Rollo Tomasi
Praedyths Timepiece best gun in game.
And the only raid weapon I can't seem to get.
Praedyths Timepiece best gun in game.
And the only raid weapon I can't seem to get.
Headquarter mode please.
Straight outta Last City, crazy motherfucker named Omniguy
I have a feeling Bungie is trying to keep Destiny as simple as possible because they know how the general population is like. That said, objective mode was always a fun playlist in Halo.
And yes, HQ was always so much fun in 4 and MW2.
Fuck, I miss MW2 and 4.
And the only raid weapon I can't seem to get.
OddballI love the skull carry mode in Halo, where you have to be the team that holds the skull/ball the longest. That mode was awesome
Straight outta The Moon, crazy motherfucker named Omnigul
From the gang called Wizards Wit Attitudes
The pulse rifle? I dismantled 2. I used to hate pulse rifles.
The fusion rifle though, it never droped. And i've been doing VoG 3 times every week for a long time.
I think that's what zone control will be.
That's what the zone control mode is.
Things I've never gotten:
P Foil
Solar Jewel
Void Messenger
I don't care about Trials stuff anymore but I still kind of want the P Foil.
I fucked up. Thought it was a picture of Omingul.Cruisin down the street in my sparrow
Jockin these hobbies smackin these foes
You get to many points from the rift to really matter from small kills. That's at least what Iv seen from the footage Iv been watching.Yes, but their goal with rift was to make a unique objective type game. They didn't really do that because the majority will still go for kills.
I ascended my P Foil a couple weeks ago. That thing is a beast. I mainly want the Timepiece to complete my collection but I also heard its pretty good in Crucible.
After nearly a year. Titan vog chest piece has never dropped
I fucked up. Thought it was a picture of Omingul.
Also looks like something straight outta Dark Souls.
You get to many points from the rift to really matter from small kills. That's at least what Iv seen from the footage Iv been watching.
Game type will be a blast with full teams.
Cliff Notes: Almost everything, haha.
Damn. I love those boots. I haven't taken mine off when I go Striker. I don't even remember when the ground-based shoulder charge animation looks like anymore -- I always jump to activate the Tiger Knee of Justice.
I'm not sure but i think the titan chest never dropped. I had to use armamentarium instead.
I had full warlock and hunter VoG gear though.
I fucked up. Thought it was a picture of Omingul.
Also looks like something straight outta Dark Souls.
Thats the Kabr's Wrath?
Drop rates for those must be extremely low, I have never seen them in game, forgot they even existed.
Timepiece might be the best pulse rifle in PVP. If it had full auto it would definitely be.
Headseeker for the extra damage.
Secret Round so it basically turns 10 bursts into 15 bursts, which is ridiculous.
Perfect Balance.
Great sights too.
Then all they need to do is reduce kill points and up Rift points. I agree that they probably should be no points for kills. Or maybe only the rift carrier gets points for kills.I think a team can just always sit back and slay will win most of the time. There is not enough importance on scoring the rift (based on what the red bull exhibition match showed). I think Bungie wants to make sure that everyone gets a participation trophy in some way.
Definitely need more objective based games. Rift sounds like a great time.
That being said, Post-TTK release/Destiny 2 needs to have custom games and more game types. We need a sword battle mode.
Rift looks like amazing fun. Also looks like nightmare played with randoms
The biggest problem is letting fire teams in.What pvp mode isn't
Other than Rumble but that mode alone has issues. Spawn and dead within a second at times, to name 1 haha.
Yes. That's the one. I just googled it. I'm sure i never had it.
The biggest problem is letting fire teams in.
The biggest problem is letting fire teams in.
Then all they need to do is reduce kill points and up Rift points. I agree that they probably should be no points for kills. Or maybe only the rift carrier gets points for kills.
But I don't really see it going to be that much of a problem in the end.
What pvp mode isn't
Other than Rumble but that mode alone has issues. Spawn and dead within a second at times, to name 1 haha.
It really sucks for more competitive players of Destiny. That it really seems like pvp isn't really taken as seriously as it should be by the Destiny team.They might have to, because as of now sitting back and killing seems to be very viable. I was hoping only scored points would count for winning, but I honestly think Bungie is scared about making something too intricate for the general public.
I can chill out in control or clash and have a good time. I think most players know what to do, win or lose your still playing the game. Rift looks like it has to be massively coordinated. which is awesome.
Everyone be capping A on Shores of Time and Blind Watch.Control or Clash is extremely frustrating.
Instead of dealing with one or two players who are bad/don't know what they're doing, you're upping the ante to 5(!).
Played a Dragon Strike for the first time in months, trying to get some Hunter/Pulse Rifle kills.
Why not.
Praedyths Timepiece best gun in game.