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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Well, did he land decently? I need to see video

Mandel is such a stupid little fuck. I don't even like Sherrod Brown all that much, but I can't wait to see him destroy Mandel. Mandel is as close to a Tracy Flick as I've ever seen in a Congressional candidate.

Fixed. :)

The Ryan pick appealed to people that were voting for Romney as a "not Obama" vote, rather than "I like Romney" vote. At least Portman could have helped with Ohio.

Pretty much.

I still have a sneaking suspicion that Romney offered the spot to Portman and got rejected, but that's total speculation on my part. Portman would have made Ohio a nail-biter.



Welcome to Anzalone-Liszt's tournament for political junkies - and a chance to win $1,000! The following pages display the races for the US President, and select competitive US Senate and US House of Representatives. For each, you will indicate the candidate that you believe will win in November.

The contest will close one week prior to the election at midnight Eastern, Tuesday, October 30. Your entries will be anonymous and we will not release your picks to anyone.

When necessary, please scroll down to select all answers. First, we'd like to ask a few background questions. Again, your answers will be completely confidential.

Go for it!


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I still have a sneaking suspicion that Romney offered the spot to Portman and got rejected, but that's total speculation on my part. Portman would have made Ohio a nail-biter.

I just can't see this. It must have been something in Portman's background or Romney's campaign was delusional enough to think that Ryan was going to help him get Wisconsin.


CNN is officially worse than Fox. At least Fox is pretty straightforward as to where they stand.

CNN wants to be everyone's friend


PPP's newest North Carolina poll finds Barack Obama and Mitt Romney tied at 48, representing a small shift in Obama's direction from a week and a half ago when Romney led 49-47. This now makes 27 out of 28 polls of the state PPP has conducted this cycle where the candidates have been within two points of each other.

Obama has built up a lead over the first week of the early voting period in the state. Among those who say they've already voted he's at 57% to 42% for Romney. Romney achieves the overall tie because of a 50/45 advantage among those yet to vote.
Obama leads 53/43 among women, 88/11 with African Americans, and 58/40 with young voters. Romney is up 53/42 with men, 61/35 with whites, and 55/42 with seniors.

A key reason Obama remains competitive in North Carolina is that the Democratic base is extremely fired up. That's been reflected in the early voter turnout to date, and we also find that 77% of Democrats say they're 'very excited' to vote in the election this fall compared to 65% of Republicans. Among African Americans 83% say they're 'very excited' to cast their ballots.
I just can't see this. It must have been something in Portman's background or Romney's campaign was delusional enough to think that Ryan was going to help him get Wisconsin.

I find Portman to be a pretty decent dude, so I just like to think that he saw Romney as a sinking ship and tried to steer clear. He's only two years into the Senate and getting lumped in with Romney could damage his long-term ambitions.

But in the end, Romney was probably just irrationally paranoid about shoring up the base and went with the radical right wunderkind over a "boring" pick like Portman.


If Barack gets re-elected he will have the de facto best ground game in the entire history of the US, save FDR maybe, but that was so long ago you really can't compare
I don't really see how it does. As pigeon pointed out, the whole thing arises from trying to resolve the problem of evil by saying that God allows evil and suffering in the world as a part of his larger plan of goodness and love.

When put broadly like that, there's nothing particularly wrong with this theodicy, even if I disagree with it. But it becomes problematic when you start applying it to actual events and individuals. "Home destroyed and friends killed by an earthquake? All part of God's plan. Maybe the suffering will build your character. Got shot in the spine in a mugging and now you're paralyzed? All part of God's plan. Maybe it'll make you appreciate life more. Got raped and pregnant? All part of God's plan. Maybe the blessing of a new life will help you overcome your pain."

It sounds callous because it kind of is--it's an attempt to justify one's belief in God by brushing off the fact that sometimes awful things happen to people. Which is fine if you're doing it for things that happen to you, but really not ok when applied to other people.

I guess what I'm saying is that I don't think Mourdock's statement is nearly as harmful as Akin's, nor is it revelatory of some underlying misogyny. It's his awkward attempt to reconcile his beliefs to the real world.

But Mourdock is applying it to other people. Lord knows he will never end up pregnant from a rape. He is telling women they should not be permitted to abort the fetus because it is part of God's plan. And if the fetus is part of God's plan, so was the rape. And if the rape was part of God's plan, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you must find my client not guilty, for if it be holy writ, you must acquit.

Mourdock: rapes are God's plan for women, at least those that result in pregnancies anyway.


Jesus H Christ, McCain.
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., walked back his remarks about embattled Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock, emphasizing today that he still does support the Republican candidate for Senate.

“Senator McCain is glad that Mr. Mourdock apologized to the people of Indiana and clarified his previous statement,” Brian Rogers, Communications Director for Senator John McCain said today, “Senator McCain hopes the people of Indiana will elect Mr. Mourdock to the U.S. Senate.”

Fuck You man. All those years of praising you during the Bush admin, all those years of defending you even during the primary 2008. FU.


Simply put, more Americans are Democratic -- it's balanced out by Republicans being more likely voters. If every single legally allowed American registered and voted one year, Democrats would sweep all kinds of states. (There was a poll recently that showed that "unlikely voters" went for Obama by like 40 points.) So anything that increases turnout or reduces barrier to entry for voting is good for the Democrats.

edit: Also, this particular year, Obama has just invested way more time and energy in GOTV compared to Romney, but that's primarily because of the above.

