I think they literally covered 15 episodes with this one, must be a new record.
The feel of 15 episodes.....what?
I only counted.... two.
This episode was more setup than payoff, but that's just how it has to be. Start of a new story arc and all. I am looking forward to the next one because, well, Vegeta. That's a scene I've been looking forward to for a while.There weren't any great moments in the episode, just a lot of little things that made me chuckle. It was okay.
Not the funniest, but still entertaining.
How the hell did they manage to get Brent Spiner to do Android 19?!
How meta
It wasn't actually Brent Spiner.
This was great. Nothing like a bit of DBZ Abridged to make your day feel awesome.
An "average" DBZA episode is still above-average funny.
I'm going off of the credits.
I'd like to think they gotten some success doing this and managed to get the attention of someone like him.
Least funny episode in a while.
It wasn't't as brilliant as the last episode, but man that scream from Chichi at the beginning was amazing! XD
You guys are crazy. This episode was full of great moments. I was dying when Piccolo kept correcting Goku on the day, time and location of the androids' arrival.
But a question does arise. If Trunks gave Goku the heart medicine, why was Goku still becoming ill? I saw the original, stupid episodes, but I can't remember what the reason was.
In the original, Goku just didn't take it because he never got sick until then.
In the original, Goku just didn't take it because he never got sick until then.
In this one, well...bacon.
IIRC, the original (or at least the English version of the anime) also said that the timing of the heart attack changed from what Trunks expected, because Trunks changed the timeline and Goku's life played out different.
Because of E3 I had no idea that this was out! just watched it
You know when Gero was shooting lasers out of his eyes, Goku yells 'Stop it!' And he replies 'NEVEERRR!!'
Did that remind anyone of a certain movie out at the moment?
because when i was watching the movie, it bugged me for reminding me of something and then i realised it was this.
I just came to the same realisation. Man, that is pretty topical.