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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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I shouldn't do this, but...

You were also wrong about Inception, and I'm pretty sure during the debt-ceiling fiasco, you said Obama would throw the EPA and Planned Parenthood under the bus.

Also, summer would be "The beginning of the end" for Obama, and you were sure Romney would be leading sometime in September.

Guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

Something does seem off about the dem ID numbers in multiple states. I don't think Romney will win a landslide but Ohio especially seems plagued by faulty polling


Wait, so Obama had Bruce Springsteen call Chris Christie I heard on nightly news? He's really wining and dining Chris Christie.


Haha, is that you? As Kaijima said, that is such a pitch perfect mirror of reality, it's hard to believe it's not a troll.

I'm not all over the place over there, but I'm in there stirring things, gently. It's just a small handful of posts per day over the past few weeks - you can't even tell who I am. I've got the lingo and the issues down pat.

Things will really begin to heat up once this election is decided and the recriminations begin. That's going to be FUN!


The Cryptarch's Bane

*has heart attack*
So I've seen some pretty racist and nasty stuff from the conservative right about Obama on mainstream websites.

Is there an equivalent on the left against Romney making it mainstream on the Internet?

There's a lot of dehumanizing him, and a lot of attacking him for merely being wealthy (not the same as pointing out where he's out of touch). Nothing as bad as the racism.


I legitimately have no idea which state tomorrow will be the first to break. It could be Iowa since so many of them have voted already.

Possibly New Hampshire.
Reading Free Republic right now is like opening a window into a parallel universe:

BizzaroGAF said:
Meanwhile, over at Kos, they are predicting Obama wins HANDILY, and Repubs LOSE 4 Senate Seats, as many House seats...
Simply delusional...

I think it's long been observed by folks on our side, that liberals are immune to facts, logic, and reason.

While our side has been busy analyzing every single data point available in this race, and crunching the hard, documented numbers, liberals have been clinging to little more than their faith in their vaunted 'messiah', and living in a self-validating echo chamber, eating rainbow colored Skittles.

They've been listening to regime foot soldiers like Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Nate Silver, Paul Krugman, Rachel Maddow, and others. They've allowed partisan hacks like Bill Clinton to convince them that victory is assured, and that James Carville had it right, when he predicted 40 more years of Democrat rule.

These people are going to experience a psychotic breakdown when the race ends in an historic landslide against their boy king. If you thought they went nuts after GWB won in 2000, you ain't seen nuthin yet.


It'll be nice to see how they react on this rare occasion where the right wing bubble around them finally pops.

Wow! That first one is amazing. It is like the Bizarro-PolliGAF. Let me make the GAF version of the post:
Meanwhile, over at Free Republic, they are predicting Romney wins HANDILY, and Dems LOSE 4 Senate Seats, as many House seats...
Simply delusional...

I think it's long been observed by folks on our side, that conservatives are immune to facts, logic, and reason.

While our side has been busy analyzing every single data point available in this race, and crunching the hard, documented numbers, conservatives have been clinging to little more than their faith in their vaunted messiah, and living in a self-validating echo chamber, eating pork rinds and beef jerky.

They've been listening to regime foot soldiers like Peggy Noonan, Glenn Beck, Dick Morris, Charles Krauthammer, Bill O'Reilly, and others. They've allowed partisan hacks like Sean Hannity to convince them that victory is assured, and that Karl Rove had it right, when he predicted a permanent conservative majority.

These people are going to experience a psychotic breakdown when the race ends in a quick loss against CEO Mitt and his sidekick Randian Ryan. If you thought they went nuts after Obama won in 2008, you ain't seen nuthin yet.


There . . . I'll stand by that. Let's see what happens. I think the above is likely but at absolute worst, Romney would BARELY squeak out a big surprise victory. No one is getting any landslide.


There's a lot of dehumanizing him, and a lot of attacking him for merely being wealthy (not the same as pointing out where he's out of touch). Nothing as bad as the racism.

That's not really the same though. The attacks from the left HAVE been about his wealth but there are legitimate question about whether he really cares about those not in the 1%. You have Romney's 47% comment, he says he likes to fire people, and legitimate questions about whether he really cares about american workers or american profits. His time at bain capital is evidence enough that he cares more about profit than retaining workers.

The vitriol from the right have been vicious in it's hate about obama's religion, him being born in kenya, a foodstamp president etc...
Haha dick Morris explaining this on hannity. Even hannity not buying it.

Apparently democrats will blame GOP on suppressing minority vote. Haha pushing a narrative that dems will claim a stolen election.

Hannity has looked very smug and confident. How I wish to see devastation on his face soon.


