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The Black Culture Thread |OT8| Hands Up, Don't Shoot

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
For Nick's part ... we're told he feels Mariah has become impossible because she surrounds herself with "yes men." He says she can't handle it when he dares to disagree with her.



I have a weird feeling I've heard stuff like this from Kpop Jpop and JRock fans before...when it is clearly and undeniably the other way around. (meaning they are heavily influenced by american rap/rock/pop acts but for some reason always seem to be ~5-10 years late to the party)

Kpop fans aren't ok with urban culture until kpop stars appropriate it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kpop fans aren't ok with urban culture until kpop stars appropriate it.

They're that way with all kinds of music and style. It's some weird idolatry down there. It's kinda like the 'You're supposed to be a role model' crap that no sane person should exercise, but it's like a way of life in Korea and parts of Japan.
They're that way with all kinds of music and style. It's some weird idolatry down there.

That part gives me the creeps too. I know Americans can treat celebs like royalty but it seems like it's on a whole 'nother level there.

My perception could be off though since I remember teens going crazy for Britney/Nsync and the like back in the day, and Beiber most recently I suppose.
Apparently as I'm typing this, Talib Kweli and Don Lemon are arguing on CNN

Here it is

Talib is 100% right.

CNN and other major news outlets are covering from the designated media zone and their reporting reflects that.

The live streamers who are among the protesters paint a radically different picture, one that does not get equal coverage at all. I actually had to dig to find coverage of the peaceful day protests and the peaceful protests at night. The police and media would have you believe at night all protesters turn into radicals or the agitators only come out at night while the good protesters are at home in an attempt to justify the excessive force the police have been demonstrating.

The news is only interested in the radicals who are confronting the police near the media zone and still the news has given the police more than equal coverage. When they do allow the police to speak or give them their side, they don't fact check what the police are saying or ask questions, they just take it as fact when it's clear things are being exaggerated and distorted by the police force.
Here it is

Talib is 100% right.

CNN and other major news outlets are covering from the designated media zone and their reporting reflects that.

The live streamers who are among the protesters paint a radically different picture, one that does not get equal coverage at all. I actually had to dig to find coverage of the peaceful day protests and the peaceful protests at night. The police and media would have you believe at night all protesters turn into radicals or the agitators only come out at night while the good protesters are at home in an attempt to justify the excessive force the police have been demonstrating.

The news is only interested in the radicals who are confronting the police near the media zone and still the news has given the police more than equal coverage. When they do allow the police to speak or give them their side, they don't fact check what the police are saying or ask questions, they just take it as fact when it's clear things are being exaggerated and distorted by the police force.

Talib was also 100% wrong.

He waisted 2/3rds of his interview time objecting to the fact that Don wanted to interject a question or comment. A comment to which he ultimately agreed with Lemon on (which was that he didn't necessarily see everything).

I don't like being interrupted either, but being able to have a discussion means not bitching like a petulant child when someone does interrupt you, complete with threatening to take your ball and go home. You're not that important, Talib. You're fucking not. Maybe in your mind you are, but Don had to look up how to pronounce your name because you haven't been a name worth keeping up with in damn near a fucking decade.

There's a level of maturity that has to come with being interviewed or entering a debate. A decorum, if you will. Flying off the handle like that shows a general lack of experience. Don was good for not just moving on.

That said, Don asks stupid fucking questions on a daily basis. Also, if you want to know the name of someone you're about to interview...why do you need to check on the phone? He's standing 10 feet from you, dipshit. Just *ask him his name*. Like civilized people do.
Talib was also 100% wrong.

He waisted 2/3rds of his interview time objecting to the fact that Don wanted to interject a question or comment. A comment to which he ultimately agreed with Lemon on (which was that he didn't necessarily see everything).

I don't like being interrupted either, but being able to have a discussion means not bitching like a petulant child when someone does interrupt you, complete with threatening to take your ball and go home. You're not that important, Talib. You're fucking not. Maybe in your mind you are, but Don had to look up how to pronounce your name because you haven't been a name worth keeping up with in damn near a fucking decade.

