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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
aaaaannnnnndd.. I'm done with 10.

As in, i hate the game. Not interested in finishing it. Tidus is the stupidest protagonist in the series and is also the worst deigned. His outfit is beyond dumb. Just looking at it makes me want to snap the disc in half. Wakka is annoying and I hate seeing his face and hearing his voice, ya? The only characters I like are Yuna, Riku and Lulu. I even dislike Auron, with this 1 arm in the sleeve thing, this terrible glasses, the jug, and his turtle neck coat, as well as the fact the he's supposed to the "cool" character all make me angry. I remember why i didn't play this to completion back in the day now. FF10 is up for worst cast in an FF game. Can't think of another group of FF characters that are as bad. Also, everytime I try to take the story seriously and I am reminded that calling the monster that is destroying the world "sin" is about as ham-fisted as it gets.
edit: even Lulu loses all cool factor once you realize that
wakka hooks up with her and they are a "thing", seems to make no sense as their personalities don't match at all, seems very VERY forced
Which leaves me with Yuna a.k.a a summon on the screen, and Riku, who i actually have no complaints about. She rocks and is the one fully redeeming character in FF10.

Going to play X-2. This game, I actually enjoyed, it's light hearted and has only 3 characters, all of which I like and the battle system is better and far more interesting. Also Yuna looks much better, her summon garb always look rather generic to me. in X-2 at least she has style.
This kind of reaction is exactly why I say that FFX was divisive. I heard a lot of similar talk in 2002.


This kind of reaction is exactly why I say that FFX was divisive. I heard a lot of similar talk in 2002.

comparing with 12, X wasn't divisive at all. Every time after new release there is some hate talk from those that liked previous game too much to let it go, and wanted more of the same, but most still embraced new one and moved on. While after 12 we had constant wars, and still have, it split fanbase for good, even FF6-7 debacle wasn't that bad, and it was really bad, believe me, we hear echoes of it to this day. (><)


I'm (re)playing X-HD right now and I never realized my first playthrough over a decade ago how off and tone-deaf the voice acting is. It's not like they had to deliver lines a certain way to accommodate lip-sync, so it's really weird. Especially the delays between responses.


Is there a shortcut from Djose Temple to Mi'ihen Road/Luca or do I have to run through the whole Mushroom Rock? And is after Djose Temple that you can go back to Killika/Besaid?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
comparing with 12, X wasn't divisive at all. Every time after new release there is some hate talk from those that liked previous game too much to let it go, and wanted more of the same, but most still embraced new one and moved on. While after 12 we had constant wars, and still have, it split fanbase for good, even FF6-7 debacle wasn't that bad, and it was really bad, believe me, we hear echoes of it to this day. (><)
And yet the XII OT on GAF was fairly civil, and rarely had meltdown posts from people who just couldn't wait to rage on it. It was intentionally a very different game. The nature of division in the fanbase was far different.

But anti-X rants had the same flavor of anti-XIII rants (even though XIII was in a whole new league of backlash)... Lots of anti-anime sentiment, bitching about the writing, very negative on the linearity.


And yet the XII OT on GAF was fairly civil, and rarely had meltdown posts from people who just couldn't wait to rage on it. It was intentionally a very different game. The nature of division in the fanbase was far different.

But anti-X rants had the same flavor of anti-XIII rants (even though XIII was in a whole new league of backlash)... Lots of anti-anime sentiment, bitching about the writing, very negative on the linearity.
IDK, man, I wouldn't call gaf your typical FF fanbase. That's not what I was talking about at all.
Anyway, I don't like to talk about any FF past FFX-2, as I don't like talking about games I care very little about. That maybe some indication, no? (><)


This kind of reaction is exactly why I say that FFX was divisive. I heard a lot of similar talk in 2002.

That was the first dislike post I've read in 112 pages, lol. It's not really a divisive game.

FFXII seems to be split 50/50 on whether people like it or dislike it. Most people hate 8 and 13. Just the mere mention of FF7's name is usually enough to provoke an endless argument.

I think I'd be shocked if I saw any FFX threads where at least 4 out of every 5 people weren't liking the game.


How do I unlock new ways to build my overdrive bar? I remember having set most of my charcaters on Slayer and a few others on Warrior back in the day. But at the moment I'm still on the default. I'm just before Operation Mi'hen but I remember using them around there back on the PS2


My biggest beef is with the cutscenes (and unskippable dialogue too) though, especially when it was fixed in something like KH 1.5 HD.
It wasn't fixed in 1.5 HD, that change was made in Final Mix.

I always personally felt the battle-system in X was really slow though (probably the slowest in the series), especially when compared to something like its sequel X-2 which had the right amount of everything in it. Maybe placing next to it's direct sequel heightens those feelings though.
but it's still lengthy... and waiting for Wakka's ball to come back lol
It's not slow, and it's not the slowest in the series. Near instant loads and you're able to input one command before the previous animation finishes. It's the same as all the other ATB games except it visualizes it much better. And unless the enemy is far away you don't have to wait for Wakka's ball to come back, you can just pick the next command.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
That was the first dislike post I've read in 112 pages, lol. It's not really a divisive game.

