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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already

chubigans said:
They could have made a lot of improvements, including-

-cover system so Kratos could fling his blades from behind a wall
-regenerating health
-you can only carry two weapons at a time; dropping one loses all the upgrades you have given it
-built in DLC store that allows me to buy red orbs with real cash instead of having to earn it
-every single battle with any enemy is an automatic QTE
-allow me to deck out Kratos with my Playstation Home outfits that I've bought
-half the game you play as Kratos, but in an interesting twist the next half you play as the ghost of Aphrodite in stealth-like action gameplay
-online multiplayer battles with XP system/perks system
-60fps, 3D support, Arc support, GunCon support

And that's just off the top of my head. Kind of a disappointment really. Ah well.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
So is anyone here expecting release-day shipping on the Ultimate Edition from Amazon Prime? That's usually the case for big new games, but right now it still says it'll arrive the 19th. Maybe because it's a much bigger box.


sparkle this bitch
YuriLowell said:
Reviews are saying 9 hours.

So probably closer to 8 hours.

I really wanted this game to be good, but it really seems to be more of the same.

It doesn't have to mean bad. One thing I've really kind of enjoyed about this gen has been the less challenging, more focus on presentation, short games to blow through. A perfect rental title. Games like this are a nice break between my more meaty conquests.


RustyNails said:
A 4 star rating is no different than a 10 point rating scale. It doesn't mean any goddamn crap what rating anyone uses. For the bolded part, its really not that hard to understand. How else would you look for bias in ANY publication? Should Edge put a preface on top saying "this is a PS3 game and we don't like PS3 games" to display their bias for all to see? All we lowly mortals can do in this case is use the tools that are available to us to pretty much produce the proof. We all knew they weren't being just in their reviews. We now have math to back it up.

Being consistent in under-reviewing PS3 games is explainable by a distaste of japanese game design? ...Whatever man. I hope people are reading this. It can be explained by a lot of things. But the fact that it is explainable by a platform bias has proof to back it up.

I disagree that they are the same, they are different in terms of perception, from my experience a four star rating is more often taken as a level of recommendation, whereas a /10, and a /100 is often taking like an exam result. I'm not sure why you would want to look for bias, but i'd imagine you could find it in forms that aren't as incoherent as subjective personal evaluations of a game for the time it released in, given its genre and the whims of the writer. I'm not saying it is solely explainable by what i listed, i'm saying that you have a correlation and are assuming causation to be present when there isn't hard evidence that EDGE treats identical games differently based on platform and is therefore is being 'unjust' or whatever you want to call it.


Amazon just informed me my limited edition Brady guide will be shipping for the 12th. Up from the 22nd. Have to summon my willpower not to peak through those pages before release day. Kratos give me strength.

OldJadedGamer said:
Funny, I heard the same thing said about Uncharted.
Ahh you've arrived...


I almost was going to pass on this game. My previous experience with the series was only GoW1 and I really had to push myself to finish it again in the GoW collection. I really don't like that game. But when I started playing GoW2, my opinion did a complete 180. And I'm not even sure what they did better in the second game. Anyway bring on GoW 3.


Generic said:
I realize the main discussion is what the review scores will be, but can someone confirm whether there will be a new game + in GoW3? I'm having a hard time believing they'd omit this feature.

I'd appreciate it if someone would confirm or deny this
Empty said:
I disagree that they are the same, they are different in terms of perception, from my experience a four star rating is more often taken as a level of recommendation, whereas a /10, and a /100 is often taking like an exam result. I'm not sure why you would want to look for bias, but i'd imagine you could find it in forms that aren't as incoherent as subjective personal evaluations of a game for the time it released in, given its genre and the whims of the writer. I'm not saying it is solely explainable by what i listed, i'm saying that you have a correlation and are assuming causation to be present when there isn't hard evidence that EDGE treats identical games differently based on platform and is therefore is being 'unjust' or whatever you want to call it.

I used to love EDGE and took an extremely pricey overseas subscription to get it delivered to my home. But, about 2 years ago, I unsubscribed as i could not find anymore what i bought Edge for in the first place : a video game mag for mature readers.


chubigans said:
They could have made a lot of improvements, including-

-cover system so Kratos could fling his blades from behind a wall
-regenerating health
-you can only carry two weapons at a time; dropping one loses all the upgrades you have given it
-built in DLC store that allows me to buy red orbs with real cash instead of having to earn it
-every single battle with any enemy is an automatic QTE
-allow me to deck out Kratos with my Playstation Home outfits that I've bought
-half the game you play as Kratos, but in an interesting twist the next half you play as the ghost of Aphrodite in stealth-like action gameplay
-online multiplayer battles with XP system/perks system
-60fps, 3D support, Arc support, GunCon support

And that's just off the top of my head. Kind of a disappointment really. Ah well.
You just pointed out the exactly what I hate about the mentality that gamers have this generation. A game basically HAS to have ALL of the above in order for it to be of value/worth anything.

