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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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I really dug the game, and got all the achievements for it before the finale aired so I can let go of the Korra baggage.
It's not working.

I like the animated cutscenes, though the quality is no where near Studio Mir. The music and voice acting is good too. It makes me feel like I'm playing an episode. Best part is it's canon since it was written by Bryke. I'm only on chapter 5 so don't spoil the story for me.


I like the animated cutscenes, though the quality is no where near Studio Mir. The music and voice acting is good too. It makes me feel like I'm playing an episode. Best part is it's canon since it was written by Bryke. I'm only on chapter 5 so don't spoil the story for me.
Yeah, Tim Hendrick scripted it and the music is ripped straight from the Book 1 OST. Plus, all the VAs from the show are here, so that's great.

The pieces of music that aren't from the OST were collected from a GAF member here:
I recorded a couple tracks from the game because I couldn't find them anywhere and they were too good to pass up.
Note that I don't think these tracks have any officially released names, so I'm just naming them as I see 'em.

"Professional Bending"
Plays for a criminally short amount of time in Chapter 1, and in certain rounds of Pro Bending mode.

"Treads on Tundra"
Plays during the "Mecha Tank Trio" boss fight.

"Deal With It!"
Plays during the "Mecha Tank Trio" boss fight when only one enemy is remaining.

There are things on the net that should never be seen. Korra, Meelo, Pema and Ikki...have done...um...things.
Good Kuvira... why....


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
It's time to board ship Kuvorra.





My writing, is going okay, legit. Editing is the biggest nightmare ever. Especially when your editing program doesn't handle bold or italics so you have to place them in. Plus since I am using two editing programs.

(One looks for redundancies and add ; but isn't very good at grammar or wrong word use. Plus I have to renew that when I get the chance. The other doesn't look for redundancies, but has better checks for spelling and grammar.)

What's worse even after two edits, I'm sure there are some more errors.


My writing, is going okay, legit. Editing is the biggest nightmare ever. Especially when your editing program doesn't handle bold or italics so you have to place them in. Plus since I am using two editing programs.

(One looks for redundancies and add ; but isn't very good at grammar or wrong word use. Plus I have to renew that when I get the chance. The other doesn't look for redundancies, but has better checks for spelling and grammar.)

What's worse even after two edits, I'm sure there are some more errors.

What are you writing?


What are you writing?


Perhaps something I can publish later. One as a writing month failure, since I didn't reach 50000 words, but I'm continuing it, and the other is a project that I've been working on since July, Neither are past 30000 words. But one is almost at 40000.


Kuvira's now above Zhao tier because of ripping off the robot's arm when it was disabled just to get rid of the people inside. That was cool.


As much as I hate how Bryke wronged her I still love her design. I really do just like her design more than Korra.


Now THESE are more like it!

Thought I would give you guys a heads up. Came back briefly from my ban to giveaway my PS4. Thought you guys should enter.
Hope you're enjoying your time off!

Though, I'm entering. I got enough people on my caboose about getting a PS4.
It's one thing to criticize the ending and whether or not you liked the prominence they gave the romance right at the end there (which I have done a lot)

it's another thing to deny the canon presented lol

edit: not trying to start the Great Canon Debate pt II



Rewatching the ending for the millionth time.

The Earth Empire didn't have much ground to stand on (lol) if they immediately give up once Kuvira is captured.
Can't really think of non-asspull ways of defeating Amon. I mean maybe if season 1 went more deep with Korra exploring spirituality, specifically unlocking the charkas. By accepting Mako's possible fate, she was able to obtain full control of the Avatar State. Then this can lead to Korra+Mako failed relationship, where Mako just sees Korra the person and not the Avatar in season 2. Instead of what we got... Of course Asami would be more accepting of Korra' identity which would eventually lead to Korrasami. Basically, same old same old, LoK could've been better planned out.

I think this ultimately boils down to if they had all 4 Books greenlit from the beginning, there wouldn't have been those kind of endings because they could just flow into one another. Book 1 and 2 were effectively made as complete standalones, whereas 3&4 got greenlit together, so they flow better.

The thing with Sensui is that he's the mirror version of what Yusuke was. Had he grown up differently Yusuke could've turned out like Sensui but he views the world in more terms of grey so the real world didn't warp his fucking mind. That and the fact that Yusuke in general is nowhere near as philosophical. I thought Sensui wanted to die at the hands of a worthy opponent because he was going to die from some sort of sickness any way? I think it's something his lover brought up.

That was the case, but still disliked it. Made it seem like he wasn't about that apocalypse plan I dug him for.

I love Yu Yu. I was just mad that
Genaki didn't throw down at all after bringing her back from the dead
and that after the Toguro fight, the final fights were all about power levels. I'd like to see a team beatdown for the final villain in one anime, but Yu Yu and Dragonball all just focused on one character being the victor.

Damn no props to Kuwabara? I think he was the only one capable of doing damage to Sensui outside of Yusuke. I noticed how he just blocked all of Kurama and Hiei's attacks in that fight, but always dodged Kuwabara's.

I felt like what was the point of bringing
Genkai back if she wasn't going to fight?
I love to see old dudes throw down in fights. Korra didn't give me that, nor did DBZ. Master Roshi claiming that he was too old, but he was still alive by the end of GT.

Power levels were introduced as a big deal at the beginning of the Demon World arc, but quickly were regarded as general strengths and really didn't mean much. HunterXHunter follows the same logic with Nen abilities.

As for Kuwabara he had the most potential. He could have been stronger than Sensui, but he just didn't give a fuck. His powers literally sensed danger immediately after the Dark Tournament and cocooned themselves to prepare for it, and he had no fucking clue. Spirit power in general has more potential than demonic, but demonic power is stronger at its base and has far more raw power.


Like Hell! Kuvira needs a second in command?

Even Kuvira needs help from time to time. Can't build a giant Mech by yourself. Though this could be an interesting direction if they did some LOK comics with certain factions in the Earth Kingdom refusing to surrender over to Korra. Plus certain groups taking advantage of the sudden power vacuum in kingdom yet again.

Time for Red Lotus to take the spotlight again.


Unconfirmed Member
Who is going to stand up against a group of people that just defeated a giant robot? The Earth Kingdom army wasn't going to commit suicide when they lost their commander-in-chief and their ultimate weapon
Kinda disappointing that Kuvira was the sole commander of her armee. She should have had an equivalent of a Maréchal d'Empire or somethin

She had a crap ton of soldats and ncos, but no officers.
let's just jump to 6th in command

At that point does anyone care? Bataar Jr. was with her until he got kidnapped. I'm sure she would have figured it out later, but at that point she was hellbent on zippity-zapping the entire city. She sort of snapped when Jr. was taken. I've said before, she had basically been going down the paranoia slide once Bolin and Varrick betrayed her. Just wasn't portrayed all that well. She was too composed, really.
Granted I only got a little over halfway on my re-watch of Spirits, but something I forgot was actually how well done the Water Tribe Civil War plot is. Varrick is a damn mastermind, and all for some cash. I know a lot of people only remember the Civil War taking up a small amount of time, but it's actually the basis for everything Mako, Bolin, and Asami are doing. The rest is Harmonic Convergence plot.

Fucking unforeseen props to Spirits
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