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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


Still Alive
RustyNails said:
Man you wouldn't believe it...there were all sorts of debbie downers after Chaos will Rise debuted
Oh I know (was there), lots of crow to go around now though..

SolidSnakex said:
I feel sorry for the Transformers developer. This is really not the episode you should be unveiling the first gameplay in.
Transformers?... What?

[EDIT] Damnit I need a stream, but google is failing me with random tweets saying how amazing it is. :[

Ploid 3.0

Man how the crap are they, what the , but wait.. seriously

Sony's first party sharing tech and stuff seems to really be paying off. I just can't believe this.

I don't think I ever seen anything like this.


Still Alive
LiquidMetal14 said:
On PS3, can't put together ATM. Someone do it!
I would if I knew what the fuck was going on. :lol GT better put it online sooner then they usually do or else I won't sleep because of you guys..


templeusox said:
Someone translate this for me from TDMoss' Twitter:

#gow3 is massively data driven, the 100+ talented people make the game; the exe is just 5.3MB, no overlays.

text=4110428, data=1305720, bss=1362156. Point of pride for us on the #gow3 code team. More memory for content!.

That's pretty amazing. I don't think I've ever heard of such a lop sided code vs data comparison. Of the 35GB, of the God of War III BD content, .014% of it is code and the other 99.986% is data. The extremely small size of the executable also tells you that they probably used more assembly then C. The game was definitely coded right to the metal.

As for the following comment:
text=4110428, data=1305720, bss=1362156
I think he's indicating that they stayed within the local memory limits of the SPU's, and thus, no overlays were needed.


Guys just saw some parts but I am trying hard to stay away. But what I saw I have no words to describe it. Just when you think that a PS3 exclusive has raise the bar for graphics and presentation, Sony has an ace up their sleeve to blow you away again. Those who haven't seen it or I trying to avoid it, prepare to be fucking blown away specially GOW friends.
this is the ultimate bad ass mofo kratos!!!!!!!!!!
:O :O :O

Ploid 3.0

RustyNails said:

He's talking about Gia. It's an animation of rocks and earth that's why it looks like that. It does look weird but that's what they were going for. Earthquakes, earth moving and shifting to animate the face.


shagg_187 said:
No. The purple weapon. They are ALL BADASS!!


This is what I saw Kratos holding. I can be wrong though but it was indeed purple and badass!

no, there was a green weapon.


X26 said:
anywhere to see this online yet?
It's still playing on TV. I think it goes up on GameTrailers' site after 12:30am PST sometime.

Holy fuck! Fingernail ripped off of a titan!
Geoff and Stig hyping something "twisted" that happens toward the end of GoW3. Stig said that they couldn't believe that it was allowed in.


time to take my meds
SolidSnakex said:
Geoff and Stig hyping something "twisted" that happens toward the end of GoW3. Stig said that they couldn't believe that it was allowed in.
I thought he said beginning of the game. But I could be wrong. either way, i saw way too much. 3 more weeks. :O
That was awesome. I've never been more pumped for this game than I am now. I'm wondering about this twisted ending they were talking about...something they couldn't believe was allowed in.


Distinguished Air Superiority
I had high expectations for GOWIII, and honestly this exceeded them, i am SO pumped for this game.
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