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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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I got my vote reminder notice the past week my state NY doesn't do early voting and it's not a swing state:/, anyway I'm excited and can't wait to go and vote all dem on the 6th.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Barack looked down at the Florida sand and made small circles with his feet. The water lapping against the shoreline gradually filled in the small holes he had dug. If only a wave could wash away the holes I have dug for the American people, he thought. Michelle sat down next to him. “You know, this is it,” she said. Barack looked up. The glint of the sun reflecting off the water forced him to look back down. He couldn’t face Michelle anyway. “Don’t look away from me, Barack. I’m so tired of you looking away from me.” He stood up and moved towards her, but she stepped back. 20 years into their loveless marriage, the Obamas could not even fake the fire of a couple truly in love. “Michelle, I…I…,” Barack stumbled for words, as he always did when he was not speaking from a TelePrompTer. “I told the kids you will be spending some time at your father’s house, so they think you are going to Kenya.”

Michelle had asked Barack for a divorce in 2000, but he had convinced her to agree to hang on through his second Presidential campaign in a sealed agreement that was known only to Donald Trump. He never truly loved her, but the appearance of being more lonely—more cold, more uncaring, more robotic—than he already was would have been toxic politically. Michelle was a tough sell at first. She didn’t understand how Barack could even assure he’d ever be President. At the time, he was essentially a zero—after all, it’s what drove them apart. Eventually she learned of Barack’s grand Chicago Thug army and was satisfied holding on for a significant paycheck, which she needed to pay her trainers at the gym to keep her arms in such great shape.

Barack, or BO as he preferred to be called, pulled his Blackberry out of his pocket. 3:00PM. He put it back in his pocket. Panic set in. In exactly twelve hours, he was likely to receive a phone call that he wouldn’t know how to answer. Barack had always relied on Michelle for guidance in times of need, and now she was walking out. He thought about how long he’d have before the media would know. Donald Trump was probably already furiously eating through most of his 140 characters with which he would demolish Barack with truth.

He took a step forward and felt his Blackberry vibrate. It was Hillary.

He answered with a sultry tone in his voice. Perhaps things could finally work for them, he thought.


A loud crash awoke Hillary from her bed in the White House. Bill had dropped the brandy off the nightstand opposite his Twin bed in the other corner of the room again. It was all just a dream.


Barack looked down at the Florida sand and made small circles with his feet. The water lapping against the shoreline gradually filled in the small holes he had dug. If only a wave could wash away the holes I have dug for the American people, he thought. Michelle sat down next to him. “You know, this is it,” she said. Barack looked up. The glint of the sun reflecting off the water forced him to look back down. He couldn’t face Michelle anyway. “Don’t look away from me, Barack. I’m so tired of you looking away from me.” He stood up and moved towards her, but she stepped back. 20 years into their loveless marriage, the Obamas could not even fake the fire of a couple truly in love. “Michelle, I…I…,” Barack stumbled for words, as he always did when he was not speaking from a TelePrompTer. “I told the kids you will be spending some time at your father’s house, so they think you are going to Kenya.”

Michelle had asked Barack for a divorce in 2000, but he had convinced her to agree to hang on through his second Presidential campaign in a sealed agreement that was known only to Donald Trump. He never truly loved her, but the appearance of being more lonely—more cold, more uncaring, more robotic—than he already was would have been toxic politically. Michelle was a tough sell at first. She didn’t understand how Barack could even assure he’d ever be President. At the time, he was essentially a zero—after all, it’s what drove them apart. Eventually she learned of Barack’s grand Chicago Thug army and was satisfied holding on for a significant paycheck, which she needed to pay her trainers at the gym to keep her arms in such great shape.

Barack, or BO as he preferred to be called, pulled his Blackberry out of his pocket. 3:00PM. He put it back in his pocket. Panic set in. In exactly twelve hours, he was likely to receive a phone call that he wouldn’t know how to answer. Barack had always relied on Michelle for guidance in times of need, and now she was walking out. He thought about how long he’d have before the media would know. Donald Trump was probably already furiously eating through most of his 140 characters with which he would demolish Barack with truth.

He took a step forward and felt his Blackberry vibrate. It was Hillary.

He answered with a sultry tone in his voice. Perhaps things could finally work for them, he thought.


A loud crash awoke Hillary from her bed in the White House. Bill had dropped the brandy off the nightstand opposite his Twin bed in the other corner of the room again. It was all just a dream.

