Hey guys, I'll be visting from Paris to Montreal and Toronto in march. I'll stay around a week in both cities and I'll be hosted by a friend in Toronto.
That said I need to know a few things :
-First, how cold are we talking in average in mid-late march ? I know it's going to be cold and maybe snowy.
Weather could be -10 to +10. It's impossible to predict.
-What's the best way of traveling from Montreal to Toronto ? Train or bus or rideshare ? How much are we talking ? Do I need to book far in advance ?
If price is an issue, use Megabus.com If you book quickly enough, you can get a ticket for $1. Right now you can only book up to March 12th, if you're trip's after that start F5ing their site now.
-BTW are trains/buses reliable ? i'm flying back from Montreal at 7pm and I want to know if it's doable on the same day or if it's better to get back to Montreal the day before.
Depends on when your flight is. Weather or an accident can delay a bus/train by a few hours. Day before is probably safer but if your bus/train is going to get there 5-6 hours before your flight leaves, you'll probably be fine.
-What are cool things to do ? Gaming related (like idk a barcade or events ?) would be great.
TO GAF Meetup! let us know when you are free and we can arrange something!
Otherwise I don't know, Pladium?
-CN Tower
-Royal Ontario Museam
-Kave_mans' Coors Lite museum
-I want to attend indie/punk concerts, so if you have cool spots and shows to recommend that would be awesome.
Just see what you fancy on ticketmaster.ca
-I might also want to attend a NBA or NHL game. How much that would cost me ? Is there a good way to grab tickets on the grey market for a good price ?
Leafs: $100 to your first born
Raptors: $30 to your first born
Again use ticketmaster.ca. Click the resale tab for season ticket holders selling extras. Might find a deal or better seating options.
-Also bars and restaurants recommendations.
Locals can answer better.
If you guys would like to meet-up that would be really cool !
TO GAF is best Meetup GAF. Let us know when you are free and we can arrange something
Thanks in advance guys !