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December Wrasslin' |OT2| I dec-declare this territory owned by the Holy Roman Empire

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I am glad I decided to watch Oz Academy today


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
It's kind of mind blowing to hear you guys recount the ways Vader got fucked in WWE and how awesome he was outside of it. Seems like such an easy thing not to fuck up.

Vader was one of my favorite big guys in wrestling so I wish he was treated better in the WWE. I enjoyed his surprise appearances in the last few years.
Vader's last match in WWE before he went back to Japan was in September 1998, getting killed by Edge in three minutes. Edge hadn't even been on TV for three months at that point.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
WWE needs to sign Hiroyo

She can wrestle and work with just about any style
She's likeable as hell
She's 5'5"
A Terry Gordy angel gets its wings everytime she delivers a sick backdrop driver
She was trained by Mariko Yoshida
She's young
She's got more of a personality than the majority of joshis(especially Io and Arissa)
And her nickname is Lady Destroyer.
And she's hella cute

I'd say sign Tsubasa too, but I know WWE's type and that ain't happening.

Tsubasa is a fucking natural athlete/beast
The Gambler is one of the better remakes in the last decade. I'm not sure if that is a full compliment or not. I enjoyed it. It's not as good as the original, but it isn't super far away from it, either.

I didn't even know it was a remake until, like, a week before it came out. Original does seem like my kinda jazz though so i'll probably watch it sometime


So not worth it
Why on earth would you wish 2 minute diva matches on any talented woman, even the ones currently in WWE? You're a sadist, Datazord.


As shocking as it would be to people on this forum, I woke up feeling unwell, so I went to my doctor without making a thread about it.

Basically, my uvula (dangly bit at the back of your throat) is so swollen I can birng it up over my tongue, so I have trouble eating, drinking and breathing at the moment. Unfortunately, no-one will take me seriously as it's made my voice sound like Porky pig without any speech therapy. It's actually pretty funny.

Lets see if E, C & DB can pick my spirits up.


So not worth it
In the interest of cross-promotion, I highly recommend this 20-minute promo UFC made on this coming saturday's Jones vs. Cormier match: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsT_cJCJi-0

Such a great feud.

If you're really not interested, that's fine, but at least watch at 8:20 for a minute or so, if that doesn't want to make you see these two fight, BAH GAWD. WWE could learn a thing or two from this.


They are only putting Bryan in the Rumble so there is doubt that Reigns will win. They will most likely still go ahead with their shitty Reigns plan.
I wonder if Reigns is shitting the bed? Bryan winning the rumble would be very safe for the product but Vince is kinda crazy sometimes so who knows what's gonna happen. all of it is so back and forth though that I just don't care and may stop watching again.


They are only putting Bryan in the Rumble so there is doubt that Reigns will win. They will most likely still go ahead with their shitty Reigns plan.

Probably, but I want to see if they're stupid enough to have Reigns be the one that eliminates Bryan. That won't go over too well.

Obviously scared about the buyrate/network performance though. It would have worked so much better as a surprise and he wasn't on TV again since his GM role.
Probably, but I want to see if they're stupid enough to have Reigns be the one that eliminates Bryan. That won't go over too well.

Obviously scared about the buyrate/network performance though. It would have worked so much better as a surprise and he wasn't on TV again since his GM role.

someone mentioned it before, but they're probably gonna have a heel eliminate Bryan and then Reigns eliminates that person


someone mentioned it before, but they're probably gonna have a heel eliminate Bryan and then Reigns eliminates that person

That would be good booking to make it sound like they crowd is on their side. I can't see it happening.

Oh god, this Ryback promo just started though. It only just got to the Tough Enough clip and I'm already tapping out.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I wonder if Bullet Club was originally just supposed to be Devitt, Anderson, and Bernard. Would make sense with the 3 man thing, and they were pretty much the only gaijins in NJPW for a long period of time. And they're all real close non-kayfabe.

I hate watermarks, but the sell is too good
Fell asleep after 15 minutes and missed all of RAW, what I did notice is that Roman Reigns received boos during the name thing with Edge & Christian.

It begins...

Also that Ryback Promo; that was unexpected.
I don't think Nigel's kickstarter is going to make it, which is a shame. I'd say the problem is that he doesn't have anything to show other than some vague ideas and a bunch of people like Jimmy Jacobs saying how innovative Nigel's ideas are. Maybe if he even had a partial roster list it'd be enough to get people excited, but as it is it's very bare-bones.

I wonder if Bullet Club was originally just supposed to be Devitt, Anderson, and Bernard. Would make sense with the 3 man thing, and they were pretty much the only gaijins in NJPW for a long period of time. And they're all real close non-kayfabe.

I dunno, it was over a year between Bernard leaving and Bullet Club forming - undoubtedly he would've been a part of it had he stuck around, but I think Fale was always intended for that role.

