Help me choose between The House in Fata Morgana and Hollow Knight.
since steam thread is closed for now,i found very interesting news
”Thanks to you for the incredible service your team provide – it's great to partner with you! It's thanks to you guys that people have to buy the game."
so,if someone will make a thread,what should the title be?
Yes they report to the IRS if you sell more than 200 items AND net more than 20k in a year in proceeds. Next screen asks for your SSN or Tax ID, if you are in US. Outside the US, I assume this is just a special attestation so they can prove they asked you before allowing you to exceed the thresholdWhat the hell, this is a thing?
You are not allowed to sell more than 200 items in a calendar year without providing us with more information first. To provide the necessary information, please click here. If you have already provided us with the necessary information, then it may require verification before the limit can be removed.
How doesn't Steam already know that I'm not an US citizen. My details are in Steam already.
since steam thread is closed for now,i found very interesting news
”Thanks to you for the incredible service your team provide – it's great to partner with you! It's thanks to you guys that people have to buy the game."
so,if someone will make a thread,what should the title be?
Nier Automata is by quite and far the most successful japanese Square Enix game on steam (Most reasonably because it isn't a remaster releasing 1 year after console), it's also the only japanese game that used Denuvo.
Nier Automata is by quite and far the most successful japanese Square Enix game on steam (Most reasonably because it isn't a remaster releasing 1 year after console), it's also the only japanese game that used Denuvo.
Yea, i can already see what backwards ass impression Square Enix is getting from that
The only japanese game to use it? No, it isn't. MGSV is another high profile game from Japan that uses Denuvo, right? And several Visual Novels and JRPGS?
Nier Automata is by quite and far the most successful japanese Square Enix game on steam (Most reasonably because it isn't a remaster releasing 1 year after console), it's also the only japanese game that used Denuvo.
Yea, i can already see what backwards ass impression Square Enix is getting from that
On the other hand, they clearly weren't impressed with Hitman's sales, and that also used denuvo.
but sqaure also sell other non japanese games like rise of tomb raider and hitman,i think both had good sales.
Yes they report to the IRS if you sell more than 200 items AND net more than 20k in a year in proceeds. Next screen asks for your SSN or Tax ID, if you are in US. Outside the US, I assume this is just a special attestation so they can prove they asked you before allowing you to exceed the threshold
Ive suspected for a while that s-e favour their jp titles over their non jp titlesOn the other hand, they clearly weren't impressed with Hitman's sales, and that also used denuvo.
What the hell, this is a thing?
You are not allowed to sell more than 200 items in a calendar year without providing us with more information first. To provide the necessary information, please click here. If you have already provided us with the necessary information, then it may require verification before the limit can be removed.
How doesn't Steam already know that I'm not an US citizen. My details are in Steam already. Thanks Trump?
Help me choose between The House in Fata Morgana and Hollow Knight.
any deals on a fun coop game but that can be played on a shit laptop?
any deals on a fun coop game but that can be played on a shit laptop?
Help me choose between The House in Fata Morgana and Hollow Knight.
i dont think my mate would like that one but thanks!Do you have TowerFall Ascension?
I haven't played it personally, but I've only heard good things about overcooked.
Haven't played HK but for the love of all that is holy, play Fata.
Don't know how good HK is, but Fata is certainly in the top 5 VNs ever made.
I'm fully serious. State-of-the-art characterization, story, music. HK would need to be a metroidvania as good as Super Metroid or SotN to compare.
Cool! My first pickup of the sale!
The Hurricane of the Varstray for $1.99. I wanted this when it first came out but it was like $15.99 I think. Shoot-em-up I have been wanting to try.
Very nice. I'd be buying more shmups this sale if I didn't already have an obnoxious backlog of them.Also picked up Danmaku Unlimited 3 for $4.99.
I didn't even know there was a Danmaku Unlimited 3! So excited!
since steam thread is closed for now,i found very interesting news
Thanks to you for the incredible service your team provide its great to partner with you! Its thanks to you guys that people have to buy the game.
so,if someone will make a thread,what should the title be?
any deals on a fun coop game but that can be played on a shit laptop?
Just to be clear. Buying a game on sale does not send a message to the publisher that you are unhappy about DRM.Thanks to Denuvo, I'm about to buy Just Cause 3 for 9.99 - 3.11 in Steam Wallet funds, during this sale, instead of the full price I would have been prepared to pay for it, if it had been released with no extra DRM. Thanks Denuvo!
That said, I'm not sure what's so newsworthy about it?
Does Dying: The Following - Enhanced Edition include all of the DLC? The description makes me think yes, but it still lists the DLC in the store page, which seems hella redundant.
Fata Morgana is my GOTY 2016 and one of my all time favorite games.Help me choose between The House in Fata Morgana and Hollow Knight.
No it does not. Also there's people who bought before enhanced edition was thing, so those would need way to buy DLC
YES! I came here to bitch about itAnyone else getting attrocious download speeds?
Still debating if I should get Dragons Dogma. Is there a game thats similar, maybe I played that.
Is it very grindy or more a "play through it" type of game?
Do you already own the rest of the Deus Ex games? Then buying the Deus Ex collection will be a lot cheaper than $20.what's more worth $20 and your time: Dishonored 2 or Deus Ex: Mankind Divided?
Anyone else getting attrocious download speeds?
PoE certainly isn't a bad pick. The combat might put you off (Real-Time with Pause), but the world they built is interesting enough as is the main story. Lots of interesting little sidestories, too.
I'd also just recommend playing Baldur's Gate 2, if you've never.
Have you played the Shadowrun games? Dragonfall is generally considered the best of the three. The combat isn't as great as Divinity OS, but it's still turn-based and the story and characters are way ahead of anything in Divinity.
EDIT: Looking at the sale now, I'd buy the bundle that includes all of them as it's dirt cheap now. Shadowrun Returns isn't as well-liked as the other two but I still think it's worth getting anyway.
Very nice. I'd be buying more shmups this sale if I didn't already have an obnoxious backlog of them.
Some of the top ones on my wishlist in addition to Hurricane are Dodonpachi Resurrection, Blue Revolver, and RefRain.
the possibility of giantbomb doing a playthrough of re7 kind of makes me satisfied with experiencing it that way, so i'll at least wait until they say if they do play it all or notI'd recommend it, it's a pretty fun game and I hope it's a foundation that Capcom builds upon more in the future since I think there's still a lot more for Capcom to explore with a first-person angle to the series. It also helps that the setting is pretty interesting and the villains tread the line between being menacing and comedic very well, making them entertaining in the right ways but while also not losing their threat or scariness at times.
I think that describes RE7 in a lot of ways, it treads several lines that could of gone badly for the game if it treaded it in the wrong way, but it actually manages to bring all of its elements together to make a good game with its risks and manages to end up on executing what it sets out to do well, most of the time.
I also will say that probably my favorite segment of RE7 is actually the middle couple hours, so if you just watched the GiantBomb Quick Look there's still a lot in store I think. Also there's a free story DLC (that will be free for everyone) which should release in the next few months, so free new gameplay and story content is always welcome.
Just played through the first case of Aviary Attorney, was really happy when I won the case but damn if it wasn't a kick to the balls straight after...
Great game btw, worth a pick up: