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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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This pic made me LOL


"-sob- .. nooooooo, once you go black..."


fuck, my computer crashed and took my election contest spreadsheet with it

pigeon, I know you were making a spreadsheet, do you still have it available? If not I'll just grind it out after tomorrow and it'll just take an extra day to see who won, but I'd like to avoid it if possible

ALSO! Damn Nate Silver
Florida is the one case where I do believe we are getting bad polling.

I also think Rick Fucking Scott has done almost everything he can to make voting in South Florida a massive clusterfuck. It has been 12 years since the debacle election of 2000 and Florida still can't get their shit together. Because they don't want to.

And the GOP is playing with fire. After actively doing all sorts of things to suppress the votes of minorities in South Florida, how does the GOP expect to start winning their votes in the years to come when the GOP really needs their votes? Trying to bend the rules to win one last election may come back to haunt them for decades.
Rachel Maddows opening was amazing. I don't have a link but EVERYONE needs to see it.

On the one hand, it's painful to think of a news network openly campaigning for candidates. On the other, there's also Fox News.

That said, Maddow should probably be running Obama's campaign. She made a more effective, impassioned case for 4 more years than anyone short of possibly former President Clinton.
Hannity pushing sandy as obama's katrina. Also super left wing. Saying this with coulter who said Romney and Ryan most articulate since Coolidge. lolololol

Haha hannity complaining still no power or gas. Haha coulter now saying this will be hospitals under obama are.

Yes Morris be next. Fox News gonna be so good tomorrow.
There's no turning back for Silver now, his reputation is completely on the line. I expect him to be wrong about at least two states even if Obama wins.


Hannity pushing sandy as obama's katrina. Also super left wing. Saying this with coulter who said Romney and Ryan most articulate since Coolidge. lolololol

Haha hannity complaining still no power or gas. Haha coulter now saying this will be hospitals under obama are.

Yes Morris be next. Fox News gonna be so good tomorrow.

Hannity can push it all he wants. He can push it real good.

Tomorrow night, I'll bring the Pepper - 'n he can being the Salt.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
PPPLLLLLLEEAASSEEEE don't let this be a processing error like last night with Montana. :(

Nah, dude. It's correct. Isaac Fucking Newton was like "this fucker says he knows math? Let me throw a pie in his face".


He's forecast FL flipping? Hmmm...wow. Not sure how much I trust that (even if i really want to)
We've got countless field offices and spinoff offices run out of people's garages down here, each one knocking on hundreds of doors a day. We're combing every last blasted inch of this state for votes. Most of the volunteers I've seen are old people, true believers. We can get this done.


Obama gained an average of 1.5 points between 12 national polls published today. Big sample sizes. That's a pretty big deal.



Romney Supporters Ready To Blame Government Moochers If Obama Wins

If President Obama wins re-election on Tuesday, retired Army Colonel Allen Wild knows exactly who blame: “the 47 percent.” Not the leaked video of Republican nominee Mitt Romney claiming that 47 percent of Americans will vote for Obama because they are dependent on government.

“The takers,” Wild explained to TPM at a Romney rally on the final day of the campaign Monday here at George Mason University. “Those who pay no income tax.”


Like Wild, many hopeful supporters on Monday said they would pin an Obama victory on the millions of Americans who they say want to live off of the government.

“I think an awful lot of the country is becoming comfortable with the government taking care of them,” Rich Kelly, 59, said. “I think that’s a mistake.”

Kelly wore a blue polo shirt that read “Hard Times Cafe,” a local chain of 16 restaurants he owns with his wife. “There’s one thing I do very well, and that’s create jobs,” Kelly said. “In the last four years, I’m a bad guy.” According to Obama, he said, “I make too much money and I don’t share and I’m not, you know, I don’t play well with others.”

“I think Romney will win,” Kent Avery, 57, told TPM. A retired Navy engineer, Avery said he would blame Americans who don’t want to take care of themselves if Romney loses. “When people understand they can vote for politicians who can give them something from the public trough, they’ll keep doing that. That’s a great danger that we have enough people that have that mindset.”

Some rally attendees summed up this theory more succinctly. As Carlos Cerball, 72, said, “I’m not comfortable that he’s a socialist,” referring to Obama.


“We don’t understand this ‘fair share,’” Wild said. “But nearly 50 percent pay nothing. Isn’t there a fair share for people who have modest incomes?”


Is there a good website I can direct friends to that shows them where they need to go to vote tomorrow?

It needs to be kinda tard proof because they are people who never voted before.
Haha coulter said Romney is so likable.

Both predicting Romney win now. Coulter says Ohio not needed. She has him winning Wisconsin.

Oh man she's acting like its a done deal. Screw the polls she says. Oh my god Bradley effect!!

I'm dying.


We've got countless field offices and spinoff offices run out of people's garages down here, each one knocking on hundreds of doors a day. We're combing every last blasted inch of this state for votes. Most of the volunteers I've seen are old people, true believers. We can get this done.

I'm feeling the hopium. (But my nerves are shot at the same time...tomorrow night and real results will be so welcome!!)


Reading Free Republic right now is like opening a window into a parallel universe:

Meanwhile, over at Kos, they are predicting Obama wins HANDILY, and Repubs LOSE 4 Senate Seats, as many House seats...
Simply delusional...

I think it's long been observed by folks on our side, that liberals are immune to facts, logic, and reason.

While our side has been busy analyzing every single data point available in this race, and crunching the hard, documented numbers, liberals have been clinging to little more than their faith in their vaunted 'messiah', and living in a self-validating echo chamber, eating rainbow colored Skittles.

They've been listening to regime foot soldiers like Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Nate Silver, Paul Krugman, Rachel Maddow, and others. They've allowed partisan hacks like Bill Clinton to convince them that victory is assured, and that James Carville had it right, when he predicted 40 more years of Democrat rule.

These people are going to experience a psychotic breakdown when the race ends in an historic landslide against their boy king. If you thought they went nuts after GWB won in 2000, you ain't seen nuthin yet.

I see that you've been a Freeper since 1999, but perhaps you only read here occasionally. If you availed yourself of the treasure trove of solid information here daily, you'd be feeling mighty confident right now.

This is a wave election. Obama is about to be swept from office in a virtual tsunami of voter rejection. That's how big this thing is. Every professional analysis and objective observation points to it.

Spend a little time tonight catching up. You'll feel a lot better by the time you hit the sack. It's going to be a great day tomorrow!

It'll be nice to see how they react on this rare occasion where the right wing bubble around them finally pops.


No fucking way FL goes blue.

Nate Silver is either gonna be a GOD or GOAT in less than 24 hours...

I don't understand why you guys think it's impossible for it to go blue. The polling has consistently shown it as a toss-up state. There's nothing to be surprised about.
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