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Wolfenstein: The New Order |OT| They put Nazis on the Moon, Scheiß auf den Mond!


Junior Member
I'm starting to realize Bethesda (or Zenimax) is one of the last publishers willing to release deep, nonlinear singleplayer games without any online implementation (outside of DLC).

Thing is, if I ever buy this game it'll have to be a physical copy (it's Steamworks anyway). There's no goddamn way I'm going to be able to download 50GB any time soon. The fucked-up part is the physical PC version will probably never go on sale for a really low price. One store might slash it in half on Black Friday (probably Amazon, somtimes GameStop). Still, whether I even wait for a sale probably depends on how soon I get through other games and how much time I have in the future. This'll definitely be a priority though when I've cleared my immediate plate.


Junior Ace
Trying not to read too much of this thread to avoid spoilers, but is there a big difference between the two timelines? Is it worth playing both? It can't really be 31 distinct levels, right?
Oh and fuck those shotgun troopers too.

By the end I learned to fear them the most and throw literally everything I had at em as quickly as possible. They don't flinch from anything short of an explosive shoved up their ass but their wide angle boom-scatter will deplete your armor and health like its nothing.

One moment you're a sliding dual wielding demigod of destruction, and the very next instant your bloodstained black and white hand is raised in the air before that overlong load screen with a dash of German and Death's Head staring at you like some weird Bavarian mole rat uncle.


I'd be in the dick
Funny that so many people are having trouble with the shotgun troopers. I have much more difficulty with Supersoldats. Must just be playstyle.


Funny that so many people are having trouble with the shotgun troopers. I have much more difficulty with Supersoldats. Must just be playstyle.
Both shotgun troopers and supersoldats immediately get a few rockets to the face from me. Works like a charm, even on Uber difficulty.


Funny that so many people are having trouble with the shotgun troopers. I have much more difficulty with Supersoldats. Must just be playstyle.

The upgraded LazerKraftWerks or whatever makes them a push over, so I never had much trouble with Supersoldats. Unfortunately it's a bit harder to be as effective with that weapon against the Shotgun soldiers.

Has anyone noticed though that there are packs on their backs that explode? Do these do damage?


I'd be in the dick
Both shotgun troopers and supersoldats immediately get a few rockets to the face from me. Works like a charm, even on Uber difficulty.

Oh yeah, the rocket attachment makes them all a breeze.

The fight
when stealing the train
was really tough for me since I went ahead and ate all the food too soon :(


This game really that good fellas, or is it just the honeymoon phase? :/

Cause I'm about to go all out and throw money for this.


Like many of you, I grew up playing things like Wolf 3D, Doom, Duke 3D, Rise of the Triad, Blake Stone, Hexen, Heretic. That's out of order and I think I did manage to avoid Quake somehow, but whatever. I was something like 4? I did this until I was around 8-10 and my parents got me a N64 instead of a computer so I got into Mario, Zelda, the usuals. so I've been out of the FPS loop for awhile. Just starting in 2012 or so did I really start diving into the Bioshocks, Metros, Singularity, I even gave Wolf 09 a spin. I enjoyed most all of them except Singularity, haha. Unfortunately, never a Starbreeze game. So even though I was hopeful for this title I didn't really know what I was getting into with that pedigree thrown around since it doesn't mean much to me. But I was hopeful regardless, and it looks like my blind faith paid off pretty well.

It's really fun to kill Nazis. Not really a better way to put it. Watching them fall apart as you overwhelm them, using all the different weaponry, scoping from cover or guns blazing, or clearing out a whole floor with a silenced approach was pretty great. Even though it was highly useful for my Uber playthrough, I wish the thrown knifes and silenced pistol weren't so broken. I ended up avoiding using the pistol in the later half of the game because it was so boring. The knives were similar but a notch harder to acquire and aim so I used that whenever I felt like it. I love how the perks reward you for playing the game in multiple ways, instead of just being acquired skill poiints into a tree or something. It was a little distracting and silly when I found myself failing a checkpoint so that I could work on different perks, but that's on me I suppose. One of my favorites was the one that healed you for doing the melee takedowns. Something satisfying about gunning down a nazi and not wanting to wait for the reload animation so I would just run up to him, slit his throat. and get some health back. Once I learned how powerful the scoped LKW was, that was also and enjoyable tool in the arsenal.

The game starts with some really open map design which gives you a lot of freedom to do those things I mention. However, somewhere around chapter 10-11 it ends up becoming a bit more straightforward, where the game seems to send you from "arena" to arena. This is still really fun, and a lot of the encounters have enough paths and levels that it doesn't feel constricting. It was just not as good as the first handful of chapters in this respect. However, I do think that the later locations are much more interesting in general. Chapter 12, for instance, was my least favorite and really soured me with how it was organized. However, it was also a pleasure to just look at and move around in.