Loving all the joshi posting, incidentally. Agree on Hiroyo, I'd love to see the Lady Destroyer throwing Barbies around on RAW.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Oz can be hard to watch because Ozaki's faction is shitty and old and has more run-ins than all of WCW 2000's shows combined. And it doesn't DQ and it just ruins matches constantly. And it's been going on for 2 years. Like what the fuck? Reminds me of how BDK made me completely give up on CHIKARA forever.

and Hiroyo pops up out of thin air in the middle of a tag match to put her boot in Carlos's face

And Toyota is SO fucking slow.
That's why I stopped paying attention to OZ. I think we're in the 4th or 5th incarnation of Ozaki's heel stable now - one gets defeated and splits up, so she just makes another.

Anywho, I just read that Dusty vs Hulk almost happened at the NJPW/AJPW/WWF Dome show in 1990 - all the prospective matches for that main event sound awesome. First it was meant to be Tenryu vs Hulk, but Tenryu didn't want to wrestle Hogan if it wasn't on his own promoted show, then it was meant to be Gordy vs Hulk but Gordy didn't want to job (or Hansen tricked him into backing out of the match, depending on who you ask) and then the idea was for Dusty vs Hulk, but when that didn't transpire we got Hansen vs Hulk. Hansen did the job, it was a huge match that made front-page news and didn't hurt Stan's popularity one bit.


So not worth it
The crowd remains so sick of this fucking Authority angle that they can't even give enough of a fuck to boo their return.

Well done WWE.


Authority returning making the whole SS match pointless in hindsight.

Barrett returned to beat up Cesaro? Was there a reason? He should be attacking Swagger, although he's technically a face.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So there's this really weird thing in 80s joshi wrestling where the long haired girls face off with the other long haired more 'feminine' looking girls in tag matches. I guess that's supposed to be the idea. And the short haired girls wrestle the other short haired girls. Though the short haired girls almost always seem way more over. Short hair or not, Yumi Ogura is a babe. Can't find much of her career though. Which is too bad, she seems really over

I did some looking up on the Crush Gals and apparently they're like the most over female tag team of all time. Way more over than the Jumping Bomb Angels in Japan. They put out records and had a bunch of tv show appearances and were basically every Japanese girl's heroes at the time. Some articles I read said that the Crush Gals were basically as over in Japan as Hulk Hogan was in America. I knew Chigusa was over, but I had no idea their team was THAT over.

If you ever want to see a hot crowd: Chigusa Nagayo vs Lioness Asuka The match is over 40 minutes longer. The crowd is hot for the ENTIRE 40 minutes.


Just caught up on Raw.

What the actual fuck? Was this the best Raw of the year? The format seemed completely unlike any other Raw I've seen this year.

Today, we got:

-Ryback mic time (he's not the greatest promo in the world, but I'll take this ANY FUCKING DAY over the god awful filler bullshit they use to fill up these three hour Raws every other week)
-Usos mic time (although them winning the belts off Miz and Sandow was kinda dumb, it's nice to see these guys ACTUALLY TALK)
-Cesaro mic time (the fuck? they're finally using the three hours of Raw to let mid carders cut promos? About fucking time! None of them felt overly scripted, either.)
-BNB returns!
-Seth vs. Reigns on free TV (weird fucking decision there just giving such a big match away, but it was a pretty good match especially for Reigns standards)
-Big Show with his BEST PERFORMANCE IN YEARS on commentary. Dude was 100x better than the regular shitty commentary, putting over Seth HUGE and going IN on Reigns. Hilarious.
-Reigns getting his ass destroyed and possible injury angle? Could he miss the Rumble? Because...
-BRYAN IS BACK! I marked out. Dude delivers the best promo of his career, and probably the best wrestling related news I've heard all year. I was worried he'd miss Mania, let alone the Rumble. Hearing that he's healthy is awesome news. They would be fucking crazy have Reigns win the Rumble at this point. The crowd will not accept that now that Bryan is back. Perhaps the higher ups finally realized it is not Reigns' time quite yet?
oh who am I kidding Bryan will lose the Rumble due to some kind of screwjob and Reigns will overcome this injury and win the Rumble, and his match at Mania with Brock, free
-They actually found a logical way for Cena to bring back the authority. Perfect use of Edge and his injury + Rollins curb stomp being the move he would use to deliver the blow actually makes sense. Couldn't go 2 months without them, eh WWE? Whatever, we all knew they were coming back. Trips is having a match at Mania for sure, probably with Sting. Also, that final line... "I'm going to kill him anyways." Masterful heel work from Rollins.

Post Xmas WWE until Mania usually picks up, but this was a surprisingly strong show. While I'd be shocked if they carried any of this momentum into next week, I'll take good Raws when I get them. Easily the best Raw since pre-Summer Slam, maybe since Raw after Mania.
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