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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


DMeisterJ said:
Holy Shit, what happened to this thread?

Thread created --> game will be awesome --> news leaks --> HOLY CRAP THIS GAME IS GONNA AWESOME --> screenshots --> Jizz in pants --> reviews leak --> YESSSSSSSSS --> reviews are being read --> game too short/gamey/whatever --> game will be a rent only

Next stops are:
creation of official thread
game will be awesome vs game will suck discussion
game is released
everybody agrees the game is awesome, despite it's flaws


Holy shit, my copy of God of War 3 is in!! Just going to collect now! Back in an hour or so lol.

EDIT: Make that a couple of hours lol.


nib95 said:
Holy shit, my copy of God of War 3 is in!! Just going to collect now! Back in an hour or so lol.

EDIT: Make that a couple of hours lol.
You motherfucker! :mad:
Have fun! :p


Shaka said:
You motherfucker! :mad:
Have fun! :D

I won't even be able to play it till late. Been invited to a dinner party tonight, and unfortunately, that > GOW3 still. Lol. But I can tell I'll be up all night playing this when I eventually get back lol.


DMeisterJ said:
Holy Shit, what happened to this thread?

Same thing that happens to most threads. Everyone LOVES the game, then starts listening to pre-embargo reviews and people who get the game very early. Suddenly, those impressions infect the reader and they now hate the game for various reasons.
I haven't really played any of the God of Wars. I briefly played the first one and watched a friend play the second one.

Is the 3rd the best in terms of variety?

I am just looking for the best experience...and I understand which ever one I play first will give me the best experience, since everything will seem completely fresh.

So if you guys could sort of go back and could only choose one to play for the best experience, which would you play?

I understand the embargo lifts later today...so those who have played the 3rd one, please comment after the embargo lifts.

Thank you.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Dogenzaka said:
Entitlement to value for my dollar? Are you kidding me?

You're acting as if it was unreasonable to believe God of War 3 might be longer than its predecessors when God of War 2 was longer than its predecessor.

I'm entitled to determine whether 8-hours is worth $60 or not, and while I'm still buying the game if I have money, GAF can be sure that if I'm unsatisfied or disappointed with the game's length, like some people here have reported, then I will make note of it in my impressions.
Well... it is unreasonable. Ever consider they had to sacrifice things like game length in favor of maximum fidelity? It has been a major gripe among many developers this generation, after all.

It would most certainly require more time/man-power and money to accomplish what you're asking for, much more than it did for a game that came out at the tail-end of the PS2's life-cycle. Also, GOW II was the second game on the same system, so a good amount of the groundwork was laid beforehand. If GOW III were a PS2 game, your case would be more justified and convincing.


Well, two friends that also completed the game on normal told me their times were about 7:30 and 11:00....so your mileage may vary. :lol

I specifically asked (I already knew about the guy who finished at 7:30), and none of us are about collecathons or trying to find everything, so these weren't OCD runs or an effort to scour for trophies. Those of you keen on backtracking as much as possible and looking in every last nook and cranny on a first playthrough will probably squeeze out 10+ hours at least.


bigmit3737 said:
I haven't really played any of the God of Wars. I briefly played the first one and watched a friend play the second one.

Is the 3rd the best in terms of variety?

I am just looking for the best experience...and I understand which ever one I play first will give me the best experience, since everything will seem completely fresh.

So if you guys could sort of go back and could only choose one to play for the best experience, which would you play?

I understand the embargo lifts later today...so those who have played the 3rd one, please comment after the embargo lifts.

Thank you.

Start with 1, then play 2 then buy 3.

Seriously this is a trilogy, why start in the middle or for that matter at the end.
GoW3 is not out yet, GoW2 is the best so far until I've played GoW3 and form my opinion on that later. but GoW2 ends with cliffhanger, so there's no way you play 2 and not play 3 if you're even remotely interested with the story.


Sonic handles my blue balls
I'm playing the GoW collection right now and I'm amazed at how good it looks and how well it holds up. So much fun.
They said about a year ago the length will be between GoW1 and GoW2, so who expected anything else than 8-12 hours?!?
8-12 hours of pure insane epicness!


bigmit3737 said:
Ahhh I didn't know everything tied in.

I will start off with the first one then.

It really is the best choice if you want to experience the franchise. I would seriously rent the first two or buy the GOW collection, your choice! Its an epic ride start to finish.


lunlunqq said:
so it's US PST 9:00AM today? it's so confusing when they don't mention what timezone it is...
I'm no expert on timezones either, but a countdown applies to everyone ^^

43 minuters remaining.


Hail to the KING baby
i am really on the fence about this. enjoyed the first, skipped the second for no real reason. got dawn of war 2 and dragon age expansions both coming out. modest length is probably a plus for me, especially if there's enough room for exploration that i can stretch out the playtime if i happen to really enjoy it
Just finished up 1 from the GOW collection yesterday. Great game and if GOW 3 is the same length or a little longer that is more than enough for me!


I have a sort of random question for those who have already played the game (or if you haven't played it, but know the answer to this):

Do you need a Dualshock 3 controller to get full functionality out of God of War 3. I recently played the demo and after getting the Helios head it mentioned something about the controller rumbling if you were near a secret. I currently only have the SixAxis controller and would like to avoid buying another controller if possible, but I will if I can't access certain gameplay features without one.


GatorBait said:
I have a sort of random question for those who have already played the game (or if you haven't played it, but know the answer to this):

Do you need a Dualshock 3 controller to get full functionality out of God of War 3. I recently played the demo and after getting the Helios head it mentioned something about the controller rumbling if you were near a secret. I currently only have the SixAxis controller and would like to avoid buying another controller if possible, but I will if I can't access certain gameplay features without one.

IMHO GoW3 should be played with dualshock. You can get one from various asian export-webshops for cheap (paid 40 euros for my white DS3).


Neo Member
You should never play GoW2 before playing the first one. GoW1 not only looks really bad compared to what we are used to nowadays, it feels a bit odd and creepy too :lol

As Soon as all the Vid-Reviews are up, its time to fire up your Home Cinemas to watch em :D
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