My favorite part is that Bill and Hillary have separate beds.
have you guys seen this video of Ben Stein disagreeing about Romney Tax Plan??...ON FOX NEWS!!! http://youtu.be/OFZ8h2ygIcg

hahahaha the look on their faces...they couldn't believe he was saying all this about raising taxes and the 90s being the best years.

I guess he's not coming back on Fox News until after the election. :(

I wonder if he was like "okay, I'm towed this line long enough." when he said what he said.

I still have trouble believing that the people on fox news actually believe the shit they say. Driving the country off a cliff with a guy who won't give us any details about how his plan works except by saying "Of course the figures add up!" isn't the best bet.


exactly 1 week til jobs numbers

Can you feel the excitement?

Does it really matter? If the numbers are bad or middle of the road republicans will blast obama on the economy, if the numbers are good they will say it's fake. At this point I don't really care about the numbers.


People, the media isn't pushing a "Romney surging" narrative because they want him to win; they don't care who the President is. They are pushing that narrative because the electoral math is clearly in Obama's favor and they don't want ratings drying up in the next week and a half because it looks like Obama will win.

The right claim the media is secretly liberal and the left claim the media is secretly conservative. They want a horse race. That's it.


Obama Campaign Endgame: Grunt Work and Cold Math

CHICAGO — This is what “grinding it out” looks like at President Obama’s election headquarters: scores of young staff members intently clicking away at computer keyboards as they crunch gigabytes of data about which way undecided voters are leaning, where they can be reached, and when; strategists standing at whiteboards busily writing and erasing early voting numbers and turnout possibilities; a lonely Ping-Pong table.

The wave of passion and excitement that coursed through Mr. Obama’s headquarters here in 2008 has been replaced with a methodical and workmanlike approach to manufacturing the winning coalition that came together more organically and enthusiastically for him the last time, a more arduous task with no guarantee of success.

As Washington and the cable news commentariat breathlessly discuss whether Mitt Romney’s post-debate movement in the polls has peaked, Mr. Obama’s campaign technicians — and that’s what many of them are — are putting as much faith in the multimillion-dollar machine they built for just such a close race as in the president himself.

“We are exactly where I thought we would be, in a very close election with 12 days left with two things to do and two things only: persuade the undecided and turn our voters out,” said Jim Messina, 43, the president’s technocratic campaign manager, slightly paler and more hunched than he was when the campaign began. Pointing to the rows of personnel outside his office on Thursday, he added, “Everything in that room has been focused on that.”

Four years ago, Mr. Obama’s political team here was preparing one of its trademark showstoppers: a half-hour prime-time program extolling Mr. Obama’s character and plans across four networks, culminating in a live feed from a boisterous rally in Florida.

There will be no such razzmatazz this time around. Any extra money in this tight final phase of the election is being wired to Nevada and Florida for more Spanish-language ads, to Iowa and Ohio for more on-the-ground staff members, and to Google and Facebook for more microtargeted messaging to complacent, maybe even demoralized, young supporters.

Mr. Obama emphasized the importance of their task during a stop at a phone bank here in Chicago on Thursday, telling volunteers, “If we let up and our voters don’t turn out, we could lose this election.” He added quickly, “The good news is, if our voters do turn out, we will definitely win the election.”

At the White House, it is clear that the action has moved to Chicago, with some staff members, who are legally prohibited from even wearing campaign buttons to work, pining to be on the trail and others whiling away the time preparing for the lame-duck Congressional wrangling on the budget impasse.

For Mr. Obama’s campaign staff in a nondescript office tower here, the task now comes down to creating an electorate more favorable to Democrats than most major pollsters have assumed, with percentages of Obama-friendly black, Latino and young voters that rival those of 2008, at least enough to offset the large drop in support among other segments of the population, like independent men.

An ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll on Thursday had Mr. Romney with a 50-to-47-percent edge among likely voters nationwide, the first time the challenger had reached 50 percent in the poll. But Mr. Obama’s aides here are at least projecting an air of confidence. They say their system, which they began building long before the Republican primaries, is exceeding expectations. Eleven days will tell whether they are bluffing.

After using their huge database to increase registration among favorable voting groups in crucial states, they are now pinpointing people who ordered absentee ballots and need a nudge to send them, or sporadic voters who indicated they would vote for the president but may need to be pushed to show up at their polling place.

