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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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They could also be running semifinals simultaneously with the two streams like the other days instead of subsequently.

And if they insist on the seeded group stage instead of round robin, knockout matches should be Bo5's too because of the difference in nature already.
Lurker Strain is fun while people don't know how to counter it, but most are quickly learning to counter it. Probably won't be a viable escape for much longer and I dunno how viable an initiation tool it is.


A lot of people were at least a little upset with the split stream as it was. I dunno if another day of split stream is a good idea.


dehaka's talent tree is fucking weird. like all of this good talents are double booked at 1,4,and 7 and then there's like literally nothing good for 13 or 16. Like a relentless WOOOO!

ice block in the base kit is pretty damn amazing though. I got a kick of dodging thrall's last attack to prevent him from healing like 2 or 3 times in the one game i played. get fucked thrall.

I fed pretty bad though. I think if you talented him right he could be tanky enough to solo tank, but I don't think he has the disables or escapes to make it work though.

I really want to see like a dehaka, BW, falstad abathur comp though. it would be a lot of fun on like bhb.
A lot of people were at least a little upset with the split stream as it was. I dunno if another day of split stream is a good idea.

Finals day should NOT be split stream.

If it's between Bo3s and split streams I'd be for split streams. If Blizzard could reasonably manage Bo5s that'd be great but they haven't even been able to cut down the overly long waiting times between matches to date.

The Group stage knockout matches happened simultaneously as well and you could just go and rewatch them immediately from the archives.
It's also odd there's no small final between 3rd and 4th place, MSI were the only ones to do that.

I really want to see like a dehaka, BW, falstad abathur comp though. it would be a lot of fun on like bhb.

The stuff if nightmares plus stage Dive ETC or the Hint Illidan.
I like the two movement speed talents at 13. One is just a raw boost to MS after brushstalker and the other is flat ms boost in grass but I find I have to take the CC reduction.

At 16 it's almost always the longer drag range. I think I've tried to the slow a few times and only ever use the regen on burrow in real shitshow matches. You get a second or two to contemplate how fucked you are before maybe dying.

Edit: And the witching hour of shit has begun, time to stop playing.


Played Morales for a few solo QM yesterday. It's always a mixed bag with support for me, on one hand I love keeping your team alive in team fights or 2v2 and it's so satisfying, but it's also super frustrating when you're trying so hard to keep everyone alive, but your team sucks and doesn't work together, and there is nothing you can do.

Also, no one ever plays support in QM and I get why because everyone wants to play DPS.


Played Morales for a few solo QM yesterday. It's always a mixed bag with support for me, on one hand I love keeping your team alive in team fights or 2v2 and it's so satisfying, but it's also super frustrating when you're trying so hard to keep everyone alive, but your team sucks and doesn't work together, and there is nothing you can do.

Also, no one ever plays support in QM and I get why because everyone wants to play DPS.

Yeah, Morales is such a blast to play when your team is working with you, but man, does she suffer harder than most when they're not. Even with a premade 5-man on voice-chat last night I had to remind my team not to leave me alone in lane.

On a side note, I had an amazing moment as Diablo last night. I was dead, and our team got pulled into a 4v5 team fight that they were surely going to lose. I rez just as we hit 10, and throw down an instant Apocalypse from the Hall of Storms that catches the whole enemy team and allows our team to wipe them. 'Not even death can save you from me,' indeed!


Yeah, Morales is such a blast to play when your team is working with you, but man, does she suffer harder than most when they're not. Even with a premade 5-man on voice-chat last night I had to remind my team not to leave me alone in lane.

On a side note, I had an amazing moment as Diablo last night. I was dead, and our team got pulled into a 4v5 team fight that they were surely going to lose. I rez just as we hit 10, and throw down an instant Apocalypse from the Hall of Storms that catches the whole enemy team and allows our team to wipe them. 'Not even death can save you from me,' indeed!

Yea, they would leave and leave me in lane, I'm like yo what are you guys doing, I can't clear anything here.

Is there a good solo support?


Rehgar has decent wave clear and is generally okay solo. Lili can be built into one of the best duellers in the game and is hard to kill solo. Generally though unless you are rotating heavily you should always put your support with someone, it's a waste having them on their own.


Yea, they would leave and leave me in lane, I'm like yo what are you guys doing, I can't clear anything here.

Is there a good solo support?

Ideally, the support shouldn't be on his own, but if you have to be, I've found the following work fairly well:

- Li Li (so hard to kill)
- Tassadar (good waveclear, good escapes)
- Kharazim (can sustain himself easily, and do damage while doing it)
- Brightwing (good waveclear with the fairly recently buffed Q, can teleport to an ally if necessary, tho that would leave the lane empty)


Tassadar is also good solo but not great in quick match at all as he will often be your only support. He's not very good at that outside of organised play


Even with her regular support build Li Li is a pretty solid lane presence.

