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Wolfenstein: The New Order |OT| They put Nazis on the Moon, Scheiß auf den Mond!


Just got the the part where J dies. HOLY SHIT. What an awesome way to go "yup, that WAS Jimi Hendrix" and send him out with style. That was the scene I was most looking forward to because of the dialogue in the trailer, and boy did it exceed my expectstions

Oh yeah, and how do I solve the enigma codes? Is there something I missed, or is it just guesswork?
What's up with the DOOM BETA I downloaded the game on PS4 are they sending out codes or what?

No codes if you got it from psn, if you look at your stuff on the psn website it says you own the doom beta. I guess it will show up when the beta launches. Speaking of doom do we even know who is making it, and is it going to us the new engine?
Fuuuuu. I think I missed something important. Chapter 11 at the end

in the last room where I was told to pick up anything that looked important I just picked up some gold stuff, I missed something shiny and spinning in a column. I accidently hit the end mission button. Did I miss a gun upgrade?

Also, if I did miss it can I just restart the chapter or do I have to finish the game first?
Fuuuuu. I think I missed something important. Chapter 11 at the end

in the last room where I was told to pick up anything that looked important I just picked up some gold stuff, I missed something shiny and spinning in a column. I accidently hit the end mission button. Did I miss a gun upgrade?

Also, if I did miss it can I just restart the chapter or do I have to finish the game first?

If you are talking about the vault then yes you did.


Just got the the part where J dies. HOLY SHIT. What an awesome way to go "yup, that WAS Jimi Hendrix" and send him out with style. That was the scene I was most looking forward to because of the dialogue in the trailer, and boy did it exceed my expectstions

Yeah, that was pretty cool.
The fact that he apparently strung a right-hand guitar for left-handed playing was a really nice touch.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
We really need to break free of this trope. I need a Nazi villain I can sympathize with.
Easy enough to say this in the name of art from what I assume must be a moderately progressive part of America (am I correct?), and not anywhere in Europe were neonazis are trying to take control of whole countries.

Just some things you have to think about when making a game for global release.


A day or two after the game was released I saw some people in this thread comparing it to Half Life 2.

I thought to myself give me some of what these people are smoking as I had checked out the first 45 minutes or so of the game and was not super impressed.

Now that I have been able to play through Chapter 6, I totally get it.

I should share the fact I am of the belief HL2 is one of if not the best games the FPS genre has to offer.

This game is that damn good.

How I wish it was 2001 again and I can play this new game in one very long sitting like I did with Return To Castle Wolfenstein. Since it is not I am going to have to settle with hopefully beating it within the next 2-3 weeks.


I need help on the last boss on Uber.
I can't even make it to the first canon.
What did you guys do for this whole fight? It was a bitch on Death Incarnate, now it just seems impossible.


Junior Member
Okay, certain parts of this game actually look perfectly fine on PS3, and run well. Textures are still decimated, but the art direction is still able to show itself. I'd go as far as to say this looks better than most 60fps PS3 games.


I need help on the last boss on Uber.
I can't even make it to the first canon.
What did you guys do for this whole fight? It was a bitch on Death Incarnate, now it just seems impossible.

Either fire a fully charged LKW shot at him or throw a nade at his feet so that he is stunned. Then haul ass to the cannon. Repeat for the next one. Always make sure he is stunned.


Yup, ending is still just as sad the second time around. And that credits song! :( Sadly, I don't think BJ is going to be making it out of this. Pretty sure his guts were hanging out a little bit in that last shot. I really hope he isn't dead though. Machine Games turned him into such a great character, it would be a shame to never get to see him again.

Oh, and those HL2 comparisons I saw up there? Totally warranted. I know this may just be the post-release hype talking, but I think this is one of the best shooters ever. EV. ER. It will never be recognized as such though, because no media outlet or casual gamer would put a game with this Metascore over one with HL2's. I'm fine with this being a cult hit though, and it deserves every bit of praise it gets.

Either fire a fully charged LKW shot at him or throw a nade at his feet so that he is stunned. Then haul ass to the cannon. Repeat for the next one. Always make sure he is stunned.
Awesome, thanks!


Yup, ending is still just as sad the second time around. And that credits song! :( Sadly, I don't think BJ is going to be making it out of this. Pretty sure his guts were hanging out a little bit in that last shot. I really hope he isn't dead though. Machine Games turned him into such a great character, it would be a shame to never get to see him again.

