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December Wrasslin' |OT2| I dec-declare this territory owned by the Holy Roman Empire

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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People turned on Reigns when it became obvious he was being positioned as "the guy" when everyone could see that he wasn't ready. But when has actual talent ever mattered to Vince? Turning on Reigns is more of a reaction out of disappointment that, once again, this is the sort of guy WWE look to to take the wheel. I'm the captain now, bitch. BELEEDAT.

Meltzer is making sure that JR is not faulted by these demonic hardcores:

I think he's probably right, the problem with JR was always going to be his familiarity with the product, so ideally the second man would've been someone who could have provided the extra info he needed to tell the story - I'm not sure if Striker is that guy or how familiar he is with New Japan, but I do recall him calling a slingblade "the Tanahashi!" on Lucha Underground a few weeks ago, which didn't fill me with much confidence.

It's sad to say, but don't be surprised when he turns in an aimless performance and people pretend it's good. Jim Ross is like a memory of Jim Ross, and the memory is fading.

Honestly, even if I could access the GFW broadcast, I'd still watch it in Japanese.

You are as much a specialist as anyone else in the Western World, more than most, don't sell yourself short! This is awesome!
*clap clap*clapclapclap*

Thanks man :)


I see Punk is still bitter:

Punk also offered an odd comparison for not being featured in main events. "Imagine if UFC took Conor McGregor and they just put him on Fight Pass prelims, and they wouldn't let him main event the big PPV or a big show," said Punk. "That's how I felt. I was the main event on all the house shows, I was the only guy that was touring live every single day. When it came time for the PPV main event, oh, someone else is coming in.

So Cena was part time?

Meltzer is making sure that JR is not faulted by these demonic hardcores:

They should of just went with Pollock who knows the product.
He's not bitter and it's not about money, etcetera, etcetera.


Also I never liked Reigns. FACT.
People turned on Reigns when it became obvious he was being positioned as "the guy" when everyone could see that he wasn't ready. But when has actual talent ever mattered to Vince? Turning on Reigns is more of a reaction out of disappointment that, once again, this is the sort of guy WWE look to to take the wheel. I'm the captain now, bitch. BELEEDAT.

Pretty much. I was totally fine with Reigns just being some green as baby shit handsome dude. But they've made it so apparent that he's poised to be the next Cena and people are shitting on it because we don't want that. Let it be organic.

WWE capitalizes on shit either far too early (making everyone fandango instead of letting it catch on), or too late (Cena's cringe ass "keep calm" shirt). Or the rare time they get it right and let it spread like wildfire (Yes/No chants).

Just let us pick the guy we want to make you money. We WANT TO ENJOY YOUR FUCKING SHOW AND GIVE YOU MONEYYYYY. God damn.
It's sad to say, but don't be surprised when he turns in an aimless performance and people pretend it's good. Jim Ross is like a memory of Jim Ross, and the memory is fading.

The new commentary track he did for the Mid South DVD was pretty good, I feel he can still go a great job without someone in his ear. I'm pretty interested in how he will do but not enough to switch from the Japanese commentary. Hope he does well just to annoy Vince etc.

Also I wonder if the notes Meltzer hands over will just be an Observer complete with walls of text and weird grammar.


Pretty much. I was totally fine with Reigns just being some green as baby shit handsome dude. But they've made it so apparent that he's poised to be the next Cena and people are shitting on it because we don't want that. Let it be organic.

WWE capitalizes on shit either far too early (making everyone fandango instead of letting it catch on), or too late (Cena's cringe ass "keep calm" shirt). Or the rare time they get it right and let it spread like wildfire (Yes/No chants).

Just let us pick the guy we want to make you money. We WANT TO ENJOY YOUR FUCKING SHOW AND GIVE YOU MONEYYYYY. God damn.

Here's the problem: who is "us".

Wrestling may be a niche product in the entertainment landscape at-large, but the WWE isn't a niche product on the wrestling landscape, like ROH or smaller indie promotions are. There's the live TV audience, the live audience in "smark" cities, the /r/squaredcircle and Observer Forums and other such net geeks*, the house show attendees (the most overlooked group from the last two groups), etc. ROH can create their product knowing its fans are of the same demographic and have similar (not identical) tastes. WWE can't do that: what plays in Philly doesn't play in Peoria, and what plays on RAW doesn't play on RAW Live: House Show edition.

*We here at WrassleGAF, for the most part, rise above such fedoraist banality.
Here's the problem: who is "us".

Wrestling may be a niche product in the entertainment landscape at-large, but the WWE isn't a niche product on the wrestling landscape, like ROH or smaller indie promotions are. There's the live TV audience, the live audience in "smark" cities, the /r/squaredcircle net geeks*, the house show attendees (the most overlooked group from the last two groups), etc.

