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The Black Culture Thread |OT8| Hands Up, Don't Shoot

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Didn't realize this was still related to the Zoe Quinn/female gamer harassment, but I'm not surprised.

The problem - which is one you'll have with most large movements without clear defining goals - is what it wants is all over the place. If there's A, B, and C, not everyone in the movement may want A, but they feel the best way to get B and C is to go along with the masses. This causes problems. It's like political parties; we may both be democrats/republicans, but we don't agree on everything. #GamerGate is like starting with the Tea Party and trying to back up into a moderate conservative viewpoint.

For a large movement like this to work, you need to have a clearly defined set of goals, like the Operation Rainfall campaign. You need leaders saying "do this to get this". Otherwise, you get a weird melange of different viewpoints all coalescing under a single banner.


The problem - which is one you'll have with most large movements without clear defining goals - is what it wants is all over the place. If there's A, B, and C, not everyone in the movement may want A, but they feel the best way to get B and C is to go along with the masses. This causes problems. It's like political parties; we may both be democrats/republicans, but we don't agree on everything. #GamerGate is like starting with the Tea Party and trying to back up into a moderate conservative viewpoint.

For a large movement like this to work, you need to have a clearly defined set of goals, like the Operation Rainfall campaign. You need leaders saying "do this to get this". Otherwise, you get a weird melange of different viewpoints all coalescing under a single banner.
So you are saying Gamergate is the Occupy of the internet?
It's a general gaming problem for protagonists. Females tend to cut off at 30
More like 24 at worst.

Remember in Nier how they had to make the attractive young male character lead in Japan because they didn't want to play that old dude?
Well, he started as attractive young male and got changed to a muscular middle aged dude for the Western release.

But yeah, definitely a JRPG trend to have handsome 17 to 20-something males.

The trend with western games tends to skew toward a more idealized not-quite-middle aged men with features that are theoretically handsome, but bland in practice. They can have some indicators of being aged but they're usually made to look "rugged" rather than "weary"(just compare the original design for the Protagonist in Watch_Dogs to the final one and you'll see what I mean).
Whelp, got pulled over and so pissed (at my pizza being cold as shit).

This mofo had me pulled over for about 30 damn minutes!

I wasn't speeding or anything; anyway. Cop pulls me over and asks me where I'm coming from

Dominos pizza all of 5 minutes from my place bruh...like are you seriously pulling me over on University Blvd? I mean really bruh?

The entire time this guy was talking to me, he had his hand on his gun which was bugging me the fuck out internally. He asked me the dumbest questions, do I own a weapon, do I have any opened alcoholic beverages in the car, do I have any illegal substances in the car, do I have any in the trunk (I don't have a trunk, it's a hatchback). Asks me to get out the car; I'm not arguing with a dude who has his hand on his holstered gun.

He keeps asking me do I have anything suspicious in my possession. He's asked me so much that at this point I'm nonchalantly saying not because I really just want to eat my pizza.

He asks me where do I live...I mean you could actually read the damn driver's license I gave you...but whatever. He asks how long have I been there. Tells me that's a nice area, where do I work and how much do I make. I tell him basically everything he wants to know (his hand is no longer on his gun). Finally satisfied he lets me go with a warning about speed (1. It's damn near impossible to speed on University Blvd in the day time, 2. I was going 5 below the limit).

I'm also pretty damn sure this is the same officer that questioned me back when I was trying to get into my housing area, that I told you guys about like 10 months back.

Now my pizza is kind of cold, so I'm upset. I'm going to reheat this bitch, and play some Diablo 3 mad as fuck.

How is everyone else's Sat? :D

Whelp, got pulled over and so pissed (at my pizza being cold as shit).

This mofo had me pulled over for about 30 damn minutes!

I wasn't speeding or anything; anyway. Cop pulls me over and asks me where I'm coming from

Dominos pizza all of 5 minutes from my place bruh...like are you seriously pulling me over on University Blvd? I mean really bruh?

The entire time this guy was talking to me, he had his hand on his gun which was bugging me the fuck out internally. He asked me the dumbest questions, do I own a weapon, do I have any opened alcoholic beverages in the car, do I have any illegal substances in the car, do I have any in the trunk (I don't have a trunk, it's a hatchback). Asks me to get out the car; I'm not arguing with a dude who has his hand on his holstered gun.

He keeps asking me do I have anything suspicious in my possession. He's asked me so much that at this point I'm nonchalantly saying not because I really just want to eat my pizza.

