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December Wrasslin' |OT2| I dec-declare this territory owned by the Holy Roman Empire

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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The second movie is considered a much better movie than the first for a multitude of reasons. 2nd one is totally watchable.

Yeah, the first movie is a pretty forgettable action movie. The only times it becomes good are when Snake Eyes and Baroness are on screen (for vastly different reasons)

I think Bruce Willis might want to consider retirement soon though. He's starting to give off Big Show "I don't care anymore" vibes
Wow they still haven't put up RAW highlights for Reigns-Show on the WWE YouTube channel yet. Boy they must have been pissed about how that match turned out.

Does anyone else think Ziggler's post-match promo was added in at the last minute after the bad Roman performance?
You can tell Roman shits his pants every time he goes out there. He is not ready for this push and I'm starting to wonder if the wwe is starting to notice. I am going to laugh so hard if the crowd turns on him at the rumble.
Kenny Omega made the BizCliz cool again. Too sweet me, friends.

Also, this is pretty dope, Russo's going to be writing for this thing as well. Not sure if I'd describe myself as a specialist, though;

Yeah, the first movie is a pretty forgettable action movie. The only times it becomes good are when Snake Eyes and Baroness are on screen (for vastly different reasons)

I think Bruce Willis might want to consider retirement soon though. He's starting to give off Big Show "I don't care anymore" vibes
Snake eyes' molded face mask with lips in the first one is an abomination.


I'm actually starting to think Ziggler is going to win the Rumble.

They are hyping him up a lot and he is "doing it for the fans." I can see it too.

Ziggler seems like the fall back plan in case they finally realize Roman isn't ready. I think Ziggler would have a much better match with Brock too.

Snake eyes' molded face mask with lips in the first one is an abomination.

Oh shit, I forgot about that


So not worth it
Kenny Omega made the BizCliz cool again. Too sweet me, friends.

Also, this is pretty dope, Russo's going to be writing for this thing as well. Not sure if I'd describe myself as a specialist, though;


You are as much a specialist as anyone else in the Western World, more than most, don't sell yourself short! This is awesome!
*clap clap*clapclapclap*
Don't know if you guys saw this, but DDT is releasing a History of the Ironman Heavy Metal Championship, and I think it is covering the first title match all the way to the 693rd title match just based on the ending. Here is the trailer they uploaded HERE!

Also, didn't realize they uploaded the DNA show(s?), may watch those soon as well


I think it depends on who walks out of the Rumble as champion. If they panic and throw it back on Cena, I don't think Ziggler winning is out of the question. If it is Brock, it most definitely is out of the question.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Don't know if you guys saw this, but DDT is releasing a History of the Ironman Heavy Metal Championship, and I think it is covering the first title match all the way to the 693rd title match just based on the ending. Here is the trailer they uploaded HERE!

Also, didn't realize they uploaded the DNA show(s?), may watch those soon as well

Oh hell yeah, that sounds dope.


I don't think Cena is walking out with the belt at the Rumble regardless. Cena is the fall back plan for whomever beats Cena and doesn't provide a ratings spike a month later.
RE: Rumble win, I put these in order of likelihood;

1: Roman (because fuck it)
2: Ziggler (underdog)
3: Bryan

Personally, I think 3 is way more likely than people think, since it's Philly and I think he's been ready. They're being cagey on his return date for a reason. A Rumble return + win would put him right back in the forefront, and they could protect him until Mania if he needs it.

Beyond that, I would've said Ziggler, but he regained the belt, soooo...


Can I request that, in the month people start turning on Reigns, there is a reference to the Rubicon in the OT?

Bro, most of WrassleGAF turned on Reigns after the first dirtzsheetz reported Reigns v. Lesnar was the rumored WM31 plan. Some intrepid player haters turned on him the moment he debuted because he was the "WWE guy" in the indie three man team.

I think it depends on who walks out of the Rumble as champion. If they panic and throw it back on Cena, I don't think Ziggler winning is out of the question. If it is Brock, it most definitely is out of the question.