Oh, and those HL2 comparisons I saw up there? Totally warranted. I know this may just be the post-release hype talking, but I think this is one of the best shooters ever. EV. ER. It will never be recognized as such though, because no media outlet or casual gamer would put a game with this Metascore over one with HL2's. I'm fine with this being a cult hit though, and it deserves every bit of praise it gets.

Awesome, thanks!

Yep, this is one of those GAF darlings that will be praised in future LTTP threads.


People will be all over this shit when it's on PSN+ and $20 on Steam. Cult classic, for sure.

It's on 5 different systems, so more people will get to play it than Riddick or The Darkness, so there's that.
Wow this game is an unexpected treat. I was shocked when I got to a cinematic moment and actually died when I didn't react fast enough... I smiled like an idiot. I'm so used to the promise of it being life or death and having that promise reliant on me moving past an invisible trigger to make things happen. Story is great, characters are interesting... Wolfenstein is back, this game deserves attention and lays out a wonderful case for a single player game worth it's asking price without MP. Just had to give my two cents, now to finish this thing!!!
People will be all over this shit when it's on PSN+ and $20 on Steam. Cult classic, for sure.

It's on 5 different systems, so more people will get to play it than Riddick or The Darkness (360/PS3 only, and PS3 was a bad port), so there's that.

In a few months, holiday sale, the game is $20, the drivers are there and now runs much better. Boom, I can see it being the best selling game for a day or two.


Slowly pacing through it!

Just got past Chapter 8 (I think
The Prison section) and it was one of the best bits I've played in an FPS forever. Ex-Starbreeze knows how to do it right! I loved how it played like a complete stealth level until the crazy mech fight at the end- my heart was racing! Frau Engel deserves to suffer MORE. It felt completely desolate- and we were being called filth while flies circled everywhere.

The ambiance in this game is unmatched. lovelovelove.
Just finished it. What a great game. I really was unsure what to expect going in and it turns out there is a whole lot of great stuff. The gameplay is a blast and never really stopped being fun (I look forward to a replay in the future on the easiest difficulty so I can just run around blowing shit up like a lunatic). The variety from level to level really, really helps keep the game from getting repetitive or boring. It goes to some wonderful places and one or two really dark ones and it handles it all with great tact. I like that it isn't afraid to be goofy every once and a while because the bleakness of it all would be too much.

Most surprising was the character stuff (the story was fine). The character writing and interactions were some of the most believable and human I've seen from a game, they handle some adult stuff with great ease and nothing ever falls short. Deathshead was genuinely uncomfortable and disturbing for the short period he shows up. The relationship between B.J. and Anya was true and more believable then most any other video game romantic relationship I've seen. And all of the supporting characters are a delight. That was the biggest surprise for me. Just how good all the characters are, even if they don't ever do anything amazing with those characters.

It reminds me a lot of the Metro games in that you can tell how much the developers have tried to make something they love and that is unique and of the highest quality. It goes a long, long ways when you can sense the passion of the developers. It's where many recent FPS (campaigns) have failed. They feel soulless. This is not soulless and it shows.

There are certainly a couple issues and a rough edge here and there but as a whole, this might be one of the better surprises in a long while. It brought together several different eras of FPS' into one really cohesive package and wrapped it all with great characters and a satisfying story.

Well done Machine Games, well done indeed. I cannot wait to see what they do next because gosh do I ever love where their hearts are at.

/text dump


I'd be in the dick
The subtle 50s/60s sci-fi ambient soundtrack/noises in chapter 13 are so good.

13's art and sound design are absolutely fantastic. They really nailed that chapter.

People will be all over this shit when it's on PSN+ and $20 on Steam. Cult classic, for sure.

It's on 5 different systems, so more people will get to play it than Riddick or The Darkness, so there's that.

I'm literally telling everyone I know that likes FPS to buy this immediately. It's well worth full price.


yep, this is a really fucking awesome game so far.

on a side note, I may be the only person who really appreciates the tech 5 engine, both this game and rage were games that looked like art renders at times.


iDTech 5 has its moments, there are times when this game is something to behold. It's an uneven engine, but its highs are still pretty high. It is still Carmack, after all.

A phenomenal art design that only improves as the game gets closer to the conclusion makes it a fine package, visually.


I see some of you guys saying that ADS is not that important in this game. Is the game well suited to controller, or you would still recommend playing with m/k?

Is it to fast and frantic for a gamepad, or is it totally fine? :)

How does aiming feel on a controller? Thanks.


iDTech 5 has its moments, there are times when this game is something to behold. It's an uneven engine, but its highs are still pretty high. It is still Carmack, after all.