FFXII seems to be split 50/50 on whether people like it or dislike it. Most people hate 8 and 13. Just the mere mention of FF7's name is usually enough to provoke an endless argument.

I think I'd be shocked if I saw any FFX threads where at least 4 out of every 5 people weren't liking the game.
A re-release thread of an old game that people made their minds up about 12 years ago is not a fair sample of the population. This thread is, by definition, a nostalgic reunion for the FFX faithful.

IDK, man, I wouldn't call gaf your typical FF fanbase. That's not what I was talking about at all.
Anyway, I don't like to talk about any FF past FFX-2, as I don't like talking about games I care very little about. That maybe some indication, no? (><)
I personally find it odd because I've loved post-X-2 FFs far more than the X games. But you know... Tastes. Perspectives. Etc.


A re-release thread of an old game that people made their minds up about 12 years ago is not a fair sample of the population. This thread is, by definition, a nostalgic reunion for the FFX faithful.


I had different memories of FFX. I played through it and enjoyed it well enough, but in my mind compared to FFX-2 it was mediocre. I planned on getting through FFX HD really fast so I could move on to X-2 HD but... it turns out X was a lot better than I remember. I'm really enjoying my time through this game much to my surprise and I'll have to start giving it more credit now.

Tiu Neo

A re-release thread of an old game that people made their minds up about 12 years ago is not a fair sample of the population. This thread is, by definition, a nostalgic reunion for the FFX faithful.

I was one that didn't hate X, but didn't love it either. Definitely didn't like it as much as I liked IV-IX at that time.

Then I imported the International Version, gave it another chance, and loved it since then. The story and the characters are kinda meh, but the game is pretty fun.
Chocobo race done. Thought I was goung to be there forever. My luck on the first few tries was horrible but one good run and I can finish Tidus' weapon.

Just finished getting all of the summons as well and then
sent Belgimine to where she belongs

Focusing on catching monsters wherever I go and doing a lot of the side stuff.

I am so happy with this remaster. Well done SE and great to see the Vita version charting at 9 this week.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I actually want people to love X. And I want to enjoy it myself. My copy is in the mail.

I just bristle a little bit at this recent talk of how perfect FFX is, and how great it is compared to later FFs. I was a mature fan when it came out and it wasn't all roses back then. I just can't help myself but to say.... Doesn't anyone else remember the controversial debates over this game?

Or maybe I should just let it be, and await the day when the FFXIII 4k collection is basking in glowing praise...? :p


I had different memories of FFX. I played through it and enjoyed it well enough, but in my mind compared to FFX-2 it was mediocre. I planned on getting through FFX HD really fast so I could move on to X-2 HD but... it turns out X was a lot better than I remember. I'm really enjoying my time through this game much to my surprise and I'll have to start giving it more credit now.

I was one that didn't hate X, but didn't love it either. Definitely didn't like it as much as I liked IV-IX at that time.

Then I imported the International Version, gave it another chance, and loved it since then. The story and the characters are kinda meh, but the game is pretty fun.

Interesting perspectives. Perhaps it will be the same for me.

We were judging FF games are a pretty high standard after the string of gems in the 90s. Perhaps it holds up well under re-assessment.


Can somebody help me?

So, i'm trying to get lv 2 and 3 key spheres from defender z's in

but they won't show up. Are they really that rare? Did they change things in the international release?
Can somebody help me?

So, i'm trying to get lv 2 and 3 key spheres from defender z's in

but they won't show up. Are they really that rare? Did they change things in the international release?

Where are trying to find them? They only show up in the stadium section and I found them to show up quite frequently


Can somebody help me?

So, i'm trying to get lv 2 and 3 key spheres from defender z's in

but they won't show up. Are they really that rare? Did they change things in the international release?

Defender Z's do drop em but they are rare, like it took me 40 mins to get 2 (from an overkill).

Edit: That's for Lv 3 Spheres, Lv 2's are common.


As many of you are much further than me, I would like some advice on acquiring required money on my way to Yojimbo, as I remember I had nowhere near enough when I've played for the first time. I'm at the end of Miihen road now, for reference and I'm poor!


I actually want people to love X. And I want to enjoy it myself. My copy is in the mail.

I just bristle a little bit at this recent talk of how perfect FFX is, and how great it is compared to later FFs. I was a mature fan when it came out and it wasn't all roses back then. I just can't help myself but to say.... Doesn't anyone else remember the controversial debates over this game?

Or maybe I should just let it be, and await the day when the FFXIII 4k collection is basking in glowing praise...? :p

I remember the debates over FFX very well. I was 16 when it came out and deep into the enthusiast lifestyle already, posting on Square forums and being very vocally disappointed in FFX when it released. I remember being very happy angry with it being voice-acted and only getting angrier when I actually heard Tidus' terrible VO.

Mostly I remember disliking the (in my mind) immature and ill-conceived story. The battle system was always pretty okay for me, but the story just seemed like a crock of shit at the time. Playing through it now though... there's something much more mature and deep than I ever gave it credit for before now.

The voice acting is still fucking terrible though, seriously.




Can somebody help me?

