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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


Licorice-flavoured booze?
theignoramus said:
What Edge does isnt courageous, it`s clever self promotion.

Pretty much, the type of people they attract are people that mistake 'going against the grain' as being righteous when all it is is self promotion, a way to try and differentiate themselves from the masses, which some could argue is fair game but that doesn't make their opinions more valid than everyone else's.
wizword said:
How is edge bad? At least they have an opinion and muster up enough courage to give some games low scores. If someone doesn't enjoy god of war series there opinion is just as valid. It is the fact that ign, gametrailers, etc those reviewers that bother me. The ones that use a 9-10 scale just to split where god of war 3 goes and mass effect 2 goes and make excuses to not lose fanbase. Those reviews are bad.
I read that someone on N4G did a recap of all PS3 exclusives reviewed by Edge. Almost every time PS3 game scored lower than Metacritic, and 360 games reviewed closer to or better than Metacritic. I don't know how true that was.


I'd be in the dick
sloppyjoe_gamer said:
The Bad
* The voice acting fits the genre, but can be a little overdone at times
* After you beat the single-player game, there's not much left to do
* The game can feel a little too familiar in places
* The ending is going to have people talking, but that could just as easily go under "The Good"

So unless the ending is really bad, how does this even remotely make sense? Is he saying it goes in the bad because he's sad its over?
It's probably some kind of a cliff hanger. I know that Stig said there was an epilogue portion they wanted to put in but didn't have time to finish it. He hinted that it would be DLC or something.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
RustyNails said:
I read that someone on N4G did a recap of all PS3 exclusives reviewed by Edge. Almost every time PS3 game scored lower than Metacritic, and 360 games reviewed closer to or better than Metacritic. I don't know how true that was.

Wasn't that done by a GAF'er?

Edit: I found this, but I'm not sure if it's what I was thinking of.
El-Suave said:
For all the heat Kotaku rightfully gets for some of their questionable articles, if the right editors are on the job, their reviews are among the most enjoyable and informative on the net.

Stephen Totilo is probably Kotaku's best writer and I do like their review format.
JaseC said:
Wasn't that done by a GAF'er?
Is that so? I missed when that happened. But I saw it on N4G by a poster. If its done by a GAFer I guess its valid :D I trust people around here more than fanboys on N4G.
RustyNails said:
I read that someone on N4G did a recap of all PS3 exclusives reviewed by Edge. Almost every time PS3 game scored lower than Metacritic, and 360 games reviewed closer to or better than Metacritic. I don't know how true that was.

Thats absolutely true for 80%+ I'd say. If you want to see an EDGE review on a PS3 exclusive, go to Metacritic and click "End" on the keyboard. Eurogamer to an extent as well but not nearly as consistent.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
More Norwegian reviews in.

Dagbladet - 5/6
VG - 5/6

The VG review mentions that 'the game's a satisfying end to the story, but we'll probably, and most likely, see more of Kratos'. What? :eek: The Dagbladet review also gives the game's length as being 10 hours
RustyNails said:
Is that so? I missed when that happened. But I saw it on N4G by a poster. If its done by a GAFer I guess its valid :D I trust people around here more than fanboys on N4G.

Yeah, it was done by GAFer.


Ugh, wish i hadn't watched D'toid's video review now...Saw/heard some stuff i would rather have gone without!


benevolent sexism
1up has some footage of the new weapons in action, for anyone who's interested in that. Not too spoilery otherwise, just a location we've seen in screenshots and some grunts and a hammer guy. Be warned, these are ALL the basic weapons, so if you haven't heard of/seen them yet, you might want to avoid this.



RustyNails said:
I read that someone on N4G did a recap of all PS3 exclusives reviewed by Edge. Almost every time PS3 game scored lower than Metacritic, and 360 games reviewed closer to or better than Metacritic. I don't know how true that was.

