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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


Rez said:

I must rush through games or something.

Which is weird, as I usually get most of the collectible trophies.


lol yeah it took me a little while longer. I mainly play on PC's so the controls took some time with me. Plus I dicked around attempting to find all the jewels. Still, it could easily be a 15+ hour game in the first play though if your not rushing, no?


RustyNails said:
So what you're suggesting is that there are different rubrics/standards/measuring sticks used on the basis of a title? So if I have a multiplatform title, it has different graphical standards than an exclusive title, so that there is no unfair advantage to graphically powerful consoles?


You really do take videogame scores as a contest... you can't even deny it anymore :lol

J-Rzez you really are an insane person.


The Bookerman said:
Maybe but it's a different reviewer.

That's been the easy way out for review sites to use as a get out of jail free card for too long. They're going to sing to their fanbases hype. They're going to give "we'll overlook these problems" to games like MW2 for obvious reason. It must have seriously pained them to give Uncharted 2 it's props as it was just so good, so so good that they couldn't dance around it. Of course they'll try to be harder on PS3 exclusives though, they've been this way since this gen started. They'll hold them to a higher "$599.99" level no matter what. Wait until you see the standards they make up for GT5, and, they probably have their reviews finished already. Put in the scores, pull down tab, select PS3, adjusts scores accordingly.

For anyone to think that MW2 is a 10 in visuals is absurd.


Then why have you been shitting this thread up complaining about the length of GOW3 then ?

I wouldn't say I ever "shitted" the thread up. I posted politely and reasonably (and at least, for the most part, even now, since people began insulting me) since the moment I expressed concern about the length of the game considering 2 people and a review have all reported their game lengths as half the amount of time that I spent in God of War 2. The people that "shitted" up this thread were the morons who replied to me, making sarcastic remarks, insults, telling me I must suck at God of War, making up assumptions like that I obviously wanted the team to ditch the polish on the game and just add meaningless filler level design, that God of War 3 would have to suck if it was a longer game, and that I'm playing the game wrong.

There was nothing wrong with me wanting to speculate, discuss, and even share my thoughts on the length of the game based on early reports. The problem was the people who decided to act like children and treat me like dirt because I expect to spend more than 8 hours on a game I pay $60 for, when if you look at other posts in this thread, I'm not the only person that feels that way.

The real "shitting" began when people tried to argue my reasons over wanting more than 8 hours out of a $60 purchase. Which, those are my reasons, and people trying to "disprove" them when I simply DON'T have the money to spend on games all willy-nilly, is ridiculous.

if people are causally completing the game in 8/9 hours then it's a safe bet considering how you choose to play GOW2 that you will take around the same time if not more to complete the 3rd game so what's the problem?

It's been more than half a day that I've had to think about it since I first heard reports that the game was 9 hours long, and of course in that amount of time I've had the ability to reason with myself and consider that I might just take longer than most people. But I didn't really believe I was such an unique case, especially since reviewers themselves said that their experience with GoW2 was that it was double the length of the first game, which was almost the case for me, too.

Then again, since the beginning I've stressed that my concern is simply over early reports of a few people, so I mentioned that I'd obviously have to play the game myself to judge its replay value and length. But that from the sound of the reports, all I initially said was that I was disappointed because the reported time was shorter than any of the time I spent on either of the previous two games.


NG28 said:
There should be, but that is just not the way it is. Which is why people should stop caring about review scores and just enjoy the damn thing. Is MW2 scoring higher in graphics than GoW3 going to make you enjoy the game any less? No.

that is not the problem. I can enjoy games besides scores, but scores affect sales unfortunately, like advertising, and that affects the teams behind , and also gamers who may expect sequels or other games from their favorite devs. and that can really affect my future enjoyment :p
The stuff from which modern games are made from. At least some people think so.
yeah, and that is easy to measure. Yo cannot measure what Kratos makes me feel when i smash someone at the game, so i donot expect that to be given an score.
I'd love to see main media reviews (IGN, edge, gamespot, eurogamer....) leave scores behind. People would read the reviews then, and have a better idea of what to expect.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, i'd love to talk about the game better than reviews, but still one week to go :(

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
you know, if people were to be getting upset over anything (and let's face it, they really should have bugger problems to attend to), it should be that the PS team at IGN clearly mark harder than the 360 Team.

what I'm basically trying to say is FUCK GREG MILLER!

(not that he even wrote any of these reviews, I cbf'd checking)


Rez said:
you know, if people were to be getting upset over anything (and let's face it, they really should have bugger problems to attend to), it should be that the PS team at IGN clearly mark harder than the 360 Team.

what I'm basically trying to say is FUCK GREG MILLER!