*We here at WrassleGAF, for the most part, rise above such fedoraist banality.

Us being the people that boo the shit out of Roman during his segments. I know I'm a small, vocal minority. I'm aware that a lot of us here are. We're voiceless, and CM Punk, our voice, has left us, friend..


Us being the people that boo the shit out of Roman during his segments. I know I'm a small, vocal minority. I'm aware that a lot of us here are. We're voiceless, and CM Punk, our voice, has left us, friend..

You're not voiceless, that's some persecution shit. There's many voices and you're one of them. You're not the only voice, nor the only one that matters, friend.


You're not voiceless, that's some persecution shit. There's many voices and you're one of them. You're not the only voice, nor the only one that matters, friend.

No, you're right. I'm not voiceless. My words are just weightless, and on top of that they fall on deaf ears. All I'm sayin' is that we had ten years of the same shit forced down our throats, why can't we try something new? Just let shit get over on it's own, let the folks backstage try and get better, let them have a chance. Give them something decent to work with, listen to their ideas and stop forcing shitty gimmicks on them that they have to overcome to prove some nonsensical bullshit. I had to deal with Cena being the only top guy for a fucking decade, my skin crawls thinking I have to sit through another ten with someone else.

Like I said the other day, I really hope Trips carries over what he does on NXT over to the main roster. It's actually compelling storytelling with characters who have SOME kinda motive and goal, some personality. At the end of the day, I only get worked up and frustrated with the product because I love(d) it so much. I SEE what it can do, I KNOW what it can do and when they don't give a shit on such a regular basis, it's frustrating. Friend.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
After viewings of many Attitude Era PPVs, I've made a list of the things I find tolerable about the Attitude Era. It is not a very long list. Since there is no 'official' starting point, I've gone with Montreal as the beginning of the Attitude Era due to Bret's exit and the spotlight completely centering on Stone Cold(despite Shawn's protests) so sadly too late for Jim Ross's heel announcer table, Canadian Hero Bret Hart and too soon for Kurt Angle coming into his own and real ass Undertaker

• Stone Cold Steve Austin. As one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, this was an easy one to pick. However, I feel this was when Stone Cold became more and more of an edgy comic book character and less of a charismatic rebel that he was prior. He definitely had his moments, but he never felt as raw as he did when he was a heel getting cheered even when they gave him such raw material to work with.
• Vince McMahon. Your favorite 90s villain. I loved Vince especially when he was wrestling. He was like the boss from Def Jam Vendetta before Def Jam Vendetta. It was a perfect villain archetype that this evil man also booked himself to wrestle and was completely jacked underneath the blazer. You could see Vince McMahon as the bad guy in a Crow movie or something like that where he takes off his jacket and fights the hero on a rainy rooftop before begging for his life at the end.

• Undertaker's ministry theme. The idea behind the Ministry as well especially when combined with the Corporation is incredible. I just wish it was executed with a better roster. The Brood has the exact same issue(and failure to book them properly after their debut)
• Kane for the first two or three months. I'm no fan of Kane's, but I can see why people dug him back when he was first getting pushed. Gimmicky-ness aside, which fits in this era, he was just booked so strongly. I hadn't seen someone booked that strongly since Vader in WCW. I wish his matches were more entertaining however.
• Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker. It's a great match though I do find it a little overrated. Or I'll just say that it's not Undertaker's best match.
• The Radicalz debut. And the first month or so after they were around. They were booked way stronger than I would have expected only to be
• Eddie Guerrero storming the playboy mansion
• Shane McMahon is awesome. As perfect as his dad was as the 90s villain, Shane is perfect as the shitheel son who thinks he's owed the world. He's hilarious on commentary and in the ring, and it's a sad thing that he isn't regularly on TV still. One of my favorites in that era as a kid and he still holds up.
• Big Bossman clowning on Big Show

A lot of stuff might be Attitude Era that I personally don't consider. Timelines are a weird thing, but I always consider the Angle, Benoit, Guerrero, and those sorts to be more 'Ruthless Aggression' era than Attitude. I feel like they didn't get to shine as much until then.

It's just a mess, and it's hard to watch. Maybe it's because I was watching WCW at the time, but I still struggle to get through most Attitude Era raws. The only thing that keeps me going is how hyped the crowds are, Stone Cold, and the McMahons(Shane and vince. NOT Stephanie or Linda.). Sure, they didn't have the Golden Era or modern era problem of focusing on one person above all others and Russo did try to get a little spotlight for everyone, but there's just so many people that get highlighted that are in these feuds no one cares about. Like Ken Shamrock has an amazing look, is hilarious screaming STEPHANIE, and has some surprisingly solid moves that translate to professional wrestling, but you keep giving him television time and it never builds him up. It's like he never went up in WWE with his popularity, he was always just there. Same with a lot of members of their roster, like Edge even back then. Despite Undertaker being over, I also felt he never got a truly great angle or the great angle never paid off. Every DX skit has me wanting to fast forward and Owen is doing nothing.

