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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Speaking of Husted

U.S. District Judge Walter H. Rice on Thursday refused to restore two members of an Ohio county elections board who were fired by Secretary of State Jon Husted after they attempted to establish weekend early voting hours against his orders.

Montgomery County Board of Elections members Dennis Lieberman and Tom Ritchie Sr. "failed to identify any fundamental right or liberty interest that was violated by their removal," Rice said in a 27-page ruling denying their request for a preliminary injuction. Following a separate ruling, Husted eventually set voting hours statewide for the weekend and Monday before the election.

“Today’s decision is a victory for accountability in our elections system," Husted said in a statement. “Rules must be followed and I will continue to hold individuals accountable who fail to do so.” (lol)


I still can't believe Reid won by 6% in 2010. All the polls except one had him down in october 2010. RCP average was +2.7% for Angle. I suppose a lot of the polling was done by R leaning outfits, but still that's a bit stunning.


Setec Astronomer
Had a somewhat fevered dream that something big happened and this thread got 10k posts overnight. Dunno what, but being sick sucks.
Finally been able to catch up on today's news.

Ras moves 1 towards Obama, Gallup holds.

Those state polls are quite good for Obama. More signs looking to Obama ahead in Va if Ras has it +2 for Romney and PPP has it +5 for Obama. Probably a +2-3 reality would make sense.

That North Carolina poll by PPP is also encouraging (though I still believe Romney is winning).

A good Colorado poll out of PPP would be very nice. Ohio, Wis, Nv is all that is needed, but with Va and Colorado moving into Obama territory would make the margin of error much greater.


Hot damn, I want Obama to win here again and become a blue state. Could easily happen as the Hispanic population is growing while the white population percentage is shrinking.

If Cubans weren't so committed to sticking Republican, Florida would have already been a pretty safe blue state years ago.


I still can't believe Reid won by 6% in 2010. All the polls except one had him down in october 2010. RCP average was +2.7% for Angle. I suppose a lot of the polling was done by R leaning outfits, but still that's a bit stunning.

Polls underestimated the Latino vote. And likely are again.
Listening to Hannity just now and he was arguing that Romney is close to being up in Ohio, that he will take Florida, Colorado, Virginia, Penn, and has a good shot at Michigan. That the only reputable polls are Gallup and Ras which are showing Romney up three and that Obama will probably end at 45 nationally.

I laughed.

Damn, like the fucking pied piper.

By "Ground Game" the Romney campaign really means "Jon Husted".


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I honestly think he does. I don't think Rush believes it but I do think that Hannity and Beck do.

You guys realize that projecting confidence IS part of Romney's ground game right? I don't blame him or his supporters at all....are we actually expecting the Romney camp to predict their own loss when the election's results are heavily weighted towards turnout?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Of course, all this is argument, and Mourdock is an idiot. Still, I think even idiots should be accountable for the simple logical extensions of what they say. If we cannot hold idiots accountable, how will they ever learn?
The thing that sticks out for me, in all their posturing on abortion, is that the male partner to conception is never brought into consideration, as anything other than an abstract. Whether it's "God's will" or not that the child should be conceived in the first place, what we're talking about here is legislation we choose to enact around that act, consequences we decide after the fact. There's no daylight for me between Akin's and Mourdock's comments because they clearly both approach this from the perspective that the consequences are only the woman's to bear and their comments each serve to try to justify that misogyny more than anything else.


I assume you're not excusing any of this with that statement. I hope we see a change in course (however unlikely) in his second term as Afghanistan winds down, but...it's so disappointing.

Yeah one of the most disappointing things about Obama.


We all know Rush, Hannity and Beck are salivating at another 4 years of Obama and what it may potentially do to their popularity. All I know is, I wouldn't want to have an Obama bumper sticker down south after the election.


Love how RCP has ignored all these state polls, but added all those national ones immediately.
They have this stupid rule, if the poll was funded by someone but carried out by PPP, then it's never included. So the Virginia, Iowa, and Wisconsin polls don't count. But the North Carolina one that was funded by PPP itself was included on the list of the day's polls. I don't know their reasoning for this, but it skews the data badly.
I have heard the evangelical community try to argue any and every single atrocity is a blessing by God and they try to argue in the same way that Mourdock did. A woman is raped, a child comes down with cancer, a family dies in a car accident after being hit by a drunk driver, a war takes place, a natural disaster brings destruction, but at the end of the day God is able to show his grace, mercy, and love which is truly the most important gift.

The woman who was raped was able to give birth to a child of God. The child who had cancer was able to get closer to his creator and experience the suffering of Jesus in a more profound way. The family that died in the car accident were able to go home to Jesus and the killer is now able to be shown the love of God through forgiveness. A war brings the message of hope and grace. The disaster enables humanity to show the love of Christ in response to the destruction and hopelessness.

