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Skullgirls |OT| New age of Heroines

Hey I was wondering something.
I was able to seriously play SG again during our monthly ranking that is Xbox only (yay, patch !) and beated everyone even if I was doing a lot of dropped combos (but still that was better than playing against SF4 players). Since I am in France and that finding players is even harder than explaining that omelette du fromage isn't french at all, I was wondering if some people here are living in Europe and play on PS3 ? Or in the USA and are ok to test with me ? :)

I would like to play some matchs and can't wait for the PC version... But buying the xbox version is a bit useless. :/

El Sloth

All the activity in here has me kinda pumped to do like a week of Skullgirls and see if I can finally get down some BnBs in the process.

Sloth, I'm very curious about something I forgot to mention before. How did my neutral and movement (especially movement) look to you? I still have things to iron out like how I use my triggers with a two punch macro (leading to the numerous raw knives/Furzerker Purrages in that set) and how to keep Fortune's head somewhere between a half way distance between the opponent and myself so I keep my options available at all times.
I'm not sure if I'm the best person to ask and my memory is a bit fuzzy, but let me see. Well from what I remember, and it seems a bit unfair to say this since you're still new to the game, but your movement is too stiff. Especially when you're playing against Peacock. You were loosing up a lot more against my very green Parasoul the longer it went on, but you were still too stiff against her.

I wish I could show you videos of how SolarKnight approaches in comparison. You need to take more advantage of the mobility options available to your character, both on the ground and in the air. Fortune, for example, has some pretty amazing air mobility with her double jumps, air dash, and fiber upper cancel. Valentine also has a double jump and an upward facing airdash that's especially good at avoiding Peacock's horizontal projectiles. The also has that rushing slash of hers that can cover a significant amount of horizontal space both on the ground and the air, but you have to be careful when throwing it out since it isn't safe on block and punishable on whiff (at least the heavy versions. Don't know about the others.). Don't forget that this game has superjumping, but like Marvel you can't call assists during a superjump.

And, again this is unfair to say since you're still new to the character, but you're neutral game with headless Fortune is also lacking. You get become too absorbed in either Fortune's head or her main body forgetting about the other when you should be making me worry about both.

Rather than listening to me though, you should just go watch videos of good Valentine players like Omniscythe and good Fortune's like guitalex. Guitalex has his own youtube channel, but I don't know about Omniscythe. Check the ECT archives for whoever it was that was that streamed SG.

It's too bad, but I've noticed that people who upload their matches don't include the characters being used like SSIV match vids.


Short answer : Yes

Long answer : A chain is a sequence of commands that you input that cancels itself while you input it. You can't chain a ground sequence to an air sequence because you need to get up there to do it and you can't cancel the "jumping part" if you know what I mean. It does work because the hit stun is lenient enough to leave you enough for your character to get up there and continue with another chain. This is why most combos you see written for SG splits up chains one per line. Easier to read, easier to develop resets and branch out if needed be. Like so :

cr.LK, cr.mp, cr.hp jump
j.lk, j.HK land
cr.LK, cr.MK jump
j.MP, j.HK land
cr.mp, cr.HP jump
j.LP LP LP LP LP LP land
s.LP, s.LP, s.MK, s.HP xx qcf+LP xx qcf+PP

Thanks much, I never really through in depth about the fact that jumping wasn't a true chain, but it's obvious once you explain it.

Also, is the above Cerebella? Because I can't get QCF+P xx QCF + PP to come out to save my life.


Hey I was wondering something.
I was able to seriously play SG again during our monthly ranking that is Xbox only (yay, patch !) and beated everyone even if I was doing a lot of dropped combos (but still that was better than playing against SF4 players). Since I am in France and that finding players is even harder than explaining that omelette du fromage isn't french at all, I was wondering if some people here are living in Europe and play on PS3 ? Or in the USA and are ok to test with me ? :)

I would like to play some matchs and can't wait for the PC version... But buying the xbox version is a bit useless. :/

I live in Quebec up north so I think SG will be playable. I've played SF4 UK matches that were OK so I'm sure it'll work out in SG. I'll probably be hitting the training regimen that Q's given me but send me a message if you see me online !

Thanks much, I never really through in depth about the fact that jumping wasn't a true chain, but it's obvious once you explain it.

Also, is the above Cerebella? Because I can't get QCF+P xx QCF + PP to come out to save my life.

