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Toronto-Age |OT4| Molested by a Burger Priest


Thank you to the three police officers on the streetcar for delaying my ride so they can check each person for proof of payment and writing people up.

Jesus Christ

They upset one of the crackheads and she went crazy and started chanting vodoo and shit.
Thank you to the three police officers on the streetcar for delaying my ride so they can check each person for proof of payment and writing people up.

Jesus Christ

Was this a special circumstance?

I still don't understand how they handle proof of payment for people who hop on at the back. Sounds like a mess.


How are the Uncle Tetsu lines nowadays on, say, Wednesday around 3 pm?

I had some stuff to do downtown so I thought about dropping by.

Still 3hrs apparently. I passed by last week and it was still insane. The warmer weather is drawing people out to be disappointed. It is a Wednesday afternoon though. I would just go by and see if it's not much of a hassle and gauge if it's worth your time.


How are the Uncle Tetsu lines nowadays on, say, Wednesday around 3 pm?

I had some stuff to do downtown so I thought about dropping by.

as long as the line doesn't reach the doors of the bus station, then it's usually maybe a 1-2 hr wait.
when I went, it took me about 50 minutes, but there was maybe a line up of 8 people outside the store ahead of me (with the inside completely packed)


Will QA for food.
Was this a special circumstance?

I still don't understand how they handle proof of payment for people who hop on at the back. Sounds like a mess.

501 has been POP for a long, long time. Basically there were only random checks, with fare enforcement officers getting on and checking people coming in the back. I never saw them check people already on board and I saw the fare enforcement officers maybe one out of fifty trips. This was years ago when I rode the 501 twice a day.

Basically, POP means everyone has to have a pass, or a transfer. The problem is the TTC is doing a shit job explaining it to people. I still see people wave off a transfer (getting on the front) on the Spadina streetcar and the driver doesn't say anything. The driver should say 'You NEED this. This is a proof of payment route now.', but they do not give two shits. Then when they get off at Spadina and people are checking fares they freak out.

I wonder how they handle PRESTO cards. Do you still need a transfer if you scan, or can they check the card? In theory PRESTO should make all this easier by doing away with tokens and most cash fares, and thus transfers. But I have a feeling they'll fuck it up somehow.

Thank you to the three police officers on the streetcar for delaying my ride so they can check each person for proof of payment and writing people up.

Jesus Christ

They upset one of the crackheads and she went crazy and started chanting vodoo and shit.

Haha, geez. How were they checking? Strolling up and down the streetcar while it was on route (I haven't seen this yet, but ride infrequently), or when you arrived at the station? A Spadina people usually just walk by the officers waving their pass, or transfer and there's no real hold up.


How are the Uncle Tetsu lines nowadays on, say, Wednesday around 3 pm?

I had some stuff to do downtown so I thought about dropping by.

501 has been POP for a long, long time. Basically there were only random checks, with fare enforcement officers getting on and checking people coming in the back. I never saw them check people already on board and I saw the fare enforcement officers maybe one out of fifty trips. This was years ago when I rode the 501 twice a day.

Basically, POP means everyone has to have a pass, or a transfer. The problem is the TTC is doing a shit job explaining it to people. I still see people wave off a transfer (getting on the front) on the Spadina streetcar and the driver doesn't say anything. The driver should say 'You NEED this. This is a proof of payment route now.', but they do not give two shits. Then when they get off at Spadina and people are checking fares they freak out.

I wonder how they handle PRESTO cards. Do you still need a transfer if you scan, or can they check the card? In theory PRESTO should make all this easier by doing away with tokens and most cash fares, and thus transfers. But I have a feeling they'll fuck it up somehow.

didn't someone post a video from the TTC here not too long ago? or am I thinking of r/Toronto?

for Presto it'l only be on new streetcars. apparently you have to scan in your presto on the device at the door when you walk in, and then scan it again on a seperate machine on the inside of the streetcar to get a transfer as your PoP

also the PoP thing is kinda bs, when the driver's don't even open the backdoors on the PoP routes. so many times I've had to wait behind a line of 20+ people on the Spadina line or King lines, because the driver doesn't want to open the back doors


Will QA for food.
didn't someone post a video from the TTC here not too long ago? or am I thinking of r/Toronto?

for Presto it'l only be on new streetcars. apparently you have to scan in your presto on the device at the door when you walk in, and then scan it again on a seperate machine on the inside of the streetcar to get a transfer as your PoP

also the PoP thing is kinda bs, when the driver's don't even open the backdoors on the PoP routes. so many times I've had to wait behind a line of 20+ people on the Spadina line or King lines, because the driver doesn't want to open the back doors

No clue about the video, or how they're going to implement it in the future. Just speculation on my part. Except for the fucking it up bit. You can bet on that.