(not that he even wrote any of these reviews, I cbf'd checking)

I'd say from many major media review outlets that I've seen, people are way too lenient on some 360 games.

Tom Penny

RustyNails said:
There you have it folks. If GoW 3 was multiplatform, it would have gotten a perfect 10.

So that explains the Halo 3 getting very good graphical scores. Oh wait that was an exclusive...


Tom Penny said:
So that explains the Halo 3 getting very good graphical scores. Oh wait that was an exclusive...
I just saw the Beast Slaying Gameplay part 2 vid... O_O

This game looks so great, I'm loving the motion blur effect. Come on 16th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


chubigans said:
Yup, and it's two hours long. So I guess GOWIII is really only 6 hours long if you don't count the sex scene.

Any idea where to find it? lol
haitu said:
i'm really disappointed that this series doesn't have the same head designers.

You mean people that design the heads in the game, or the heads of design on the team? XD

What the hell does this even mean?

"Great game 10/10"
Can't wait for this to come out, FF13 will keep me busy till GoW comes out but then the hard decision whether to stop FF13 for GoW3!

I think GoW3 will win :p


Dogenzaka said:
"Great game 10/10"
So you're saying it's not possible that game a is better than game b regardless of what platform it's on?

Not to mention we're talking about a game that's not out for a week.
So what difficulty is everyone choosing. Seems like they changed some names around. God is now normal, Titan is now hard and there is another mode. I am replaying GoW2 on God mode (hard) and it is a good setting, maybe a bit too frustrating on some boss fights. If Titan is the same as God in GoW2 I will probably start with that.


zoukka said:
J-Rzez you really are an insane person.

I would honestly love to hear why MW2 got so many overlooks? That game was riddled with so many bugs and glitches it wasn't even funny. The online didn't work properly for weeks. There is so much lag it's disgusting. Then there's the imbalances that took forever to almost fix. Why weren't these issues mentioned? After all, they were evident the second that you signed into MP.

Fact is, they cater to "big fanbase hype titles", and they give them a free pass. Their standards are all over the place. Only insane people are those who don't see these facts, as well as think MW2 deserves 10s for visuals.

We don't have to bring up Halo 3 and discuss that, it's clearly evident what went on there.

These scores are worth a good laugh anymore these days than anything, until we get a proper review site, that has some standards/baselines established.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Darkman M said:
Im playing on Normal i just want to sit back relax and enjoy the ride,at least on my first go round.
mmm, same.

I hate hitting a giant road-block mid-way through a game. I save that for repeat playthroughs (of action games).


nofi said:
Thanks. Was a bit of a slog getting through the game in such a short space of time, but worth it in the end.

Fantastic game, utterly unmissable.
Can you confirm whether a New Game + option exists for the game?


haitu said:
i'm really disappointed that this series doesn't have the same head designers.

Why? Stig worked on the previous two games (same with Cory Balrog). It's not like they handed the series off to another studio.


Talon- said:
So you're saying it's not possible that game a is better than game b regardless of what platform it's on?

Not to mention we're talking about a game that's not out for a week.

It's a joke.


Rez said:
mmm, same.

I hate hitting a giant road-block mid-way through a game. I save that for repeat playthroughs (of action games).

God of War is one of the few series that you can play on Easy/Normal and still have a good time. It's all about the spectacle for me.


benevolent sexism
-viper- said:
Can you confirm whether a New Game + option exists for the game?

1up already said there isn't a new game +. There are unlockables that alter your stats in various ways, but I don't know the details.

Baha said:
God of War is one of the few series that you can play on Easy/Normal and still have a good time. It's all about the spectacle for me.

I will definitely start on normal even though I'm a GOW veteran. I don't want any crazy difficulty spikes hampering my enjoyment of the game the first time through. Then I'll move straight to the hardest difficulty and test my manhood.


Omotesando said:
Games like GTA4 and MW2 are like growth for the industry. You don't bite the hand that is feeding you.

Add Halo games to that list. Just about any game assumed to be a massive seller gets treated with kids gloves. The hype fuels the reviews which fuel the sales.
hey_it's_that_dog said:
I will definitely start on normal even though I'm a GOW veteran. I don't want any crazy difficulty spikes hampering my enjoyment of the game the first time through. Then I'll move straight to the hardest difficulty and test my manhood.
AFAIK, the hardest difficulty in GoW games unlocks only after you beat the hard difficulty. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Darkman M said:
Im playing on Normal i just want to sit back relax and enjoy the ride,at least on my first go round.

