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SW Outlaws tanks, Ubisoft is course correcting


From their recent investors note on AC Shadows delay:

Additionally, despite solid ratings (Metacritic 76) and user scores across the First Party and Epic stores (3.9/5) that reflect an immersive and authentic Star Wars universe, Star Wars Outlaws initial sales proved softer than expected. In response to player feedback, Ubisoft’s development teams are currently fully mobilized to swiftly implement a series of updates to polish and improve the player experience in order to engage a large audience during the holiday season to position Star Wars Outlaws as a strong long-term performer. The game will be available on Steam on November 21.
To give Ubisoft credit - at least they are learning (maybe).
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Ha Ha Ha Lol GIF


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I love that they're implying to investors that a Steam release will mean more sales and help them reach a wider audience. I mean, it will - but the fact that they've for years said it wouldn't and have now done a complete turnaround (Shadows releasing day one on Steam) means of course they were lying about it all along.


Did it really tank or did you add that part yourself?
Tanked might be too much but saying initial sales are softer than expected doesn't encourage confidence.

We are talking about a single player game here and when holiday/Black Friday hits it will be likely like all ubisoft games be heavily discounted.
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I hope that from bitter will come some sweet, i like Ubi games but there's a lot of negative vibes around their recent games and they should try and listen to the fans more, maybe try and do what Capcom sometimes does with their polls, I'm pretty sure if asked before that most fans would choose a asian native to play on Shadows, a damn shame but i hope they are correcting their ways from now.


the only good came from ubisoft are the CREW series because the studio is from France and not from Montreal. Montreal studio is infamous for using same templates for all the series.
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I hope so or they're in big trouble, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea if Vivendi had bought them out, they're teetering on the edge imho.


imagine tanking your company just baucause you wouldnt make your character slightly attactive.

+ Imagine turning your entire catalog into always-online live service trash and expecting the players you cultivated with single player games would lap it up

+ Imagine actively kneecapping your games' sales potential on PC by releasing them on dead storefronts nobody uses

Their issues run deep and they're entirely self-inflicted. What a bunch of dummies.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member

Ubisoft feeling that pressure. AC Shadows release on Steam cometh. Muhahaha

beard GIF

How many times will it take before they learn?

Too fucking late

They could have gotten day 1 FOMO peoples, but the game has such a reputation now that even 60% off I don't think I would bite.


Thats a fair response. The bones are good in my opinion.
Anyway, this will be a better pickup during the holiday for the $30 it will surely hit.
From their recent investors note on AC Shadows delay:

To give Ubisoft credit - at least they are learning (maybe).
'We'd like to go over some of the changes we've made since the delay. .Introducing.... Yoshi Noya. Our new 100 percent heterosexual Japanese af protagonist.'


What is there to polish and improve? The brain rotten have kept telling us how great the game was already. And surely they were correct, they are, after all, on the right side of history.
by releasing them on dead storefronts nobody uses
"Assassin's Creed Valhalla is fastest selling game in the franchise ... It is also “the top-selling Ubisoft PC launch ever""

It didn't launch on steam until 2 years later. Saying "nobody uses" their store is just trading one extreme hyperbole for another.


"Assassin's Creed Valhalla is fastest selling game in the franchise ... It is also “the top-selling Ubisoft PC launch ever""

It didn't launch on steam until 2 years later. Saying "nobody uses" their store is just trading one extreme hyperbole for another.
Hyperbole sure, but the point is they would sell a heck of lot more by releasing day and date on Steam.

Edit: they also released Valhalla on Steam without Steam achievements, further impacting sales negatively. Now they’re adding them again with recent games that underperformed such as Avatar and PoP. It would be nice if they stopped going to war with their customers on PC.
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