I think the game has some really great smoke/dust effects, is it just me?

I'm not as high on the narrative. While the game doesn't feel as disjointed as some other titles, I have to remind myself about how things connected from one chapter to another. At one point you get on a train and end up in a
and it just felt a bit abrupt. BJ seems to survive a ton of shit that doesn't really make a lot of sense, but maybe it's just some sort of protagonist invincibility. A lot of the characters just don't play as much of a role in order for them to be memorable to me. I played on the
timeline (that's not really a spoiler right) and having to play alongside him early on cemented his relevance so to speak. Some of the other characters were just not important until chapter 15. While I'm saying all this though, it's not like I want more cutscenes (I think the extent of the narrative and frequency of cutscenes was fine.), so maybe I'm unsure about what I actually want here. I do think that the..cinematography, if that's the right word, was pretty good. It reminded me actually of RE5 in that way (not in quality, but in the "camerawork" and things like that.) I apologize if I sound a bit silly here. I'm not sure how to put it into words.

I don't really see the love for BJ on here. He was kind of unremarkable to me. I don't really get the "favorite protagonist" accolades that I've seen. He does have a pretty interesting design and voice and isn't as generic as he might initially appear. I guess I enjoy that he's subtle (when not sprint sliding dual shottgunning a nazi troop). We don't really hear him yell or scream much nor does he get too dramatic about anything. The inner musings were generally nice and well written, some very memorable lines. Broke your shit. Some of them felt like they were trying too hard to make him seem somewhat detached. Buoy . And I felt like the poetic use of the
count to four lin
e had worn itself thin by the end of the first chapter.

I can't wait to play on easy to just have the leash slackened so that I can just use whatever I want and cover the floors in gibs in the most stylish ways possible. I was disappointed in the number of push wall type secrets, but I reserve the right to backtrack on that statement due to the possibility that I simply just missed them. There was the tilted sword in the prologue that was in all of the pre release footage, the file
I believe in chapter
, and the little
at the end of
. Most everything else was just kind of lying about, Speaking of, there's something satisfying about just running into a room with Nazis firing on your ass, spamming the pickup button to re-up on health, armor, ammo, whatever, and then turning around and using whatever you just managed to scrap together. Much more rewarding than hiding behind cover until the red jelly goes away. At first I thought that the 20 health increments for the regen was too broad, but I suppose on Uber I ended up appreciating it a fair bit. Being able to pick up items by walking on them would be nice I suppose, but later on in the game it didn't really bother me that much.

That chapter 14 boss was a neat spectacle but I wish there was more to it. The chapter 16 boss was fitting and grounded. By that I mean it wasn't ridiculous and over the top, but still sufficiently momentous that it was a satisfying ending to the journey. It will be interesting to see to what extent the alternative timeline changes things up. It's a good excuse to go back on easy and collect stuff


Wow, this game. I'm only up to chapter 7 now but so far this is one of the best FPS campaigns I've played. I get them feels from when I originally played through games like GoldenEye and Front line the first time. Something about it just clicks.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Ok so just finished the game, overall thought it was great fun, but I think I took in a different take of what the game would be based on all those twitch livestreams and what not.

I thought this game was going to be RAGE 2. It had the RAGE graphics, RAGE gunplay, just with the Wolfenstein name. Turns out I was wrong, and while the game is still fun, I feel they put too much emphasis on stealth that is too easy just for the sake of relating back to older wolfensteins. The game really shines on its gunplay, and when you have the option of stealth, why logically would you go in gun blazing when your more likely to get killed/lose more inventory? I thought the game really shined when you were forced into combat simply because the gun combat and enemy hit reaction is so damn good.

From an art direction stand point the game is great throughout. I'm gonna wait on my Uber playthrough until they fix the audio/AA/AF on the PC version. Character models are excellent, which lends to the fun of the gunplay. I felt they really overused all the depth of field stuff though, as in many situations everything even midly away of in peripheral vision was ridiculously blurry. I don't know if that was a glitch or what, but it was super super apparent in the final boss fight and on the
level. The sound levels were pretty unbalanced, many things were either too loud or too quiet, but the sounds themselves were pretty damn cool, especially with the various robots and nazi soldier dialouge.

Overall great game, I would buy it again.
Wow, this game. I'm only up to chapter 7 now but so far this is one of the best FPS campaigns I've played. I get them feels from when I originally played through games like GoldenEye and Front line the first time. Something about it just clicks.

I agree with this but I'll add that the cutscenes are so well made. Fantastic camera work that I haven't seen on other games like Uncharted or TLOU (don't get me wrong as I love Uncharted) There's definitely some heavy film influences on place.

I have to say that this is my favorite next-gen game until now. I hope it's successful so developers can make more single player only games like this one.


