argh god damnit, I watched the last 20 minutes of this game and now my intnernet shits the bed and I can't get the stream to work.
Secret won, this game is boring, wat game are you guys watching. Dont get sucked into lumi hype. Its ova.
Edit: It was exciting a few mins ago though
holy fuck that dac hud is hella tight... i think it has replaced brood hunter as my favorite
guys ultrabum agreed with me that i'm better than him at doto now
receipts provided:
Tobear, its time for you to carry me with your superior knowledge!
Just got online to watch, what have I missed?
Literally a bigger throw than C9 yesterday.
fuckGame of the Century
1.) BG lost control of their jungle and safe lane @ 12 minutes, cutting their safe farming zones literally in half.
2.) C9 was up 25k gold at one point, along with a huge XP lead.
3.) C9 itemized poorly and played team fights poorly.
4.) Even with no items, BG supports kept themselves alive and kept themselves relevant with multiple disables in each team fight and big ults to kill off EE.
5.) Down all that gold and xp, BG held no less than 6 base pushes vs shaman wards and a lycan with one of the most immobile carries in the game.
By contrast, Secret was never had a significant gold or xp lead. Their carry (Tiny) couldn't get any kills and kept dying. They bungled relocates, calls, shackles along the way.
The fact that they got megas and almost won that game while being behind most (if not all) of the game is a testament to their team's strength. Where it was only a sign of weakness for C9 in their loss.
You cannot throw harder than a global TP with the best carry for killing buildings with mega creeps and buyback.
That position is worth more than any amount of gold, items, or levels.
That's demonstrably incorrect. Wisp and Chen are basically large melee and range creeps past 50 minutes. It was 3v5 for most intents and purposes.
Winter is -- as they say -- "totes adorbs".
I missed it
Yay VG!
You cannot throw harder than a global TP with the best carry for killing buildings with mega creeps and buyback.
That position is worth more than any amount of gold, items, or levels.
What items did tiny have at the end?
All they have to do is sit and wait for the mega creeps to push in. It was a huge throw. The could have sat in their base, and relocated bkb'd hit the throne and then bought back. Sat in their base until buyback was up again. It was such a huge position, and they threw it away so fucking hard.
What items did tiny have at the end?