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The Black Culture Thread |OT8| Hands Up, Don't Shoot

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I remember there was a stretch of threads were a number of BCT members rolled through together coincidentally and someone was like "same thing over and over. someone makes a thread like this and the usual cast (bct) comes in and dogpiles on people they disagree with."

Can't win.


bitch I'm taking calls.
So Well Spoken and story times from Dy, FreeMufasa, harSon, Riovane (even furyous) etc. is enough reason for me to post in here. Plus we are getting lots of new members, also cool people like ishibear putting the most effort in the BCT OT in a long time is great as well.

Also I was dying last week at the stream of captions of that guy on the phone.
Just came back to it on PC after a long absence and defence missions are not even kind of an option without at least one other person. Even then it's a question mark whether it's going to be survivable after wave 10. We used to go to wave 15 for laughs. Finding credits harder to farm now as a result, which is painful if you're trying to get those new dog things.

Saw this pop up on Tumblr today. Had seen tweets about it yesterday but reading it in full is disgusting. Post pictures of water biscuits if old.

Black Culture Thread |OT9| No Angels


i had to switch to Ember to even sometimes finish wave 15 alone, castana'ing doesn't work as well as it use to when those dam ancients combo plattering aura's
I remember there was a stretch of threads were a number of BCT members rolled through together coincidentally and someone was like "same thing over and over. someone makes a thread like this and the usual cast (bct) comes in and dogpiles on people they disagree with."

Can't win.

And to be honest I am not of the opinion you can change the majority of peoples minds. Fuck being a part of a small group on a message board, try being the only black person in your dorm. Not the floor the whole damn dorm. Having that pressure of being the person who has to call out bull shit from people whose only "real" experience with black people is from TV is tiring as fuck. For every 2 people who maybe looked at things differently there were 15 more who shrugged it off and kept it moving because it was on the bottom of their totem pole of concerns.

You cant make someone want to be a better person if they just dont give a shit.


bitch I'm taking calls.
One time a client was mad at one of our sales reps so they literally pulled a godfather. There was thick package that looked like newspaper wrapped with string shoved half-way through the mail slot. It was addressed to a rep and had the angry client's name on it.

Inside was a wet salmon and a post-it saying "I want my money back or you sleep with this guy." The office considered having a fish fry but decided they couldn't trust the age of the fish so they just threw it away. Looking back it was probably fucked up that someone would make a threat like that but at the time everyone thought it was hilarious.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
DY hates us.

He's been on "this place used to be something" tip for a bit if you've been paying attention.
It did. I'll just be one notch below ripclawe for a while til I get it out my system. Instead of calling out inner city kids in Chicago, I'll pick on people here instead.


Ubisoft Marketing
I have little patience for BS on the internet.

And outside of this thread, GAF tends to be full of it.

Its cool. I know my limits. I ain't going to change the world on here.
Lost JC and DY turned heel.

Welcome to BCT's dark middle chapter.

Only a matter of time before Besada and Mumei lock this place up and ban everyone red wedding style.



I've got to pass a drug test. Does the niacin trick still work? I should be OK but still I need advice just in case.


Personally, I don't even understand the point of a thread like this if we can't take it in whatever direction we want.

It seems that Black communities in all fronts (neighborhoods, churches, internet, etc.) all seem to have this nonsense obsession with having in-depth discussion about every topic under the sun. But, truth be told, people don't want to do that all the time. I come to this thread because I feel like it's the only place on GAF where I can be Black and display that blackness. Every other thread regarding Black people and minorities in general is filled with thinly-veiled racism & sexism, as well as a general lack of understanding or willingness to understand. This is the only thread where I can discuss issues regarding the Black community, as well as being a place where I can generally talk shit with other members of BCTGaf.

There's nothing wrong with that...


I got no probs DY, keep saying what's on your mind. If what you're saying applies to me, I can take it and always learn from it or even just recognize it, and I'm sure others can too.

I've got to pass a drug test. Does the niacin trick still work? I should be OK but still I need advice just in case.

which test they doing; piss test or hair strand?


Well I'm new to this thread and I just drop by when it's just chilling on the porch type of shit. Topics like food, games, life woes, and etc. When it gets into shit about folks in threads and constant drama within gaf I usually just stay in the background since there's more going on in my life to be worried about nonsense of the internet.