It just makes me wish I'd be in 2002 already.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Here's the problem: who is "us".
'Us' should be people like WrassleGAF, who like all aspects of wrestling.

'Us' should not be Smarks, who almost litteraly don't know what they want, Casuals, who will cheer whoever you tell them to, or Ironic fans who boo the faces and cheer the heels.

It's not rocket science people.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Kenny Omega made the BizCliz cool again. Too sweet me, friends.

Also, this is pretty dope, Russo's going to be writing for this thing as well. Not sure if I'd describe myself as a specialist, though;


Whoa! Holy shit, that's dope. You done came up, champ.


Adding to my point above, the most impressive thing Daniel Bryan did was appeal to all demographics.

I think the issue with appealing to all the various demos that comprise the WWE Universe is that the wrestler typically has to be one of the hardcore/smark/internet/etc. fan group's "chosen" ones.

It's easier for Ambrose to appeal to the people that like him the moment he arrives on TV and expand said appeal to other groups, than it is for the opposite to occur.

Which then leads to that subset of fans feeling like their "voice" isn't heard whenever the people they want aren't chosen.
The knock on Daniel Bryan as a corporate champion was that his merchandise didn't sell and that the house shows he led were poorly attended. I doubt Ziggler's merchandise is even close to Bryan's pre-WrestleMania XXX levels, and I don't believe that they would even let Ziggler try to headline house shows to test the waters for a win at the Rumble to set up a WrestleMania main event.

Congrats, Boots.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Adding to my point above, the most impressive thing Daniel Bryan did was appeal to all demographics.

I think the issue with appealing to all the various demos that comprise the WWE Universe is that the wrestler typically has to be one of the hardcore/smark/internet/etc. fan group's "chosen" ones.

It's easier for Ambrose to appeal to the people that like him the moment he arrives on TV and expand said appeal to other groups, than it is for the opposite to occur.

Which then leads to that subset of fans feeling like their "voice" isn't heard whenever the people they want aren't chosen.

Not all of them. There will be no Daniel Bryan/Muscle Milk sponsorship.


No, you're right. I'm not voiceless. My words are just weightless, and on top of that they fall on deaf ears. All I'm sayin' is that we had ten years of the same shit forced down our throats, why can't we try something new? Just let shit get over on it's own, let the folks backstage try and get better, let them have a chance. Give them something decent to work with, listen to their ideas and stop forcing shitty gimmicks on them that they have to overcome to prove some nonsensical bullshit. I had to deal with Cena being the only top guy for a fucking decade, my skin crawls thinking I have to sit through another ten with someone else.

Like I said the other day, I really hope Trips carries over what he does on NXT over to the main roster. It's actually compelling storytelling with characters who have SOME kinda motive and goal, some personality. At the end of the day, I only get worked up and frustrated with the product because I love(d) it so much. I SEE what it can do, I KNOW what it can do and when they don't give a shit on such a regular basis, it's frustrating. Friend.

It's just kinda hard to really be this mad when it's been like this for at least a decade now. You know that unless somebody dies, nothing's gonna change, and in wrestling it's rare that that change ends up being for the best. Fuck it, this company is stupid then now and forever. If you can find a bright spot anywhere, grab hold of it and ride it till the end. If you can't, step back for at least 6 months and then come back and give it a try. Or follow Lucha Underground or New Japan like the rest of us and be able to escape shit US wrestling basically every time NXT isn't on. Any option's good.
Triple H ‏@TripleH 9m9 minutes ago

"Be relentless...The difference between success and failure isn't talent, it's hunger."-@TonyRobbins #WWEPowerSeries

Cesaro ain't hungry enough


The knock on Daniel Bryan as a corporate champion was that his merchandise didn't sell and that the house shows he led were poorly attended. I doubt Ziggler's merchandise is even close to Bryan's pre-WrestleMania XXX levels, and I don't believe that they would even let Ziggler try to headline house shows to test the waters for a win at the Rumble to set up a WrestleMania main event.

Congrats, Boots.


never forget

- Reader Danny Ryder pointed out an interesting observation last week - country music band Florida Georgia Line has more TV appearances than WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar since the Night of Champions pay-per-view. The band appeared at Night of Champions, TLC and Tribute to the Troops while Lesnar appeared at Night of Champions and this week's RAW.