What purpose do you think this actually serves though. What do you think is more likely, EDGE magazine editors when reviewing some games shared the opinion of the rest of the press and in other didn't and that happened to fall down console lines in a non 50/50 balance, or that EDGE are somehow part of a british anti-sony cabal along with digital foundry trying to undermine the platform through wordy reviews that no-one outside of the hardcore hardcore reads.

Read their review, disagree with the single editors opinion on a case by case basis, if you disagree with loads and don't think they are good reviews then don't read them. Don't try and discredit the entire outlet just because they aren't fellating your system of choice, this stuff is ridiculous.
GamingTrend said:
Adding the Gaming Trend review to the mix - my review is completely spoiler free.


I honestly appreciate the effort you took to make it spoiler-free. Its the only review I'll probably read.

By pressing L1 and O, you can, with all four of the weapons in the game, pull yourself towards your enemy, putting your shoulder armor squarely in their chest.
Its teh Golden Fleece which Kratos took from (a devoured inside the belly of Cerberus) Jason :D


Junior Member
tzare said:
at least is strange as this generation some 10 scores have been flying around, some of them really weird too :D
I saw framerate weirdness a couple of times, but I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not. It usually happened at moments where it felt like they were going for a more cinematic feel etc, which is why I didn't ding the game for that in my review.

Also, the ending ties things up pretty nicely. Make sure you keep watching after the credits roll :D

I'm gonna try and get a couple of video captures done tonight. I'll make sure they don't spoil anything, even though really, the story is "that" deep to begin with :lol

There are a ton of direct-feed screencaps in my review as well.

My new desktop image:


benevolent sexism
Empty said:
What purpose do you think this actually serves though. What do you think is more likely, EDGE magazine editors when reviewing some games shared the opinion of the rest of the press and in other didn't and that happened to fall down console lines in a non 50/50 balance, or that EDGE are somehow part of a british anti-sony cabal along with digital foundry trying to undermine the platform through wordy reviews that no-one outside of the hardcore hardcore reads.

Read their review, disagree with the single editors opinion on a case by case basis, if you disagree with loads and don't think they are good reviews then don't read them. Don't try and discredit the entire outlet just because they aren't fellating your system of choice, this stuff is ridiculous.

If it is indeed true that PS3 exclusives fall below the average while 360 games don't, this is statistical evidence of bias. That bias isn't necessarily intentional, and I don't know what the best interpretation is. Chance seems the least likely explanation, but I'd need to know big the sample of reviews was so really say for sure. It could be due to different expectations for the PS3 (because of its price, its hype, its difficult start, whatever), which could easily influence evaluations of games.

If you (the general you) are one of the many people who are upset by every low score given by Edge, just correct it yourself. Just add a point or 2 to any Edge score in your mind if that will make you happy . If the bias is real and systematic, it can be accounted for and corrected in this way. This doesn't help a game's metacritic score, but I don't see a reason to care about that other than for console warrior-ing purposes.


wizword said:
How is edge bad? At least they have an opinion and muster up enough courage to give PS3 exclusives low scores.

Fixed, it's a bit hard to defend Edge when there bias is on record and statistically significant.


Eurogamer comment section is hilarious. Every positive comment is getting voted down. :lol

edit: The Sessler gave it a 5/5.


It's a fun feeling when a game causes the player's mouth to involuntarily open in a slack-jawed expression -- hopefully hidden from any outside observer -- as one is caught up in the creativity on display. God of War III is an achievement on all levels. It immediately becomes the standard-bearer for the genre and a monumental conclusion to the series.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Empty said:
What purpose do you think this actually serves though. What do you think is more likely, EDGE magazine editors when reviewing some games shared the opinion of the rest of the press and in other didn't and that happened to fall down console lines in a non 50/50 balance, or that EDGE are somehow part of a british anti-sony cabal along with digital foundry trying to undermine the platform through wordy reviews that no-one outside of the hardcore hardcore reads.

