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December Wrasslin' |OT2| I dec-declare this territory owned by the Holy Roman Empire

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Having a long term top guy seems like a bad idea

  • Will expect more and more money over time
  • Merchandise sales will require more effort as you have to keep reinventing stuff to keep fans buying the top guys shit
  • Longer reign, more likely to need time off for injuries.
  • Longer reign, MSM will grow bored with the top guy and having them come in with the same damn face as last time, wider public wants something fresh each time.
  • Downsize the top guy into a mentor veteran to help expand the roster and give more guys a rub to increase their merch sales/ratings/MSM attention.
  • Avoid the fans getting bored with the same damn thing happening over and over.

Man God

Non-Canon Member


Worst Raw of 2014...
here is hoping next week ends with a bang

setting up RR matches and history is made
as Sting finally shows up on a RAW ring

Setting up the
Seth vs the vigilante Sting at Royal Rumble match


Give this man the brass ring


First time watching WWE and Raw in over 10 years. Wow. I don't quite know what to say. Who are the announcer's now? I'm pretty sure I heard Lawler but didn't recognize anyone else. I can't believe Big Show is still working. Almost the same look, along with the same move set. I will post more impressions later.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I spent most of RAW doing dishes or traveling or watching Fooseball. Everytime I turned it on though the matches were good, if a bit retready. Not boring but not great. People are being a bit rough on it.

I saw the Cenar match, the divas match, the final match, and part of the ziggler match. All of them were worth seeing.

Ho Ho Hogan though, what a hero.




-Roderick Strong vs. Papadon (semi-squash to establish Strong as a big deal in 2015)
-Elgin vs. Hanson (Ehhh...)
-Brutal Burgers vs. Caprice Coleman and Will Ferrara (Ehh...)
-Tommaso Ciampa vs. Cedric Alexander (HOLY SHIT)


Table spot


Good night

Watch this main event. Just so damn good. Skip the first 30 minutes and just watch the last 20 minutes when the show becomes available this Friday @ http://rohwrestling.com/tv/current
I don't understand the obsession with having One Guy. I know that's how McMahon likes it, but fuck what he likes.

That's one of the few good things about the Attitude Era. You fucking had OPTIONS. Rock, Austin, HHH, Taker, Foley, Jericho and a few others that would pop up and go back to mid-card. But most of those guys could main event a PPV and you wouldn't bat an eye.

Why wouldn't you want to have everyone being over as fuck and being huge merch monsters? Sell all those Rocky shirts, sell all those have a nice day shirts, sell those Austin 3:16's etc; Nowadays? "Someone is selling as much or is close to Cena in sales? Punish him".

They don't listen to their audience. They don't care what you want. If anyone hasn't realized this for 10 years, then I don't know what more you want to prove to you that nothing is going to ever change until they're on the ropes. Listening to the fans is a backup plan. Giving us the least possible to get by and make profit is what they're going to do till they can't do that anymore. Plain and simple.

HHH is doing a great Job running NXT and I hope when Vince is gone, that carries over to the main product. Because the audience isn't fucking stupid. We shouldn't be fucking embarrassed to tell people we follow your product. Wrestling has shown it can be something captivating and can tell stories in ways many other forms of media and entertainment can't.

You should fucking WANT your whole roster to get over "oh but if everyone is over, then nobody will be boo'd" Yes they will, because you'll have some fucking character loyalty. I dont want MY favorite to lose to yours, even though I like him. That's how it was growing up.

The product is far too stale and predictable. And they have ZERO fear of competition. The own the market that they're in. They don't HAVE to try, and people are still going to eat it up. People are still going to tune in with hopes that it MIGHT change. And that's what was so fucking compelling about the CM Punk pipe bomb angle. It came right in such a stale period of time. Cena had gone through so many people that he was main eventing with motherfuckin' R-TRUTH FOR FUCKSAKES. It pulled in a ton of people and made them pay attention to the product. I remember how RAW was excruciating to wait for week after week. Now I just watch it because I feel obligated to.