Since my Network sub runs out at midnight and I've banked 13 reviews, I'm planning on not watching any wrestling until WK9. WWF has some really shitty PPVs in 1997. Attitude Era officially begins at Mind Games.

Live and Let Die is making me awfully uncomfortable.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Since my Network sub runs out at midnight and I've banked 13 reviews, I'm planning on not watching any wrestling until WK9. WWF has some really shitty PPVs in 1997. Attitude Era officially begins at Mind Games.

Live and Let Die is making me awfully uncomfortable.

I might revisit some Bond to see if I still hate the character. Considering View To A Kill because Grace Jones is christ-tier and super fucking cool in anything she does.
Adding to my point above, the most impressive thing Daniel Bryan did was appeal to all demographics.

I think the issue with appealing to all the various demos that comprise the WWE Universe is that the wrestler typically has to be one of the hardcore/smark/internet/etc. fan group's "chosen" ones.

It's easier for Ambrose to appeal to the people that like him the moment he arrives on TV and expand said appeal to other groups, than it is for the opposite to occur.

Which then leads to that subset of fans feeling like their "voice" isn't heard whenever the people they want aren't chosen.

Okay, I don't CARE who is chosen, honestly. I don't really care for anyone at the moment. There are plenty of dudes that I'm just cool with. But they're literally force feeding US as in EVERYONE. Smarks, IWC, kids etc; everyone who watches the fucking show. All I'm suggesting is that they listen to their audience as a whole. They're testing the waters with Roman and it's extremely obvious that he isn't ready to be the main guy.

Bryan is definitely a wonder. He had a fun chant and won over a lot of kids during his tag run with Kane when he was doing funny comedy stuff like that. He was already over with a majority of smarks and the internet crowd because of his indie days and I just feel like the fact that he's a nice, down to earth dude who had a generally unique look and due to his physique/height is poised to be the underdog. People love an underdog. People can get behind that. People resonate with the story of Bryan and Punk being two guys who SHOULDNT be here, but ARE there. A large demographic of people (not us, so you don't have to be picky with me!) would rather support the every man, the small guy who had to bust his ass off to get to where he is as opposed to the perfect 10/10, no effort needed, everything handed to him guy like Orton.

The thing with Roman and why not everyone has taken to him, aside from the fact that he's being forced and a demographic of people (not us) don't take well to that. Is that we don't CARE about Roman Reigns. He has zero character, no charisma outside of just being a good looking dude. He needs to be in the position that Ambrose or Rollins is in, cementing himself as a big mid-card guy that we can get behind when he moves up for title contention. He needs more time to win a large demographic over, the same demo that is done with the same thing being forced on us for ten years. That demo is seeing that and having nam flashbacks to Cena, so they're fighting against it. On a weekly basis, Roman doesn't come close to the top five reactions of the night.

There are plenty of reasons outside of me being a whiny smark as to why he just doesn't work, not YET at least. There are plenty of guys that were getting the biggest reactions every damn week. I can't stand him, but Ryder is a great example. Dude had wristbands, shirts, glasses, necklace, headbands etc; If they ran with him (not as the top guy) and gave him some semblance of a real push, he would've been a merch monster. But they forced him into a shitty angle and kept him off TV, but you know what? Let's force Roman on everyone. Because that's what they're doing, it's forced, and you can't tell me that it isn't. They're trying so hard to give him the reaction guys like Dean and Ziggler get. They're giving him more chances than other guys and booking him stronger than them as well.

But what do I know, I'm probably some delusional smarky internet shithead who should probably spend his time caring this much about something that actually tries to give their fans the best possible effort they can.


On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being anyone from the NJPW roster, and 10 being Triple H, how much does Wrestling-GAF despise Roman Reigns?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being anyone from the NJPW roster, and 10 being Triple H, how much does Wrestling-GAF despise Roman Reigns?

What? We all like Triple H and NJPW. 1 is 10.

So 10.
How are they forcing Roman on you? Seth gets the most screen (and unfortunately mic time) out of anyone and he's mid card? How many main events has Dean gotten recently?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Harley Race in that Championship Wrestling from Florida promo in those orange pants and striped shirt seems like the most dangerous mother fucker in the world.

That promo is like The Big Bang of TMF wrestling.


Breaking up The Shield was the worst thing to happen to Roman. I honestly liked him a lot when he was their muscle guy who didn't speak much because his power moves worked well as part of the entire ensemble. Ambrose and Rollins without question masked a ton of the guy's flaws.

Oh really? When did Trips fall into people's good graces? I haven't kept up with the discussion here for a while.

He runs NXT - the best North American wrestling promotion available currently
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