My weekend was just a blur of wolves hunt in packs, tis weak to fire Arisen WALKING BONES. And then it was over. I really really need to take some time off as I haven't had a real vacation since...uh...well, since I was unemployed before moving to Toronto. I transitioned straight from my shitty last job into this one. I have some days saved up for XCOM 2 and SF5's releases next month at least.
Roommate has been looking at houses as they keep jacking up our rent and getting on our asses about parking spots (they won't give us another one so I'm stuck in visitor parking, which they have lots of). May end up in Brampton, the place he found looks awesome. Honestly I just want to be able to barbecue again, fuck apartments. Would make getting to meetups a little tougher I guess.
Roommate has been looking at houses as they keep jacking up our rent and getting on our asses about parking spots (they won't give us another one so I'm stuck in visitor parking, which they have lots of). May end up in Brampton, the place he found looks awesome. Honestly I just want to be able to barbecue again, fuck apartments. Would make getting to meetups a little tougher I guess.