Yup it's my (copied from somewhere) "current try to be bnb" ™ for Cerebella. I know there's probably better combos out there but it's a start with lots of resets potentials. Try making it work in the corner first because there's only one side that's being pushed back. You need to do the last chain as fast as possible but do a small pause after doing the Lock n' Load. Cancel the LP LnL ONLY when it hits but then do the super as fast as possible.
Hi i don't play the videogames but I do like the skullgirls

here is a lady dressed as beowulf
I came for Skullgirls, but I stayed for the ladies cosplaying.
That's also my problem. How do you practice spacing and fundamentals? Combo are straight forward you just do drills until it's learned.
I usually try to fight only people who are better than me. Also, I go out of my way to ask for invites because I want to start from the right side (facing left) of the screen which is my weak side. I think that is disappearing after my matches with Beats. Oh... this might help me in other fighting games now that I think about it!
Haha, I wouldn't go to Evo anyway. Too expensive with all the travel and such.
Same here

I'd have to have some serious reserves to consider flying to EVO. I mean some SERIOUS reserves that wouldn't get dented too bad.
LOL. Well, people get upset about all kinds of things just to see if other people will get upset with them. Sometimes I think that in our fractured society, where many people's closest friends exist only in digital form, the one way the isolated can try and feel some semblance of community is by bonding over the things that offend them.
Sounds bad, man.

That is why I hang around SG, browsed AnimeGAF and stick with OTs. It is usually positive talk with AnimeGAF taking the cake in light hearted banter.
Like, full-on art of her face and such? I don't just want a text story. That's what I'm curious about. I know it's Filia's.
Yeah, Filia has a blonde hair color at the end of her ending with Painwheel who looks more normal thanks to Filia's wish.
Just finished Painwheel's story. LOL @ these endings having more effort put into them than Marvel's.
What fighting game doesn't? lol
Yeah, I definitely wasn't thinking properly after the first few matches. I mostly practice combos and resets in training, but I'm not entirely sure where I could practice my spacing/fundamentals outside of real matches. Don't worry I don't feel insulted lol. It was a bit of a blur for me.

- Parasoul's j.HP seems to stuff my air approaches. I feel like I should use my DP more and stick to the ground if you're coming from the air. Or distance myself.
- I dropped a bunch of combos when I was facing left..I'm not sure what was going on there.
- I need to get better at blocking. You caught me a number of times with a dash in low after a jump in attack or after a blocked Napalm shot.

- There were a number of times where you made some bad assist calls which let me combo both your characters.
- You did a lot of up back in the corner with Peacock. I blame myself for not air grabbing you when you were doing that. >.<

I think that's all. There's probably more, but eh. You've gotten better though (Or I've gotten worse haha). First time I fought you I went 15-15, but this time I was 0-15 lol.
Real matches are exactly where I would practice. It doesn't get any simpler than that imo. I usually fight people who are better than me in every way possible. Your Valentine didn't really do much as an assist or on point, but I just didn't want to get touched by your Filia after that first combo so I made touching me a literal obstacle course. What exactly are you trying to do with Valentine as an anchor? Have you ever thought of switching the order to see what could happen? Filia is a great anchor and a much better assist character between her DPs and hairballs (can you say hairballs+Val overheads?). Sometimes a flip is all you need to gain a new perspective on the person you are fighting.

Try mixing some grabs in there. I'm actually slow when it come to tech'ing even though I can block some fuzzies and mixups. Valentine's standard tick throw game after a normal standing throw is surprisingly good even at high levels of play.

*If you want to challenge jumping heavy punch you might want to just run and DP? I can't beat that, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you are ready to spend lots of meter on safe air gregors. I'm gonna bait that DP so hard it is not even funny.

*You need more practice with Valentine. She really shines with a good assist. You might want to consider a third character or an order flip. I'd go with the latter.

*I up-back because you let me. Really, I was just being lazy about trying to find a way out.

*Everyone has problems when they are facing left. That is why I ask for invites. It puts me in that position from the start of the match. Feel free to ask me and everyone for invites instead and you'll start disadvantaged. Think of it as handicapped training.

*Yeah, I call the assists a lot. I think I'm just looking for excitement and blowups when I do lol. There is no other good reason for some of my bad assist calls. <_<

Oh, and cute avatar btw. Serial Experiments Lain is a great anime.


I usually try to fight only people who are better than me. Also, I go out of my way to ask for invites because I want to start from the right side (facing left) of the screen which is my weak side. I think that is disappearing after my matches with Beats. Oh... this might help me in other fighting games now that I think about it!