Sometimes topics on hand I feel like it's more for the veterans in this thread than anything else.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This stuff happened in Wrasslegaf as well. Communities go off topic often, because a community is a legit community I prefer to talk about kideo games with the communities I belong to. Prefer to talk about everything with the communities I belong to, because these are people whose opinions I value. That's the nature of community work, and there's nothing wrong with that.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
This stuff happened in Wrasslegaf as well. Communities go off topic often, because a community is a legit community I prefer to talk about kideo games with the communities I belong to. Prefer to talk about everything with the communities I belong to, because these are people whose opinions I value. That's the nature of community work, and there's nothing wrong with that.

midnight gaf was dope before the snitches.


We need Dreams to give us some direction during these dark times



In a 100-friend scenario, the average white person has 91 white friends; one each of black, Latino, Asian, mixed race, and other races; and three friends of unknown race. The average black person, on the other hand, has 83 black friends, eight white friends, two Latino friends, zero Asian friends, three mixed race friends, one other race friend, and four friends of unknown race.

Going back to Chris Rock's point, the average black person's friend network is 8 percent white, but the average white person's network is only 1 percent black. To put it another way: Blacks have ten times as many black friends as white friends. But white Americans have an astonishing 91 times as many white friends as black friends.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So whenever a white person says "my black friend says..." or "I can't be racist, I have a black friend", there's a 75% chance they're lying?
Can I make a thread please?
You should.

Real talk I didn't have a black friend until my 20s. We had 3 black people in my school of 2000+ :/

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
Other places are worse, trust me.

Besides, what do you really want to see dissenting opinions on? I can play devil's advocate if it makes you happy.


I don't want anyone to play devil's advocate just for the sake of it. However a lot of times I'll disagree with a subject being discussed and I know I'm not equipped to reply with a proper rebuttal.


I don't want anyone to play devil's advocate just for the sake of it. However a lot of times I'll disagree with a subject being discussed and I know I'm not equipped to reply with a proper rebuttal.

Meh, just say it. So long as you're not being disingenuous, you should be fine.

There are other communities/members that never have a single argument with one another, and that's fucking boring. Especially since you know that half of them have strong opinions but never know why. Even if you're wrong, understanding the reasoning behind the other side is useful. But that's just me.


This stuff happened in Wrasslegaf as well. Communities go off topic often, because a community is a legit community I prefer to talk about kideo games with the communities I belong to. Prefer to talk about everything with the communities I belong to, because these are people whose opinions I value. That's the nature of community work, and there's nothing wrong with that.

This happens to all the other community threads as well. GAF Hop for example likes to talk about hip hop subjects in the hip hop thread because the hip hop OTs aren't as easy to have hip hop conversations in (the new Eminem thread a more recent example). But this isn't really good for GAF overall because if the "dedicated hip hop heads" aren't participating in those threads, then they won't improve. Same goes for the threads about black people/black subjects.
What are the benefits of having an Asian friend

when you go out to eat they'll always tip to make it look better when you don't

There are other communities/members that never have a single argument with one another, and that's fucking boring. Especially since you know that half of them have strong opinions but never know why. Even if you're wrong, understanding the reasoning behind the other side is useful. But that's just me.
maybe he doesn't want to be like me a few pages back being told "don't be that guy"
This happens to all the other community threads as well. GAF Hop for example likes to talk about hip hop subjects in the hip hop thread because the hip hop OTs aren't as easy to have hip hop conversations in (the new Eminem thread a more recent example).

Yup. Taste vary in gafhop pretty wildly but when 99 out of 100 members toss something out, it's trash. On the flip side you can easily get 50/50 splits on projects. The community aspect like others have touched on also allows for convos on videogames/sports/life/relationships etc to happen due to comfortability. How many personal stories have been tossed around in community threads that if they went to the OT would have played out way different? Tons.

But this isn't really good for GAF overall because if the "dedicated hip hop heads" aren't participating in those threads, then they won't improve. Same goes for the threads about black people/black subjects.

That's what hurts the most. You're never gonna stop Eminem stans from eating up his garbage or convince someone to listen to Pinata if they're hailing Macklemore as artist of the year, they got to be itnerested themselves and dig deeper.

When it comes to problems facing minorities, we kinda have to take a proactive stance because so few are gonna dig for themselves. But it's tiring.

Having the communities exiled here didn't anything either imo.
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