There's a level of maturity that has to come with being interviewed or entering a debate. A decorum, if you will. Flying off the handle like that shows a general lack of experience. Don was good for not just moving on.

That said, Don asks stupid fucking questions on a daily basis. Also, if you want to know the name of someone you're about to interview...why do you need to check on the phone? He's standing 10 feet from you, dipshit. Just *ask him his name*. Like civilized people do.

Don and Talib stepping on each other's toes was the fault of both parties imo. Talib wasn't totally clear in his criticism of CNN and other major news outlets and of course Don had to defend himself and his employer but it wasn't necessary if he let Talib finish his sentiment.

I mean Don saying they're reporting what they're seeing is what Talib is saying, you're not seeing everything (something Don agrees with) but they've made time outside of the live feeds to show the police in a sympathetic light. They played right into the police force's hands of staying put and watching them confront the more aggressive protesters. While peaceful protests are occurring not more than a block or two away.

A few nights ago the police forced the media to drive two miles away from the protests to the command center and then basically terrorized residential neighborhoods. The police need to be called out on stuff like that and most major news outlets didn't even dare attempt to cover those events. While Don has done a decent job of showing what he's seeing, he's willfully making sure he only sees what the police are telling him it's ok for him to see.


Talib was also 100% wrong.

He waisted 2/3rds of his interview time objecting to the fact that Don wanted to interject a question or comment. A comment to which he ultimately agreed with Lemon on (which was that he didn't necessarily see everything).

I don't like being interrupted either, but being able to have a discussion means not bitching like a petulant child when someone does interrupt you, complete with threatening to take your ball and go home. You're not that important, Talib. You're fucking not. Maybe in your mind you are, but Don had to look up how to pronounce your name because you haven't been a name worth keeping up with in damn near a fucking decade.

There's a level of maturity that has to come with being interviewed or entering a debate. A decorum, if you will. Flying off the handle like that shows a general lack of experience. Don was good for not just moving on.

That said, Don asks stupid fucking questions on a daily basis. Also, if you want to know the name of someone you're about to interview...why do you need to check on the phone? He's standing 10 feet from you, dipshit. Just *ask him his name*. Like civilized people do.

You're approaching this as two people having a discussion vs Talib having a news interview with a cable news network. This isn't a pod cast, news interviews have a limited amount of time for coverage and Talib knew he already had a small amount of time to say what he needed to say. Don Lemon interrupting him while he was talking wasn't just about being rude, it was Talib knowing Don Lemon was preventing him from saying everything he wanted to say in a small time table while trying to control the direction the interview was going for CNN's viewership, which adds to Talib's accusations that CNN isn't telling the full story on what's happening (which is true and what Moris was talking about).
You're approaching this as two people having a discussion vs Talib having a news interview with a cable news network. This isn't a pod cast, news interviews have a limited amount of time for coverage and Talib knew he already had a small amount of time to say what he needed to say. Don Lemon interrupting him while he was talking wasn't just about being rude, it was Talib knowing Don Lemon was preventing him from saying everything he wanted to say in a small time table while trying to control the direction the interview was going for CNN's viewership, which adds to Talib's accusations that CNN isn't telling the full story on what's happening (which is true and what Moris was talking about).

I disagree. Don was attempting to interject about 6 seconds worth of commentary. 4 minutes were spent discussing his effort to inject that 6 seconds of commentary. Which he eventually got in (because it was his fucking segment) and Talib responded to. He could have let him interject it 4 minutes earlier and been able to offer more of his perspective. Instead, he flailed around like a child and acted as if Don wanted to "oppress" his "message".

Also, he was passive-aggressive as fuck. "WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK ME MY NAME BRO????" Fuck outtahere. Not everyone is against you, bro. You're not "railing against the man" by being a dickhead.