He asks me where do I live...I mean you could actually read the damn driver's license I gave you...but whatever. He asks how long have I been there. Tells me that's a nice area, where do I work and how much do I make. I tell him basically everything he wants to know (his hand is no longer on his gun). Finally satisfied he lets me go with a warning about speed (1. It's damn near impossible to speed on University Blvd in the day time, 2. I was going 5 below the limit).

I'm also pretty damn sure this is the same officer that questioned me back when I was trying to get into my housing area, that I told you guys about like 10 months back.

Now my pizza is kind of cold, so I'm upset. I'm going to reheat this bitch, and play some Diablo 3 mad as fuck.

How is everyone else's Sat? :D
he wanted that pizza and you were refusing to give it to him so he made sure it was cold


Dominos pizza all of 5 minutes from my place bruh...like are you seriously pulling me over on University Blvd? I mean really bruh?

Yeah that's some BS. I couldn't speed on University if I tried on a Saturday. You must live in a really nice area where "you don't belong".
RE4 was the downfall for me. It was amazing action. It wasn't a RE game. The horror and puzzle elements was MIA.

The thing is though is that the characters we're controlling in RE for the most part are special agents hired by the U.S. government and are trained to whoop ass. They should know how to aim and should be able to defend themselves in hand-to-hand combat.

Also, it's hard to relieve that "I think monsters are living under my bed" feeling once you get older.


The thing is though is that the characters we're controlling in RE for the most part are special agents hired by the U.S. government and are trained to whoop ass. They should know how to aim and should be able to defend themselves in hand-to-hand combat.

Also, it's hard to relieve that "I think monsters are living under my bed" feeling once you get older.

Maybe RE can benefit from going first person
RE4 was the downfall for me. It was amazing action. It wasn't a RE game. The horror and puzzle elements was MIA.

People say this yet you got an early door puzzle, lazer puzzle,a few push puzzles, an actual physical puzzle, shoot this to not die puzzle.

The Village and Castle were completely horror. Especially at night. The Island was when the game went full on action and even that threw stuff at you like with the regenerators/iron maidens and the oven Ganado

I mean if you weren't scared or tense that's on you but RE4 definitely had Horror and Puzzle elements.

Someone correct me if my quick and dirty summary is off:

-Zoe's dirty laundry got aired

-Part of that dirt included false allegations of fucking for coverage of her game

-Assholes went hard on twitter, facebook etc calling her names and threatening her

-Gaming sites didn't cover it, something many perceived as covering up for their own

-Gaming sites either ignored the allegations because it had nothing to do with games since the allegations were false

-A few journalists and devs came to Zoe's defense and where then themselves attacked and threatened ( a few people pledged to no longer cover games at all)

-People outside of the community caught on and said the gaming community in general has a lot of problems. A few people went harder than others

-Gamers are mad about being generalized

If that's about it....I don't get why gamers seem to be the most self concerned about what happened, "gamers" in general seem the least affected.
Lol didn't think the Zoe Quinn thing(which was hilarious to me..talking about the dirty laundry not the harassment) would evolve into a bunk Occupy Wall Street for Gamers

All sounds silly to me to be honest and nothing is really gonna come out of it like as said before, there are no clear goals, just niggas yelling at each other.
Whelp, got pulled over and so pissed (at my pizza being cold as shit).

This mofo had me pulled over for about 30 damn minutes!

I wasn't speeding or anything; anyway. Cop pulls me over and asks me where I'm coming from

Dominos pizza all of 5 minutes from my place bruh...like are you seriously pulling me over on University Blvd? I mean really bruh?

The entire time this guy was talking to me, he had his hand on his gun which was bugging me the fuck out internally. He asked me the dumbest questions, do I own a weapon, do I have any opened alcoholic beverages in the car, do I have any illegal substances in the car, do I have any in the trunk (I don't have a trunk, it's a hatchback). Asks me to get out the car; I'm not arguing with a dude who has his hand on his holstered gun.

He keeps asking me do I have anything suspicious in my possession. He's asked me so much that at this point I'm nonchalantly saying not because I really just want to eat my pizza.

He asks me where do I live...I mean you could actually read the damn driver's license I gave you...but whatever. He asks how long have I been there. Tells me that's a nice area, where do I work and how much do I make. I tell him basically everything he wants to know (his hand is no longer on his gun). Finally satisfied he lets me go with a warning about speed (1. It's damn near impossible to speed on University Blvd in the day time, 2. I was going 5 below the limit).

I'm also pretty damn sure this is the same officer that questioned me back when I was trying to get into my housing area, that I told you guys about like 10 months back.

