Enjoy while it last Team Warm
My UPS guy is perfect. Comes around 6ish but I live in an apartment and he always makes the effort to actually do his job and deliver it to my door rather than just leave a pick-up notice in the mail like Canada Post does every single time.Anyone else have issues with UPS, Fedex, Purolator? Every damn time I get something shipped, its an absolute fucking nightmare to actually get the package in my hand. Every time there is a different process or location or reason they couldn't deliver the package. I'm starting to think if you are in a condo or apartment, the drivers just can't be bothered. The shame is that the rest of the delivery chain works effectively, it's just that last mile that is always the prick.
People are always quick to slam Canada Post, but at least they have retail locations all over and have reasonable transparent practices.
So sick of this fucking shit.
How is Toronto for New Year's Eve? Looking for somewhere to go on holiday, Toronto is an option. Sell it to me. Or not.
My UPS guy is perfect. Comes around 6ish but I live in an apartment and he always makes the effort to actually do his job and deliver it to my door rather than just leave a pick-up notice in the mail like Canada Post does every single time.
My beautiful school. Where my
Anyone else have issues with UPS, Fedex, Purolator? Every damn time I get something shipped, its an absolute fucking nightmare to actually get the package in my hand. Every time there is a different process or location or reason they couldn't deliver the package. I'm starting to think if you are in a condo or apartment, the drivers just can't be bothered. The shame is that the rest of the delivery chain works effectively, it's just that last mile that is always the prick.
People are always quick to slam Canada Post, but at least they have retail locations all over and have reasonable transparent practices.
So sick of this fucking shit.
Heh. Signal delays out of Vic Park. I just leave early now cause I'm not sure it's management's fault; the TTC as a whole sucks.Well that was a fun fucking commute. What is wrong with the TTC? They are well overdue to change up the management.
What really grinds my gears is there were very few delays or issues during the Pan Am games, but not too long after were back to the same shit. So it is possible to run well, but I guess taxpayers aren't a priority compared to precious athletes.
holy shit Team Warm in full force this week.
I'm seeing Weeknd at ACC tonight then having patio beers. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts... wouldn't be surprised if it snowed next week or something -_-
I'm in a now prove it to me mode for Trudeau. He made a lot of promises and I hope he keeps them and we didn't just vote him in to oust Harper.Last year November under Harper we had a snowstorm and -10C. Now with Trudeau it is 20C and sunny. Already doing God's work, bless his heart.
Bruh I was there. Show was greatttttt. And Travis Scott killed it. Fucking love Travis.
We were seated in section 312 but then got in to section 109 lol
Heh. Signal delays out of Vic Park. I just leave early now cause I'm not sure it's management's fault; the TTC as a whole sucks.
Be prepared to pony up that cash.- I want a view.
Check out BlogTO for the best restaurants serving each type of food.- I love good food and am a foodie (I know Toronto is good here as I've been to like 5-6 restaurants in Toronto but what areas are best?)
Eaton's Centre downtown. But its the most pricey and crowded. Still.- I like everything being in walking distance or quick transit ride away if something different. Esp shopping, I like shopping once a week for clothes, electronics, etc.
Blue Mountain for Winter stuff, Wasaga Beach for Summer.- I like outdoor activities. Especially walking around the beach, snowboarding, and wake boarding.
Its only bad during the Summer. Gets very humid and nasty.- I hate the heat (are condos A/C'd in Toronto?) EDIT - Correction, I love dry heat, I have no issue with places like Phoenix but can't stand muggy heat.
Toronto people are okay overall. But I've definitely met nicer in other areas I've lived in.- How are the people?
North American? Its crowded and hectic. Sometimes relaxed but mostly hectic.- What's the culture like?
Haven't lived in Van, no idea.- What's cost of living compared to Vancouver? Rent seems a lot less but I may be looking at wrong areas.
IMO, clubbing here is overrated. People aren't relaxed here enough. Guys look for fights, girls are defensive. I took the same social skills I have to England and met girls at clubs all the time. Also, Guvernment closed down. And all the clubs constantly "re-invent" themselves because they become boring and stale.Clubbing and posh places?
Geez I thought this was kave_man posting stuff about himself for a second.Man Kave_man is bad ass
Holy crap, there's an entire youtube channel of this:
I mix up Kave and krae sometimes when I'm just scanning down the page. It doesn't help that they are both cats.
I have a competent PC and all the current consoles, and the above statement is 100% correct. I won't be buying all the consoles again unless there is a serious shift in the console market. By far, my best gaming experiences in the last 10 years have been on PC.
I'll probably still end up buying Nintendo's shit because the nostalgia is strong. Nothing against PS4, but Xbone pisses me off for one reason or another every time I boot it up.
Smh, I could have bought an Nvidia Titan instead of consoles...
Better than me where I mix the up during meetups.
Better than me where I mix the up during meetups.
PC is totally plug and play. You get an XBone controller and most games will support it. The ones that don't require a mouse anyways.I've always been fascinated by PC gaming but as I age I don't like having to spend time tinkering with settings and such. Being able to use an Xbox controller seamlessly is a game changer though.
Has PC moved to a more plug and play experience?
I did a quick Google search before posting this, but I don't see my current Xbox favorites like a rare replay, gears collection, halo 5, forza 6, sunset overdrive, on PC. $350 for an Xbox one that will last me for 5 years ain't a bad dealand E3 deals + trade ins later is pretty good too.
What am I missing here? I would assume the PC versions of multi platform games are far superior on PC, especially in graphics.
Depends. Do you prefer the cold or the warmth?My face is disfigured. Will you guys make fun of me?
My face is disfigured. Will you guys make fun of me?
My face is disfigured. Will you guys make fun of me?
My face is disfigured. Will you guys make fun of me?
Hard to believe the meet up is just two days away. I hope you all brought your A game cause Kuro "always second place" Madoushi gonna second place all of you abominable snow people.
Huh. That happened the other night too. It was pretty weird walking out there and seeing a bunch of people snake past the door. When I arrived though their bus came pretty quickly after that.What's up with the TTC tonight? The 25 bus going south was slow as fuck and there was a huge lineup on Don Mills station on nearly all the bus terminals. I saw one bus rider get into a shouting match with some passenger on the 85 terminal. I'm going to be pretty late for my night class now.
What's up with the TTC tonight? The 25 bus going south was slow as fuck and there was a huge lineup on Don Mills station on nearly all the bus terminals. I saw this one bus driver get into a shouting match with some queued up passenger on the 85 terminal.
Second place?Hard to believe the meet up is just two days away. I hope you all brought your A game cause Kuro "always second place" Madoushi gonna second place all of you abominable snow people.
Hard to believe the meet up is just two days away. I hope you all brought your A game cause Kuro "always second place" Madoushi gonna second place all of you abominable snow people.
Honestly, I never had a bad meal there in my two trips and 3 weeks spent. You will not be disappointed.Hey Toronto-GAF! I'm gonna be in Japan for the next couple of months and I know more than a few of you guys have been there before (Kuro and EM). Any suggestions on places I should visit or places to eat at?
I'm gonna buy some shit at Akiba to give away for the next meet-up cause I love you guys that much.
You shut your drunken cold icicle sucking mouth!Second place?
It's nice to want things Kuro.
You dirty winter loving son of a...I'm going to wear my snowflake nail polish just for you.
Hey Toronto-GAF! I'm gonna be in Japan for the next couple of months and I know more than a few of you guys have been there before (Kuro and EM). Any suggestions on places I should visit or places to eat at?
I'm gonna buy some shit at Akiba to give away for the next meet-up cause I love you guys that much.