I think Buck mentioned that he probably has a blister.I wonder what's wrong with Osuna.
I think Buck mentioned that he probably has a blister.I wonder what's wrong with Osuna.
I saw on twitter that it was a groin "flare up"I think Buck mentioned that he probably has a blister.
Yeah, day to day so it doesn't get worse.I saw on twitter that it was a groin "flare up"
These are from the MLSE twitter account
Passed by BMO Wednesday night and it does look great lit up at night with the added deck/roof. Winter classic is gonna be bonkers there next year.
Check your outdoor game privilege, Brinbe - it's the Centennial Classic, not the Winter Classic. No way the NHL would risk tainting such a venerable outdoor event brand like the Winter Classic by labelling a Canadian outdoor game with it.
are any of you playing Overwatch?
if so, add me
I've sent a request to you. I'm downloading it now. I expect to be terrible.
I had fun but i suck bad
Omg. Have none of you ever played shooters or terrible shooters (like TF2) before...?
Add me, I'm Sober#1843
I haven't had time to play, maybe will get some time tomorrow. Played it for an hour or so the other day though, kinda rad in the TF2 sense.
I did not play tf2 cause I was too busy screwing around on those cs1.6 funmaps
By the time it became free none of my friends were playing anymore.
My favorite characters so far are the ice girl and the big robot girl.
I'm dluu13#1550.
Add me, I'm Sober#1843
I haven't had time to play, maybe will get some time tomorrow. Played it for an hour or so the other day though, kinda rad in the TF2 sense.
I like Widowmaker and Pharah so far. I haven't tried Mei yet.
Edit: added you both.
I guess I should start thinking about making the meetup thread huh? I was thinking of just making it the last Saturday of the month (May 28th) but I want to see how everyone feels about a vote.
hmm, I don't see the invite.
I can see that long weekend as an option. Here's the vote, put in what dates you're available and interested (I submitted Fridays to be nice, but I'm expecting a Saturday).
I'll put together the thread in a bit. I'll be relying on you all for recommendations on where to go... or else we'll end up at Victory Cafe.
I can see that long weekend as an option. Here's the vote, put in what dates you're available and interested (I submitted Fridays to be nice, but I'm expecting a Saturday).
I can see that long weekend as an option. Here's the vote, put in what dates you're available and interested (I submitted Fridays to be nice, but I'm expecting a Saturday).
I'll put together the thread in a bit. I'll be relying on you all for recommendations on where to go... or else we'll end up at Victory Cafe.
Heh. Funny having an ad there. Looks like TO GAF MEET UP - Sponsored by Subway for me.I can see that long weekend as an option. Here's the vote, put in what dates you're available and interested (I submitted Fridays to be nice, but I'm expecting a Saturday).
I'll put together the thread in a bit. I'll be relying on you all for recommendations on where to go... or else we'll end up at Victory Cafe.
This team gonna give my bandwagon ass a heart attack...!#PrayforJV
Heh. Funny having an ad there. Looks like TO GAF MEET UP - Sponsored by Subway for me.
Not sure on suggestions...Brass Rail? House of Lancaster? Zanzibar?
Oh wait, THOSE kinds of suggestions.
My serious suggestion is to find a new place. I'd like a place with good goddamn nachos for once :'(
This team gonna give my bandwagon ass a heart attack...!
If we go back there. I'm gonna get you a house cider and you're gonna goddamn drink it! >:/
But Zanzibar isn't a recommendation on there...Miku Concert and Anime North huh? How did I forget those (especially since someone gave me tix to Anime North, but I don't want to go).
Well the thread is about to go up so I can start trying to see what places we can go to and then swing by KFC.
lol you're all gonna hate me for the banner, meetup thread is up
If we go back there. I'm gonna get you a house cider and you're gonna goddamn drink it! >:/
But Zanzibar isn't a recommendation on there...![]()
Raps bandwagon will only grow with each win.
And I say jump on, Raps need as many fans as they can get.
Does my Raptors inspired Jays avatar count?Acceptable.
I turn the 6 upside down, it's a 9 now
Does my Raptors inspired Jays avatar count?
Do you guys know if it is every single beer store that has bottle/can returns, or is it just specific ones? I don't want to lug all my bottles and cans out there just to find out they don't take it.
I'm pretty sure most/all beer stores do bottle/can returns.
Call up your local store and ask.
I put a vote in for zanzibar! Or whiskeys...
I ways throw the census forms in the garbage. Should I fill this one out?
Deloitte = gravy train confirmed.So we moved into our new office tower today. I thought Herman Miller chairs were amazing but damn these Steelcase chairs are also awesome.
Best thing though is having a sensor at the washroom doors so you never have to touch the handle.
Ah Whiskey a go go...I put a vote in for zanzibar! Or whiskeys...
I ways throw the census forms in the garbage. Should I fill this one out?
Yeah, I did it online. It was really quick and the questions were pretty silly. I thought it'd be a tiny bit more in-depth.
Google it. I had a ProveIt test for Excel and outlook and the whole thing was on YouTube.I have a coupe of potential job prospects. For one of them I need to do an appitude test. They game me some sample questions. Fuuuck the mathematical word problems. I couldn't do never translate the words into
math when I was in school, never mind now. I'm worried about this. The sequential and spacial stuff I should be fine on. Math? Yeah, I couldn't figure out the first few questions I looked at.