I don't think Cena is walking out with the belt at the Rumble regardless. Cena is the fall back plan for whomever beats Cena and doesn't provide a ratings spike a month later.

Rollins cashing in and becoming champion and Reigns winning and adding Ambrose to the match somehow -- or hell, why not, rehash the damn tie spot for the 4th time with Ambrose and Reigns -- and getting the Shield triple thread championship match (don't particularly care how one gets there) would be a fun main event for Wrestlemania.


Ziggler has plenty of time to lose the IC belt before Mania. Granted seeing the IC Champ go against the World Champ at Wrestlemania would be pretty sweet. That hasn't happened since Hogan/Warrior right?

Rollins cashing in and becoming champion and Reigns winning and adding Ambrose to the match somehow -- or hell, why not, rehash the damn tie spot for the 4th time with Ambrose and Reigns -- and getting the Shield triple thread championship match (don't particularly care how one gets there) would be a fun main event for Wrestlemania.

I still honestly think Rollins is cashing in after Mania's main event.
Rollins cashing in and becoming champion and Reigns winning and adding Ambrose to the match somehow -- or hell, why not, rehash the damn tie spot for the 4th time with Ambrose and Reigns -- and getting the Shield triple thread championship match (don't particularly care how one gets there) would be a fun main event for Wrestlemania.

I like the way you think.
Was the Reigns vs Big Show match that bad?

I'm tempted to see it just for the trainwreck.
Anything involving Big Show is terrible.
Meltzer is making sure that JR is not faulted by these demonic hardcores:

The negative response to Striker as explained on the podcast is because he's all wrong for the position. It's not even whether he's good or bad at Lucha Underground, which I thought it was good at first but he gets annoying real fast, because the role JR needed was to for someone who can fill in what he doesn't know or wouldn't pick up on instinctively. There's no way he can know the nuances of the booking that led to the matches, Gedo's style of booking, whatever history fits in, where the promotion is culturally and the ability to explain it to an audience that is both starting at square one, while not insulting the audience that knows. Several involved in the show realize just how much there is and it really hit me yesterday when preparing notes for JR. He'll do fine calling the matches, but instinctively, he's not going to know Japan and why certain things are what they are, why crowds react to certain things the way they do or why they don't to other things, why the comedy spots work, why some shitty trademark spots get over, why some moves are over huge and others aren't. It would be he same as bringing in a Japanese guy who can announce a great match, never watched WWE, doesn't know the booking, and send them out there to do Mania and use some guy who maybe watched three weeks of Raw. Plus, with Striker, it's a guy trained at the WWF style of announcing, which is all wrong for this product. Ross at least was taught the Mid South style, which is different from New Japan, but the goals in announcing are very similar. I'd bet on Mike Kogan, who knows zero pro wrestling and actually hated pro wrestling, to do this better than someone trained at a style of announcing for a product which is completely different.

Striker can watch tapes and read all he wants in two weeks, and he's not going to be that guy. Plus, he has to break every instinct he has as an announcer based on how he was taught. I suggested Pollock, who knows the subject and the promotion, not myself, but I'd have done it if asked.

And again, I would not have gotten paid by New Japan to begin with. Money was never discussed and it was never about that. It was about filling in the gaps to make sure JR's final PPV show, if this is what it is, is him going out with a bang and not being faulted by hardcores because he hasn't watched every New Japan PPV show in the last five years and won't know some finishers instinctively. I was considering going Dec. 30 to Jan 4 to Japan long before this came up, and would have for sure had not the Jones-Cormier fight existed. Once that did, and the fact my son has had perfect attendance in school for years and didn't want to miss any days, we decided August was better for the trip. In theory, had I been paid, it would be from a company that at this point in time doesn't exist, except as a broadcast partner for a promotion, not the promotion. They don't even have the U.S. TV rights, nor the U.S. live show promotional rights. They aren't running the show in any way and they don't promote wrestling in any form. They may in the future, but this isn't the future.
RE: Rumble win, I put these in order of likelihood;

1: Roman (because fuck it)
2: Ziggler (underdog)
3: Bryan

Personally, I think 3 is way more likely than people think, since it's Philly and I think he's been ready. They're being cagey on his return date for a reason. A Rumble return + win would put him right back in the forefront, and they could protect him until Mania if he needs it.