The only thing I get to practice when I fight people who are better than me is blocking. That's all I ever did when I played Beats :/. I guess I'm so overwhelmed by all those whizbang movements that I don't have enough left to analyze my loss. *sigh* Here I am whining again. Hopefully the training regimen I'll be doing with Q will help me understand a little better what I need to look for.
The only thing I get to practice when I fight people who are better than me is blocking. That's all I ever did when I played Beats :/. I guess I'm so overwhelmed by all those whizbang movements that I don't have enough left to analyze my loss. *sigh* Here I am whining again. Hopefully the training regimen I'll be doing with Q will help me understand a little better what I need to look for.
You need to look for a way to overwhelm your opponent and in fighting games I only know of two ways to do that. You can make it so they never play the game with ridiculous combos or you can make it so they never touch you.

There is something between those, but I think that is the place you enter when you are fighting at a high level. At the start you want to be one of those two people and I think being the ultimate shield is a better avenue in the long run.


Real matches are exactly where I would practice. It doesn't get any simpler than that imo. I usually fight people who are better than me in every way possible. Your Valentine didn't really do much as an assist or on point, but I just didn't want to get touched by your Filia after that first combo so I made touching me a literal obstacle course. What exactly are you trying to do with Valentine as an anchor? Have you ever thought of switching the order to see what could happen? Filia is a great anchor and a much better assist character between her DPs and hairballs (can you say hairballs+Val overheads?). Sometimes a flip is all you need to gain a new perspective on the person you are fighting.

Try mixing some grabs in there. I'm actually slow when it come to tech'ing even though I can block some fuzzies and mixups. Valentine's standard tick throw game after a normal standing throw is surprisingly good even at high levels of play.

*If you want to challenge jumping heavy punch you might want to just run and DP? I can't beat that, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you are ready to spend lots of meter on safe air gregors. I'm gonna bait that DP so hard it is not even funny.

*You need more practice with Valentine. She really shines with a good assist. You might want to consider a third character or an order flip. I'd go with the latter.

*I up-back because you let me. Really, I was just being lazy about trying to find a way out.

*Everyone has problems when they are facing left. That is why I ask for invites. It puts me in that position from the start of the match. Feel free to ask me and everyone for invites instead and you'll start disadvantaged. Think of it as handicapped training.

*Yeah, I call the assists a lot. I think I'm just looking for excitement and blowups when I do lol. There is no other good reason for some of my bad assist calls. <_<

Yeah, my Valentine was worthless that set. I was mostly trying out Dead Cross as an assist for Filia, but it doesn't seem that great. I haven't spent much time with her though. I'll try her on point and see how that goes or maybe just go back to solo Filia. I do want to make a proper team eventually though. I'll keep working at it. >.<

Oh, and cute avatar btw. Serial Experiments Lain is a great anime.

Probably one of my favorites heh.

El Sloth

Alright, I have about one hour to play if anyone on 360 wants some matches/a runback.
I was so tempted to go straight to Skullgirls when I saw you sign on, but I really should hit the sack to wake up early tomorrow. When are you gonna be on tomorrow? I'd like one more runback before I leave on my trip!
Why is this so hard to do? -_-

c.LK, c.MK, s.HP, fly, df.LK, c.MK, s.HP

I've only completed that basic series once. My execution is so bad. :-(


Why is this so hard to do? -_-

c.LK, c.MK, s.HP, fly, df.LK, c.MK, s.HP

I've only completed that basic series once. My execution is so bad. :-(

Yeah. Took me a while to get that working, too. My first 3 days of skullgirls was basically trying to complete one combo over and over again. I'm still not anywhere near consistent for the full thing, but most of it is pretty easy now. It was definitely the HP startup that would mess me up in the beginning.
Yeah. Took me a while to get that working, too. My first 3 days of skullgirls was basically trying to complete one combo over and over again. I'm still not anywhere near consistent for the full thing, but most of it is pretty easy now. It was definitely the HP startup that would mess me up in the beginning.
It's fly-canceling the s.HP that kills me.
RIP Juju. You deserved better.
I don't get "fans" like that. If Capcom took my fanmade Nina moveset and incorporated it into Marvel, I would be ecstatic. At most I would request my name in the credits just to flatter myself. A fan's design suggestion being incorporated into the game should be its own reward.


I don't get "fans" like that. If Capcom took my fanmade Nina moveset and incorporated it into Marvel, I would be ecstatic. At most I would request my name in the credits just to flatter myself. A fan's design suggestion being incorporated into the game should be its own reward.
Some people are just selfish assholes when the time comes.


Some people are just selfish assholes when the time comes.

Some people don't understand what Non-disclosure means and ruin it for everybody.


Can you do Magneto's fly combo in marvel ? Should be pretty similar from the looks of it. I'll try to take a look at the combo after work.
I don't get "fans" like that. If Capcom took my fanmade Nina moveset and incorporated it into Marvel, I would be ecstatic. At most I would request my name in the credits just to flatter myself. A fan's design suggestion being incorporated into the game should be its own reward.