The main issue is you're probably going to be losing some of your tower ammo, but if you have to solo support, that's a small price.


Uther: doesnt die, good gank setup
Tass: waveclear, doesnt die, mitigate dmg
Rehgar: waveclear
Bw: gank setup, waveclear, on demand for teamfights/laneswap, just dont blow your tele for no reason and leave your lane alone
Malf: waveclear


Johanna is 4000g now? How come Azmodan is still 10k, isn't he older? Specialist seemingly don't lose their value...


Johanna is 4000g now? How come Azmodan is still 10k, isn't he older? Specialist seemingly don't lose their value...

There are many reasons why heroes cost what they do, and in the end it's fairly arbitrary. However, Blizzard has stated before they want to keep the most complex/difficult heroes to play as the most expensive heroes. This is probably a big part of it for Azmo.


Azmo will go to 7K eventually. Zeebo should be dropping to 7K in a few months, he went on sale twice in two weeks, which is a tell.


A wild shitposter appears! He uses flame Alur, it's super ineffective!

EDIT: In actual game related news, Ketch and I were playing last night and get into a game with this Raynor and Murky. I was bantering with the Marky, and the Raynor warns me that Marky has a tendency to get salty if we start to lose. Ten minutes into the game, this Raynor has facechecked every bush from Arizona all the way up to New Hampshire. Just making sure no one is there, I guess, but unfortunately the whole team was. Multiple times. Calls us all soft, that we don't want to engage and proceeds to talk trash. Mind you we are three levels down because Raynor has died so much. At one point he says he's just gonna AFK (or maybe he was telling us to AFK, I'm not sure) but feeds two more times after that for good measure. He died 3 or 4 times in the same spot to the same gank. It was amazing. How can you even get mad at that? It was like performance art.

tl;dr Raynor says his groupmate Marky gets salty, proceeds to get salty while Marky remains calm. Lots of Zunafeed, gg, we get rekt.
A wild shitposter appears! He uses flame Alur, it's super ineffective!

EDIT: In actual game related news, Ketch and I were playing last night and get into a game with this Raynor and Murky. I was bantering with the Marky, and the Raynor warns me that Marky has a tendency to get salty if we start to lose. Ten minutes into the game, this Raynor has facechecked every bush from Arizona all the way up to New Hampshire. Just making sure no one is there, I guess, but unfortunately the whole team was. Multiple times. Calls us all soft, that we don't want to engage and proceeds to talk trash. Mind you we are three levels down because Raynor has died so much. At one point he says he's just gonna AFK (or maybe he was telling us to AFK, I'm not sure) but feeds two more times after that for good measure. He died 3 or 4 times in the same spot to the same gank. It was amazing. How can you even get mad at that? It was like performance art.

tl;dr Raynor says his groupmate Marky gets salty, proceeds to get salty while Marky remains calm. Lots of Zunafeed, gg, we get rekt.

facechecking with raynor......the man with no escapes.

makes sense

btw, QM or HL? sounds like QM


You and me both. I hate having Abathur on my team. Even when they are good, it feels like they have to do so much to make up for the lack of a constant presence on the field.

Also what's up with all the Chens yesterday. That beer drinking bastard was in nearly every game I played.


Idk but that one Chen we had where we got bodied on Towers was pretty good. Unfortunately they'd just dive us and that was that.


I played Falstad with Ketch last night in like 4 games and was ripping it up pretty good until the last game when Raynor fed and we went down 3 levels. We had one BHB game where they just let me get all the free damage in the world. I had something like 78 bonus damage on Hammerang before we even got our second turn in. I didn't check to see how high I stacked it, but the game lasted a decent amount of time so it had to be pretty high.


He's always been pretty limited, he's just super good at the couple he plays. I remember when he first started and all he played was Jaina, and that was when people didn't like Jaina.


Yep. The comment about them practicing 4-6 hours a day leading up to Korea and that being a lot for them pretty much tells the story.

Like we were talking about yesterday, Dunk or Jake (or both) admitted a while back on THH that they didn't even practice in the week break last year at Blizzcon. They just kind of got lucky with how it broke and had the Murky strat to make it work against TNL/DK.

I think they have 3 or 4 of the top players in the world at their positions, but that's not enough to win. You still have to do the work and it seems like Dunktrain thinks he's too clever for that so far. Hopefully he changes his tune after seeing the beatdown MVP put on everyone.


that's just mean Zeratul is one of the most fun heroes to play in the game, you just don't want others to feed on him or stand outside of every battle doing nothing, depending on how aggressive they are.