A phenomenal art design that only improves as the game gets closer to the conclusion makes it a fine package, visually.

It's the lighting. The lighting is superb. It's just the weirdly uneven textures, where some look near life like and the others are no shit Half Life 2 tier. I would hesitate to say it's an IDtech5 issue, but Rage was equally uneven, so I don't know. All I do know is that Carmack is never going to fix it now that he's helping Zuckerberg get even richer.


I'd be in the dick
I see some of you guys saying that ADS is not that important in this game. Is the game well suited to controller, or you would still recommend playing with m/k?

Is it to fast and frantic for a gamepad, or is it totally fine? :)

How does aiming feel on a controller? Thanks.

Totally fine with a controller. I was able to pop off headshots from 50 meters away shooting from the hip very easily.


Game plays like an absolute dream on Mouse and Keyboard, as one would expect from any game with an iD legacy. By the end of the game, I had mastered the Lean and Sliding mechanics and everything flowed very smoothly.

The Lean mechanic is so great, it really puts the game ahead of a lot of other shooters. The level design is great enough that a lot of times you have just enough cover and it's pretty intense, trying to wiggle yourself around cover for the best shooting position.
It's the lighting. The lighting is superb. It's just the weirdly uneven textures, where some look near life like and the others are no shit Half Life 2 tier. I would hesitate to say it's an IDtech5 issue, but Rage was equally uneven, so I don't know. All I do know is that Carmack is never going to fix it now that he's helping Zuckerberg get even richer.

Funny, my biggest issue with the visuals aside from the obvious stuff (textures, AA) is actually the baked lighting. There are many times where the art design shifts to that old Starbreeze metal + concrete grimey style that could've really used some dynamic lighting, flashlights, muzzle flashes, and player shadows to give it some life. They did a lot with pure art direction and made good use of that baked lighting, but it could be so much more. I'm not sure if they have the manpower to build their own engine again, but I'd like to see what they could do on next-gen hardware.

One more complaint: I wish your body awareness was constant instead of just while sliding, on ladders, and in first person cutscenes. It's a step back considering the devs.

On a more positive note: I don't think I've seen anyone mention the melee kill when enemies are halfway dead on the ground. I've done it a few times, but my most recent one was so good it almost looked scripted. I peeked under a piece of cover and knee capped an enemy, and while he was sliding backwards on the floor to retrieve his rifle, I did a sprint slide right into a contextual melee kill where BJ shoves the blade up under his jaw. It was such a fluid sequence.

Also, the body physics when enemies die and hit walls after keeping their momentum from RAGE are still in this game too. It's hard to get it to happen because of how much you can gib enemies leading to a crumple, but every once in a while you'll get a dramatic flail and a funny landing.
Totally fine with a controller. I was able to pop off headshots from 50 meters away shooting from the hip very easily.
Yep. Did have aim assist fuck me up a few times with magnetism drawing me away from a headshot. I wish more games on PS4 at least would provide the option to disable aim assist.

Finished this one up just now, and yeah, this one's a keeper.

I'd like a patch to auto-pick up armor and ammo, enable playback of audio diaries and music while playing the main game, and options for the audio mix. Oh, and yeah, the option to disable aim assist.

Then it'd be perfect :)

Except for those face to face melee moments - those are hokey as shit.

One thing this game gets right, besides the meaty guns, is that you're always properly set up with mood and context and motivation to stab nazis in the face or otherwise blow them limb from limb. Its never a question of why or how. You just do, and BJ plays the part. It just works.


I didn't care for this game for the first two chapters. Like, at all. Then everything clicked once you "wake up." The story, the gunplay, and even the graphics all get better in chapter 3.

In Chapter 5 now.


Except for those face to face melee moments - those are hokey as shit.

I find their ridiculous jankiness endearing.

Sorry, but this is just hilarious:


I love it.


Loves Robotech S1
Finished on uber, loved the final boss. Fantastic fight and a great throwback.

13 years later Wilhelm Strasse is finally dead. Funny how he basically went from basically a moustache-twirling villain to a genuinely creepy and menacing asshole. What a great game. No way BJ is dead though. If you don't see a nuke go off, it didn't go off. That's the rule. It's the same as witnessing a character's 'death' and not seeing the dead body afterwards.

Also, if anyone is wondering if Hitler is still alive or not:
He is. In the collectibles menu the description for the Kriseau hideout exterior says he commissioned the statue after the Nazi victory. Looks like we have yet another sequel hook and Wolf3D is officially de-canonized. :)
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