Nope, he was 100% wrong on that.
I disagree. Don was attempting to interject about 6 seconds worth of commentary. 4 minutes were spent discussing his effort to inject that 6 seconds of commentary. Which he eventually got in (because it was his fucking segment) and Talib responded to. He could have let him interject it 4 minutes earlier and been able to offer more of his perspective. Instead, he flailed around like a child and acted as if Don wanted to "oppress" his "message".

Also, he was passive-aggressive as fuck. "WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK ME MY NAME BRO????" Fuck outtahere. Not everyone is against you, bro. You're not "railing against the man" by being a dickhead.

Nope, he was 100% wrong on that.

Talib responding to being interrupted by interrupting didn't help anything, but Don trying to say they're doing good work there is disingenuous. The point he was interjecting deserved to be called out just as much as their weak coverage did.

How Talib acted on some newscast isn't gonna mean shit in like....6 hours but Don Lemon, CNN and other's pacified news coverage has a huge effect on public perception and has the ability to change people's opinions. I think focusing on how Talib acted is misguided.

Don stopping Talib's criticisms with "people have told me the coverage is good" and "we're reporting everything we see"...that shit's besides the point. A couple people saying your coverage is good doesn't make it so and reporting what you're seeing doesn't mean shit when you're only allowing yourself to see a specific portion of the event.


Junior Member
Here it is

Talib is 100% right.

CNN and other major news outlets are covering from the designated media zone and their reporting reflects that.

The live streamers who are among the protesters paint a radically different picture, one that does not get equal coverage at all. I actually had to dig to find coverage of the peaceful day protests and the peaceful protests at night. The police and media would have you believe at night all protesters turn into radicals or the agitators only come out at night while the good protesters are at home in an attempt to justify the excessive force the police have been demonstrating.

The news is only interested in the radicals who are confronting the police near the media zone and still the news has given the police more than equal coverage. When they do allow the police to speak or give them their side, they don't fact check what the police are saying or ask questions, they just take it as fact when it's clear things are being exaggerated and distorted by the police force.

Actually can I have some clarification on specifically which news sources people have been criticizing on this (other than CNN)? I've gotten my shit on Ferguson from basically two sources: Twitter and Scott Pelley on CBS. Last night's broadcast on CBS, in my opinion, acknowledged the differences between different days and nights of the protests. I don't remember them talking about things like why people broke into that McDonalds, and its language still sounds very neutral, but I haven't seen what I would call a total ignorance of what the police are doing down there. Same thing with Gaza. CBS focused almost all of its Gaza coverage on the Palestinian death toll. Maybe I've just been watching it too much over the last couple years. Maybe CBS just leans not that far to the right of MSNBC. I don't know.


I disagree. Don was attempting to interject about 6 seconds worth of commentary. 4 minutes were spent discussing his effort to inject that 6 seconds of commentary. Which he eventually got in (because it was his fucking segment) and Talib responded to. He could have let him interject it 4 minutes earlier and been able to offer more of his perspective. Instead, he flailed around like a child and acted as if Don wanted to "oppress" his "message".

Also, he was passive-aggressive as fuck. "WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK ME MY NAME BRO????" Fuck outtahere. Not everyone is against you, bro. You're not "railing against the man" by being a dickhead.

Nope, he was 100% wrong on that.

He could have let Don Lemon interrupt and continued the interview, and in particular he didn't have to get pissed off. But knowing how CNN is, that interview would have only been 2-3 minutes.

