They spoke about it at the end. Multi Doctor things make the younger Doctors forget everything, so the War Doctor remembers heading off into the desert with the Moment, then next thing he remembers he's Ecclestone, and the Time Lords and Daleks are all destroyed. He puts 2 and 2 together, gets 5, and carries on exactly as he did.
Or maybe he always did, maybe Gallifrey was always destroyed, and the Doctor just never knew until now.
Also I didn't quite get the implications of Tom Baker, was the point that that was a far far distant regeneration of the Doctor who decided to revisit the Baker face?
It actually provides another reason (besides the obvious) for why 9 was exceptionally manic most of the time; imagine not totally remembering your own regeneration and finding out you just roasted all your people! It's like the worst hangover ever.
I liked the special a whole, whole lot.
And yes, Baker's appearance means that eventually the doctor will decide to "revisit a few of the old favorites" in future regenerations. I quite liked that the Baker cameo wasn't a throwaway "let's just use the actor" thing. It was actually The Doctor!