330 is a lie
They never said that at all, This is a case of some people reading more into something and than pretending that they were told something they were not.The biggest criticism I have about Challenge Mode is the way Bungie hyped it. The way they positioned Challenge mode, it sounded like it was the third version of the raid. Normal, Hard, Challenge. Only recently did the communication on that change.
That really is my main gripe with Bungie overall. The way they communicate things prior to delivering is piss poor sometimes. Vague statements that involve a bunch of guess work, prefacing the refer-a-friend program as a way to reward sherpas, etc..
I read all Bungie talk about Challenge and in no way they said anything close to a new mode but they were fair saying it was specific tasks to kill raid bosses.
That is what happened.
Challenge mode is what I expected with better loot table (yeap I didn't expect Bungie doing this good in the loot table... it amazes me yet)
We developed Hard mode first this time, then scaled to Normal. And we have one more thing were not talking about yet thats pretty special. Its a twist Im excited about"
Actually, that's where you get Knights of the Round![]()
Of course only for Warlocks though.
Mime would be really cool. Hunter with Nove Bomb lol.
I remember that guys post, and I remember trying to figure out just what the hell he was talking about. There is 1008 hours in 6 weeks, playing Destiny for 40 hours makes up 4% of that time frame. It's literally nothing.
This is true, if you're dedicated enough to post on a games subsection then you are not a casual player of that game. The argument is essentially the Hardcore vs the slightly more Hardcore.
I know, it just got me thinking about mimic lol.
Besides, we ready had kotr. It was called ghallahorn
The biggest criticism I have about Challenge Mode is the way Bungie hyped it. The way they positioned Challenge mode, it sounded like it was the third version of the raid. Normal, Hard, Challenge. Only recently did the communication on that change.
That really is my main gripe with Bungie overall. The way they communicate things prior to delivering is piss poor sometimes. Vague statements that involve a bunch of guess work, prefacing the refer-a-friend program as a way to reward sherpas, etc..
Luke Smith said:In Hard Mode, all of the boss fights have a new mechanic, a new element. There's also Challenge mode - a particular way of killing a raid boss that gets you a special emblem and a reward.
Would suck so much if Bungie increased the light level cap as soon as we just started getting good loot.
data mined stuff is pretty much irrelevant
there is no way bungie is letting us go beyond 320 when hm oryx is set to 320. over level a current raid boss, not on bungie's watch
They will eventually. it wont be 320 forever.
A 10 LL increase along with some minor content in early 2016 seems like a no brainer to me.
Let's be honest for a second here, remake KoTR will not be as good or as OP as old KoTR. Just you wait and see. Square is gonna fuck it up somehow for the remake. It'll be visually stunning but not as OP as the original.I finally got my Sleeper to 310, it took a while, but I am dedicated on maxing it out. Weapon is very much a beast.
Would suck so much if Bungie increased the light level cap as soon as we just started getting good loot.
Gjallarhorn was the Shockwave Pulsar, a true KoTR is yet to be shown![]()
Grab the flamethrower and protect The puppy at any cost.
Grimoire and that Hunger Pangs Quest Shader.
BeltaneProtect the puppy at all costs, you are a good man.
Oh snap, I didn't even know there was a hunger pangs shader, any ideas what it's called so I can look it up?
Protect the puppy at all costs, you are a good man.
Oh snap, I didn't even know there was a hunger pangs shader, any ideas what it's called so I can look it up?
Is LL 305/306 good enough to run HM Warpriest? I've only run NM twice, but I'd like to run the challenge mode stuff.
Gonna see about getting twitch username Afrocious
Apparently it was in use for
If you break it down, the only thing that this raid does is remove/strip away the optional ways of doing things until there is really only 1 way to successfully accomplish something. It's basically 'my way or the highway'. That is this raid's biggest flaw:
I said this on reddit, but I love how difficult Skolas was. The rewards were complete shit, but IMO nothing has ever matched up to how challenging that encounter was. And there were revives! And that was only a 3 man activity! The key is that there wasn't 1 rigid way to beat him, but a variety of strategies, and if 2 people died and everything was going to shit, there was still a way to pull off something clutch and survive.
Yup, light level 50, new tower gear, and handful of new quest lines, hopefully tied to the stranger, please
data mined stuff is pretty much irrelevant
there is no way bungie is letting us go beyond 320 when hm oryx is set to 320. over level a current raid boss, not on bungie's watch
So basically...
Jade Rabbit?If you haven't tried it, try it
Let's be honest for a second here, remake KoTR will not be as good or as OP as old KoTR. Just you wait and see. Square is gonna fuck it up somehow for the remake. It'll be visually stunning but not as OP as the original.
And thus I will never beat remake Ruby. That's the only way I beat the fucker in FVII. Still haven't beaten Emerald yet.I think they will nerf it by not allowing summons to be mimed.
Absolutely. 300 even would be fine
And thus I will never beat remake Ruby. That's the only way I beat the fucker in FVII. Still haven't beaten Emerald yet.