The other thing to keep in mind too is that Talib has done other news interviews, but mostly for liberal sources/"urban" stations that have let him say what he wants on the situation. Talib could have been more respectful to Don Lemon, but even in the opening portion of Don Lemon introducing Talib, Don Lemon sounded out of touch/not really caring about who he is at all outside of being a rapper (yes Talib hasn't been relevant for a long time, but why have him on the show at all if you aren't going to at least get his name right). It wasn't professional, but I understand the frustration. Then again, he probably shouldn't have gone on CNN in the first place if all he wanted to do was blast the station and expected no interference.
Actually can I have some clarification on specifically which news sources people have been criticizing on this (other than CNN)? I've gotten my shit on Ferguson from basically two sources: Twitter and Scott Pelley on CBS. Last night's broadcast on CBS, in my opinion, acknowledged the differences between different days and nights of the protests. I don't remember them talking about things like why people broke into that McDonalds, and its language still sounds very neutral, but I haven't seen what I would call a total ignorance of what the police are doing down there. Same thing with Gaza. CBS focused almost all of its Gaza coverage on the Palestinian death toll. Maybe I've just been watching it too much over the last couple years. Maybe CBS just leans not that far to the right of MSNBC. I don't know.

I didn't tune in to any of the bigger news outlet last night, so maybe they're refining their reporting.

But what from what I have watched all nights prior, by abiding by the media bullpen (which essentially every major network is. I haven't even heard any network criticize the media zones as bullshit which they are imo) they're allowing the police to control the night coverage. There are peaceful protests at night that get almost zero coverage because they're a block or so away form the media zone. Police actively force the peaceful protesters away from where the media is setup and of course that's where the more aggressive protesters end up. And still in these scenarios the police have exerted too much force imo with the use of LRADs especially earlier in the week where they deployed gas and flashbangs.

Written articles from the major news sources have been a lot better than the live coverage. Too much speculation and leeway given because they don't want to risk taking a stance live on the air that isn't 100% accurate, which is fine but it allows for any BS to go unchecked as well.

To get a better picture you have to watch stuff like Vice's live streams, I actually only found one stream that showed the peaceful protests cause even the livestreamers know that the peaceful crowds aren't as entertaining.


Junior Member
I didn't tune in to any of the bigger news outlet last night, so maybe they're refining their reporting.

But what from what I have watched all nights prior, by abiding by the media bullpen (which essentially every major network is. I haven't even heard any network criticize the media zones as bullshit which they are imo) they're allowing the police to control the night coverage. There are peaceful protests at night that get almost zero coverage because they're a block or so away form the media zone. Police actively force the peaceful protesters away from where the media is setup and of course that's where the more aggressive protesters end up. And still in these scenarios the police have exerted too much force imo with the use of LRADs especially earlier in the week where they deployed gas and flashbangs.

Written articles from the major news sources have been a lot better than the live coverage. Too much speculation and leeway given because they don't want to risk taking a stance live on the air that isn't 100% accurate, which is fine but it allows for any BS to go unchecked as well.

To get a better picture you have to watch stuff like Vice's live streams, I actually only found one stream that showed the peaceful protests cause even the livestreamers know that the peaceful crowds aren't as entertaining.

The other nights CBS seems to have taken a very neutral stance, declining to really criticize either side, really only saying that "violence has happened."
The other nights CBS seems to have taken a very neutral stance, declining to really criticize either side, really only saying that "violence has happened."

That's kinda a problem in itself. Some criticism is needed even if they need to have a editorial correspondent to do it, it's needed in this situation more than others due to media constraints being placed. They're showing half of the total picture and just throwing their hands up and conceding to the restrictions.


It is crazy that more and more folks on gaf are using batshit Conservative blogs as proof in threads. If they are just grabbing the first link in google, they are stupid for not vetting. shit


Look at you handing 10s like candy!

Ooh. Let me organize them for me:

Twelve Kingdoms
Hajime no Ippo

Eureka Seven
Gurren Lagann
Samurai Champloo (never completed)
Cowboy Bebop
Evangelion (never completed)
FMA: Brotherhood
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya



Haven't Seen:
Mirai Nikki
Kokoro Connect
Gundam 00
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Attack of Titan
Astro Fighter Sunred

My scale is more reflective of how willing I am to rewatch something. A ten means I will sit down next to you and watch it with you.
Even if I don't know you.
and I try to not watch things I don't like. This is why so much yuri and magical girls and really fucked up torturous romances. Cause dats my jam.

Also, if you want recs, I'm super duper good at them.
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