I liked Golgy the most, very hectic yet coordinated
I know I'm in the minority but my favorite part of the raid is the jumping ship puzzle part. But sadly no one ever runs it.
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I liked Golgy the most, very hectic yet coordinated
I know I'm in the minority but my favorite part of the raid is the jumping ship puzzle part. But sadly no one ever runs it.
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Is doubles in the crucible playlist this week?
I know I'm in the minority but my favorite part of the raid is the jumping ship puzzle part. But sadly no one ever runs it.
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We have room for 1 on our last run if you want to join. PSN: DarknyssNight Fall anyone?
Shot in the dark here, but does anyone have an Oryx checkpoint?
I love the ship jumping part because it reminds me of Independence Day, and I've been saying that since day 1 lol.
If anyone is curious. Marty O'Donnell did an AMA yesterday:
It's... kind of sad...
He drops some pretty big hints that he wants 343 to ask him to come back. Drops some expected kickstarter links for his newer projects. And answers a lot of questions with 1 word answers.
I still remember when it took you like 35 minutes to get across it while on your warlock.
Ranks of there with "Wipe cover me" as two wizards come out.
I doubt that 343 would be able to hire Marty even if the upper management really wanted too. IMO there is no way that MS would let them to hire someone who might quit and take every opportunity possible to make anti-343 pot shots in the news media.
Besides doesn't Halo already have a good music team? Why would they want to bring in somebody would would need to come in as the head of all sound in Halo?
Mayhem Rumble and Inferno something.
But Iron Banner is going to overtake Mayhem Rumble pretty soon here most likely.
Yeah the first time I was doing it completely wrong lol. Good times. Destiny definitely left a lot of memories.
Oh, no, you weren't doing it totally wrong, you just couldn't jump as a warlock. You were still coming off having 3 hunters.
Good old days of 3 hunters. Stop hitting me with nostalgia wipe!
Nooo I missed it. Stupid real life stuff. Did anybody grab this and can load it up for me?
Anybody down to run NF x3?still no taniks and omnigul...
Thread is slow.Night Fall anyone?
So tomorrow's stream should announce that they're releasing all the rest of the class exotics in the April update, correct?
I'm talking about the Thagomizers, the Dunemarchers, etc. Plus hopefully the rest of the Year 1 exotics like Universal Remote and Patience and Time, Eternal Warrior, Glasshouse, so on.
Hey Wetaman! Can you save me a spot on the 3xKF if you make a group?
There's six "new" exotics left, and the last time exotics were added they only gave us two. I could see them stretching them out even further.
I don't think even they can be that stupid. The Shinobu's Vow's will be game breaking though if skip nades aren't nerfed
So tomorrow's stream should announce that they're releasing all the rest of the class exotics in the April update, correct?
I'm talking about the Thagomizers, the Dunemarchers, etc. Plus hopefully the rest of the Year 1 exotics like Universal Remote and Patience and Time, Eternal Warrior, Glasshouse, so on.
There's six "new" exotics left, and the last time exotics were added they only gave us two. I could see them stretching them out even further.
NF anyone?
PSN churmom
Most likely. As well as whatever the new Event stuff is, and the deal with those shaders, and weapon shader chroma things.
The Stream is titles "New things to Earn"
7 exotics isn't it? Thought, I'm pretty sure the only reason we got the two we already have is because of a bug in the system that had allowed very few players access to those two exotics earlier than intended. Thus, Bungie just made them available sooner than planned. Especially since there wasn't a new Warlock one to go with it.
I'm pretty sure there are 3 new Warlock exotics, 2 Hunter, and 2 Titan.
There is a chance we'll finally see some new exotic weapons as well. Maybe that Firelord thing...
Is there any chance that the FireLord we saw was actually just a ThunderLord with a Red Chroma?
yeah just give me a minute
Good old days of 3 hunters. Stop hitting me with nostalgia wipe!
Still hunting for the NLB?
What this I've been hearing about a Sunsinger nerf? Have Bungie finally realized that the subclass is cheap as fuck and needs to be nerfed? My curiosity has been piqued.
I used to have one of each class and it was cool and all, but I got tired of needing to adapt to the jumps and stuff everytime I switched class, and I rarely played the other two classes. I eventually settled on having three Hunters in order to fully master the class instead of becoming a jack of all trades.
Having three of one class is nowhere near as redundant or boring as some people make it out to be. It's actually a massive time saver since all three characters share the exact same gear.
Most likely. As well as whatever the new Event stuff is, and the deal with those shaders, and weapon shader chroma things.
The Stream is titles "New things to Earn"
7 exotics isn't it? Thought, I'm pretty sure the only reason we got the two we already have is because of a bug in the system that had allowed very few players access to those two exotics earlier than intended. Thus, Bungie just made them available sooner than planned. Especially since there wasn't a new Warlock one to go with it.
I'm pretty sure there are 3 new Warlock exotics, 2 Hunter, and 2 Titan.
There is a chance we'll finally see some new exotic weapons as well. Maybe that Firelord thing...
Is there any chance that the FireLord we saw was actually just a ThunderLord with a Red Chroma?
Mind blown. That makes the most sense.
Sure. Don't know if we're running it though, because of Iron Banner (and the light cap increase). I'd be down to do it if we can get a daughters/oryx CP though. Will probably post a list later and see if we can even get 6 people.
I hope they don't nerf skips since they're fine at the moment. The best thing to do would be just to make the exotic let you hold 2 skips without buffing their tracking.I don't think even they can be that stupid. The Shinobu's Vow's will be game breaking though if skip nades aren't nerfed
Sure. Don't know if we're running it though, because of Iron Banner (and the light cap increase). I'd be down to do it if we can get a daughters/oryx CP though. Will probably post a list later and see if we can even get 6 people.
Count me in for the raid too (if it happens). I think Pandora might have the CP .
You also got the best Titan mark. Your RNG is on point.aww yeah vanguard ghost shell!
Count me in for the raid too (if it happens). I think Pandora might have the CP .
You also got the best Titan mark. Your RNG is on point.
Have I said how wonderful it is to play with Pandora? Such skills and talent, something to behold truly. We are very lucky to share Destiny with a guardian of this caliber!
All of this true if she has the checkpoint.