Then I might have misread that, I'll give you that.No but that's not going to change your opinion of me in the slightest, so what difference does it make that I was correct?

Then I might have misread that, I'll give you that.No but that's not going to change your opinion of me in the slightest, so what difference does it make that I was correct?
According to PS warriors, this was never intended to be ported to PC so all of the assets are just PS4 assets (low res textures, shadow maps, small LOD modeling, limited anisotropic filtering, fake bounced lighting, etc..). Sorry no upgrades except resolution and FPS.
If the game literally stayed the same, but improved on framerate alone, that would be a world of a difference by itself. The game will definitely be upgraded for pc, and anyone doing a side by side comparison, could easily spot the pc version from the console version. Even a blind person could see the differences.Shadow quality, texture resolution, LOD transitions, aniso filtering, etc are likely to improve. Though stuff like flight won't likely make it, and the geometry is likely to be the same.
Still in a side by side photo, while noticeable I doubt the difference will be mind blowing.
I mean were talking h/w that came 7 years later, a whole console generation. And priced at 1200$.
I mean look at god of war 3 vs god of war ps4. Or uncharted ps3 vs uncharted ps4. That's what 7 year difference in h/w gives you, in budget priced h/w gives you.
The difference between horizon on ps4 and horizon 2080ti likely won't be that big.
you can spot the difference in witcher 2 too. But that will never make witcher 2 into witcher 3 a generational leap.If the game literally stayed the same, but improved on framerate alone, that would be a world of a difference by itself. The game will definitely be upgraded for pc, and anyone doing a side by side comparison, could easily spot the pc version from the console version. Even a blind person could see the differences.
Lol and My 4K OLED TV is already Outdated because 8K TVs are available.
Insecure PC gamers strike again. Keep boasting that master race Uber build that you never buy.
Yes. Hold On. Can I borrow 100k to buy one? I wouldn’t call it outdated yet lol. Who’s buying those.![]()
This is untrue; the PC version of Red Dead Redemption 2 blows the console versions out of the water, into the sky, through the atmosphere, and out of orbit.
FTFYBut, as always, the question is at what expense? I'm guessing the new GFX cards that blow the consoles away will cost more than the full price of either console plus 5-10 games
I find that argument crazy, and here's why. You literally see nothing in this form, but console warriors in both sides making thread after thread, comment after comment, about which console is more powerful, or why this game looks better than that game. Even to the point where there are a multitude of videos and screen shots, and analysis of performance between the same game, on different consoles. If people are fighting about which is the best version of a game to get, then why is it a shock to you that PC gamers want the best possible experience, framerate, resolution, textures, effects, etc...?you can spot the difference in witcher 2 too. But that will never make witcher 2 into witcher 3 a generational leap.
If your only priority is gaming, sure. But to have a gaming pc, that is capable of being a high end entertainment center, or even a money maker, makes consoles a poor investment. It all depends on what you use it for and what goals you have in mind. I'm sure the majority of pc owners on here use their pc for more than just gaming. Pretty sure many use it to browse the web, or even work from their computer.Sure but look at the cost. These console will probably be cheaper than your gpu's. Value for buck and architecture shows the console as the better value.
if i remember well, a lot of details in console version of rdr2 are below low details on pc and even 1440p on pc has a far better iq than xone x version at 4k (some people explain to me why but i don't remember)I said ultra quality dumbass. If you want to play it at high at variable fps between 55 - 60 enjoy lower quality than the consoles lol.
i fucking hated the forced use of the batmobile tbhThis doesn't refute my point that the game runs and looks significantly better on PC. As for how good I think that it is, I like it the most; it has everything that Arkham: City has...and the Batmobile. So, if someone likes Arkham City, then they should love Arkham: Knight.
AMD will most likely offer double the ps5 performance gpu this year.
the only games that don't need 60 fps are puzzle game and stuff like sim city.It's just like watching a film in HD and then watching it in UHD... same film, same game. As long as the performance is 30fps in a single player game, makes no difference.
Only games that need 60 are competitive games... graphical bells and whistles are just that....
My big problem is the amount of half truths and outright lies that PC gamers peddle to try and say that PC gaming was way beyond what was available elsewhere at the same price.... blah blah blah
So misleading
I guess it's cause there are so many people on this site thinking they are getting a 3700x and a 2080/TI, as well as telling pc players that they need to catch up, and how pc is now behind consoles, which is laughable at best. Imagine the faces of some of the Fanboys when they realize that GoW, TLOU, Horizon, Uncharted, etc, were ALL developed on a PC, and the games were them downgraded, and ported to consoles. But yet, here we are with people thinking pc is now outdated and obsolete. I'm going to sell my pc and get a console now.I don’t know, what should one expect when paying only $400-$500 on a console? The OP has an entire wall of “no shit” statements.
£550 for an msi one. Person I got it from needed cash quickly.You can't leave us hanging here, spill the beans on this mega deal.
£550 for an msi one. Person I got it from needed cash quickly.
Was a reach around included as well? Asking for curiosity of course.£550 for an msi one. Person I got it from needed cash quickly.
That really discribes PC gaming. There is almost zero content for 8k TV's.Lol and My 4K OLED TV is already Outdated because 8K TVs are available.
PC platform exclusives can be summed up into isometric strategy games, MOBAs, or multiplayer FPS games. Console is literally the only place where you'll get AAA exclusives so they haven't really been outclassed where it matters, in the games.