I liken my relationship to wrestling, more specifically WWE because sadly, being Canadian, and lacking a credit card and what disposable income I have goes to shit more satisfying than a shitty PPV or ugly merch-- I liken it to an abusive relationship. I love WWE. I love pro-wrestling. Growing up I ADORED the fuck out of it. I made a lot of my friends in grade school because of it. I made a lot of friends in middle and high school because of it. Tons of fun buying the games, watching matches, having our own matches when we were kids, creating our own characters in No Mercy all that shit. I have so much fond memories of it. When it's good, it's great. But it's turned into this terrible, stale and just boring product that I'm so fucking sick and tired of, and I'll keep coming back no matter how poorly it treats me (the fans), in hopes that it'll change. That it'll go back to the way it once was when we first met.

I seriously don't know how much longer I can seriously last when they're priming Roman to just step into Cena's sneakers. I really don't think I can take another ten years of one dude just fucking killing everyone. They have so much talent, so many others with POTENTIAL, but they can't capitalize on it because they don't get any time to improve on the mic, they can't grow their character for us to be attached to them because they aren't on TV and since they're bad on the stick, they can't convey their character and their motives properly, so it falls flat.

You can't throw some seeds on cement during the winter and tell it to grow, then when they try to make some effort to do so, you cut off anything it grew. You punish it for it trying to do what it's told.

Not even to mention what the women have to go through. They're seen as a piss break. They get just as less time. They're only allowed one segment unless a woman is involved in another storyline, but she can only be a love interest in that male storyline. They're given five minutes tops to tell a story, they botch a lot because they're quickly running through a match. Like the mid-card and under men, but with FAR less time. And I can't imagine how insulting it is for you to bust your fucking ass off, to try and be a WRESTLER, but to be relegated to a love interest, a slutty halloween costume battle royale, or if you're lucky, you get to carry around this girly trinket called a CHAMPIONSHIP BELT. And why the fuck is it a Diva? Why not Women's? Why can't they get just as much respect as the men..?

Fuck. This isn't even scratching the surface on all the backstage politics, the racism, homophobia and just straight up toxic backstage environment these people have to work in. Not to mention they don't even have a union.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Umm, Austin was clearly the one and only guy of that era and people only sniffed his seat when he got injured and after he refused to lose to Brock.

They were lucky that the product was so hot and the upper card talent so good that they did just fine when he was injured but that sort of stuff was hard to replicate.

Hogan left to start the new gen and everyone groomed to follow him was a bust, namely Warrior. That and the steroid trial forced them to go a different way.


That's one of the few good things about the Attitude Era. You fucking had OPTIONS. Rock, Austin, HHH, Taker, Foley, Jericho and a few others that would pop up and go back to mid-card. But most of those guys could main event a PPV and you wouldn't bat an eye.

Why wouldn't you want to have everyone being over as fuck and being huge merch monsters? Sell all those Rocky shirts, sell all those have a nice day shirts, sell those Austin 3:16's etc; Nowadays? "Someone is selling as much or is close to Cena in sales? Punish him".

They don't listen to their audience. They don't care what you want. If anyone hasn't realized this for 10 years, then I don't know what more you want to prove to you that nothing is going to ever change until they're on the ropes. Listening to the fans is a backup plan. Giving us the least possible to get by and make profit is what they're going to do till they can't do that anymore. Plain and simple.

HHH is doing a great Job running NXT and I hope when Vince is gone, that carries over to the main product. Because the audience isn't fucking stupid. We shouldn't be fucking embarrassed to tell people we follow your product. Wrestling has shown it can be something captivating and can tell stories in ways many other forms of media and entertainment can't.

You should fucking WANT your whole roster to get over "oh but if everyone is over, then nobody will be boo'd" Yes they will, because you'll have some fucking character loyalty. I dont want MY favorite to lose to yours, even though I like him. That's how it was growing up.

The product is far too stale and predictable. And they have ZERO fear of competition. The own the market that they're in. They don't HAVE to try, and people are still going to eat it up. People are still going to tune in with hopes that it MIGHT change. And that's what was so fucking compelling about the CM Punk pipe bomb angle. It came right in such a stale period of time. Cena had gone through so many people that he was main eventing with motherfuckin' R-TRUTH FOR FUCKSAKES. It pulled in a ton of people and made them pay attention to the product. I remember how RAW was excruciating to wait for week after week. Now I just watch it because I feel obligated to.

