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Predict the RT and Metacritic score for Batman V Superman

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Pretty much how I feel.
Reading the plot summary and it seems clumsy in details.

Then again perhaps I am just tired of CBMs in general...

I know I am.


what this can be, though, is more disappointing given what it is.

At least we won't need to hold our nose to the writing as much. I can't imagine Terrio letting a bad script out the door for this.

That's true

It just doesn't seem like a great movie.
Slowly walks away disappointed now . . .

god damn that's a buzzkill.

Definitely not trying to be a buzzkill, but be careful. I go to these screenings a lot too and can get caught up in the hype as well. Sometimes, it's valid (CREED, Mad Max: Fury Road) and other times, it's not (Thor: The Dark World)

That's four people, one being DeMarcus Cousins.

Still, your point is valid.

They basically just grab whatever Twitter reactions they can get and put it on there.

Also what's wrong with Boogie?!


Old Member
Definitely not trying to be a buzzkill, but be careful. I go to these screenings a lot too and can get caught up in the hype as well. Sometimes, it's valid (CREED, Mad Max: Fury Road) and other times, it's not (Thor: The Dark World)

They basically just grab whatever Twitter reactions they can get and put it on there.

Also what's wrong with Boogie?!

He punched PatBev in the stomach, man. I can't forgive that.

PatBev is a dick, though, lol.
I agree not to read into initial impressions too much, but all the f4 people from that article were just randoms, and there were 4 of them. A good amount of critics not listed on the article (and even some initial doubters/MoS critics like marc bernadin) have given the film a thumbs up. I think it's safe to say it will be better received than Man of Steel by critics.


Old Member
I'm predicting 85% RT, 90% Meta or so.

Admittedly I'm biased because the movie's heavily influenced by late '80s-'90s comic stuff, which was when I was heavily into them. I was never one for the animated series/movies or the Reeve films, which seem to color most peoples' perspectives on Superman and what they expect from the character. I vastly prefer the Byrne/Jurgens/Simonson era, and fell off from comics in the early '00s. Hell, I still think Batman Begins is the best Batman movie ever made. I think the biggest problem with a lot of CBMs so far (anything Singer touches, mainly) is some of them seem ashamed of their roots, whereas this, like Watchmen, looks like the source material transmitted to the screen from my mind somehow. I want a scene reminiscent of Kingdom Come where Supes has just had it and starts to tear down the U.N., though maaayyyybe not to that extent. I just want to see a Superman that isn't constantly benevolent, at least at first.

Yeah, I'm hyped.
Definitely not trying to be a buzzkill, but be careful. I go to these screenings a lot too and can get caught up in the hype as well. Sometimes, it's valid (CREED, Mad Max: Fury Road) and other times, it's not (Thor: The Dark World)

They basically just grab whatever Twitter reactions they can get and put it on there.

Also what's wrong with Boogie?!
Boogie is a complete moron.


Definitely not trying to be a buzzkill, but be careful. I go to these screenings a lot too and can get caught up in the hype as well. Sometimes, it's valid (CREED, Mad Max: Fury Road) and other times, it's not (Thor: The Dark World)

Hopefully this is the former. There has been way more positive reactions about this movie than FF4.

Even if BvS reaches a high 80s on RT...it will still divide people. There are already some folks who won't accept this movie no matter what.
Boogie is a complete moron.

Morons can like movies too!

Hopefully this is the former. There has been way more positive reactions about this movie than FF4.

Even if BvS reaches a high 80s on RT...it will still divide people. There are already some folks who won't accept this movie no matter what.

Pretty much. Snyder's either a love him or leave him kind of a director, there's usually no middleground
Totally true, but it's important to note that I believe those FF reviews were from a "Friends and Family" screening, and this was the NYC premiere.

Well, you're about to get a shitload of impressions from similar screenings tonight, so be wary.

At this point, you should kind of know if you're going to be into this movie or not, IMO. It ain't complicated.


72% Rotten Tomatoes
59% Metacritic

It'll be a gorgeous mess, like most Snyder films
except Dawn of the Dead, which is legit great

The 90%+ predictions are pretty funny, guys. Keep 'em coming.


Old Member
I think it has more to do with the DC characters themselves. There is no Rocket or Groot or Ironman in these movies.

Thank God. I'm so sick and tired of Stark that I'm considering not even acknowledging Marvel flicks until he's gone.

Which, of course, means I won't be seeing any of them ever again. My dislike for his character and RDJ in particular has almost become toxic to the point of irrationality.


Any GAF members who saw advance screenings? I know there's the spoiler thread but I've been hesitating to in there because well I don't want to get spoiled. Excited for Thursday!


Any GAF members who saw advance screenings? I know there's the spoiler thread but I've been hesitating to in there because well I don't want to get spoiled. Excited for Thursday!

Penguin saw it last night, I think. And Verendus saw it a while ago. They had pretty positive impressions of it.

Anyways, I'm predicting a low 80s/high 70s RT score, with a mid to low 70s MC score. I wasn't really sure about it, but the number of good impressions that have been coming out recently have led me to believe that it'll at least be a fun time.


The movie's good, but it's more of a wild fantasia like Sucker Punch, where each scene has little to do with what's come before, than a coherent world vision like The Dark Knight.

I think most people will like it.

The actual BvS fight is the most boring part, but even that is better than Man of Steel's ending.

I predict 76.


The movie's good, but it's more of a wild fantasia like Sucker Punch, where each scene has little to do with what's come before, than a coherent world vision like The Dark Knight.

I think most people will like it.

The actual BvS fight is the most boring part, but even that is better than Man of Steel's ending.

I predict 76.
Have you seen it?


The movie's good, but it's more of a wild fantasia like Sucker Punch, where each scene has little to do with what's come before, than a coherent world vision like The Dark Knight.

I think most people will like it.

The actual BvS fight is the most boring part, but even that is better than Man of Steel's ending.

I predict 76.

I take it you have seen it?

Batman will save the movie from being a complete disaster enough for people to recommend it, but not FRESH



Have you seen it?

Yeah, but embargoed, so I can't go into details, but it's Very Zack Snyder, which is good or bad depending on your POV.

Whatever people think about the movie, I think the score will be universally praised.
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