and couldn't give any less of a damn about Romney getting into office.

I think people like Christie view Romney's defeat as a chance for moderation to return. I remember this speech.



He can sign a bill legalizing gay marriage. Til then he can fuck off

Yeah, Christie is still a douche on many issues. Still, bucking the hyper-partisan national GOP and doing right by his state deserve some kudos. Given the current state of the GOP, this is refreshing.

The fact that Christie future ambitions is even in question because he's working with and complementing the president after a massive natural disaster ravaged his state shows how fucked up the current GOP is.
I legitimately think Christie doesn't like Romney much to begin with, which is also probably making this easier for him.

Let's be honest here. NO ONE genuinely likes the guy. They only support him because he's not Obama and he has an "R" next to his name. They couldn't give a less of a fuck about the man. Which is why he'll be thrown under the bus and any career in politics in the future is shot straight to hell and back.
I legitimately think Christie doesn't like Romney much to begin with, which is also probably making this easier for him.

nobody likes romney.

and honestly, christie is a new jersey republican - a completely separate species from hyper-partisan national republicans. we would never elect one of those guys.
I've said since Election Night 2008 that Obama was unbeatable in 2012 and have never wavered from that position. Even the Republican pickups in 2010 didn't faze me. Charisma, fundraising, and the Republicans having their heads up their asses made Obama's win in 2012 inevitable.

But diablos told us that citizens united ruling is going to destroy obama
and supreme court is going to strike down obamacare
and iran was going to attack israel
and israel was going to attack iran
and euro was going to implode
and double dip recession will bring double digit unemployment


If he ever comes around on social issues and science, I'd have to take a long look at him. Getting me to even look at a Republican for a split second these days is an incredible feat. Watching him over the past few days, I can see why he wins elections: the man can emote. His love for where he's from is pretty obvious, which I can fully relate to; I'd drown before ever leaving NOLA again.


Also: the Washington Post has something very interesting:

The 5 Closest Swing States

The Fix spoke with operatives in both parties over the past 24 hours and asked them all a simple question: “Rank the five closest swing states right now”. They did — under the cloak of anonymity, of course — and we collected the results, compared similarities, brought our own expertise to bear and produced the list below.

To be clear, this is meant to serve as a guide to the five closest states RIGHT NOW. These five states may wind up being less close come election day

Two states you won’t see on the list: Ohio and North Carolina. Republicans insist Ohio belongs in the top five, Democrats say their polling gives them a mid-single digit lead. (A new Quinnipiac/CBS/New York Times survey in Ohio shows Obama at 50 percent and with a five-point edge.) Democrats think North Carolina is a tie, Republicans say Romney is slightly but comfortably ahead. (Real Clear Politics’ poll of polls has Romney with a three-point edge over Obama in North Carolina.) ...

The article then goes on to list the five, in increasing order of closeness..
5: New Hampshire
4: Wisconsin
3: Virginia
2: Florida
1: Colorado

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I don't get why we're anointing Christie for acting decent for 4 days (following a natural disaster in his supervised territory)


So . . .

were not enough? But honestly, what a tempting business. Just make crazy shit up that you know they want to hear and publish it. Easy money.

I had a friend block me on facebook a couple weeks ago for making fun of him when he posted an article from WND about Obama's supposed Islamic ring. He told me I was out of touch with reality. All I want is to see his tears next week.


I legitimately think Christie doesn't like Romney much to begin with, which is also probably making this easier for him.

Is there anybody in the Republican party that likes Romney? Most of the speeches at the RNC mentioned him like 3 times at best.

I don't get why we're anointing Christie for acting decent for 4 days (following a natural disaster in his supervised territory)

I remember some people in poligaf had a hard-on for Huntsman because he wasn't off his rails. GOP has gone crazy enough that any semblance of sanity from them garners respect.
TPM said:
President Obama's campaign announced on Wednesday a major, multi-state tour the weekend before the election, taking the candidate across Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Virginia on Saturday, and New Hampshire, Florida, Ohio, and Colorado on Sunday.
Carolina D:


I remember some people in poligaf had a hard-on for Huntsman because he wasn't off his rails. GOP has gone crazy enough that any semblance of sanity from them garners respect.

Pretty much this.

The GOP has gone so full on retard that one of them acting "decent" is cause for admiration
If he ever comes around on social issues and science, I'd have to take a long look at him. Getting me to even look at a Republican for a split second these days is an incredible feat. Watching him over the past few days, I can see why he wins elections: the man can emote. His love for where he's from is pretty obvious, which I can fully relate to; I'd drown before ever leaving NOLA again.


Also: the Washington Post has something very interesting:

The article then goes on to list the five, in increasing order of closeness..
5: New Hampshire
4: Wisconsin
3: Virginia
2: Florida
1: Colorado
Yeah, Christie is still a douche on many issues. Still, bucking the hyper-partisan national GOP and doing right by his state deserve some kudos. Given the current state of the GOP, this is refreshing.

The fact that Christie future ambitions is even in question because he's working with and complementing the president after a massive natural disaster ravaged his state shows how fucked up the current GOP is.

Christie may end up being the Mitt Romney of 2016. He'll have to run conservative to win the nomination and they'll he will have painted himself in the corner as a conservative that can't get elected.


brazen editing lynx
I don't get why we're anointing Christie for acting decent for 4 days (following a natural disaster in his supervised territory)

Christie had been bad-mouthing Obama for the entire election. But with just a week before Election Day, he's done a full 180 and has been praising Obama for handling shit, even though he's claimed the president was not a leader. It's all in the timing. I think some of the Christie praise is in jest, but it shows that he knows when to set aside differences when it really matters.

It also means Christie can't talk shit about Obama for the next week. It effectively shuts up a major Romney surrogate. On the other hand, it will play well for Christie's future ambitions. For now, it's a total win-win situation for Christie and Obama.
I had a friend block me on facebook a couple weeks ago for making fun of him when he posted an article from WND about Obama's supposed Islamic ring. He told me I was out of touch with reality. All I want is to see his tears next week.

That site is the one of the worse. WorldNutDaily. They've been birther central and now are pushing the "Obama is gay" conspiracy theory. Yeah, that's some reality.


brazen editing lynx
So the Romney camp just tweeted this story to show that they're winning Pennsylvania:


To Romney:


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"


Eric Bolling just admitted that he never bought Federal flood insurance because he doesn't believe the government should be covering that (Private insurance doesn't cover homes by the coast there). His house on Long Beach Island is destroyed. What an idiot..


Eric Bolling just admitted that he never bought Federal flood insurance because he doesn't believe the government should be covering that (Private insurance doesn't cover homes by the coast there). His house on Long Beach Island is destroyed. What an idiot..

why would it even matter who is covering the emergency? insurance is insurance


Damn @ this storm victim on CNN who met Obama.

And haha, that multi-state tour is absurd because it puts into focus how much of a lead Romney has to overcome. He has to win ALL of those
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