I liken my relationship to wrestling, more specifically WWE because sadly, being Canadian, and lacking a credit card and what disposable income I have goes to shit more satisfying than a shitty PPV or ugly merch-- I liken it to an abusive relationship. I love WWE. I love pro-wrestling. Growing up I ADORED the fuck out of it. I made a lot of my friends in grade school because of it. I made a lot of friends in middle and high school because of it. Tons of fun buying the games, watching matches, having our own matches when we were kids, creating our own characters in No Mercy all that shit. I have so much fond memories of it. When it's good, it's great. But it's turned into this terrible, stale and just boring product that I'm so fucking sick and tired of, and I'll keep coming back no matter how poorly it treats me (the fans), in hopes that it'll change. That it'll go back to the way it once was when we first met.

I seriously don't know how much longer I can seriously last when they're priming Roman to just step into Cena's sneakers. I really don't think I can take another ten years of one dude just fucking killing everyone. They have so much talent, so many others with POTENTIAL, but they can't capitalize on it because they don't get any time to improve on the mic, they can't grow their character for us to be attached to them because they aren't on TV and since they're bad on the stick, they can't convey their character and their motives properly, so it falls flat.

You can't throw some seeds on cement during the winter and tell it to grow, then when they try to make some effort to do so, you cut off anything it grew. You punish it for it trying to do what it's told.

Not even to mention what the women have to go through. They're seen as a piss break. They get just as less time. They're only allowed one segment unless a woman is involved in another storyline, but she can only be a love interest in that male storyline. They're given five minutes tops to tell a story, they botch a lot because they're quickly running through a match. Like the mid-card and under men, but with FAR less time. And I can't imagine how insulting it is for you to bust your fucking ass off, to try and be a WRESTLER, but to be relegated to a love interest, a slutty halloween costume battle royale, or if you're lucky, you get to carry around this girly trinket called a CHAMPIONSHIP BELT. And why the fuck is it a Diva? Why not Women's? Why can't they get just as much respect as the men..?

Fuck. This isn't even scratching the surface on all the backstage politics, the racism, homophobia and just straight up toxic backstage environment these people have to work in. Not to mention they don't even have a union.


Frecklesteiner shooting hard

I agree with all of this...I'm pretty much over the company and probably won't ever watch a single show unless EC3 headlines wrestlemania
The problem is that they are running the same damn match how many times in how many days? They have killed Ambrose and Wyatt this week. There is no variety. Same old shit.

Where are the new match ups?

This company...


I just don't understand why WWE constantly puts out the same fucking matches every week. You have a full blown roster that's dying for airtime...but it's the same usual suspects wrestling the same boring matches over the course of the same boring time constraints.

Wrestling shouldn't be frustrating and exhausting...it should be fun and entertaining. Whats so hard about having a wrestling match, cutting a promo to get the crowd pissed or support you, create storylines that will blow minds, and promote A PPV weeks ahead. Why is this so hard for the WWE?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Same matches is right behind illogical writing as WWE's biggest problem. It makes the roster seem smaller than it is.
Frecklestein sending 2014 off with a bang.

Wait how did reigns once again show he isn't ready?

Came out to a tepid response and got "Daniel Bryan" chants in his match.

There were "boring" chants but he was facing Big Show. Crowd did pop for his spots at the end tho so I don't fucking know. Still... it has begun.


The most interesting thing about the Paul Heyman doc was all of the wrestlers interviewed talking about how shitty things have been since they went corporate and how easy it is to get put in the dog house for stupid shit, while interspersed with clips of Stephanie giving corporate speak. Also the clip of Punk saying he wouldn't still be in WWE if he wasn't currently working with Paul Heyman.

That doc and pretty much ever MNW episode makes me think there is a mutiny going on that no one at the top level even notices. There is SO much negativity about WWE (and WCW shit that now applies to WWE) on WWE's own products that it is kind of amazing no one is taking notice to change that shit.
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