Yeah, opening, or not opening the backdoors is an issue. Even on the 501 which has had POP forever, sometimes drivers just won't open the doors, even on crowded cars with dozens of people waiting to get on.


I wonder how they handle PRESTO cards. Do you still need a transfer if you scan, or can they check the card? In theory PRESTO should make all this easier by doing away with tokens and most cash fares, and thus transfers. But I have a feeling they'll fuck it up somehow.

Haha, geez. How were they checking? Strolling up and down the streetcar while it was on route (I haven't seen this yet, but ride infrequently), or when you arrived at the station? A Spadina people usually just walk by the officers waving their pass, or transfer and there's no real hold up.

TTC is pay 'by the route' + transfers. PRESTO is more pay by 'time/distance' + zones.
A user with a presto card taps in when starting a transit journey (and then taps out at the end of the journey). The transit officer scans the presto card which shows if the user has tapped in or not.
A user on a presto route with cash fare
pays for distance e.g. Go bus, pays for a particular trip that must be used within a certain time
or pays for time e.g. Vaughn transit, pays for any trip within a particular zone that must be used with a certain time.
On Vaughn you have to pay extra when switching zones. It's a bit confusing; I got a fine on one of the first times I used vaughn transit because I didn't get off the bus to buy a new ticket after the time had expired even though I hadn't switched zones ;(.
All PRESTO routes are POP, if you're complaining about waiting time for checking fares then be warned that I've seen a lot more traffic officers on my trips on PRESTO routes (and they always catch people). The officers get on the bus and check


I just ordered a presto card. God help me.

A gaffer gave me his Orca card last time I was in Seattle and I couldn't find where to tap and fare enforcement boarded the train. Luckaly I was on my way to the airport and they just let it slide. Good old Canadian passport saved me :lol


Will QA for food.
Suica card in Japan was great. All the lines we were on were distance based, but it was really easy to load, could be used at tons of shops for other purchases, paying for a locker at a station, all around great. Made transferring really easy as well. Ideally PRESTO becomes something to close it.

PRESTO at least has plans for TTC riders to be able to 'load passes' on to the card, effectively doing away with separate metropasses, day passes, weekly passes, etc and becoming PRESTO + cash fare.

Greyface, thanks for the lesson, I'm familiar with different transit structures although not the specific of each in our region when it comes to PRESTO. I usually go on my 'distance based fare for TTC' rant a few times per year. It would fit with PRESTO, among a bunch of other reasons why it would help make the TTC more self sufficient. And technically not all the PRESTO TTC routes are POP, as you can board the subway with it at a station and none of the subway line is POP.

What they should really do is instruct people to obtain POP no matter where you're boarding, so you don't end up with situations where someone boards at Dupont Station on a non-POP route, then transfers on to the Spadina streetcar without a transfer because they're unfamiliar with the system.


Will QA for food.
found that video


basically TTC's way of instructing people on how PoP works

Ah, see. I like Andy Byford. 'Whenever you enter the TTC, whichever mode you use, pick up a transfer.' Shame the message didn't really seemed to be passed down to the front line employees. I mean, don't let someone paying with cash / token just wave off a transfer. Tell them to take it as proof of payment.


Well I ended up driving past Uncle Tetsu, mostly just to have a look. There was definitely a lineup, although it didn't seem too long.

I didn't want to find a parking spot and pay for parking in the middle of the day though so I just kept driving. :p

I'll try it some day


Well I ended up driving past Uncle Tetsu, mostly just to have a look. There was definitely a lineup, although it didn't seem too long.

I didn't want to find a parking spot and pay for parking in the middle of the day though so I just kept driving. :p

I'll try it some day

good luck.
I'm thinking once summer hits (for high school and lower) lines are going to be even more terrible with all the tweens lining up
at least at the moment it was people working in the area/adults at home or university students

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Well I ended up driving past Uncle Tetsu, mostly just to have a look. There was definitely a lineup, although it didn't seem too long.

