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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


Melfice7 said:
i wonder why the "major" sites like ign gamespot gametrailers etc are always so careful on not giving too much high scores to ps3 exclusives that deserve it but then in other games like gta or cod they go batshit insane

Are you serious? I've now given an 8.5 to Crack in Time, 9.0 to God of War 3, Infamous, and Comet Crash and a 9.5 to Uncharted 2. Are those not high scores?

Anyway, it's an awesome game. I can't wait to read everyone's impressions on this next week. Especially the ending.
Not reading any reviews, just love seeing the high scores and the 10 for graphics at IGN with it's "puts most Hollywood blockbusters to shame" comment. Wow just wow. Give me this game already!
I'm about ten hours in GoW2. How close would you say I am to completion? I completed part one and I really need to finish this today before FFXIII launches.


Dr. Acid Avatar said:
I'm about ten hours in GoW2. How close would you say I am to completion? I completed part one and I really need to finish this today before FFXIII launches.

Where exactly are you?
Empty said:
My point wasn't to dismiss the existence of a statistical bias, but to dismiss the importance of one.
So you look at the hard statistical evidence, dismiss it's importance, and question why a publication would have a bias? Whatever floats your leaky boat, buddy.


Torgo said:
I saw framerate weirdness a couple of times, but I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not. It usually happened at moments where it felt like they were going for a more cinematic feel etc, which is why I didn't ding the game for that in my review.

Also, the ending ties things up pretty nicely. Make sure you keep watching after the credits roll :D

I'm gonna try and get a couple of video captures done tonight. I'll make sure they don't spoil anything, even though really, the story is "that" deep to begin with :lol

There are a ton of direct-feed screencaps in my review as well.
i'm sure they exist, the problem is try to highlight them when 99% of the game is probably the most impressive ever seen on console.
Will check your review , i hope is spoiler fre :D
Don't try and discredit the entire outlet just because they aren't fellating your system of choice, this stuff is ridiculous.
we say something in my country: 3 signs mean an evidence . Edge has done that more than 3 times.


Gigglepoo said:
Are you serious? I've now given an 8.5 to Crack in Time, 9.0 to God of War 3, Infamous, and Comet Crash and a 9.5 to Uncharted 2. Are those not high scores?

Anyway, it's an awesome game. I can't wait to read everyone's impressions on this next week. Especially the ending.

You work at GS?


InterMoniker said:
Yeah if your a crackhead then that would make sense.

It's the same for me. It's seeing how events unfold that interests me most, not the end result.

If I heard that Kratos kills Zeus at the end of GoW3, I wouldn't think, "Well shit, that sucks I know the ending." I would think, "HOW THE FUCK DOES HE GET TO ZEUS?"


Junior Member
tzare said:
i'm sure they exist, the problem is try to highlight them when 99% of the game is probably the most impressive ever seen on console.
Will check your review , i hope is spoiler fre :D
we say something in my country: 3 signs mean an evidence . Edge has done that more than 3 times.

Yeah, it's spoiler-free :D
Gigglepoo said:
Are you serious? I've now given an 8.5 to Crack in Time, 9.0 to God of War 3, Infamous, and Comet Crash and a 9.5 to Uncharted 2. Are those not high scores?
In an age where AAA games are rated on a 2 point 8-10 scale, I would say those are ok scores :D


I heard 10-11 from two other people who finished it.

I have played uncharted 1 like 4 times and I am sure I will play gow 3 even more. Maybe they should have a "get your moneys worth!" mode for the whiners where you get to the end and you get to control "ZEUS" and get to backtrack all the way to the beginning while fighting the same bosses once again.

hey, it worked for DMC4! :lol
Took me 10.5 hours and I found all of the Gorgon Eyes, Mino Horns, and Phoenix Feathers. Hell, I found almost everything on the first run and it still only took me 10.5.


RustyNails said:
So you look at the hard statistical evidence, dismiss it's importance, and question why a publication would have a bias? Whatever floats your leaky boat, buddy.