Same here. This is a game I definitely intend to play a number of times, so I'm in no hurry to squeeze everything out of one playthrough.



For all the people that pm'd me and have been asking in the thread:

I have no idea what God of War II's New Game + system was like, but in GoW3:

(tagging this just in case people would rather be surprised; there are NO story spoilers in all of this spoiler text)
There's no game save after the ending, and no new option to access on the title screen after the game is completed. So I started a new game, hoping the system data or whatever would be recognized.

I chose Normal again, which now had a "V" beside the option, and got this:

Relics that you recovered in your main playthrough can become activated in the menu screen mid-game -- doing so renders you unable to score any trophies for the remainder of that playthrough.

I did not have any of the new weapons I got in my first playthrough, but I did have the main blades completely maxed out (I had maxed them out with red orb expenditure in my first playthrough), and my health/magic/item bars remained at the expanded strength they were at the end of my previous game. I imagine as I pick up the various items and weapons in this game that can have red orbs spent on upgrading them, they'll be as upgraded as they were on my previous game completion.

I don't know if I'd have access to all this shit on the other difficulties, as they didn't have a symbol near them on the difficulty selection screen.
DeadGzuz said:
Add Halo games to that list. Just about any game assumed to be a massive seller gets treated with kids gloves. The hype fuels the reviews which fuel the sales.
I guess this explains why GoW3 is reviewing so well ;). This thing is going to sell shit loads. Thank the gods for that too since all the other top sellers are about trigger happy D-bags shooting shit up and high 5ing their bros. It's nice to see Kratos thrown into the mix. Dude is definitely not afraid to get his hands dirty and he has no bros.


lowrider007 said:
18 hours? o_O

Then why have you been shitting this thread up complaining about the length of GOW3 then?, if people are causally completing the game in 8/9 hours then it's a safe bet considering how you chose to play GOW2 that you will take around the same time if not more to complete the 3rd game so what's the problem?, so why complain about something which common sense tells you that it most probably won't be an issue for you.


Dont know why that guy keeps ignoring that bit.

Edit: ok read his reply.


Ending is somehow too long AND too abrupt

.... doe this make sense to anyone?

Sadly, it does make sense. You might agree once you experience it.

Also, in regards to the uproar over the game not receiving a 10, I'll have to agree. This sets new standards for scale by a very, very wide margin. It's just plain fucking staggering.

In all honesty though, I definitely found character models to be superior in Uncharted 2. I'm no tech expert -- I have no idea if self-shadowing, lighting or polygon counts (or whatever) are technically superior in GoW 3 for characters, I just know what I like, and the character models specifically in UC2 seemed superior. Aside from Kratos and some other major characters, the rest are rather unimpressive. (Titans aside....those beasts alone should give the game it's 10/10)

I'm watching the Gametrailers review right now to determine spoilage factor for everyone. I already saw a couple things I'm glad I didn't see before seeing them in the game itself.

Aw man, almost all of the bosses are shown off in this video -- don't watch this if you're going to get the game for sure. Being surprised by the bosses and the visuals was half the fun in this shit. The entire awesomeness of the first 30 minutes is spoiled. :(


J-Rzez said:
I would honestly love to hear why MW2 got so many overlooks? That game was riddled with so many bugs and glitches it wasn't even funny. The online didn't work properly for weeks. There is so much lag it's disgusting. Then there's the imbalances that took forever to almost fix. Why weren't these issues mentioned? After all, they were evident the second that you signed into MP.

Fact is, they cater to "big fanbase hype titles", and they give them a free pass. Their standards are all over the place. Only insane people are those who don't see these facts, as well as think MW2 deserves 10s for visuals.

We don't have to bring up Halo 3 and discuss that, it's clearly evident what went on there.

These scores are worth a good laugh anymore these days than anything, until we get a proper review site, that has some standards/baselines established.
I think if you digg too deep you might get

Thats why the issue its not pushed.


Omotesando said:
Games like GTA4 and MW2 are like growth for the industry. You don't bite the hand that is feeding you.

So... don't crush other games then that have similar flaws, and they'll sell more, then continue growth in the industry?

Cruzader said:
Thats why the issue its not pushed.

Why bother spoilering that? It makes no difference if it's shown or spoilered. It's not like people won't uncover that.

I was just carrying on a conversation in regards to review scores (thread title "Reviews out already"), how this game is getting lower marks in reviews to games of lesser quality in that regard.

These review arguments happen all the time, people just need to learn this is what this industry is about, and how it operates in it's "reviews". It's not like what they state is totally factual, money/advertising boosts/free swag will help inflate it.
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