The fellow who drew those film-esque posters for season 4 just posted this
Soooooo good! Now do a poster of Korrasami at the spirit portal pleeeeease!
The fellow who drew those film-esque posters for season 4 just posted this
Amon was too OP, he was inevitably going to have a lame as fuck defeat.
It's the only reason why I would have preferred Amon to be a human chi blocker with energybending abilities. Might have been a cooler fight. Might.
Soooooo good! Now do a poster of Korrasami at the spirit portal pleeeeease!
Definitely would've been a better story :/
The thing with Sensui is that he's the mirror version of what Yusuke was. Had he grown up differently Yusuke could've turned out like Sensui but he views the world in more terms of grey so the real world didn't warp his fucking mind. That and the fact that Yusuke in general is nowhere near as philosophical. I thought Sensui wanted to die at the hands of a worthy opponent because he was going to die from some sort of sickness any way? I think it's something his lover brought up.See? Positive feelings! Also, I really don't get why people think Chapter Black is a bad saga. I always enjoyed it, I just wasn't a fan of Sensui's ultimate reason for entering the Demon World, which was "I want to die at the hands of a worthy opponent." Granted, they're different reasons, but it made me like Sensui significantly less. I liked the whole "fallen angel" archetype that they went with. Bombed out at the end with it, though.
There's no way of knowing that. Definitely would have opened up the lore and made the transition into Spirits a bit easier. Still, I liked Amon and Tarrlok's backstory, and bloodbending is fucking terrifying to watch.
Meth Damon was fantastic, simply because he didn't feel any real weight to any of his (horrible) actions.
Meth Damon didn't give two fuck about anything until he thought about banging Lidia.Meth Damon was fantastic, simply because he didn't feel any real weight to any of his (horrible) actions.
Him and Lydia? Fuck both of them!
Well written antagonists. Holy shit I couldn't stand either of them.
Meth Damon didn't give two fuck about anything until he thought about banging Lidia.
No, no no, meth Damon was fascinating because he was genuinely a nice guy that was a monster. He was kind and considerate to everyone, even if they were rude to him. He simply placed no value on life. He is another good example of sociopaths because they're values are so alien, because normal people have trouble processing how someone can so genuinely polite and friendly while being so depraved. The contrast is fascinating.
No, no no, meth Damon was fascinating because he was genuinely a nice guy that was a monster. He was kind and considerate to everyone, even if they were rude to him. He simply placed no value on life. He is another good example of sociopaths because they're values are so alien, because normal people have trouble processing how someone can so genuinely polite and friendly while being so depraved. The contrast is fascinating.
Sociopaths don't exactly process empathy. He was nice not to draw suspicion but he didn't exactly care about people. I haven't seen that season in a long time though so I haven't exactly analyzed him that much.Hahaha, now that was a ship I could get behind.
But seriously, if we start talking about Breaking Bad now, I'm just gonna have to scrap the whole OP.
Hold up, I'll raise you one:
If he didn't have any value on anyone's life, being nice or not, wouldn't that be the same as not feeling whatever happens to them?
Yeah.. Sorta. Honestly, between him and his uncle jack, it seems as though the neo nazis as a whole possess some ethics but not morality. Like both Jack and Todd were polite to others, even to the point where they don't gain anything from it. But they don't place value on people the same way normal people do.Hold up, I'll raise you one:
If he didn't have any value on anyone's life, being nice or not, wouldn't that be the same as not feeling whatever happens to them?
Not true. He was nice plenty of times where it didn't benefit him in anyway. Same with Jack. To him and Jack, niceness is more of a matter of principle, not practicality.Sociopaths don't exactly process empathy. He was nice not to draw suspicion but he didn't exactly care about people. I haven't seen that season in a long time though so I haven't exactly analyzed him that much.
As odd as it may be for to say this on the surface, I do think Legend of Korra would have benefited more and have shed a whole host of its flaws if it were an actual anime title.
There is this
I did warn that I haven't seen it in awhile. I've only seen most of Breaking Bad once so portions of that or at least some of the subtext I don't exactly have the best grasp on. So yeah I'll definitely take the L on that one. In other news the prep time of David Xanatos is hilarious. Nothing really happens without the guy already pre planning it and even when it looks like he's losing it's like "just as I planned." Everything works to his bastard lol. How can you not like evil parallel universe Commander Riker.Yeah.. Sorta. Honestly, between him and his uncle jack, it seems as though the neo nazis as a whole possess some ethics but not morality. Like both Jack and Todd were polite to others, even to the point where they don't gain anything from it. But they don't place value on people the same way normal people do.
I'll elaborate on this later, since I'm on my phone and about to lose the signal anyhow
Not true. He was nice plenty of times where it didn't benefit him in anyway. Same with Jack. To him and Jack, niceness is more of a matter of principle, not practicality.
Just want to say Makorra was miles ahead Anakin/Padme, Anakin's action and speech are sometimes very creepy.
As odd as it may be for to say this on the surface, I do think Legend of Korra would have benefited more and have shed a whole host of its flaws if it were an actual anime title.
Hm, thread got moved to Community.
welp it was a fun run guys.
It will just separate the hardcore soldiers from the passersby.Don't kid yourself, you'll be in this thread all the time anyway. =p
It will just separate the hardcore soldiers from the passersby.
I have seen an influx of new faces since the finale happened.You mean all the folks still in the thread aren't hardcore? =P
Damn, we've been Community'd.
Bolin can barely speak. You're asking too much of the poor guy.Bolin really needs to learn how to draw.
Bolin really needs to learn how to draw.
Bolin really needs to learn how to draw.
Book 4 lost it's way.I was just thinking about this scene.
That was such a great episode.
What happened to you, Book 4?
On first viewing I once thought the Chapter Black Saga in Yu Yu Hakusho was "bad." It took a second viewing to see that it's damn good and challenged the protagonists immensely.
did amon always put on his makeup before going anywhere just in case someone called bs on his story
or was Endgame just his lucky day
At the very least the team in Yu Yu actually brought down a decent amount of mooks and side characters. Hiei and Kurama cleaned house in the Dark Tournament. Way more efficient than anybody in the Z crew. Regarding Genkai, none of the other fights were as personal to her as Toguro. She essentially just pulled a Toph.I love Yu Yu. I was just mad thatand that after the Toguro fight, the final fights were all about power levels. I'd like to see a team beatdown for the final villain in one anime, but Yu Yu and Dragonball all just focused on one character being the victor.Genaki didn't throw down at all after bringing her back from the dead