Beyond that, I would've said Ziggler, but he regained the belt, soooo...

Don't get my hopes up like this, Bronson.

Rollins cashing in and becoming champion and Reigns winning and adding Ambrose to the match somehow -- or hell, why not, rehash the damn tie spot for the 4th time with Ambrose and Reigns -- and getting the Shield triple thread championship match (don't particularly care how one gets there) would be a fun main event for Wrestlemania.

I would be down for this.


I could legitimately see Bryan returning in the Rumble only to get eliminated by Roman.

Vince's mind would say "IT MAKES ROMAN LOOK STRONG" when in reality it would make Roman an uber heel.


off topic but is it safe to say this whole Sony/Interview thing is the best work of 2014.

they turned the whole country into marks


What do you mean start? This thread was turning on him over a year ago before Shield even broke up because he was the chosen one.

Bro, most of WrassleGAF turned on Reigns after the first dirtzsheetz reported Reigns v. Lesnar was the rumored WM31 plan. Some intrepid player haters turned on him the moment he debuted because he was the "WWE guy" in the indie three man team.

I was thinking more along the lines of the Cena "mixed reaction". Audible boos from the crowd and the announce team having to cover it.


Guys of course Ziggler's going to win the Rumble. Then Brock will beat Cena, Rollins will cash in on Brock. Ziggler and Rollins feud until WM where they have their title match in the main ev- pffahahahahaha


I could legitimately see Bryan returning in the Rumble only to get eliminated by Roman.

Vince's mind would say "IT MAKES ROMAN LOOK STRONG" when in reality it would make Roman an uber heel.

there is no doubt that Roman Reigns would get the Batista treatment if that happened.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think it's clear that Cena is getting Bork's title at the Rumble. They want to use Mania as the launchpad for Reigns on Cena.


I still have no desire to watch it though. Also, friend Gorillaz, your presence is needed here more often.

I saw a bit of wrassling yesturday something about ambrose throwing christmas shit at Wyatt.

bit out of the loop on feuds because of work but I still read shit here


I think it's clear that Cena is getting Bork's title at the Rumble. They want to use Mania as the launchpad for Reigns on Cena.

The bold part is exactly why Cena isn't winning, though.

Reigns beating Cena at Mania isn't as big as Reigns beating Lesnar at Mania. Lesnar will be the guy who ended The Streak and beat Cena three times. Plus after Lesnar beats Cena again Vince is going to try and make Cena look strong again so that Cena can be a good fallback plan after Roman tanks the ratings.


I think it's clear that Cena is getting Bork's title at the Rumble. They want to use Mania as the launchpad for Reigns on Cena.

Then what do they do with Brock at Mania?

If we get Sting/HHH and Wyatt/Undertaker the only possible match up I see for Brock is Rock.

#BringBackTheAuthority. There seems to be no real story lines anymore.

I get unreasonably annoyed by flavour of the week GMs being able to make matches for a PPV. What is to stop the GM the next week from completely redoing the card?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
WWE.com said:
The Godfather. Val Venis. D-Generation X. The Attitude Era was full of fun-loving personalities that never seemed to stop partying. It stands to reason, then, that Adam Rose would get along just fine in WWE’s most boundary-pushing, out-of-control point in history. If you think the Rosebuds had a bizarre fashion sense now, just imagine how they’d have looked in 1999!

That's right, WWE.com, DX is about the same level of gimmick as a Godfather or an Adam Rose. I'm glad you finally figured that out instead of awarding them the best stable ever.
There's no way they're jumping off the Reigns train within a couple of weeks. He'll win the Rumble and if he's choking in the spotlight, they'll futz with the WM main event. I'm sure their dream match right now is Reigns/Cena though.
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