Read their review, disagree with the single editors opinion on a case by case basis, if you disagree with loads and don't think they are good reviews then don't read them. Don't try and discredit the entire outlet just because they aren't fellating your system of choice, this stuff is ridiculous.

Thanks to your avatar, I just read your entire post in Pey'j's voice. It was awesome.


DeadGzuz said:
Fixed, it's a bit hard to defend Edge when there bias is on record and statistically significant.
Everyone has biases though. Should edge give a ps3 exclusive a higher score than they believe it deserves in order to say they are unbias? I don't understand this.


dark10x said:
Jesus christ, I just watched the GT review and it's difficult to believe that what is being shown is realtime. It really does look like CG much of the time. Absolutely outstanding visuals!
Meh - 9.5 Graphics for me...Too CG. I want to see jaggies. If I do and tons of low res textures, its a perfect 10.


Tom Penny

spats said:
Eurogamer comment section is hilarious. Every positive comment is getting voted down. :lol

Reminds me of Metacritic having like hundreds of user reviews for Heavy Rain weeks before it came out at like 5.0 :lol
crackhead_bob said:
"I want the spoiler too. In fact, I'll probably just read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia before I get the game. I tend to do that with movies, books and video games"

I can't understand why spoilers are considered bloody murder to some concerning any media. An entertaining experience is an entertaining experience, period. Knowing a plot in advance. at least for me, has never lessened the enjoyment I have gotten out of a movie, television show or videogame.
Yeah if your a crackhead then that would make sense.


I think it's media blackout time...

I usually don't do it, but I kind of ruined GoW2 for myself when I watched like... the whole thing on youtube.
ugh. waiting for some hd reviews on youtube. i hate when "hd" is in the title yet it's low res.

Chromax said:
Should I finish Chains of Olympus before GoW 3 next week? I was thinking just finishing 1 and 2 was enough.

You don't have to, but it's a great game regardless and wouldnt take long if you put a few hours in each night.


Chromax said:
Should I finish Chains of Olympus before GoW 3 next week? I was thinking just finishing 1 and 2 was enough.
Not really. I beat all 3 but CoO isnt that important. GOW2 is really important so you are good.


El-Suave said:
For all the heat Kotaku rightfully gets for some of their questionable articles, if the right editors are on the job, their reviews are among the most enjoyable and informative on the net.

I actually enjoy Kotaku's reviews the most.


hey_it's_that_dog said:
If it is indeed true that PS3 exclusives fall below the average while 360 games don't, this is statistical evidence of bias. That bias isn't necessarily intentional, and I don't know what the best interpretation is. Chance seems the least likely explanation, but I'd need to know big the sample of reviews was so really say for sure. It could be due to different expectations for the PS3 (because of its price, its hype, its difficult start, whatever), which could easily influence evaluations of games.

If you (the general you) are one of the many people who are upset by every low score given by Edge, just correct it yourself. Just add a point or 2 to any Edge score in your mind if that will make you happy . If the bias is real and systematic, it can be accounted for and corrected in this way. This doesn't help a game's metacritic score, but I don't see a reason to care about that other than for console warrior-ing purposes.

My point wasn't to dismiss the existence of a statistical bias, but to dismiss the importance of one. Unless their is a deliberate intent to review PS3 games lower, which i find ludicrous, or that all EDGE editors have a bizarre psychological condition where they are simply disgusted by the arrangement of XO/\[] on a controller enough to reduce their experience with it, then it isn't really significant in terms of wider meaning and taking scores seriously, and is more of an intellectual curiosity. I agree that the particular hype that surrounded PS3 exclusives as the system was struggling could be a factor in influencing, though as could the editors affinity for PC games (i believe RPS writers work for edge) which are more often seen on 360, or that many of the PS3 exclusives have come late in the life-cycle and as a result their impact is less to a magazine whose editorial staff professes to liking innovation, those are just some possible reasons that add up to the result, but i don't think any really come down to seeing a PS3 logo on the box and treating it differently, which seems to be what people are implying with these attempts to prove bias.
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