I didn't want to find a parking spot and pay for parking in the middle of the day though so I just kept driving. :p

I'll try it some day
Don't let that fool you. The line 'didn't seem too long' for me too and it was 3 fucking hours.
So damn hot. Sweating like shit just walking home from work.
#teamwarm dealwithit.gif


Will QA for food.
20c with low humidity is right in the pleasant range for me. I'll save my bellyaching for July. Wouldn't want to be mistaken for a #TeamWarm member by complaining every other day.


The only whining I'll make about the weather is that it means I have to mow the lawn again. And I live at the corner of a street/cul-de-sac so I have extra lawn that needs mowing.


See, this kind of weather I can handle. Nice and warm during the day, and then you get a cool breeze after dark, in which you can relax in after a workout or a long day at work.

Not looking forward to the 35+ weather in August that feels like 45 due to the 99% humidity.


it's my birthday today
look at what I spent $125 on as a gift to myself


Why do I have an insatiable desire to build a Zoid... and mount a Gunpla on it?!?

Better question is why am I still awake... can't sleep at all ;-;


Agreed, but Teksavvy hasn't been stellar lately either. Their support (which is not different than any ISP) never admits when there is a systemic problem and instead just wastes my time when there are outages that miraculously fix themselves. That, and Teksavvy just blames Rogers when there are issues, so why would I pay a middleman?

Do you need the $200 modem? I bought the better 2.0 or whatever modem when I signed up 3 years ago.

Not completely sure, but I think it's require for the new 100/10 packages and beyond.

Rogers are assholes. I was with Teksavvy about 2 years ago and was happily using the 150/10 plan for a bit then chose to switch to VMedia for their ipTV service. I stuck with VMedia for many months before conceding that the TV performance was too unreliable (laggy sports but fine elsewhere) and desiring to switch back to TekSavvy. So last year I tried to get my old plan but couldn't because Rogers blocked TekSavvy from offering the service by not approving any modems. For months we were stuck in limbo waiting for Rogers to let TekSavvy resume selling a service that they had sold with no problem before meanwhile Rogers and Bell were working CRTC to force the independents to raise rates.

Eventually I tried Bell's Fibe TV service and then Rogers TV service and, after Rogers started offering the 250/10 unlimited with the free modem and installation at a cheaper starter rate than what I was paying monthly (after the price hike) for my grandfathered Vmedia 45 cable internet service, I succumbed to the better deal and ended up with Rogers :/ Right on schedule TekSavvy is now able to offer 100/10 with new modems haha. However TekSavvy's price is now higher than Rogers :O. Is this the inevitable result of the competition started by the independents or is more market manipulation by Robbers? That TekSavvy's 100/10 is not much better priced than 150/10 from years ago suggests to me the latter. I'll probably switch back to TekSavvy just to feel better about my spending, I'm waiting for Apple ipTV bundle that's rumored to come out this summer...

Toronto Comic Arts Festival this weekend. Think this might be my first year just staying home. It gets more and more crowded and awful every year.

It also sucks if you like to go to the reference library and write on your day off.

You can still do that. Just use one of the bathroom stalls. You'll blend right in with the regular cruisers.

This is why we can't have nice things :(. TCAF is the best comics event of the year imo, still less crowded that Comic con and it's free! No that many people showed up for William Gibson either last time he gave a free talk n book signing here. To me that's the equivalent of Drake giving a free concert and getting tickets to the afterparty.

Anyway Happy Birthday ahdurian!

Why doesn't Canada ever get new movies early? We could be watching Pitch Perfect 2 this weekend but noooo only Australia/NZ is having fun


Cherry Blossoms by simulatron, on Flickr

City in the Distance by simulatron, on Flickr

Toronto Skyline by simulatron, on Flickr

From yesterdays obligatory, go to high park and take pictures of cherry blossoms and also polson pier thing. The amount of bugs appearing lately are insane

Why is the Tonkotsu black from Sansotei so fucking good? I could eat that shit all day, every day.

Yessss. I still need to try Santouka but that Tonkotsu Black will be hard to beat


This is why we can't have nice things :(. TCAF is the best comics event of the year imo, still less crowded that Comic con and it's free! No that many people showed up for William Gibson either last time he gave a free talk n book signing here. To me that's the equivalent of Drake giving a free concert and getting tickets to the afterparty.