I'm tired of regenerating health honestly. Go back to some old school healthpaks and such! Pansy gamers now :/


Rick Dangerous said:
I used to love EDGE and took an extremely pricey overseas subscription to get it delivered to my home. But, about 2 years ago, I unsubscribed as i could not find anymore what i bought Edge for in the first place : good scores for my favourite games

Please tell more. And remind us of some better gaming mags while you're at it.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
havent past AAA game releases and subsequent reviews taught you guys anything?

how many here on gaf thinks TODAY that GTAIVs story rivaled that of the Odyssey?
how many here actually still think mw2 is a better creation than penicillin?

silly analogies aside, people are really I mean really taking other peoples opinions waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously.


buy the game ( or dont )
enjoy it ( or dont )
then discuss it with your friends here on gaf ( or dont )

not THAT difficult
I kinda wish I went on a media blackout for this game but I've seen every video and watched every trailer for it. Still can't contain myself. I feel like one of those fanboys that shout at every review that scores it below 9.5 even though I havn't played it yet :lol


Another thread, another "I expected it to be better, though I haven't played it yet"-posts.

Great reviews so far. Expected nothing less.
I know every time I click this thread, I put myself in direct line of fire for spoilers, but I can't quit you Kratos. So close, yet so far away.


chubigans said:
They could have made a lot of improvements, including-

-cover system so Kratos could fling his blades from behind a wall
-regenerating health
-you can only carry two weapons at a time; dropping one loses all the upgrades you have given it
-built in DLC store that allows me to buy red orbs with real cash instead of having to earn it
-every single battle with any enemy is an automatic QTE
-allow me to deck out Kratos with my Playstation Home outfits that I've bought
-half the game you play as Kratos, but in an interesting twist the next half you play as the ghost of Aphrodite in stealth-like action gameplay
-online multiplayer battles with XP system/perks system
-60fps, 3D support, Arc support, GunCon support

And that's just off the top of my head. Kind of a disappointment really. Ah well.

You forgot about 3-D godammit.


mr_nothin said:
You just pointed out the exactly what I hate about the mentality that gamers have this generation. A game basically HAS to have ALL of the above in order for it to be of value/worth anything.

I'm tired of regenerating health honestly. Go back to some old school healthpaks and such! Pansy gamers now :/

$44 million to make with 132 people on staff and people still want more features, and people wonder why studios get shut down.


This tells me you rather have the game out with Quality reflected on the E3 09 Demo and have more "game time" shoved into it.

You must have reading issues.

"The fact that the game has been pretty much finished since early last year, and they spent this year doing performance and graphical tweaks tells me that there was more potential for the game that perhaps should have been utilized. Plus, this game was already in development for a year longer than God of War 2, if I recall."

I didn't mention what I would "rather" have whatsoever. Don't assume my thoughts based on what was actually said. I simply observed that obviously the last year, if used on polishing and graphical updates, was NOT used on adding more elements to the game. It's called opportunity cost.

Holy shit, no offence but you must suck. Who the fuck takes 20 hours to beat GOW2? Obviously you but must be only you. It took me no more then 10 hours. WTF where you doing the other 8? Just because you happen to take so much doesnt mean a game that took someone else 8-10 hours means its lacking content or what not. It means that person is faster and more skilled then you but you seem to take that as GOW3 being a short game.

Um, gameplay varies per difficulty/person/collection/exploration. Don't assume I suck at the game when I have Titan ranking on all the challenges and I went through Hard Mode and got all the urns, Gorgon Eyes and Phoenix Feathers on my first try. I spent a lot of time exploring and backtracking to make sure I didn't miss anything.

If you want some second opinions though, check out some of the reviews. I believe either GameTrailers or IGN testified to GoW2 being double the length of GoW1, and since GoW1 was, what? 8 hours? For them, that would approximate to 16. So no, I'm not the only one.

If the GOW2 took you 18 hours, wait, play the game next week, take your sweet ass time like you did before and come here and complain.

Of COURSE I'm going to have to play the game myself before I can finally judge its length for me, that does NOT discredit me from being able to discuss the matter of the game's length based on previous reports.