No, i acknowledge the importance of context when drawing conclusions based on statistical evidence.
Dogenzaka said:
I figured people are still smoking the hype pipe too much for there to be any doubt of this game whatsoever until at least April, when the smog clears and people can reasonably compare the 3 games.

I don't have the game yet, but if the game is shorter than I expect it to be for my money considering the length of the previous games, there's nothing wrong with me doubting, discussing, or questioning such decisions.
You are fucking nuts.
neorej said:
IMHO GoW3 should be played with dualshock. You can get one from various asian export-webshops for cheap (paid 40 euros for my white DS3).

I'm with you. I just can't afford to drop $50 on a DS3 and $60 on the game. SuxAxis it is. :(
Empty said:
No, i acknowledge the importance of context when drawing conclusions based on statistical evidence.

If one considers scores in any way important, then bias in arriving at those scores is automatically important. If an outlet is biased by the system -- for any reason -- then its scores should be either ignored wholesale or mentally adjusted to account for the bias. Kind of like I subtract a good 10% from the RottenTomatoes meter of any Spielberg movie, or anything about any historical genocide.

If scores don't matter, then the whole discussion is moot.
Wow, seeing those scores and some of the review snippets, it really seems that God of War III will raise the graphics bar on consoles. Can't imagine how that would present itself in the living room. I'm on a media black out since the last trailer, so I barely know anything - I'll probably get shell shocked :D
Empty said:
My point wasn't to dismiss the existence of a statistical bias, but to dismiss the importance of one. Unless their is a deliberate intent to review PS3 games lower, which i find ludicrous, or that all EDGE editors have a bizarre psychological condition where they are simply disgusted by the arrangement of XO/\[] on a controller enough to reduce their experience with it, then it isn't really significant in terms of wider meaning and taking scores seriously, and is more of an intellectual curiosity. I agree that the particular hype that surrounded PS3 exclusives as the system was struggling could be a factor in influencing, though as could the editors affinity for PC games (i believe RPS writers work for edge) which are more often seen on 360, or that many of the PS3 exclusives have come late in the life-cycle and as a result their impact is less to a magazine whose editorial staff professes to liking innovation, those are just some possible reasons that add up to the result, but i don't think any really come down to seeing a PS3 logo on the box and treating it differently, which seems to be what people are implying with these attempts to prove bias.
I think Edge magazine was judging some PS3 games on the basis of PS3`s pre-release hype, which isnt uncommon. I remember some journalist on Gaf pretty much saying flat out that Sony`s 2005-era PS3 hype influenced his evaluation of Heavenly Sword.
Great reviews so far. I still fail to see how can a reviewer not give the graphics the maximum grade, they look astonishing!

Fingers crossed for EDGE's review. It shall wreak havoc, has usual.


Dr. Acid Avatar said:
Hmm, last I remember I had just gotten the quake ability from Atlas, and am now inside this circular room with rotating spikes that come from the ground.

You are getting there, kind of hard to tell you exactly how long it will take you. You should be able to finish it up today though.


DevelopmentArrested said:
That 1up review is so poorly written...
Matt Leone will eat your face.
Melfice7 said:
i wonder why the "major" sites like ign gamespot gametrailers etc are always so careful on not giving too much high scores to ps3 exclusives that deserve it but then in other games like gta or cod they go batshit insane
Oh poor [multinational conglomerate of choice].

Enjoy the game for what it is. If the difference between a 9 and 10 make such a huge difference to you, well, I'm sorry to say the world is a tough place.
Damn I'm very dissapointed by these reviews. And the worst part is everyone is saying how bad the story is.

I know this is just bitching but I'm honestly canceling my Ultimate Edition. $100 dollars for a 9.0 game is not worth it.


disappointed that all the reviews are knocking the story. the second game didn't have a great story either, I was hoping they would redeem themselves with 3


Santa May Claus
ghostofsparta said:
Damn I'm very dissapointed by these reviews. And the worst part is everyone is saying how bad the story is.

