Also drizz , when krafty actually comunicates with his carries and tries to set up plays or tell them to be super careful thats when you know he's facing a super sweaty team haha.
5.) IFrostBolt: Very skilled player, maybe the top streamer who mains a Titan since AEGabriel has mostly stopped streaming. Primarily does sweaty matches/tournaments with a full team but sometimes does double Trials carries as well.
Also drizz , when krafty actually comunicates with his carries and tries to set up plays or tell them to be super careful thats when you know he's facing a super sweaty team haha.
Gabe still streams on a semi-frequent basis (every few days). For my money he's still the most entertaining player to watch from a gameplay perspective because he plays so aggressively while parkouring around the map with his Titan.
I know some people were saying Shadow Thief hasn't been a NF in Y2. Looks like it happened once, back in November. It's the only time it's been a NF in Y2. Why?
One Thing I don't like is that the game forces you to play with people near the same level as you. So pretty much I'm screwed and have to run solo to catch up to everyone else or be carried, which is no fun at all.
As a Thorn user it's hard for me to find a streamer that still uses Thorn in trials
Make Thorn Great Again
I'm nearly tempted to get together a team of 6 Voiding wearing, Thorn wielding Sunsingers for this Bungie Bounty but its Rift and Deej won't be playing so I cant go full WYL on his ass, though Cozmo would be a notable scalp/t bag worthy
Or you have gotten GudStep 1: Get domed by a guy being Doctrine'd in the face 10,000 times
Step 2: Revive shields and immunity should not exist but they're the only reason I survived. Slide behind cover then blink over enemy head for a lucky escape (dat health bar).
Step 3: Enemies' fatal flaw: only two push me. Either all 3 should hang back to control orbs or all 3 push. Quick scope first, use cover and grenade (remember you throw left handed!) to get advantage on second for easy primary finish.
Step 4: Last guy will be scared. Reload and recover health before challenging. Pre-fire Doctrine for suppression and engaging Persistence perk. When you have a health advantage on him, push hard to finish the fight.
Without a super, these plays are only possible because of (1) broken revive mechanics, (2) lucky snipe to get the first pick, and (3) enemies choking with an uncoordinated push.
Well, I can tell you why.
They took them out because they were too good, especially for using special ammo. They introduced swords to kind of make up for this, except they think heavy ammo is a better tradeoff for the damage output. If shotguns were to ever return to their former glory, nobody would use swords anymore. No need for one when you have a found verdict.
Two ghosts out of three NFs this week. Reduced drop rate, eh Bungie?
Nerfing an entire class of weapons to make room for another just means that other class is the one that should have been adjusted, IMO.I think in an earlier OT people were conjecturing that they were nerfed to create a niche for swords.
I think shotguns are back to being awful in PvE - they nerfed the effective range in PvE as well so melee is almost always the better option. They were bad at launch and are what, now 10% higher? Never liked using fusion rifles either, and sidearms are still useless, so snipers are the only secondary weapon I use(d). I think that lack of variety is what contributed to my getting burned out. You can only MIDA and snipe so long.Shotguns are fine.
Fusion Rifles are almost interesting so I'm expecting another nerf soon.
Microsoft announces cross plat play between pc/xb1 and PSN. I'm envisioning Destiny 2 for Cross Plat play. That'd be pretty epic.
Microsoft announces cross plat play between pc/xb1 and PSN. I'm envisioning Destiny 2 for Cross Plat play. That'd be pretty epic.
yeah, was thinking that same thing.
That would be huge.
Will I be able to play Destiny and the Division with my XBL and PC friends?
I'm not sure how Destiny servers would handle that but yeah, that would be awesome for not only the players on 1 side but also for the players who have 6 characters hahaha. Only maintaining 3 again would be megaton for me.
This would be the end result but the Devs must also support it, to go along with PSN needing to accept this to begin with.
Rocket League will be the first game to try it out, it seems.
PSN already allows cross play on FFIV between PC and PS4 a long time ago.
DS4 users gonna get Rekt by X1 controller users lol.
Step 1: Get domed by a guy being Doctrine'd in the face 10,000 times
Step 2: Revive shields and immunity should not exist but they're the only reason I survived. Slide behind cover then blink over enemy head for a lucky escape (dat health bar).
Step 3: Enemies' fatal flaw: only two push me. Either all 3 should hang back to control orbs or all 3 push. Quick scope first, use cover and grenade (remember you throw left handed!) to get advantage on second for easy primary finish.
Step 4: Last guy will be scared. Reload and recover health before challenging. Pre-fire Doctrine for suppression and engaging Persistence perk. When you have a health advantage on him, push hard to finish the fight.
Without a super, these plays are only possible because of (1) broken revive mechanics, (2) lucky snipe to get the first pick, and (3) enemies choking with an uncoordinated push.
Nerfing an entire class of weapons to make room for another just means that other class is the one that should have been adjusted, IMO.