PS: Oh you are being cute telling me to F off, leave that to the mods, thanx.

I never said fuck "off". I said fuck "you and your reading comprehension"
I only reiterate this with you not being able to even correctly quote me.

God of War 2 already had a stable engine from God of War on the PlayStation 2 platform. Porting the God of War 2 engine to the PS3 and getting it to run properly probably took a good deal of time.

This is completely understandable. Though, you also have to factor in that I believe they spent more time developing GoW3 than they did GoW2 anyway. Though you are totally right.

Which is why, I hope, that for the next game SSM works on, they just use this engine and don't start over from scratch...so that they can spend more time working on the actual game.

And they didn't have to build a new engine, figure out a new system or draw every single texture at a much higher resolution.

Heads up folks: Logic is actually free.

Awww sarcasm :>

Like I said. Didn't they spend 2 years on GoW2? They did spend 3 years on GoW3. Not sure how long it must have taken them to work on that engine, but they did spend an extra year than previously.

Whenever a dev says how long the game is and its an incredibly short number (and I like my action games over 10 hours...), It makes it harder for me to enjoy the game once I start playing. There's always this nonsense going on in the back of my head, "Oh man, I'm already 2 hours in...".

Kind of sad, but it's not really something I can help.

This is why, with Square-Enix, you take the reported number of play-time and half-it.
Elan tedronai said:
:lol :lol

it's funny to see there was no clamour for MP for DMC4, darksiders, bayonetta and dante's inferno.

Dude! Fuck You! Multiplayer Gods vs. Creatures mode where you plant a bomb on a Titan's back with noobtubing firey rocks, or bust! :mad:


mr_nothin said:
You just pointed out the exactly what I hate about the mentality that gamers have this generation. A game basically HAS to have ALL of the above in order for it to be of value/worth anything.

I'm tired of regenerating health honestly. Go back to some old school healthpaks and such! Pansy gamers now :/
Reading comprehension.

You need it.


Drinking Hatorade said:
should we start with you?

seriously though, i enjoyed dante's inferno for what it was considering it was it's first outing and attempt. i do not see the problem with being able to enjoy both games. i knew what to expect with dante's inferno, and i know what to expect from god of war 3. making the type of comment you just made seems unnecessary and usually stirs up conversation that can potentially ruin a thread.

anyway, just watched the GT review and it has a few minor spoilers but overall made me more excited.
I enjoyed Dantes Inferno myself now replaying it for third time on the hardest difficulty. Sue me I like the game.
Looking forward to GOW3 more than anything right now.


Santa May Claus
RavenFox said:
I enjoyed Dantes Inferno myself now replaying it for third time on the hardest difficulty. Sue me I like the game.
Looking forward to GOW3 more than anything right now.

A game gets instant cred on GAF if it's hated enough.

The more a game gets hated, the more lenient people are when judging it.

Tom Penny said:
So co-op / arena modes would suck in GOW? I beg to differ.

It'd likely be pretty bad. You're fooling yourself if you think otherwise.

Think NGS2. If you haven't played NGS2, it featured on-line co-op mission mode, which was very fun at first, but became increasingly more of a nuisance for completionists and casuals alike due to a variety of factors.

No other action game has real co-op for a reason (DMC3 Doppelganger doesn't count; Dynasty Warriors will never count).

ACE 1991

Phloxy said:
! How'd you get it! So any spoilers in the gametrailers review?

Yeah, I regret watching it... Not so much story as stuff, but just crazy ass set pieces that would be better to see for the first time.

Also, whats the consensus on difficulty? I've read that some reviewers find normal too as easy, and ones that find it fairly difficult. I'm fairly fresh off of the god of war collection so maybe hard may make more sense for me.


The GameTrailers review is hilarious...they actually scored GoW3 lower than Modern Warfare 2.

It's even lower than Bayonetta (though I'd say Bayo has a way better combat system).

I'm not complaining that the score is bad, GT's score for GoW3 is really great.

But when you look at the fact that it's less than what they scored for MW2, it's really funny in my opinion (when that was my number one laughing disappointment of last year).


ACE 1991 said:
Yeah, I regret watching it... Not so much story as stuff, but just crazy ass set pieces that would be better to see for the first time.

Also, whats the consensus on difficulty? I've read that some reviewers find normal too as easy, and ones that find it fairly difficult. I'm fairly fresh off of the god of war collection so maybe hard may make more sense for me.

I plan to play hard difficulty from day one...
If I had to guess hard should get you about 10 to 12 hours of play time.
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