At the end of the day, the people who feel this way have their heads so far up in the clouds that they may as well not even be alive on this planet. It's truly the religious libertarian. No amount of empathy, simply trying to escape this amazing planet that we have and this one life we are able to enjoy for a life that may or may not exist in the hereafter. The Christian platitude is one of the most destructible and offensive aspects there is and one reason why I haven't been back to church regularly since my wife and I lost our child due to her being stillborn. It's vile and doesn't belong in society.
We all know Rush, Hannity and Beck are salivating at another 4 years of Obama and what it may potentially do to their popularity. All I know is, I wouldn't want to have an Obama bumper sticker down south after the election.

They seem to be salivating more at hyping a Romney win only to be met with an Obama victory - at which point they'll go crazy concerning voter fraud bullshit claims


We all know Rush, Hannity and Beck are salivating at another 4 years of Obama and what it may potentially do to their popularity. All I know is, I wouldn't want to have an Obama bumper sticker down south after the election.

I agree with the other two, but I think Hannity truly wants Romney to win and truly is desperate for Obama to lose. He's a true believer in a way that Rush and Beck aren't.
Hey, if you requested an absentee ballot in Ohio, SEND IT IN. Don't blow it off and then show up to vote at the precinct! If you do, your ballot becomes provisional and will not be counted until at LEAST NOVEMBER 17.

There is a possibility that a huge number of provisional ballots this election could leave Ohio without a decisive winner until late November. That's a horrible scenario. Just send your provisional ballot in and it will be counted by election night.


At the end of the day, the people who feel this way have their heads so far up in the clouds that they may as well not even be alive on this planet. It's truly the religious libertarian. No amount of empathy, simply trying to escape this amazing planet that we have and this one life we are able to enjoy for a life that may or may not exist in the hereafter. The Christian platitude is one of the most destructible and offensive aspects there is and one reason why I haven't been back to church regularly since my wife and I lost our child due to her being stillborn. It's vile and doesn't belong in society.
Are mentally ill people allowed to vote? If not, then neither should the overtly religious people?


Are mentally ill people allowed to vote? If not, then neither should the overtly religious people?
There's no intelligence/sanity test, if that's what you're asking.

If you commit a felony you're barred from voting to some degree depending on the jurisdiction, but that's the only disqualifier I can think of.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Hey, if you requested an absentee ballot in Ohio, SEND IT IN. Don't blow it off and then show up to vote at the precinct! If you do, your ballot becomes provisional and will not be counted until at LEAST NOVEMBER 17.

There is a possibility that a huge number of provisional ballots this election could leave Ohio without a decisive winner until late November. That's a horrible scenario. Just send your provisional ballot in and it will be counted by election night.

but I want a circus :(
They have this stupid rule, if the poll was funded by someone but carried out by PPP, then it's never included. So the Virginia, Iowa, and Wisconsin polls don't count. But the North Carolina one that was funded by PPP itself was included on the list of the day's polls. I don't know their reasoning for this, but it skews the data badly.

That's quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard. That means I'm going to have to listen to every news station cite RCP about how "tight the race is".


We all know Rush, Hannity and Beck are salivating at another 4 years of Obama and what it may potentially do to their popularity. All I know is, I wouldn't want to have an Obama bumper sticker down south after the election.

That's why after much temptation I held back from putting my bumper stickers on my car. I have to drive in some very, very, very backwood places for work and I don't want some Coal Country rednecks doing something to my car.


Hey, if you requested an absentee ballot in Ohio, SEND IT IN. Don't blow it off and then show up to vote at the precinct! If you do, your ballot becomes provisional and will not be counted until at LEAST NOVEMBER 17.

I saw that's the case in Florida too. Just a stupid rule.

What happens in Indiana is if you send in an absentee ballot, you get marked off the poll books once it arrives at the precinct (after the mail comes in for the day). If you vote in-person before that the absentee ballot gets discarded and your in-person vote counts. If you try to vote in-person after the absentee ballot arrives you're SOL and the absentee vote is counted.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I find Portman to be a pretty decent dude, so I just like to think that he saw Romney as a sinking ship and tried to steer clear. He's only two years into the Senate and getting lumped in with Romney could damage his long-term ambitions.

But in the end, Romney was probably just irrationally paranoid about shoring up the base and went with the radical right wunderkind over a "boring" pick like Portman.

Actually, he has kind of a cool story and he seems like the ultimate badass outside of having a weak countenance. Dude has lived an awesome life and seems to genuinely enjoy it. Too bad...
PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
Our new Colorado poll finds Barack Obama leading 51-47, up a tick from our one last week that had him up 50-47


Again, I'll wait for non-PPP firm polls. Their dem lean/house effect is what, 1-2%?

I thought they had a GOP house lean last cycle or something.

Need other firms, I agree. Just not Ras and ARG, please.
They have this stupid rule, if the poll was funded by someone but carried out by PPP, then it's never included. So the Virginia, Iowa, and Wisconsin polls don't count. But the North Carolina one that was funded by PPP itself was included on the list of the day's polls. I don't know their reasoning for this, but it skews the data badly.

Wow, what's the reasoning? A poll is a poll, no matter who funds it.
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