Thanks. Now, if you're so smart, can you answer this question I've asked three times now (last time, promise);

Can you think of any examples where a state looked like it was clearly going to go for one candidate, but ended up going for the other? I think I remember Tennessee doing that in 2000, and someone else mentioned Indiana in 08. What say you?
So , romneys up 3 in gallup and ras and 2 with the reputable AP and this is a good thing? I mean, its not july; this is 12 days before election..

I mean, everything ive been taught in stats and elections points to state votes lining up with national numbers...


I'm pretty happy with today's polls. 12 days out, and the firewall looks great. As long as nothing radically changes in that timespan, it's GG Romney.

Intrade is coming back up, and I'm pretty close to being in the black again, although it doesn't matter since I'm holding these shares until they resolve at $10 on election night.


So , romneys up 3 in gallup and ras and 2 with the reputable AP and this is a good thing? I mean, its not july; this is 12 days before election..

I mean, everything ive been taught in stats and elections points to state votes lining up with national numbers...
If I said this there'd be three pages worth of replies with "omg you chicken little"


Thanks. Now, if you're so smart, can you answer this question I've asked three times now (last time, promise);

Can you think of any examples where a state looked like it was clearly going to go for one candidate, but ended up going for the other? I think I remember Tennessee doing that in 2000, and someone else mentioned Indiana in 08. What say you?

Ahaha. I didn't answer this question because I can't think of any examples! I was hoping somebody else would.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Obama's doing great in the state polls though.

I actually want Romney to win the popular vote. It would be downright hilarious if he won 53 - 47 and lost the EC by 30 or whatever. Nothing would make me laugh harder. Especially the rage from the blowhards about stolen elections, broken systems, etc.


So , romneys up 3 in gallup and ras and 2 with the reputable AP and this is a good thing? I mean, its not july; this is 12 days before election..

I mean, everything ive been taught in stats and elections points to state votes lining up with national numbers...
Then why is there a gap between state numbers and national polling?

Or are you just living up to your tag again
Really don't want to see a popular/EC split and the controversy that comes with it.

I hope the popular vote swings before election day - even though 538 still has O getting 50% of the vote I'm not convinced.


I don't really see how it does. As pigeon pointed out, the whole thing arises from trying to resolve the problem of evil by saying that God allows evil and suffering in the world as a part of his larger plan of goodness and love.

When put broadly like that, there's nothing particularly wrong with this theodicy, even if I disagree with it. But it becomes problematic when you start applying it to actual events and individuals. "Home destroyed and friends killed by an earthquake? All part of God's plan. Maybe the suffering will build your character. Got shot in the spine in a mugging and now you're paralyzed? All part of God's plan. Maybe it'll make you appreciate life more. Got raped and pregnant? All part of God's plan. Maybe the blessing of a new life will help you overcome your pain."

It sounds callous because it kind of is--it's an attempt to justify one's belief in God by brushing off the fact that sometimes awful things happen to people. Which is fine if you're doing it for things that happen to you, but really not ok when applied to other people.

I guess what I'm saying is that I don't think Mourdock's statement is nearly as harmful as Akin's, nor is it revelatory of some underlying misogyny. It's his awkward attempt to reconcile his beliefs to the real world.
I posted on this last night. Mourdock is not doing theodicy here. It's not "Pregnant from a rape? That sucks, but have faith that it's part of God's greater plan." Human action is part of God's plan, in this sense, and if God's plan can include a murder or an earthquake or a rape then God's plan can include an abortion.

This is just straight-up moralizing. It's saying that the pregnancy is God's plan, and anything anyone could do to prevent that pregnancy or terminate that pregnancy would not have been and would not be God's plan. At that point you've got a problem - the rapist was apparently acting according to God's plan but the rape victim getting an abortion would not be acting according to God's plan. You've got to be consistent on this if you want to be presenting a theodicy instead of a rape apology.

Theodicy doesn't tell people how to act; it just explains why the world looks the way it does. Mourdock was trying to tell people how to act.

Edit: I should note that Mourdock's modified position on this seems to be going even further away from theodicy. He seems pretty clear now that the rape isn't intended by God, just the pregnancy, because "biology isn't random". What he's saying now is that pregnancy is literally miraculous, which is at least as crazy as "the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down" (and as Jon Stewart noted, it makes God an absolutely terrible gift-giver).


If Barack gets re-elected he will have the de facto best ground game in the entire history of the US, save FDR maybe, but that was so long ago you really can't compare
I'll really miss the competence and skill of Obama's campaign once this is all over.


I actually want Romney to win the popular vote. It would be downright hilarious if he won 53 - 47 and lost the EC by 30 or whatever. Nothing would make me laugh harder. Especially the rage from the blowhards about stolen elections, broken systems, etc.

The winner of this election will have 51% at the most


Ahaha. I didn't answer this question because I can't think of any examples! I was hoping somebody else would.

Haha, fair enough. I kept thinking I was asking when you weren't around.

I actually want Romney to win the popular vote. It would be downright hilarious if he won 53 - 47 and lost the EC by 30 or whatever. Nothing would make me laugh harder. Especially the rage from the blowhards about stolen elections, broken systems, etc.

I too would love this. It would make Congress even less likely to work with Obama, and mean less legislation would be passed, which I'm all for.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Thanks. Now, if you're so smart, can you answer this question I've asked three times now (last time, promise);

Can you think of any examples where a state looked like it was clearly going to go for one candidate, but ended up going for the other? I think I remember Tennessee doing that in 2000, and someone else mentioned Indiana in 08. What say you?
And I explained earlier that Indiana was not a good example of this. Obama led in several polls down the stretch.
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