|Paypal gift Only|Includes shipping|Codes are PM'd|NeoGAF Plus Seller
Every listing is hot linked with photos, so please click on anything if you'd like to see it.Did this to avoid a super long post.
More than willing to entertain offers on these items!
One year PS+ U.S.- $40
Nintendo $35 eShop code- $32
Kratos Mask- $20
Sweet Tooth Mask- $25
Vita including 32GB card- $325
Also comes with LBP, Rayman Origins, PSN code for Unit 13 and one year of PS+
PDP trigger grips, NERF shell, Sony First Edition only case and a travel pouch
(Will include Jak HD Collection as well, just not pictured)
Alan Wake CE Complete (Believe episode code was used though)-$40
Dead Space 2 CE contents (PS3)- $30 w/game $40
Persona Hat- SOLD, FF13 Faceplate- $15, Okamiden stylus/cleaning cloth- $20, L.A. Noire notebook- $10, Tactics Orge cards- SOLD
Scribbenauts Unlimited hat and Super Scribblenauts headphones- $20
Grand Theft Auto IV License Plate- $20
-Shadow of the Colossus/Ico T-shirt and drawstring bags. These are American Apparel size L (Never worn nor washed) Also comes with a framed/signed coverart of Fumito Ueda-
$100 obo
- Collector's Editions of Halo Reach, Mafia II, Forza 4(SOLD), Gears of War 2 (These do not include the actual game but all of its CE contents) Make offer
-Call of Duty Elite XL shirt/L fitted hat-$20 Never worn
-Fire Emblem artbook $10
-Vanquish Game and Guide $25
-PS2 Games: (Buy multiples, get a discount)
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
Baldur's Gate 2
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 3
Fatal Frame
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII CE
God Hand
Jet Lee Rise To Honor
Killer 7
Mega Man X Collection
$15 (Not pictured)
Metal Gear Solid Collection
Odin Sphere
Viewtiful Joe
Zone of the Enders The 2nd Runner
All are complete games, ask for more details photos via PM.