EGLX was PACKED on saturday, but there didn't seem like much reason to go there if you weren't competing. I got to talk to the Warframe folks a bit and their booth was tiiiiny. There were some retro game stores set up but I noped hard at their prices - easily double what I find at flea markets (which aren't cheap either nowadays).
The Smash section was IMMENSE, their entrants dwarfed every other game. We had like 8 PS4s for SF5 in one corner of a table, meanwhile there were dozens and dozens of Wii Us and Gamecubes with CRT TVs. Apparently CoD players act like children even in person though, you'd think you were on xbox live walking past their stations when a team won. The hearthstone stage looked cool but I have absolutely no interest in hearthstone.
I couldn't even get into the VR demo section because the lineup was, like, the entire hall. I just went and played more SF5.
SF5 was fun and I was perfectly happy to hang out over there all day. As someone who never gets local competition it was great being able to go up against some really high level players. I got destroyed by a few of them but there were several there who were very close to me in skill. Found out where Brampton fighting game players hold their events too, apparently. Also when I was playing against a Laura, we heard a girl behind us say she liked his character, turned around and it was a Laura cosplayer.
I guess there were some well known players around. I don't follow Smash but I recognized Mew2king and I don't think I've ever seen a human look more uncomfortable. Woolie, Kbrad and Dieminion were all super nice though.
Not gonna bother going today though as I have stuff to do and SF5 is over, will probably go next time even though the parts of the show that weren't esports were kinda lame.