I'd be in the dick
I agree with this but I'll add that the cutscenes are so well made. Fantastic camera work that I haven't seen on other games like Uncharted or TLOU (don't get me wrong as I love Uncharted) There's definitely some heavy film influences on place.

I have to say that this is my favorite next-gen game until now. I hope it's successful so developers can make more single player only games like this one.

Yeah, the writing/acting/direction of the cutscenes is the biggest surprise to me and a very pleasant one. Even though the game has it's intentionally goofy moments, it also has a real human element to it.


"This is becoming a compulsive disorder."

Up to chapter 6 and having a blast. At first I thought the game was a bit ugly but these later areas are looking great. Felling all sorts of Dishonored, Metro, and Half Life vibes. Throw on some Bulletstorm and damn son, it is fun.

And somehow the story is still keeping it together.
Awesome. Just started a bit ago on PS4 and have really been enjoying myself. Something about the weapons. I can't put my finger on it, but they just feel right.

Also glad to hear later areas start to look better. I wasn't sure if it was just because I was coming off of Infamous or it had a rough start.
Just dont use new game, use the chapter select. New game wipes perks and weapons upgrades and chapter progress learned that the hard way. Needless to say ive played though the game 4 times because of it.

Yeah, thanks. I'm always wary of selecting "new game" anyway thanks to years of character action games making me go through chapter select.

To people who've completed the game: How many easter egg cutscenes are there after you
sleep in the normal bed at HQ?
I got one with Tekla earlier that was a good 3 minutes long and now I feel like I've missed others because I wasn't checking every time.

Mr. Tibbs

This game really that good fellas, or is it just the honeymoon phase? :/

Cause I'm about to go all out and throw money for this.

I think it's the latter. It feels like Bethesda forced MachineGames to shoehorn in elements from Dishonored, without rhyme or reason. It's super awkward and doesn't work for me as a huge Starbreeze fan.

The "old-school" tags are super misleading. It's not. Serious Sam 3, Hard Reset, Necrovision and Shadow Warrior did a better job capturing what 90's shooters were like. New Order is obviously going for more of an action-adventure playstyle rather than a straight shooter but plays like large swathes of the game have been removed and, consequently, has major pacing issues that hold it back from being a Riddick-like success.

There are some great additions like how they handle enemy respawns, the health and perk systems are great and dual-wielding can be fun, but there's not enough combat; none of the weapons stand-out, stealth is appalling, most of the levels are either narrow corridors with a couple of optional rooms (which is fine, but it's not open) or boxy, heavily signaled battle arenas - there's little to no backtracking, the adventure elements suck and I'm indifferent to the story. The latter would be fine if you could skip past it, but you can't. It all feels a bit hodgepodge and lacks an identity.

The home base is completely unnecessary and poorly executed. Why make me search for mold or a welder in a subpar Hound-Pits knock-off? If they would've stuck to the combat and improved the stealth mechanics this would've been a great game.

It's not bad by any means and I'm clearly in the minority here, so take everything with a grain of salt. Still, I'm pretty disappointed with it. It doesn't live up to the teams pedigree and I don't think it's as good as Raven's 2009 game. It clearly needed more time. Different strokes for different folks and all that.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Finished. Didn't like some stuff, felt the last three chapters were by far the weakest in the entire game, but love love loved the game as a whole.

I'll give some more detailed thoughts later, but I must ask (major spoiler for those who've finished the game):
what's with folk talking about Jemi Hendrix? I've seen an image online but that character was nowhere to be found in my game.


Finished. Didn't like some stuff, felt the last three chapters were by far the weakest in the entire game, but love love loved the game as a whole.

I'll give some more detailed thoughts later, but I must ask (major spoiler for those who've finished the game):
what's with folk talking about Jemi Hendrix? I've seen an image online but that character was nowhere to be found in my game.

Save Wyatt next time ;)


Finished. Didn't like some stuff, felt the last three chapters were by far the weakest in the entire game, but love love loved the game as a whole.

I'll give some more detailed thoughts later, but I must ask (major spoiler for those who've finished the game):
what's with folk talking about Jemi Hendrix? I've seen an image online but that character was nowhere to be found in my game.

You took the Fergus timeline right? He's in Wyatt's timeline.

Also, I felt the encounter design in the last couple of chapters were among the strongest in game.


Yeah, thanks. I'm always wary of selecting "new game" anyway thanks to years of character action games making me go through chapter select.

To people who've completed the game: How many easter egg cutscenes are there after you
sleep in the normal bed at HQ?
I got one with Tekla earlier that was a good 3 minutes long and now I feel like I've missed others because I wasn't checking every time.

There is only one.

In the Fergus timeline,
the bed is your "base" and checking it on the third time you can is when the storyline with Tekla plays out.