Neo Member

Silver stormed onto the scene in 2008 when, according to his acolytes, he correctly predicted how 49 of 50 states would vote in the presidential election (he missed Indiana). Do not remind his disciples that of the four close states — those with margins of 2.5% or less — Silver only forecast three of them correctly. And definitely do not remind them that the polls in swing states correctly forecast all but two states (Indiana and North Carolina).
A bit shocked at 538. I don't think Obama will get much over 300, if that. If you look at the bottom chart it shows 330 as the most likely outcome at around 20%.

No way he gets Florida right? I just don't see it.


Haha, I'm taking Rachel's advice and carbo-loading to keep up with the coverage tomorrow night.

I went shopping today for some pretty heavy-duty Election Night goodies. Lots of caffeine, carbs, sugar.. I'm going to be bouncing off the walls for most of the night, and probably weeping with hysterical joy when the big states are called. Gonna be fun!
Which stations should I watch tomorrow?

I was thinking CNN but they are way to frustrating nowadays. Will MSNBC good? I want Maddow 24/7.



Silver stormed onto the scene in 2008 when, according to his acolytes, he correctly predicted how 49 of 50 states would vote in the presidential election (he missed Indiana). Do not remind his disciples that of the four close states — those with margins of 2.5% or less — Silver only forecast three of them correctly. And definitely do not remind them that the polls in swing states correctly forecast all but two states (Indiana and North Carolina).

Ok drudge.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I'm sure this isn't an original thought but why don't we yet hold an online vote, in addition to the IRL vote, even just as a "mock" vote? It doesn't have to count, take as many years as needed to run mock online votes right alongside the real vote, until we're all assured that the online system works.
A bit shocked at 538. I don't think Obama will get much over 300, if that. If you look at the bottom chart it shows 330 as the most likely outcome at around 20%.

I interpret that chart differently. While there is a 20% chance of hitting 330ev, if you add up all the outcomes between 270 and 330 there looks to be about a 40-50% of one of these scenarios happening. That's why I think the forecast of 314 seems a bit more accurate.
It's SO HARD, even based on the experience I have with people like that, to not believe a lot of those people are professional trolls riling up the conservative webspace for their own enjoyment.

The way they're framing stuff is more or less a perfect mirror projection - assigning all the attributes of the right's low information voters, with their "gut feelings" and religious-messianic attachment to their icons and hopefuls. Meanwhile over here in reality-land, I don't think I've ever met a single democratic leaning person who is not very worried about Romney winning, or who thinks Obama has it easy. Much less Obama is a "messiah".

On the other hand, maybe every word they say is typed in true faith. After all, the Fox news and right wing radio consortium has been trying to frame Obama since day one as a "new age religious movement" for whatever reasons. Perhaps as a way to help throw a scare into conservative religious voters - rile up an extra reason to fear Obama's otherness. He's not just a black muslim gay socialist - he's a new age pagan religion too!
Yeah, I'm wondering if that message was a troll. Because it was a very much like a flip-side of the PoliGaf argument. i.e. we are relying on facts & figures (538, PEC, etc.) and they are relying more on faith (literally).
I'm sure this isn't an original thought but why don't we yet hold an online vote, in addition to the IRL vote, even just as a "mock" vote? It doesn't have to count, take as many years as needed to run mock online votes right alongside the real vote, until we're all assured that the online system works.

Chinese hackers
I interpret that chart differently. While there is a 20% chance of hitting 330ev, if you add up all the outcomes between 270 and 330 there looks to be about a 40-50% of one of these scenarios happening. That's why I think the forecast of 314 seems a bit more accurate.

314 is basically splitting Florida up between the two by their probabilities.


Having the few Obama supporters I know over tomorrow to watch the coverage for awhile. It is like the meeting of a secret society. OBAMA SUPPORTERS? HERE? TREASON.

There will be a lot of beer.
I went shopping today for some pretty heavy-duty Election Night goodies. Lots of caffeine, carbs, sugar.. I'm going to be bouncing off the walls for most of the night, and probably weeping with hysterical joy when the big states are called. Gonna be fun!

Kinda on a tight budget so far this month. Dunno what I should eat/drink...Think I can spend $20-25. What should I get? Alcohol? Order in food? Just grab some chips/salsa and some pop?

Silver stormed onto the scene in 2008 when, according to his acolytes, he correctly predicted how 49 of 50 states would vote in the presidential election (he missed Indiana). Do not remind his disciples that of the four close states — those with margins of 2.5% or less — Silver only forecast three of them correctly. And definitely do not remind them that the polls in swing states correctly forecast all but two states (Indiana and North Carolina).

I haven't seen a single person address this. This is going to be a very close race in multiple states, and Silver's track record with those isn't good
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