Link? I think I read about this before, but it sounds interesting. This is BoFII Nina right?

I'm still bitter over Juju.

I was really looking forward to a sniper character.

No idea what they plan to do after this, but personally I think we'll see another sniper concept appear to fill Juju's shoes.


I wonder how she could have worked. A sniper character seems too slow for a game like this, unless she's an action girl who just happens to also hold a rifle.

Using her rifle as a staff like Litchi or multi function like Saki would have been an approach.


Using her rifle as a staff like Litchi or multi function like Saki would have been an approach.

But like I said, I wanted her to be something slow and heavy that hits really hard with a focus on range battle. Don't forget that the character, save for her exceptional aiming, is human with no other skills. But that one skill put her over any other Egret.


But like I said, I wanted her to be something slow and heavy that hits really hard with a focus on range battle. Don't forget that the character, save for her exceptional aiming, is human with no other skills. But that one skill put her over any other Egret.

Panzerfaust would fit that bill way better than Juju. A small asian women is not my definition of somebody that can hit slow and heavy.
Some people don't understand what Non-disclosure means and ruin it for everybody.


Can you do Magneto's fly combo in marvel ? Should be pretty similar from the looks of it. I'll try to take a look at the combo after work.
It's not like Magneto fly combos, but it wouldn't matter anyway. The problem with the Painwheel combo is that you have to delay the fly cancel after inputting s.H, which is something I'm not used to. Marvel trains you to fly cancel right as you do inputs, practically plinking them. I just go too fast for the engine's requirements. I'll get it down, though.

Link? I think I read about this before, but it sounds interesting. This is BoFII Nina right?
Of course, the best Nina. I plan on doing an updated version with her normals since I've had more time to think about it, and sample combos/blockstrings/strategies:

Probably getting the PS3 version next week. Don't get any better. :p
All I did for an hour last night was figure out 4 new resets. My combos are still bad.
What is Parasoul's j.d+MK good for aside from trolling people by bouncing on their heads forever if they don't know how to pushblock (I will do this).

El Sloth

So, I just got back from trying to convince a place in Manhattan to host a "Skullgirls night". Things went well! Nothing is confirmed happening yet of course, but they seemed really receptive to have a different sort of game night (they have board game nights) especially now that business for them slows during the summer.

Hopefully things go well while I'm gone for the next two weeks. By the way, if any you see me posting on GAF anytime in the next 16 days, then please kindly remind me to get hell off the computer.
Of course, the best Nina. I plan on doing an updated version with her normals since I've had more time to think about it, and sample combos/blockstrings/strategies:

:lol My man.

I'm still partial to III Nina since my first BoF game was III, but it's hard to beat perfection.

And that is a pretty cool concept. Holy Order Sol/Tsubaki charges, except for heavy screen control? I don't think I could handle it, but I'd love to see something like that done in Marvel. Heck, any character that has a robust enough gameplan that they can work resource building into it would be a breath of fresh air compared to how you have to set characters with secondary resources up currently.

My painwheel mixups are "nobody plays her here, so nobody knows her normals' FA, so dropped combos become unsafe blockstrings become successful throw attempts into Death Crawl". I am mega fradulent. I know a few half-combos and resets though, and am working on my flight cancel game when I have the time, since being intimate with flight cancelling out of armored normals is really crucial to her approach.
:lol My man.

I'm still partial to III Nina since my first BoF game was III, but it's hard to beat perfection.

And that is a pretty cool concept. Holy Order Sol/Tsubaki charges, except for heavy screen control? I don't think I could handle it, but I'd love to see something like that done in Marvel. Heck, any character that has a robust enough gameplan that they can work resource building into it would be a breath of fresh air compared to how you have to set characters with secondary resources up currently.

My painwheel mixups are "nobody plays her here, so nobody knows her normals' FA, so dropped combos become unsafe blockstrings become successful throw attempts into Death Crawl". I am mega fradulent. I know a few half-combos and resets though, and am working on my flight cancel game when I have the time, since being intimate with flight cancelling out of armored normals is really crucial to her approach.
Thanks! I think I have some solid Painwheel mix-ups, though one in particular is my favorite.

I would be cool with BoFIII Nina, just no BoFIV Nina - screw that incarnation. BoFII Nina has gotten good attention from Capcom recently, though. She was added to the Onimusha card game and the UMvC3 card game over BoFIII Nina. That has to mean something...right? :-(
What is Parasoul's j.d+MK good for aside from trolling people by bouncing on their heads forever if they don't know how to pushblock (I will do this).

I haven't found much use for it outside of the occasional stomp/baiting burts through repeated use honestly. Then again, barely anyone ever falls for it :/
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