Now my pizza is kind of cold, so I'm upset. I'm going to reheat this bitch, and play some Diablo 3 mad as fuck.

How is everyone else's Sat? :D
what do you drive,man?


Someone correct me if my quick and dirty summary is off:

-Zoe's dirty laundry got aired

-Part of that dirt included false allegations of fucking for coverage of her game

-Assholes went hard on twitter, facebook etc calling her names and threatening her

-Gaming sites didn't cover it, something many perceived as covering up for their own

-Gaming sites either ignored the allegations because it had nothing to do with games since the allegations were false

-A few journalists and devs came to Zoe's defense and where then themselves attacked and threatened ( a few people pledged to no longer cover games at all)

-People outside of the community caught on and said the gaming community in general has a lot of problems. A few people went harder than others

-Gamers are mad about being generalized

If that's about it....I don't get why gamers seem to be the most self concerned about what happened, "gamers" in general seem the least affected.

Seems about right, although besada's thread over on the Gaming side and the articles he linked focus more on the last two points/almost completely ignore the first 6 points which confused me until MHWilliams' elaborated more. It seems like there is a legitimate movement in regards to gaming journalists thinking they are better than the community that feeds them, but then when you find out it's connected to the anti female gamer shit you immediately understand where the journalists are coming from/ignore any good points the moment wants to address (MHWilliams' Tea Party analogy was good here).


I'm just puzzled that it's the indie game bullshit that's supposedly starting this "movement for greater accountability in games journalism", when big publishers have basically owned games coverage to one degree or another for the last 20 years


Do people really care that much about who Zoe decided to hump?

@Htown I honestly believe some people are threaten by Indie games
Seems about right, although besada's thread over on the Gaming side and the articles he linked focus more on the last two points/almost completely ignore the first 6 points which confused me until MHWilliams' elaborated more. It seems like there is a legitimate movement in regards to gaming journalists thinking they are better than the community that feeds them, but then when you find out it's connected to the anti female gamer shit you immediately understand where the journalists are coming from/ignore any good points the moment wants to address (MHWilliams' Tea Party analogy was good here).


One hand you do get teh sense sometimes that Journalists feels the gaming public is beneath them and on the other you kinda empathize when so many gamers engage in bullying and silencing much needed talks about women and minorities in games.

I wonder how many of the "games as art" crowd also occupy a space between "let's keep it a boysclub" and "we don't need to talk about women and brown people yet"
I'm just puzzled that it's the indie game bullshit that's supposedly starting this "movement for greater accountability in games journalism", when big publishers have basically owned games coverage to one degree or another for the last 20 years

For one people don't like indies. Two I guess people just accepted that Big publishers forced their way in.


Junior Member
It's a general gaming problem for protagonists. Females tend to cut off at 30 and males cut off at 40. Remember in Nier how they had to make the attractive young male character lead in Japan because they didn't want to play that old dude?

I know. To be honest I've been yearning for some much older protagonists in games, both male and female. Why can't we have a reverse Last of Us relationship?

Shit, why can't we have the gaming equivalent of this:



mumei is sinister. he probably let you walk into that den of sadness to laugh at you

on another note, path of exile is legit. it makes me want to give diablo 3 a shot.

Mumei the type of guy to tell you that the Civil War is the defining comic book event and watch you rage after you read it.

I can't even remember who told me that but I wasted a month of MU on that bs.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Slay I got a new idea for a podcast we can do.

"Did Zoe perhaps sleep with the entire cast of giantbomb in order to get Dan hired? I'm just asking questions. I don't know if Zoe or Dan ever met eachother but is it not possible?"

youre gonna need video. youre gonna have to whiteboard that shit out.
I just want games to have better representation for minorities in general.

Then I'm cool with just talking shit and shooting monsters.

I'd just like to play a game or see some media where a woman isn't wallpaper or void of a personality (if she does happen to kick ass). And yet it's a big deal because any loss of power or being less spoiled is the end of the world. Nevermind that it's not even zerosum to begin with.


Slay I got a new idea for a podcast we can do.

"Did Zoe perhaps sleep with the entire cast of giantbomb in order to get Dan hired? I'm just asking questions. I don't know if Zoe or Dan ever met eachother but is it not possible?"

"With her oppressive tirade, is Anita Sarkeesian trying to limit male roles in video games? Is she even really a "gamer"? I am jsut asking questions the mainstream gaming media seems to ignore. Who is her main in Smash? Whats her favorite Persona character?"
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