but for how much though?
i've had a lot of people on my FB selling off their tickets for the 100s-200s for about $250-$400
Base prices like I mentioned... so $145 per ticket
but for how much though?
i've had a lot of people on my FB selling off their tickets for the 100s-200s for about $250-$400
I doubt they'all invalidate the 2nd interview based on a typo. You'll be fine.Ahhh crap
Got my 2nd interview for a way better place... But replying back has a small typo. Also, I responded to the email for tomorrow after work. 6 hours later.
If this works out... Give me your spirits for the interview! (or your Soju if I fail horribly)
Base prices like I mentioned... so $145 per ticket
A diss track called Got Yourself A Gun resulted in serious consequences for a Mississauga rapper on Tuesday. Avalanche The Architect (born: Darren John) was found guilty of threatening to cause bodily harm to Sonia Harry, a show promoter, by way of lyrics depicted in a music video.
In a video posted on YouTube, John calls out Harry for removing him from the bill of a show in Ottawa because he wouldnt get [her] molly. The song singles out Sonia by name, alleging group sex, and assaulting her character. In addition, the lyrics make thinly (see: not at all) veiled criminal threats assumed to be aimed at Sonia Harry: June 23rd, there will be no show/Youll end up missing, youll be a no show. Not only is this a crime against sensible bars because he rhymes "show" with "show"according to the Crown, this happens to be an actual, literal crime.
Reportedly, Darren John represented himself throughout much of the trials proceedings, claiming that Got Yourself A Gun is nothing more than a rap battle. He argued that the song in question is actually a diss track directed towards fellow rapper Scotian Sparxx, and it should be regarded as artistic expression between two musicians. John was acquitted on charges of threatening death and criminal harassment, but found guilty of making criminal threats. He intends to appeal the guilty verdict.
We are planning to go to Power Up Bar this weekend for a Toronto GAF meetup.
Oh cool. I've never been to one of those. I'm helping at a local League tournament, how long do these things run until? Maybe I'll drop by.
What kind of city get eliminated by Cleveland twice in one year? How embarrassing.
Oh for crying out loud.![]()
It ain't over til it's over...!
Oh for crying out loud.
We're way past Indian Summer into full blown summer temps.
this weather
this weather is so ominous. feels like something bad's about to go down.
Outfit was ALL fall'd up this morning, then I checked TWN.
WTF is up with this weather.
Edit: Also to the Cleveland IndiansI'm just putting it out there, but #TeamWarm people would probably vote Harper back in because they want this climate change.
We're skipping winter this year boys. From summer->spring->summer.
I still have that bag and that worthless metal tsilon card.4 Years ago today, Fuzzy got bribed with a Messenger bag just in case he was a reviewer who holds a grudge.
Also the Mister ran around the event at Warp 6.
4 Years ago today, Fuzzy got bribed with a Messenger bag just in case he was a reviewer who holds a grudge.
Also the Mister ran around the event at Warp 6.
How about the Leafs?good season for the Jays
now to get tickets for Raptors games
How about the Leafs?
God, I'm so inconsistent as D.Va. D:
You guys should try playing Hanzo or Mcree on PS4. Hoo boy
I can't play as Dva, though I find it fun
my main is ma boi Junkrat. secondary is ma boi Lucio. then after that either Mercy or Zenyatta
yea, I'm a support dude
yesterday was about as Toronto Sports as it gets
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Sombra has hacked sportsnet?As of this post, Sportsnet.ca is going through an absolute fit right now. this is what it looks like on my screen when i try to load it up on chrome. I didn't post all of the text though.. for obvious reasons.
Dealt with my first road rager today. Not sure what I did to set him off but it probably was how slow I was to take a left with a lot of pedestrians still crossing.
He cut in front of me, got out of his car and and was hurling expletives and whatnot. I only asked him what I did to set him off but he rather he call me a bad driver and a coward while smacking my door. Dude was unhinged. I am not for conflict so the whole ordeal left me a little shaken but I'm okay.
JaysusDealt with my first road rager today. Not sure what I did to set him off but it probably was how slow I was to take a left with a lot of pedestrians still crossing.
He cut in front of me, got out of his car and and was hurling expletives and whatnot. I only asked him what I did to set him off but he rather he call me a bad driver and a coward while smacking my door. Dude was unhinged. I am not for conflict so the whole ordeal left me a little shaken but I'm okay.
Did you get his license plate?
This is why I want to get a dash cam, too many aggressive ragers out there