“We made a strategic choice very early on that getting our supporters — and the right types of supporters — to the polls before Election Day was a big priority for us,” said Mitch Stewart, the Obama campaign’s battleground state director, who has been helping organize Mr. Obama’s supporters since the 2008 election and started at the campaign some 19 months and, in his words, “20 pounds ago.”

With a box of Tastykakes sitting on his desk in his spartan office, Mr. Stewart added, “The electorate’s going to look much more like 2008 than 2010.”

Some polls in recent weeks have shown Mr. Obama with an advantage among all registered voters, and Mr. Romney with an advantage or tied among likely voters. Mr. Obama’s aides are contending that the pollsters are wrongly assuming that Mr. Obama’s voters are less enthusiastic and that turnout among his key groups will be down, that is, he has fewer likely voters than he had four years ago.

A new Time magazine poll this week showed Mr. Obama ahead by a two-to-one ratio among those who voted early in Ohio.

His aides pointed to statistics showing that a slightly higher percentage of African-Americans had voted early in North Carolina compared with the percentage at this point four years ago, and that their percentages are up along with those of Hispanics in the early mail-in vote in Florida, which they attributed to their turnout operations.

Officials with Mr. Romney’s campaign disagree, and they said that whatever gains Mr. Obama had would be unsustainable through Election Day, contending that he is succeeding only in getting those most likely to support him to show up early, an assessment that Mr. Obama’s aides dispute.

“Every cycle, when someone is losing, they claim they are altering the electorate,” said Rich Beeson, Mr. Romney’s political director.

Of course, at this stage of the race, each campaign is engaged in a bit of bravado, aimed at giving supporters and undecided voters alike a sense that it is the winning team to be on.

There is little dispute that for Mr. Obama to at least come close enough to matching his 2008 coalition to win he will need to induce people to vote in a way he did not have to four years ago, before the full impact of the Great Recession was followed by intensive partisan wrangling.

Mr. Obama’s aides here said they had prepared for the need to rebuild his coalition all along, and that is why they have kept careful tabs on his former supporters, and worked to identify potential new ones, since he took office, all the while perfecting ways to keep track of them, keep in touch with them, and, ultimately, persuade them to vote.

The campaign is refocusing its advertising to scare less motivated supporters to vote. One new ad presents a reminder of Al Gore’s loss to George W. Bush in the Florida recount of 2000, which, the ad says, made “the difference between what was, and what could have been.”

But ultimately, if Mr. Obama does win, it could come down to the huge room of technicians and data crunchers in a corporate office here, sitting on exercise balls or squeezing stress toys as they dispatch information to volunteers knocking on doors hundreds of miles away.

In interviews, Mr. Obama’s aides wistfully recalled when the office had just opened, a vast, mostly empty space with a countdown of the days scrawled in Magic Marker — then well into the hundreds. Now it is done with a digital clock, ticking off the very last minutes and seconds.

Barack looked down at the Florida sand and made small circles with his feet. The water lapping against the shoreline gradually filled in the small holes he had dug. If only a wave could wash away the holes I have dug for the American people, he thought. Michelle sat down next to him. “You know, this is it,” she said. Barack looked up. The glint of the sun reflecting off the water forced him to look back down. He couldn’t face Michelle anyway. “Don’t look away from me, Barack. I’m so tired of you looking away from me.” He stood up and moved towards her, but she stepped back. 20 years into their loveless marriage, the Obamas could not even fake the fire of a couple truly in love. “Michelle, I…I…,” Barack stumbled for words, as he always did when he was not speaking from a TelePrompTer. “I told the kids you will be spending some time at your father’s house, so they think you are going to Kenya.”

Michelle had asked Barack for a divorce in 2000, but he had convinced her to agree to hang on through his second Presidential campaign in a sealed agreement that was known only to Donald Trump. He never truly loved her, but the appearance of being more lonely—more cold, more uncaring, more robotic—than he already was would have been toxic politically. Michelle was a tough sell at first. She didn’t understand how Barack could even assure he’d ever be President. At the time, he was essentially a zero—after all, it’s what drove them apart. Eventually she learned of Barack’s grand Chicago Thug army and was satisfied holding on for a significant paycheck, which she needed to pay her trainers at the gym to keep her arms in such great shape.

Barack, or BO as he preferred to be called, pulled his Blackberry out of his pocket. 3:00PM. He put it back in his pocket. Panic set in. In exactly twelve hours, he was likely to receive a phone call that he wouldn’t know how to answer. Barack had always relied on Michelle for guidance in times of need, and now she was walking out. He thought about how long he’d have before the media would know. Donald Trump was probably already furiously eating through most of his 140 characters with which he would demolish Barack with truth.

