You have to beat him in 4 cycles. So never miss a bomb. Probably have 4 runners too, but maybe not.
Sounds about right.
Probably have to kill all 4 Ogres, Knights and Vessells as well.
You have to beat him in 4 cycles. So never miss a bomb. Probably have 4 runners too, but maybe not.
Thanks, I haven't done CoO in a long time. I know I've killed him, but I must have never done it with my own rune.It will be Thalnok at weekly reset in 3~ hours.
Sounds about right.
Probably have to kill all 4 Ogres, Knights and Vessells as well.
No knights on normal mode.
Anyone want to try for Mercury before reset hits?
I will get around to doing something in 2 days...perhaps log in during xur and buy stuff..309 overall.
313 primary (Mercury)
310 special ("Harrowed" Defiance)
310 heavy (Truth, from 3oC engram)
312 ghost ("Harrowed")
294 helm (lucky blue engram)
296 gloves (Cryptarch legendary engram)
311 chest (HM Golgi)
320 boots (Golgi Challenge)
320 artifact (same)
Obviously helm and gloves are salting my game. A 320 guaranteed helm from Oryx Challenge would be too good. For our third reset run, I'll take Grave's Hunter instead of my own. Another dose of NM+HM KF loot plus more guaranteed 320s should definitely nudge me into the 311+ range.
Then it's time to dump all the high light weapons+ghost onto his Titan who is already Lv40. Start decrypting all the armor engrams I've been saving, one by one, and he'll be ready for a HM KF pseudo-carry as well. Then, last but not least, start playing the Warlock.
Maybe I'll do Trials runs on both my account and his each weekend, if I'm helping w runs anyway. Of course my account has better gear but honestly the only things I'm really missing for Grave are the fast revive exotics and Graviton. I don't mind using BDancer and Striker until the NStalker and Sunbreaker subclasses are leveled.
Anyone doing HM Golgoroth challenge?
I've been trying LFG for 15 minutes and no luck. Messaged 9 people already. I checked here first but doesn't look to be any lately.
I only have about 25 more minutes or so, so I didn't want to try to gather a group
Alright I'll send invites when we get another.
You guys still need another?
there needs to be some sort of agreed upon etiquette for lfg. for example, if you post "need 2 315+, experienced players only!" then i expect the people in that group to be of similar exp/level.
Is it possible to solo the Darkblade strike for the exotic sword or is that crazy talk.
Crazy talk probably lol
Just having to do Oryx in 4 cycles would be hilarious. I suspect like many on here this will be the last time I make an effort to raid, in future I'll just do it if I fancy a fun run
Until they raise the light level to 340 or something.
You have to beat him in 4 cycles. So never miss a bomb. Probably have 4 runners too, but maybe not.
Edit: top of page Oryx gotta Oryx
Is it possible to solo the Darkblade strike for the exotic sword or is that crazy talk.
You could but it would take half a day with all the ads you have to kill.
Sad that there is no real good looking Titan boots. I'm not about this one kneepad or leg braces which looks like it was fetched from a dumpster. Bindsight looks good except for the goofy stripes and eye of Osiris watermark. Hunters have the best looking gear by far.
Hey man we need 1 for trials, myself and thenal, interested?
Driz/ Ruthless, you guys got any spots for reset raids? Worth checking before subjecting myself to lfg.
We should be full unless we have a surprise no-show. I'll shoot you an invite if something happens to open up and you haven't grouped up already.
Hmm...I managed to get a Telesto, Plan C, and Thunderlord from exotic engrams today.
They all seem kind of weak though aside from the Telesto. And even then, fusion rifle. -_-
Wonder if we can finally get the raid ship...
I'm actually a little excited to see what happens after today's reset. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally expecting to be disappointed, but at least something different is going to happen.
Any reset raids happening?
Phew, the SRL rank didn't reset.
Thanks for the fun games @Dan, Slammin and thenal! It was very weird not being able to talk but all the other in-game nonsense was as expected, haha.
I'm downAnyone want to group up for at least one HM run?