I know this is just bitching but I'm honestly canceling my Ultimate Edition. $100 dollars for a 9.0 game is not worth it.

I can't take you seriously with a username like that.

God of War II's story made very very very little sense. Very little. That didn't stop it from being fucking phenomenal because despite its weak story, it was told in such a grandiose way that you were entertained.


Awesome reviews overall! KRATOS IS HAPPY!! :D

lol @IGN's graphics score comments. Morons as usual. (IGN US site to be clear)
ghostofsparta said:
Damn I'm very dissapointed by these reviews. And the worst part is everyone is saying how bad the story is.

I know this is just bitching but I'm honestly canceling my Ultimate Edition. $100 dollars for a 9.0 game is not worth it.

Oh my fucking god.
awesome reviews so far. 9 hours for reviewers means about 11-12 for me which seems perfect. especially considering the intense scale of this game. seriously, the frequent mention of wow moments will make the next week tough to get through.


My 8 hour work shift feels like an eternity. If GOW3 is 10 hours, it will feel like eternity +2. Which is more than fine by me.
ghostofsparta said:
Damn I'm very dissapointed by these reviews. And the worst part is everyone is saying how bad the story is.

I know this is just bitching but I'm honestly canceling my Ultimate Edition. $100 dollars for a 9.0 game is not worth it.

By the gods.


ghostofsparta said:
Damn I'm very dissapointed by these reviews. And the worst part is everyone is saying how bad the story is.

I know this is just bitching but I'm honestly canceling my Ultimate Edition. $100 dollars for a 9.0 game is not worth it.


Darkman M

ghostofsparta said:
Damn I'm very dissapointed by these reviews. And the worst part is everyone is saying how bad the story is.

I know this is just bitching but I'm honestly canceling my Ultimate Edition. $100 dollars for a 9.0 game is not worth it.

Im getting the regular edition, but your kidding me right?


Junior Member
Examiner Review:
God of War III had a lot to live up to and big expectations to deliver on. Santa Monica Studios has delivered a topnotch experience and the best God of War title ever made. Though it doesn't evolve much from past titles, the experience and epic-ness the game delivers is just too good to pass up. Some of the battles with the gods are weak and lackluster, but when the whole game is nonstop action, it's hard to feel letdown at any point in your play-through. This is a game you'll go back to several times throughout the year and you'll continually be impressed by it. As it stands to this day, Kratos is the god of gaming in 2010.

Overall: 9.5/10

(Editor's Note: The game was completed on God Mode (Normal) in 9:30 time. 25/36 trophies were collected equaling 51%.)


RedRedSuit said:
If one considers scores in any way important, then bias in arriving at those scores is automatically important. If an outlet is biased by the system -- for any reason -- then its scores should be either ignored wholesale or mentally adjusted to account for the bias. Kind of like I subtract a good 10% from the RottenTomatoes meter of any Spielberg movie, or anything about any historical genocide.

If scores don't matter, then the whole discussion is moot.

Well i do think that applying mathematics to subjective games criticism to be rather stupid, and metacritic, well at least the conclusions drawn from it, to be very flawed, so i guess that is my perspective. Though would you advocate adjusting the star scores of a film critic if it could be shown that over a year of reviews he had a statistical bias towards FOX films and against Universal films, so as to fit rotten tomatoes?

theignoramus said:
I think Edge magazine was judging some PS3 games on the basis of PS3`s pre-release hype, which isnt uncommon. I remember some journalist on Gaf pretty much saying flat out that Sony`s 2005-era PS3 hype influenced his evaluation of Heavenly Sword.

I don't doubt that there are rogue editors out there with points to prove, that of course factors into it a little, though i find the idea of a deliberate institutional desire to reward 360 games more than PS3 games relative to metacritic to be ridiculous.
ghostofsparta said:
Damn I'm very dissapointed by these reviews. And the worst part is everyone is saying how bad the story is.

I know this is just bitching but I'm honestly canceling my Ultimate Edition. $100 dollars for a 9.0 game is not worth it.

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