So, i'm trying to get lv 2 and 3 key spheres from defender z's in

but they won't show up. Are they really that rare? Did they change things in the international release?

I think I heard somewhere that respawn rates reset if you quit and then restart the game.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I did it trying to find Dual horns so I could get some ability spheres early on in the game. Worked then.

Tiu Neo

I actually want people to love X. And I want to enjoy it myself. My copy is in the mail.

I just bristle a little bit at this recent talk of how perfect FFX is, and how great it is compared to later FFs. I was a mature fan when it came out and it wasn't all roses back then. I just can't help myself but to say.... Doesn't anyone else remember the controversial debates over this game?

Or maybe I should just let it be, and await the day when the FFXIII 4k collection is basking in glowing praise...? :p

Interesting perspectives. Perhaps it will be the same for me.

We were judging FF games are a pretty high standard after the string of gems in the 90s. Perhaps it holds up well under re-assessment.

I remember the launch, yes. A lot of things in this game, imo, don't hold up with the expectations we had of a Final Fantasy game. I mean, no world map? Linear story? WTF is this level up system? Even the voice acting did affect some things in the game.

At least for me, I learned to love the game for what it was, and not as a Final Fantasy game compared to the ones before it. Maybe that's why I think XIII is not as bad, too (it has some of the same flaws X has, but has different strong points).

I wonder if something like this will happen with XIII too.




As many of you are much further than me, I would like some advice on acquiring required money on my way to Yojimbo, as I remember I had nowhere near enough when I've played for the first time. I'm at the end of Miihen road now, for reference and I'm poor!

Don't spend money. Enemies drop equipment, all you need is the elemental stuff for coverage and even that's not necessary.

I think I heard somewhere that respawn rates reset if you quit and then restart the game.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I did it trying to find Dual horns so I could get some ability spheres early on in the game. Worked then.

This is correct. Reload your game if an enemy just won't appear.

I remember the launch, yes. A lot of things in this game, imo, don't hold up with the expectations we had of a Final Fantasy game. I mean, no world map? Linear story? WTF is this level up system? Even the voice acting did affect some things in the game.

Doesn't hold up? Linear story? Every Final Fantasy has a linear story. And the sphere grid is far deeper than the previous level systems. Not sure what you're talking about.

Son Of D

Is the strategy guide worth it? I want it mainly for X-2 since my piggyback guide for X features the international/PAL content, but my X-2 guide won't feature the new content in that.

Tiu Neo

Doesn't hold up? Linear story? Every Final Fantasy has a linear story. And the sphere grid is far deeper than the previous level systems. Not sure what you're talking about.

That's what some people criticize about X when it launched, not my opinions.

I love the sphere system (it's my favorite level up system on the series), but there where a lot of people that didn't like it, back when it launched.

And yes, FF story was always kinda linear, but at least there was a illusion that you could explore the world. There are also some examples of the games being not that linear, like VI's second part.
was getting bored of X, and booted up x-2 (never played that before)... and wtf, everything is crazy, and combat actually seems fast and fun with fast atb and chains and job switching.

i dont wanna go back to x.


You kidding, right? Of course, it's slower than X-2, any battle system is slower than X-2, but slowest? Not even close! It's fast and controls are snappy and responsive. What can make it feel slow, summons, if you use them a lot, then yes, it feels slow, because summoning process is long.

Agreed. FFX isn't even close to being slow in FF terms. Try replaying FFIX.


I am starting to love the terrible voice acting and I think that it gives this game some charm, kind of like the terrible character models in FF7 (outside of battle). It's humorous and I can't imagine the game without it now.


Just started a tournament with the first place being the Aurochs Reels! That Sigil is so close, I can feel it. Probably played about 30 blitz games now - didn't use the team reset trick at all.

And by close I mean 20 games away hahahaha. Need to clear out the current league and then do the one for the Sigil.

Still refuse to reset my team - they're all mid 20s now.


Agreed. FFX isn't even close to being slow in FF terms. Try replaying FFIX.

Oh jesus I tried and did not have the patience to play for long stretches at a time. FFX's system feels really fast because it's super snappy and doesn't lag between inputs. You can swap in all your characters to get a whack at a guy in less than a few minutes and all the animations are quick. Even summons are fairly fast compared to FF7.
Finally decided to pull myself away from Civ 4 long enough to start my FF X game this weekend.

I'm up to Mushroom Rock Road now. Managed to beat the Luca goers 2-1. Had no scoring in the first half. In the second half had a Jecht Shot goal and a goal from Datto, who the Goers left wide open. The Goers almost had a second goal, but their shot was interrupted by the Wakka coming back cut-scene.

My usually strategy of turning Kimahri into an early thief is ruined to the Pilfer Gil skill adding a Lvl 2 sphere lock on the path to Rikku's sphere grid.
Haha oh shit. I was grinding at the Bevelle spot, getting 8500 AP per battle, and doing so for like an hour and I was 100% SURE I had only Tidus Yuna and Wakka in my party. I don't know why, but now they're overpowered compared to the rest of the team and have basically finished their section of the grid :lol:
Oh well, I'm gonna spend some time leveling the others before leaving.

How far is Bevelle in the main story line, like % through?
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