In the Wyatt timeline,
your room is the one that Tekla would've been in. There is a workbench. Using that for the third time lets you see a cutscene with J where you play guitar with him and get high

Tekla is exclusive to the Fergus timeline. J is exclusive to the Wyatt one.
I'm very disappointed that a game which has lots of bullet sponge enemies and spams enemies at you makes you worry so much about ammo. I always seemed to run out and whose idea was it to make you pick it all up individually? Why can't I just walk over it? Every single moment of the game I have to break the enjoyment and tediously find ammo.

Ruined an otherwise surprisingly good game.


Neo Member
Could anyone do me a favour and confirm if this has southpaw stick option (ps4)? The thread is tempting me to buy


Well, the parts where you shoot stuff are good. And the parts where you're not shooting stuff are also good.

If you like atmospheric FPS and great gunplay then your money will not be wasted.

I think it's the latter. It feels like Bethesda forced MachineGames to shoehorn in elements from Dishonored, without rhyme or reason. It's super awkward and doesn't work for me as a huge Starbreeze fan.

The "old-school" tags are super misleading. It's not. Serious Sam 3, Hard Reset, Necrovision and Shadow Warrior did a better job capturing what 90's shooters were like. New Order is obviously going for more of an action-adventure playstyle rather than a straight shooter but plays like large swathes of the game have been removed and, consequently, has major pacing issues that hold it back from being a Riddick-like success.

There are some great additions like how they handle enemy respawns, the health and perk systems are great and dual-wielding can be fun, but there's not enough combat; none of the weapons stand-out, stealth is appalling, most of the levels are either narrow corridors with a couple of optional rooms (which is fine, but it's not open) or boxy, heavily signaled battle arenas - there's little to no backtracking, the adventure elements suck and I'm indifferent to the story. The latter would be fine if you could skip past it, but you can't. It all feels a bit hodgepodge and lacks an identity.

The home base is completely unnecessary and poorly executed. Why make me search for mold or a welder in a subpar Hound-Pits knock-off? If they would've stuck to the combat and improved the stealth mechanics this would've been a great game.

It's not bad by any means and I'm clearly in the minority here, so take everything with a grain of salt. Still, I'm pretty disappointed with it. It doesn't live up to the teams pedigree and I don't think it's as good as Raven's 2009 game. It clearly needed more time. Different strokes for different folks and all that.

Appreciate the feedback guys. Especially you Tibbs. I think for now, I'm gonna Redbox with my free code. However, if I enjoy it, I won't hesitate to spend full retail price. I tend to keep games that I find myself loving.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
There is only one.

In the Fergus timeline,
the bed is your "base" and checking it on the third time you can is when the storyline with Tekla plays out.

In the Wyatt timeline,
your room is the one that Tekla would've been in. There is a workbench. Using that for the third time lets you see a cutscene with J where you play guitar with him and get high

Tekla is exclusive to the Fergus timeline. J is exclusive to the Wyatt one.

I picked Wyatt, is Tekla a reference to a real person similar to J or what?


I picked Wyatt, is Tekla a reference to a real person similar to J or what?

She isn't, as far as I can tell.

Her character is pretty tropey. She's a genius who never sleeps and is constantly addressing both BJ and a secondary personality who she whispers to in between her lines. Very erratic and very irritable.

Her room is strewn in papers and there's just a chair in the middle. She doesn't sleep because she has no time to sleep or is too paranoid to sleep.

But I like the way she bonds with BJ in her optional cutscene. She also talks about
existential philosophical theories of "consciousness" and basically eludes to the possibility of there being two timelines.

She's interesting. I appreciate J's commentary on race but I prefer Tekla's philosophical discussions more as they are much more thought provoking. I also thought her
death scene was much more heartfelt than J's


I didn't care for this game for the first two chapters. Like, at all. Then everything clicked once you "wake up." The story, the gunplay, and even the graphics all get better in chapter 3.

In Chapter 5 now.
This. Hated the game at first, seemed like dull scripted nonsense and everything that is wrong with current videogames. Then it turned in to a proper FPS and became awesome. Really enjoying it now. Just can't believe how much game there was before the titles.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Does stealthily killing commanders reveal all of the secrets/collectables in a given level or is there still stuff that can be missed?
I find their ridiculous jankiness endearing.

Sorry, but this is just hilarious:


I love it.

Stab stab stab stabstabstabstabstab

I feel like they just left those in because they're hilarious.


You do know that you're meant to hold l2 to block(grab their arm) and instakill them right ?

Then there's no stab stab stab... just one quick counter stab.

Works the same with dogs, just hold l2 to grab their jaws and kill them instantly.

Edit: And if I remember correctly you can also block melee attacks before they grab you. Having a knife equipped and pressing l2 at the right moment will block their attack and create an opening for takedown/quick kill.
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