He took a step forward and felt his Blackberry vibrate. It was Hillary.

He answered with a sultry tone in his voice. Perhaps things could finally work for them, he thought.


A loud crash awoke Hillary from her bed in the White House. Bill had dropped the brandy off the nightstand opposite his Twin bed in the other corner of the room again. It was all just a dream.

Needs more Condi Rice!


Nevada should be ok thanks to Harry Reid's GOTV machine.

It always amazed me someone like Harry Reid would have one of the best GOTV operations of any politician in the country.


I used to think so poorly of Harry Reid. He seemed to have the personality, ability, and determination of a damp cloth. Since 2010 when he beat Sharron Angle, has built a political machine that's taken control of Nevada politics for Democrats, and attacked Romney with such joy, I've come to realize he's secretly pretty vicious.
@Politech81 :p

I have @Speculawyer but I generally don't send out tweets, I just occasionally respond to other people's tweets. Any followers I have must be bots.


I'm kind of newer to the twitter universe. I mainly use facebook. But, since my job has me working twitter a bit and I want to learn I've been using it more and more.

also, re: Twitter >>> @HylianTom
The only social media I've given-into.
I don't post about politics very much at all (more about sports, life in NOLA, etc), but this might prove to be too irresistible. That, and I'll have to report entertaining real-life reactions. :p
All followed.


I was initially thinking that Speilberg's Lincoln would be a big cheesefest, but apparently it focuses almost entirely on the process of ratifying the Thirteenth Amendment in the House. That sounds so nerdy that I think I'm going to love it.

All followed.


Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
I used to think so poorly of Harry Reid. He seemed to have the personality, ability, and determination of a damp cloth. Since 2010 when he beat Sharron Angle, has built a political machine that's taken control of Nevada politics for Democrats, and attacked Romney with such joy, I've come to realize he's secretly pretty vicious.

He's still a useless tool outside of election season, after which he air mails his balls to parts unknown.
Who is ready for a Friday morning laugh?

RCP just posted a new Florida poll from "Sunshine State News" (whoever the hell that is) that shows Romney winning 51-46. The funny part? This poll shows Romney getting 21% of the African American vote


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Who is ready for a Friday morning laugh?

RCP just posted a new Florida poll from "Sunshine State News" (whoever the hell that is) that shows Romney winning 51-46. The funny part? This poll shows Romney getting 21% of the African American vote

i don't think that's too surprising considering how much obama's support for gay marriage turned off segments of the AA population, as PD has alluded to.

Still don't know why AA oppose gay marriage. It's a civil rights issue. Guess they don't care about those now that they got theirs. Classy.


This MSNBC headline is worded odd:
First Read: Candidates blitz the Buckeye State as polls in Colorado show it could end up being the closest and potentially most important contest in the country.


Still don't know why AA oppose gay marriage. It's a civil rights issue. Guess they don't care about those now that they got theirs. Classy.

Isn't the African American opposition a bit overstated now? I remember seeing things changed a bit recently, and a bit more then once Obama came out in support.

A quick google search led me to this

Further, this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, finds that support for gay marriage has reached a new high among African-Americans in ABC/Post polls, up from four in 10 in recent surveys to 59 percent now.
and not to get all diablosly, but the Sandy track is not good news for either campaign next week. it could potentially hamper the already depressed obama GOTV effort in virginia.


Are there any stats on if the folks on the left are more likely to do early voting than the folks on the right? Is there anything to that at all?


Are there any stats on if the folks on the left are more likely to do early voting than the folks on the right? Is there anything to that at all?

I think the fact that nearly every state poll shows Obama with a 2:1 lead among early voters is evidence enough of that.


Yup. Gonna be a big pilling day. With Purple Polling saying that all of their swing state polls look good for Obama, this could be a really good one.

Well.. at least state-wise.


Are there any stats on if the folks on the left are more likely to do early voting than the folks on the right? Is there anything to that at all?

Well, don't the early returns bear that out? Obama isn't going to win Ohio by 25-30 points, or whatever it is right now. Chalk it up to a better ground game and the kinds of voters that are democractic would be my guess.


Yup. Gonna be a big pilling day. With Purple Polling saying that all of their swing state polls look good for Obama, this could be a really good one.

Well.. at least state-wise.

Link? I checked their twitter and saw no mention of a hint about the results.
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