I don't think there would be anything wrong with powerful shotguns and swords in the game at the same time. It sounds like a lot of fun, actually.
I think shotguns are back to being awful in PvE - they nerfed the effective range in PvE as well so melee is almost always the better option. They were bad at launch and are what, now 10% higher? Never liked using fusion rifles either, and sidearms are still useless, so snipers are the only secondary weapon I use(d). I think that lack of variety is what contributed to my getting burned out. You can only MIDA and snipe so long.
The HoW era, with the powerful shotguns, was the most fun I had with Destiny, by a long shot. The stealth build I had going on my Hunter, paired with the shotguns, was a joy to play. TTK had great content but I feel the weapons and balancing efforts since then have made the game worse. Very uninteresting weapons and gear, coupled with so many nerfs, made the gameplay much less compelling.
Microsoft announces cross plat play between pc/xb1 and PSN. I'm envisioning Destiny 2 for Cross Plat play. That'd be pretty epic.
It would be a welcome addition. Widening the player pool would be clutch. Bungie is having enough problems with the game as is though and for some reason I'm worried cross platform would only cause them more issues. Most games and developers I wouldn't be too worried but Bungie and Destiny would have me worried as much as I'd love to see it happen.
The HoW era, with the powerful shotguns, was the most fun I had with Destiny, by a long shot. [...] TTK had great content but I feel the weapons and balancing efforts since then have made the game worse. Very uninteresting weapons and gear, coupled with so many nerfs, made the gameplay much less compelling.
IB, Trials and the Raid, Farm 3oC's for 310 exotics, decrypt on titan, use to infuse on warlock.Well, I didn't bite on the Division. I watched hours and hours of streams, and and it just didn't click for me. Sooooooooooo
I spent the weekend taking my Warlock from lvl 25- 40 and his light up to 305.
Question because because its been so long. My Titian is 319 light!
At light 305 what do I spend my time doing?
Well, I didn't bite on the Division. I watched hours and hours of streams, and and it just didn't click for me. Sooooooooooo
I spent the weekend taking my Warlock from lvl 25- 40 and his light up to 305.
Question because because its been so long. My Titian is 319 light!
At light 305 what do I spend my time doing?
There are a bunch more but that should be plenty to get you started. Just try them out a bit and see whose personality clicks with you. Or try different streams to see how they play the different subclasses. The only things you won't see nowadays are Defender or (rarely) Sunbreaker Titans, and for whatever reason no top streamers main Gunslinger Hunter. Blade Dancer is very strong for Trials carries, while Warlocks and Nightstalkers are the meta in sweaties currently.
Er, wow.I've reached Division's End Game and it's exactly what I thought. Once you beat all the story missions, there are 3 dailies, which are 3 of those story missions that earn you the end game credit, like Legendary Marks. Nothing much else to do now except wait for new content. I can get the highest end drops but no purpose for them really ATM. I can turn into a casual now (until new content is released next month).
I'm down to run a card of Trials in about 2-3 hours.
I've reached Division's End Game and it's exactly what I thought. Once you beat all the story missions, there are 3 dailies, which are 3 of those story missions that earn you the end game credit, like Legendary Marks. Nothing much else to do now except wait for new content. I can get the highest end drops but no purpose for them really ATM. I can turn into a casual now (until new content is released next month).
I'm down to run a card of Trials in about 2-3 hours.
I've reached Division's End Game and it's exactly what I thought. Once you beat all the story missions, there are 3 dailies, which are 3 of those story missions that earn you the end game credit, like Legendary Marks. Nothing much else to do now except wait for new content. I can get the highest end drops but no purpose for them really ATM. I can turn into a casual now (until new content is released next month).
I'm down to run a card of Trials in about 2-3 hours.
Division has fake Xur and fake strange coins!
The way Destiny is built seems like it lends itself to cross platform play initially anyways. The entire game seems to pull from the server to our executable of choice.
Note that Bungie has shifted away from solid content as PSN exclusive stuff, and instead switched to gear and item drops.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was in prep for this new change. Because a flag on a loot table is much easier to manage, than having to split matchmaking for console specific maps (Echo Chamber and Sector 618).
Division has fake Xur and fake strange coins!
Um, I believe that Destiny too had 3 DLC's in the span of a year.As for the Division... In the next update is one raid and a new gear system that is similar to the Light system of Destiny. As well as three DLCs in one year compared to one (yeah, still shocked, not used to this xD)... Also, leveling the Dark Zone to level 50 is also people tend to forget. And there are two daily Challenging missions (think of it as two Nightfalls per day with a guaranteed exotic) that take hours to complete. Also, two Hard dailies that are cakewalk in comparisson. There will be more end game content than Destiny as of now (Y1 was different)
This is a great thing in theory. In practice I've had to leave too many missions because it paired me up with a bunch of potatoes.Division has matchmaking for everything.
VoidFang VestmentsWhat is the most beautiful Warlock cloak?