FTFY. If only Zeratul's by and large knew how to get in and get out, it'd be awesome. Alas, they either throw themselves to death or don't understand the concept of their blink ability.

I'll take a Zera any day over a Nova, for sure, but I'd still prefer neither in the grand scheme of things.


Maybe if enough people do this they'll give us real MMR :^)

Been waiting on some of this to pop up on reddit but haven't seen it yet. My matches have been pretty accurate with top hotdoggie/top in game MMR, but it's bound to happen every now and then even if it's just by a few MMR.
You and me both. I hate having Abathur on my team. Even when they are good, it feels like they have to do so much to make up for the lack of a constant presence on the field..

I don't mind having abathar on my team as long as they know how to play abathar. I've played with some good abathar's and it makes a world of difference.

my beef is bad abathars, and when I get abathar on my team like 4 games in a row, and the other team gets sylvanas, or nazeebo, or xul.

its kinda annoying.
FTFY. If only Zeratul's by and large knew how to get in and get out, it'd be awesome. Alas, they either throw themselves to death or don't understand the concept of their blink ability.

I'll take a Zera any day over a Nova, for sure, but I'd still prefer neither in the grand scheme of things.

Then you might as well remove every melee assassin from the game currently and henceforth.

I don't mind having abathur on my team as long as they know how to play abathur. I've played with some good abathur's and it makes a world of difference.

my beef is bad abathurs, and when I get abathur on my team like 4 games in a row, and the other team gets sylvanas, or nazeebo, or xul.

its kinda annoying.

my eyes. But agreed, bad abathurs are a pain.


The good ones are amazing. Just feels like so much work to get out of an Abathur what you could out of another specialist.

One hero I'm not too high on right now is Xul. I was super hype for him dropping but I haven't touched him since I got him to 10 and he got nerfed. He was 46% winrate in the Spring Championship, though NVT and C9 used him in 3 separate games and lost all 3 which is probably coloring my perspective here. Yesterday he was dead weight on more than one occasion in my games. It feels like the way he can subtly impact things is hit or miss on whether it gets actual value in a given game. I just feel like he's inconsistent due to how comp dependent he is (both for your team's and the enemy's). He's still rocking 53.9% winrate in HL though.

Then you might as well remove every melee assassin from the game currently and henceforth.

Outside of Illidan I rarely see melee throwing themselves to their death at the rate Zeratul's do. It's kind of part of Illidan's game, though, so him being in that group is no surprise. The other melee like Thrall, Butcher, etc are also more reliable forms of damage and easier to keep alive.


Oh i thought you guys were joking. Limiting access to a hero because ppl think they are difficult to play is a pretty weird propisition to me
Outside of Illidan I rarely see melee throwing themselves to their death at the rate Zeratul's do. It's kind of part of Illidan's game, though, so him being in that group is no surprise. The other melee like Thrall, Butcher, etc are also more reliable forms of damage and easier to keep alive.

Butchers are the worst from my experience they see it as their job to just charge in w/o regard and since he has pretty much no tool to disengage unlike most other melee assassins they just die. Thrall got Sundering for whenever he mucks up.


Oh i thought you guys were joking. Limiting access to a hero because ppl think they are difficult to play is a pretty weird propisition to me

I don't think anyone is serious about any of these, or really thinks it would happen lol
So i decided to just go random to better my skills at heroes i might not normally select....3 games in a Row....Three terrible comps in a row...and 3 fucking abathurs in a row. (like I said, I hate getting him on my team consecutively.)


Game 1: Sky Temple

Enemy team - Gazlowe, Li Ming, Tychus, Lunara, Thrall
My Team - Abathaaaaaar, Lunara, Tychus, Gazlowe, Jaina (i got jaina as my random)
Abathur left the game mid way through (even though surprisingly it was even) and from there it just went downhill. Abathur bot literally seems like he is afk for real.

Game 2: Spider Queen

Enemy team - Gazlowe, Li Ming, Brightwing, Tassadar, Zagara
Myteam - Abathaaaaaaar, Tychus, Li Ming, Valla, Rehgar (I got Rehgar as my random)

Surprisingly, while we easily got dominated early, they started making mental errors and this game lasted about 30 minutes and we had a glimmer of a chance, but then abathur got found and killed and they did a huge push with spiders we just couldnt stop at like level 28 or something.

Game 3: Garden of terror

Enemy team - Abathur, Greymane, Butcher, Illidan, Sylvanas
My team - Abathaaaaaaaar, Li Ming, Lunara, Sylvanas, Raynor (i randomed Raynor)

Suffice to say, after about 3 minutes there were 10 deaths on our side, 3 on theres. and our deaths only racked up more.

I tried my damndest on all of them....but yea....
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