I don't see how it can possibly be less crowded than Comic Con. You can't even get close to the tables any more, let alone the panels.


Neo Member
Rogers to cut jobs, end all OMNI newscasts

"Rogers Media is cutting approximately 100 positions from its conventional TV operations, and eliminating all newscasts on its multicultural OMNI stations, as it grapples with spiralling losses at its City and OMNI broadcasters."

"Most of OMNI’s revenues had come from ad sales on U.S. programs such as Two and a Half Men and The Simpsons, which have become more widely available in syndication and on streaming services."

That's a shame, then again I never really saw their news program back then. I cut my cable 2 years ago and it's been great since. RIP Omni 1 and 2


I don't see how it can possibly be less crowded than Comic Con. You can't even get close to the tables any more, let alone the panels.
My buddy still tries to go every year, and I can't for the life of me fathom why. He only managed to get in this year because I have my own ID to help him score tickets in the lottery and I got drawn.

I hope this year he brings elbow pads and something to sit on while he waits in line.


Rogers to cut jobs, end all OMNI newscasts

"Rogers Media is cutting approximately 100 positions from its conventional TV operations, and eliminating all newscasts on its multicultural OMNI stations, as it grapples with spiralling losses at its City and OMNI broadcasters."

"Most of OMNI’s revenues had come from ad sales on U.S. programs such as Two and a Half Men and The Simpsons, which have become more widely available in syndication and on streaming services."

That's a shame, then again I never really saw their news program back then. I cut my cable 2 years ago and it's been great since. RIP Omni 1 and 2

nooo lucy zilio


I would bang a hot farmer!
My favourite real quote from that protest earlier this week was "I was in my 20's before I learned some of this stuff" and she was proud of that. :lol

Sad about the OMNI News thing. If it wasn't for the Portuguese news then my grandmother wouldn't have been able to understand any news without my mother translating it for her. This just forces people to pay for the expensive international stations.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
My favourite real quote from that protest earlier this week was "I was in my 20's before I learned some of this stuff" and she was proud of that. :lol

Sad about the OMNI News thing. If it wasn't for the Portuguese news then my grandmother wouldn't have been able to understand any news without my mother translating it for her. This just forces people to pay for the expensive international stations.
Wait, don't people lay down next to each other and the woman magical gets pregnant?! D:

Well, there are those Internet TV boxes you can buy that access those channels anyways.

My mother has already moved into the digital world. My iPad somehow became her iPad........but she can find what she wants and she stays out of my hair for the most part so eh.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Wait, don't people lay down next to each other and the woman magical gets pregnant?! D:

Well, there are those Internet TV boxes you can buy that access those channels anyways.

My mother has already moved into the digital world. My iPad somehow became her iPad........but she can find what she wants and she stays out of my hair for the most part so eh.
I bought my dad a laptop a few years ago so he could do the same thing. He also uses it to edit and burn home movies of my niece. It also didn't take him long to figure out how to watch streaming soccer games. :lol


My favourite real quote from that protest earlier this week was "I was in my 20's before I learned some of this stuff" and she was proud of that. :lol

Sad about the OMNI News thing. If it wasn't for the Portuguese news then my grandmother wouldn't have been able to understand any news without my mother translating it for her. This just forces people to pay for the expensive international stations.
It's great that whoever was bragging didn't get roped into the unsavoury world of teenage sex and all the problems that comes with it, but it's not about you, it's about your children. Unless you physically leash yourself to them you can't guarantee anything, much less how they learn about their knobs and bits, either from hearsay and/or experimentation.

But I guess hey, another ignorant generation to beget another ignorant generation. Global Warming deserves to kill us all.


Rogers to cut jobs, end all OMNI newscasts

"Rogers Media is cutting approximately 100 positions from its conventional TV operations, and eliminating all newscasts on its multicultural OMNI stations, as it grapples with spiralling losses at its City and OMNI broadcasters."

"Most of OMNI’s revenues had come from ad sales on U.S. programs such as Two and a Half Men and The Simpsons, which have become more widely available in syndication and on streaming services."

That's a shame, then again I never really saw their news program back then. I cut my cable 2 years ago and it's been great since. RIP Omni 1 and 2

It's nearly impossible to compete with the internet for foreign news.

But non-English speakers are going to miss out on a lot of local news.
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