Just to add this week Warpriest Hard has more Knight than last week Hard.If you break it down, the only thing that this raid does is remove/strip away the optional ways of doing things until there is really only 1 way to successfully accomplish something. It's basically 'my way or the highway'. That is this raid's biggest flaw:
Normal Mode WP: You can keep aura holder dynamic or you can make it a specific person. It doesn't matter which totem you destroy first second or third since he doesn't get powered up. If 1 or 2 people die, no big deal. Juggle the aura, think quickly on your feet, and figure out a way to reset in 30 seconds.
Hard Mode WP: You can keep the aura holder dynamic or you can make it a specific person. You should probably plan out which totems you want to destroy in order, so you can control the power-ups. If a person or 2 dies you can survive, but it will be tough and isn't ideal. There is no resetting and scrambling, so better off just wiping.
Challenge Mode WP: Aura holder must be dynamic and different. Once again, you want to destroy the totems in a specific order. If a person dies and the aura transfers to the wrong person, start again.
I said this on reddit, but I love how difficult Skolas was. The rewards were complete shit, but IMO nothing has ever matched up to how challenging that encounter was. And there were revives! And that was only a 3 man activity! The key is that there wasn't 1 rigid way to beat him, but a variety of strategies, and if 2 people died and everything was going to shit, there was still a way to pull off something clutch and survive.
I said this on reddit, but I love how difficult Skolas was. The rewards were complete shit, but IMO nothing has ever matched up to how challenging that encounter was. And there were revives! And that was only a 3 man activity! The key is that there wasn't 1 rigid way to beat him, but a variety of strategies, and if 2 people died and everything was going to shit, there was still a way to pull off something clutch and survive.
Hey, quick question. Has anyone seen an exotic be awarded to a player in Crucible since TTK?
You know that old post game messages: "Such and Such has found Monte Carlo"
I swear I haven't seen an exotic drop in Crucible since TTK launched.
And thus I will never beat remake Ruby. That's the only way I beat the fucker in FVII. Still haven't beaten Emerald yet.
Skolas burns were removed because people were killing him before the fight even started.
Nope, seems like they completely took it out.
You have to get on that before the remake releases!
Except we don't really directly attack Oryx. The Light Bombs do.
Like, in year 3, if we're running Oryx, it doesn't matter if we're LL 750, Oryx is still going to require the same amount of coordination due to how the mechanics of the fight work.
The only difference is making him flinch will be easier.
Ah shit wish I'd ordered the hand cannons from the Gunsmith. Some really good rolls today.
Because you pretty much HAD to do it that way on Solar & Arc Burn weeks. Chances of survival once ads came out w/ those two burns were astronomically low. I don't know anyone that did it 'legit' on solar or arc burn week ever.
It took me 3 hours to beat Ruby. I was under leveled. Used the most popular strat online. Went and plugged in my psp and left it alone while I played on the ps3.45 straight minutes to beat emerald. I had max mime and kotr on all three characters. Just hit the button and watched for half that fight. The animations are loooong.
Even then you also needed the final attack revive combo. That boss fight was a test of endurance
Sony needs to bring ps1 classics to ps4 and let me use the save file I uploaded to their ps plus cloud system for me to continue where I left off. don't have a ps3 or psp/vita to play it.Nope, seems like they completely took it out.
You have to get on that before the remake releases!
I said this on reddit, but I love how difficult Skolas was. The rewards were complete shit, but IMO nothing has ever matched up to how challenging that encounter was. And there were revives! And that was only a 3 man activity! The key is that there wasn't 1 rigid way to beat him, but a variety of strategies, and if 2 people died and everything was going to shit, there was still a way to pull off something clutch and survive.
I don't know anyone that did it 'legit' on solar or arc burn week ever.
Yes, correct; but all the adds are 320. They are not going to allow us to be over leveled for that encounter.
They just gave us the chance to grab a 320 artifact, almost 10 weeks after TTK came out. We still don't have any 320 exotics.
I don't believe 330 loot is a thing, at least not for another 2-3 months when they may end up adding some more content.
Oh no. We've officially reached the point of the sine curve where I have to remind everyone that arachnophobia is a real thing for some people so please don't post horrifying spider pictures.
Dark Destiny days indeed.
Zoba, the third I can't remember, and myself did. It was Arc and we fucked up the initial dps so we ended up running around for 15 minutes playing hot potato, reviving folks, and damaging Skolas a bit.Ah shit wish I'd ordered the hand cannons from the Gunsmith. Some really good rolls today.
Because you pretty much HAD to do it that way on Solar & Arc Burn weeks. Chances of survival once ads came out w/ those two burns were astronomically low. I don't know anyone that did it 'legit' on solar or arc burn week ever.
True. I love the scale of Oryx and the battle can be a lot of fun (depending on who you're playing with) but it has the same problem as the other raid bosses in that they are targets instead of enemies. You run around managing the mechanics of the fight/killing enemies until you fire at the boss as a group.
To be fair, oryx has the homing missiles and the thunderdome, which is a step in the right direction but you still don't feel like you are fighting against a lot of the raid bosses. in that respect skolas is my favourite end game boss so far.